Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 63 Yu Dong who can coax people

Chapter 63 Yu Dong who can coax people
The next night, Yu Dong went to the restaurant with Su Tong.

This time, the hotel that Su Tong was looking for was really not far away, just over a mile away from the "Zhongshan" magazine.

It is a slightly larger stall. Su Tong should have eaten at this restaurant before. When he saw him, the boss greeted him familiarly: "The leader is here, please come in, the other two have already arrived."

Knowing that Han Dong and the others had arrived, Su Tong nodded and walked towards one of the boxes with Yu Dongshu.

When Yu Dong saw Han Dong and Gu Qian, the two of them were playing cards in the hotel box.

There was a deck of poker on the table, each of them was holding a few cards in their hands, and Yu Dong couldn't figure out what the game was.

The young Han Dong is not as thin as the Han Dong in Yu Dong's impression. The hair on the top of his head is still intact and he has a flat head, but the hairline has begun to rudely seize the position above his head. It will not be long before this position. will also fail.

Gu Qian looked a little older than them, wearing a black peaked cap on his head. When Yu Dong entered, he saw two prominent nasolabial lines under the brim of the hat.

Seeing Su Tong and Yu Dong, Gu Qian laughed, and the two nasolabial lines on his face also moved.He looks rough, and when he smiles, he looks very simple and honest.

The two greeted Su Tong and looked at Yu Dong again, waiting for Su Tong to introduce them to them.

Su Tong said with a smile, "My junior, Yu Dong, I didn't tell you before, I'm sorry."

"Anyway, it's your treat, we can have any opinion on who to bring." Han Dong said with a smile, suddenly he seemed to remember something, and looked at Yu Dong seriously again, his eyes were a little uncertain: "Go on Did you write the article "Mending the Sky" in the first issue of "Zhongshan"?"

Yu Dong nodded, "It's me."

"I didn't expect you to be so young." Han Dong smiled and looked at Su Tong again: "Indeed, it's not surprising that you are Junior Brother Su Tong."

Gu Qian on the side showed a surprised expression. He had no impression of the name Dong at first, but he remembered after hearing Han Dong say "Mending the Sky".

"That's pretty awesome."

Gu Qian said this, but there was some taste in his heart.

Originally, he, Han Dong, and Su Tong had been together for a long time, and no one was much better than the other. Everyone was focused on creating and making money.

At that time, Han Dong was running a private magazine "Them" in Jinling. Gu Qian and Su Tong both contributed to Han Dong. Later, the first issue of the novel column used his and Su Tong's manuscripts, so they could be considered to know each other.

At that time, the three of them were all mixed together, and they were considered to be the same class - the poor class.Speaking of which, Han Dong was the best at that time, otherwise he wouldn't be able to run a private magazine.

When they were together, they thought about how to become famous and how to make money every day.In order to become famous, they co-wrote a movie script together, but this plan was aborted because of Han Dong's abandonment.

Later, Su Tong became famous first and became rich first. Although they were happy for him, they inevitably had some pantothenic acid.

Although no one was deliberately alienating each other, the change of identity naturally made the distance between each other become farther and farther.

Every time I see you later, it can't be the same as before.They can only be cautious, afraid of touching each other's sensitive nerves.But it is this kind of carefulness that makes each other more sensitive.

But the former friendship was real, and none of them could just say goodbye, so they always made time to get together.

Gu Qian probably guessed why Su Tong brought Yu Dong here, and he probably didn't want to embarrass each other too much.But knowing that Yu Dong published novels like "Mending the Sky" on "Zhongshan" at such a young age, the sourness in his heart welled up again.

It's just sour, but he also admitted that "Mending the Sky" was well written.

"Come and sit, it's not interesting for the two of us to play cards, you came just in time, put together a table to fight the landlord." Gu Qian greeted with a smile.

This time, Su Tong didn't propose to play the egg, but according to Gu Qian's proposal, a few people played the landlord.

Gu Qian is a veteran fan, in front of him, Yu Dong and the others can only be regarded as amateur players.Sometimes other people make mistakes, and it can be seen that Gu Qian is holding back his anger and speaking, although he doesn't bet anything, he cares about winning or losing.

When playing cards, you can see the difference between Han Dong and Gu Qian. Han Dong will talk about topics other than the present, such as how the literary world is going, and how is international relations.But when it came to Gu Qian, there was only one sentence: play cards, play cards.

Gu Qian prefers to focus on the moment, or he thinks that what Han Dong said can be thought about in his heart, and there is no need to take it out and discuss it.

Yu Dong originally felt strange about Su Tong's previous performance, but now, looking at the interaction between the three, he somewhat understands.

He laughed to himself again, the reason why he called him over, his senior brother, was because he wanted to use him as a lubricant.

However, Yu Dong also has the consciousness of being a lubricant. When he encounters a cold scene, he will always take the initiative to stir up the conversation, so that the atmosphere will not be very embarrassing.

Later, when drinking, Yu Dong wondered whether he should persuade him to drink, to make the atmosphere a little more lively, who knew that they would be able to drink without his persuasion.

Especially for Gu Qian, he can drink silently before others bring him a cup.

If he hadn't read Gu Qian's book, Yu Dong would never have imagined that the rough-faced man in front of him who was good at drinking and playing cards was a writer.

After drinking, Gu Qian was probably also a little drunk. He looked for Yu Dong with a glass in his hand: "Brother Yu, let's go one. I'm not as good as the two of them when it comes to creating, but they're definitely not as good as me when I drink. Look at you, it’s still a bit of a measure, work harder, and in the future you will surpass the two of them in creation, and surpass me in alcohol…”

Yu Dong's alcohol intake is also average, but he can handle it because of his youth.He clinked glasses with Gu Qian and said with a smile: "Creation is a matter of opinion, and it is difficult to distinguish between high and low. I think Mr. Gu will take a different path in the future."

"It's not the same way." Gu Qian drank all the wine in the cup in one gulp, smacking his mouth because of the hot wine, and after a while, he laughed at himself: "I, what way, come, drink, drink."

He entered a state of escape again, from "playing cards, playing cards" to "drinking, drinking."

Han Dong next to him glanced at Yu Dong and laughed secretly, thinking that this Su Tong's junior was different from Su Tong, and he was a master of coaxing people.

He didn't know that Yu Dong wasn't coaxing Gu Qian at all, he really said this from the bottom of his heart.

Gu Qian's "Playing Cards" made a deep impression on Yu Dong. This novel is called Playing Cards, but what it really wants to talk about is things other than playing cards.People of different identities experienced various things in their own lives outside the poker table, and finally gathered at the poker table, looking for another life.




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(End of this chapter)

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