Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 618 Retreat for 2 month

Chapter 618 Two-month retreat (first update)
Yu Dong hurried back to the office, and then found a pen and paper.

This time, he didn't build an outline, so he rolled up his sleeves and went straight to the point.

"Qin He died. The doctor said that the time of death was around eleven o'clock last night."

This is the first sentence in the novel.

Yu Dong directly put the starting point of the narrative on the day Mrs. Liang's son committed suicide, which led to the curse of the Liang family.

He put aside the part of the diary, and then blended the past stories into the character, and said it bit by bit through the character's mouth.

It is equivalent to using the death of Mrs. Liang's son as a dividing line. The stories before the dividing line are broken and then stitched into the stories behind the dividing line. One timeline is pushed forward and the other timeline is pushed backward.

This is actually a common technique used in mystery novels. While the story is progressing normally, it presents the truth of the past in a whirlwind manner.

The story already exists, and Yu Dong has been thinking about it for a long time. Now that he has found a perspective and determined the technique, the progress has picked up immediately.

As soon as Yu Dong started writing, he couldn't stop, until he felt that the words on the paper were getting blurred, and finally stopped writing.

Looking up again, he realized that the sky had already darkened.

Looking at his watch, it was already 06:30, and he had been writing for more than two hours.

Hu Changqing happened to pass by Yu Dong's office after get off work. Seeing that the door of Yu Dong's office was still open, he glanced inside, and then saw Yu Dong who had just raised his head.

"The office is so dark, why don't you turn on the lights? Save electricity for the school."

Yu Dong stretched his arms and said with a smile: "Energy saving and emission reduction, you just got off work?"

"Well, I just got off work, do you want me to turn on the light for you?"

"No need." Yu Dong stood up, "I'm going back too, let's go together, I just have something to tell you."

"whats the matter?"

Yu Dong took his teacup with a smile, then walked out, locked the door and said: "It's related to the work, I was going to talk to you tomorrow, but I happened to meet today, so let's talk about it. Do you remember "Falling Mars"?" ?”

"This is not nonsense, I can be regarded as the No.1 Asian writer who won the Hugo Award with this novel." Hu Changqing laughed.

"Well, it's this novel. Someone wants to buy the film and television adaptation rights. Before negotiating the price with someone, you must first determine the copyright division of this novel."

"what are you thinking?"

"Originally, according to my idea, the copyright can be given to you, but the other party wants me to participate, so the price can be negotiated. How about this, I will share [-]%, and the rest will be given to you."

Hu Changqing quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't, if this is going to spread, then there is really no place for my old face. In this way, I won't say anything to give you more, how about we are half of each other? Actually, I also know that if Without your participation, the film and television adaptation rights of this novel may not be able to be sold, even if it can be sold, the price will not be very high. Now let you take [-]%, I still take advantage of it."

"Think about it, this money is not a small sum. It is completely different from manuscript fees and bonuses. It is hundreds of thousands of dollars for any operation."

Hu Changqing stared at Yu Dong, then curled his lips and said, "Look at you, you look down on me."

Yu Dong also smiled: "I don't look down on you, I just see that you have been very slack lately, and you keep producing works. Maybe this "Falling Mars" is your last novel adaptation."

"Nonsense!" Hu Changqing's neck twitched, "Don't look at me as an old man, I have a lot of creative passion, just wait, I won't write a novel this year, so my surname is not Hu. I won't tell you, I Now go back and write after dinner."

Yu Dong chased after him for two steps, and said with a smile, "Yo Yo Yo, Lao Hu, why are you so impatient."

Seeing Hu Changqing walking faster and faster, Yu Dong shook his head with a smile. In fact, he had just come into contact with the other party about the matter of "Falling Mars", so there is no need to tell Hu Changqing now, but today I met Yu Dong and wanted to chat chat.

The main thing is not to talk about the right to adapt, but to talk about the creation.

Lao Hu has been very slack in the past few months. He usually plays cards with Bi Feiyu and the others, or finds someone to drink. After a few months, he didn't even write a short story.

Looking at other people, whether it is Liu Cixin or Wang Jingkang, they can write many excellent works in their spare time.

When Hu Changqing rode away on his bicycle, Yu Dong raised his foot again and walked towards the apartment.

When I was talking to Hu Changqing, it was already dark enough to rely on the lights in the classroom. There are street lights on the roadside of the school, but they usually turn on after more than ten minutes after dark. Still early.

There are not a few steps from the government building to the teacher's apartment. When Yu Dong arrived home, Cheng Yanqiu was cooking in the kitchen. When he heard him come back, he smiled and said, "Wash your hands, you can eat right away."

"It's a little late, why didn't you call me?"

"Also, after sitting in your office for a while, you didn't respond at all."

"Is there?" Yu Dong was taken aback.

"Yes—" Cheng Yanqiu procrastinated on purpose: "Didn't I come back by myself because I saw a great writer concentrating on his creation and I was embarrassed to disturb you? I saw that the lights in your office have not been turned on, so I guess you will be back soon." , let’s start cooking.”


When Yu Dong started writing, he didn't think about how many words to write, so he just kept writing, and it took two months to write.

During these two months, Yu Hua and the others consciously didn't come to play with Yu Dong.

They were all used to it. Every time Yu Dong wanted to write something, he was in retreat like a martial arts master. Except for class, he basically didn't go out.

It's not just that they don't come to bother, Wu Changxin and Zhang Xian will share any work in the school or department directly, and won't let Yu Dong do it. Everything is giving way to Yu Dong's creation.

Two months later, on the afternoon of June [-]th, Yu Dong put down his pen, sat on a chair and let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally finished.

While writing, he didn't feel tired, but when he put down the pen, he felt empty and very tired.

In fact, during this period of time, although he didn’t go out much, his life was quite regular. If there were no classes, he would do exercises first in the morning, start writing after breakfast, eat lunch at twelve o’clock, and then watch activities. Read a book, take a nap, and wait until two o'clock to start writing.

Afternoon work will continue until six o'clock, and work for another three hours from seven o'clock to ten o'clock after dinner.

His current exhaustion is actually not physical, but spiritual. During this time, most of his energy has been devoted to this novel, and the strings in his mind have been tense all the time.

However, the results of these two months have been very fruitful, and the number of manuscripts for the main text has reached more than 100.

(End of this chapter)

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