Chapter 64
The cobweb-like narrative structure in "Playing Cards" proves that Gu Qian has the ability to describe multiple lines.But he is often reluctant to pay attention to the narrative structure, and focuses more on expressing the mentality of marginal characters.

This is related to his literary pursuit.

Each writer may care about different things, so the things they express are also different. Otherwise, there would not be so many literary genres in this world.

At the end of the meal, Gu was the only one who was still drinking.The others stopped by themselves, and of course they wouldn't let Gu Qian drink too much, so the dinner was over after discussion.

Han Dong's taste in drinking is still light, so he is responsible for sending Gu Qian home.

Yu Dong and Su Tong sent the two to the door of the food stall. Han Dong went to get a free space for the bicycle. Gu Qian grabbed Yu Dong's hand with one hand and put the other hand on Yu Dong's shoulder. He burped and said: "Yu Dong, you're a good person, and you're good at drinking. There's still room for improvement in poker... next time I have a chance, I'll invite you alone... No, I have to call the two of them, otherwise I won't be able to get a table of cards, hic— —"

"Okay, okay, who can play cards every day like you." Han Dong, who had picked up the car, dragged Gu Qian's arm to the back seat of the bicycle, waved with Yu Dong and Su Tong, and then pedaled on The bike is gone.

Yu Dong looked at Han Dong, who was struggling, and asked Su Tong, "Just let them go back like this, it will be fine."

Su Tong shook his head, "No, it used to be a common thing. Besides, Han Dong is sure to drink and is sober. He will definitely be able to send Gu Qian home. Let's go back too. Can you still ride a bike?"

"Yes." Yu Dong patted his chest, "I can even take you home."

"No." Su Tong said and lit a cigarette, then pushed the bicycle up. After two steps, he turned his head and shouted at Yu Dong: "Slow down on the way back."

Yu Dong watched Su Tong's back disappear into the night, and then went to get his bicycle.He just rode the car with both hands on the handlebars and didn't ride on it.

The hotel is not far from their school, and he was going to walk back slowly, just in time to dispel the smell of alcohol.Recently, I have been busy working on the draft of "Prison No. [-]", and it is rare to have such a night out.

At this time, the night near Xinjiekou has already begun to show signs of prosperity. Although the street lamps by the street are dim and yellow, not much brighter than the moonlight, the roadside food market is very lively.

Although some restaurants have closed, the store owners have not been idle. After the guests have left, they are busy preparing the ingredients for tomorrow.

Yu Dong didn't walk for a while when he saw someone killing fish on the side of the road.No one cares at night, and many shops leave the work at the door, killing fish and chickens, washing dishes and basins, and flushing them with water after they are done.

This is not an exception, everyone is like each other and forms a routine, so every night, the roadside is flushed with water, as if it has just rained.

Yu Dong was also cautiously pushing the cart, for fear that the store owner didn't pay attention and a basin of water would be splashed on his head.

"Mr. Yu?"

Yu Dong suddenly heard someone calling him from behind, and there was some temptation and lack of confidence in his voice.

He turned his head to look, and the young man who killed the fish just now was looking up at him.

"Who are you?" Yu Dong put the young face in front of him in his mind for a while, but couldn't remember who it was.

Seeing Yu Dong's response, the young man stood up excitedly and ran two steps towards Yu Dong.

"Mr. Yu, it's me." When he got to the front, the young man waved his hand and said.

Yu Dong was taken aback by his action, because this guy still had a fish-killing knife in his hand, which was very scary.

Perhaps the young man also realized that something was wrong, and withdrew his hand with the knife, "Mr. Yu, it's me, Ruan Xiaohu."

Ruan Xiaohu...

Yu Dong remembered the name, but... he took a serious look at the young man in front of him, and did find some similarities.

It's just that this similarity requires careful observation to discover.

Ruan Xiaohu, who was in the car at the time, had long hair, covering half of his face, and his clothes were dirty and messy.Ruan Xiaohu, who was in front of him, had a shaved head. Although he was wearing an apron, he could see that his clothes were neat and tidy.

And the half of his face that was previously covered is now exposed, and as he smiles, a shallow dimple can be seen.

"You, it seems to be doing well recently." Yu Dong sighed in his heart, if he hadn't been stopped, he wouldn't have recognized this sunny and clean young man as Ruan Xiaohu.

"I got a job to help in a restaurant. Although the salary is not much, the boss treats me very well."

Yu Dong could see that the smile on Ruan Xiaohu's face came from the heart. It was hard to pretend that happiness was something that people could see at a glance.

Although Yu Dong felt that Ruan Xiaohu had finished his second year of high school and could find a better job, as long as Ruan Xiaohu liked it, nothing else mattered.

After pondering for a while, Yu Dong asked again, "Have you been reading recently?"

"Yes, yes, there is usually nothing in the store in the morning, so I will go to the nearby bookstore to read books. During this time, I watched "Camel Xiangzi", "Border Town", and "Old Events in the South of the City" I also watched half."

Ruan Xiaohu seemed to be waiting for Yu Dong to ask him this question. He counted the books he had read recently with his fingers, and he looked like a student who got good grades in the exam and wanted to be praised by the teacher.

Yu Dong was surprised that he had already read two and a half books. Although these novels were not long, only "Camel Xiangzi" had more than [-] words.

But after all, it had only been less than a month since we last met, and Ruan Xiaohu's reading conditions were not good. It was not easy for him to read so many books in his spare time.

After thinking for a while, Yu Dong asked Ruan Xiaohu, "Do you know Jinling Art Academy?"

Ruan Xiaohu shook his head, "I don't know."

Yu Dong pointed in the direction of Jin Yi, "It's over there, about three or four miles away. I work as a political counselor in Jin Yi. If you have time, you can find me, you can find Uncle Zhou at the door. Just say my name."


"You don't have to think about other things. It's fate that you meet. I have some books over there. You can go and read them if you have nothing to do. You can take them back to read. You can treat my library as a library where you can borrow books."

Ruan Xiaohu moved his mouth several times without saying a word, and finally nodded heavily.

Seeing his promise, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll go back first."

After saying goodbye to Ruan Xiaohu, Yu Dong was still pushing the car swayingly to the school, but his footsteps were much lighter. For some reason, meeting Ruan Xiaohu again made him feel much better.

He would like to see young people like Ruan Xiaohu become active and sunny, and he would like them to read more books.

 Thank you [Red Comrade] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Shui Shui Dad 629] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thanks to [Big Brother Liu Boss] Big Brother's 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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