Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 62 Gu Qian and Han Dong

Chapter 62 Gu Qian and Han Dong (plus 5\13)
Harold was having lunch in New York when Jimmy called Harold.

"Dear Jimmy, it should be midnight on your side. Let me guess why you called me so late. I think it must be that the night in Yanjing is too boring for you to sleep." When Jimmy called, Harold joked with him in a good mood.

But Jimmy didn't have time to joke with him. "Listen, Harold, I don't want to waste time on international calls. I'm calling you to tell you that I read a very interesting novel that might interest you."

Harold stopped the fork that brought food to his mouth and asked, "What novel?"

"I'll be back in America in two days, and you'll come pick me up then."

Harold smiled, "You don't want me to pick you up, so you made up a novel."

"Believe it or not, I didn't make up any stories."

"Actually, you can directly ask me to pick you up, and I will not refuse."

"Okay, don't talk, I should go to bed, I will tell you my flight information before I leave, I hope to see you at the airport then." After finishing speaking, before Harold could answer, Jimmy put The phone hangs up.


The deadline for the decoration design competition reached the deadline, and the manuscripts of Yu Dong and his class were also submitted one after another. Next, they just need to wait for the news.

Because it is a competition organized by the school itself, there is no grand ceremony whether it is the lottery or the awarding ceremony. After a few days, the jury will announce the results.

The certificate will be sent directly to the counselor, who will then hand it over to the winning student.

The students' works have been read by Yu Dong, and the strength is still a little bit worse, but the victory lies in the creativity.They probably listened to what he said last time, and they were more daring and innovative when designing.

In Yu Dong's opinion, it doesn't matter whether any students can win the prize this time, they have grown a lot in this competition.

At this point, Yu Dong is relatively relaxed, and has more energy to devote to his novels.

After more than a week, only the beginning of the new novel "Prison No. [-]" has been written, which is about [-] words.

However, the main frame has been completed, and the rest is to fill in the story in the frame, and the rest should be written very quickly.

In fact, this novel does not need to be written in a hurry, because even if it is written now, it is difficult to use it in "Science Fiction World".

The release of "One Day" has squeezed the layout of "Sci-Fi World" once, and the subsequent "Second World" will take up a large layout for a long time.

If the tens of thousands of words of "Prison No. [-]" were given to the magazine at this time, Yang Xiao and the others would have a headache.

Unless the follow-up "Second World" performs well, it is impossible for Yang Xiao to give Yu Dong all the two large pages of the first issue of the magazine.

So Yu Dong was going to wait until after the serialization of "Second World" for a few issues, and then show the manuscript of "Prison No. [-]" to Yang Xiao and the others.


On Wednesday afternoon, Yu Dong was thinking about "Prison No. [-]" when He Yu shouted from the door of the office: "Yu Dong, your brother is coming to see you."

Yu Dong looked up and saw He Yu and Su Tong walked into the office side by side.

Seeing Su Tong coming, the office suddenly became lively, and the teachers greeted Su Tong one after another.Su Tong worked as a counselor here, and many teachers here have worked with him before, so they are no strangers.

Su Tong walked towards Yu Dong amid the crowd's lively welcome, and responded to their enthusiasm with a smile, like a general returning home.

After chatting a few more times, the others dispersed with interest. Of course, they could tell that Su Tong was here to find Yu Dong.

Only now did Su Tong have a chance to talk to Yu Dong. He smiled and asked Yu Dong, "Are you busy at the moment?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "Not busy."

"Don't be busy, go out with me, I have something to do with you."

Yu Dong looked at the environment of the office, it is indeed not a place to talk.

The two walked out of the office and went all the way to the window at the end of the corridor. Su Tong looked at the playground outside the window and said, "Let's have dinner together tomorrow night. This time we won't run far, it's nearby."

"You made a special trip for this?"

"What if I don't make a trip?" Su Tong asked back.

Only then did Yu Dong realize that he was a little stupid. In the current communication environment, Su Tong could only call Wu Changxin to tell him without making a trip in person, but it was too outrageous to call Wu Changxin to tell him about the meal.

Yu Dong changed the subject again and said, "Just the two of us?"

"There are two friends, Han Dong and Gu Qian, you should..." Having said this, Su Tong was also a little uncertain: "You may know Han Dong."

Yu Dong nodded and did not speak. In fact, he not only knew Han Dong, but also Gu Qian.

Or not knowing, but knowing.

Needless to say, Han Dong is a famous poet and a native of Jinling. It is normal for Yu Dong to know him.

The other Gu Qian is much less famous. Even later, after writing books for decades, not many people knew Gu Qian. Yu Dong only knew him after reading Gu Qian's "Playing Cards".

However, Gu Qian also has his own niche circle, which is sought after by a certain number of readers.There are very few of his works. After reading "Playing Cards" at that time, Yu Dong deliberately looked for his other works, but found that there were very few works that he could find.

I don't know if his works are hard to find online, or if his output is inherently low.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Tong said again: "The two of them are my good friends. When we first arrived in Jinling, we hung out together for a long time. We used to meet each other, but recently we don't see each other much. I actually... forget it. , let's not talk about this, you will come to my office tomorrow, and then we will go there together."

Yu Dong could see that Su Tong was very confused when he mentioned Han Dong and the others.

As for the specific reason, Yu Dong couldn't guess. It was the first time he heard about the fact that Su Tong and Han Dong had been together for a while before.

Because in the eyes of others, although they are all writers in Jinling, they are like people from two worlds.Although Han Dong also writes novels, he is not very well-known, so people only regard him as a poet.

And his most well-known poem should be the "Mountain People", which was later circulated widely on the Internet.

"Then I'll find you tomorrow. Do you want to stay for a while? Jin Yi's cafeteria, you probably haven't eaten in a long time." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Su Tong seemed a little moved by Dong's proposal, but finally waved his hand, "No, you go back to the office first, I'll smoke a cigarette here before leaving."

Yu Dong smiled, it seemed that Su Tong was quite uncomfortable at the moment.He nodded and walked towards the office, leaving the place for Su Tong to smoke.

I beg for a monthly pass and a recommendation ticket

 Thank you [-God-Word-] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you for your 100 reward
  Thank you [Nine Winds and Ten Rains] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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