Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 620 The End of the Great Wall

Chapter 620 The End of the Great Wall
Yu Dong is not surprised that Mo Yan and Bi Feiyu have such thoughts, because this is their writing style.

If the story of the Liang family was entrusted to Mo Yan to write, it should be written as an epic novel with very complicated character clues, and there is a high probability that it will be written from the beginning of the Liangji clothing store, and then involved with the Liangji clothing store. Most of the characters with names and surnames are included.

If Bi Feiyu wrote it, then he would definitely spend a lot of ink on how A Yuan transformed from a tailor to an underground party, and then how he married a wife and had children, highlighting the contradictions of this character.

There is no one good or bad, each writer has a different style, and the same thing, different writers narrate it from different angles, which is also the charm of literature.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "If I add everything you want, this book will have at least 200 million words."

Yu Hua curled her lips: "It's not only a matter of space, but if this is written, it will be completely different."

"That's right." Mo Yan rubbed his head: "If I were asked to write it, I wouldn't be able to write how you feel. But anyway, this is a very good novel. Does it have a name?"

"I want to call it "Cursed", maybe it's a bit misleading."

Bi Feiyu nodded: "It's a bit misleading, but I think it's pretty good."

"I also think it's pretty good." Yu Hua said.

"Well, "Curse" is fine." Wang Xiaobo, who had been silent for a long time, also said, "For the title of the book, you should follow your first impression. Since your first impression is "Curse", then use it."

Yu Dong smiled: "It even passed unanimously."

"What passed unanimously?"

When Cheng Yanqiu came back, he just heard Yu Dong's voice, so he asked a question, and then he saw Yu Hua and the others.

"Mr. Bi, you are here." Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "It seems that Mr. Yu's novel is finished."

Bi Feiyu raised the manuscript in his hand: "It's finished, we are reading it."

Cheng Yanqiu jokingly said: "I also want to say that when he finishes writing, I will be the first reader, and now you will be the first reader."

"One, two, three, four, Mr. Cheng, you can only be the fifth one now."


The next morning, when Yu Dong woke up, he still felt dizzy.

Last night I started to drink beer, but while drinking, Mo Yan said that the beer was not very good, so Yu Dong found two more bottles of liquor, and chatted while drinking, and the dinner ended in the middle of the night.

Cheng Yanqiu was watching the computer in the study, and when he heard Yu Dong getting up, he said, "I made some porridge in the morning."


Yu Dong nodded, ran to get himself a bowl of porridge, and then walked to the study with the bowl in his hand. Seeing Cheng Yanqiu staring at the computer screen intently, he asked with a smile, "What are you looking at?"

"Catch up."

"What are you chasing?"

"Recently I'm chasing two novels, one is Wei Peng's "Flying Man", and the other is "The End of the Great Wall" by A Thousand Mountains."

Yu Dong took a sip of the porridge along the edge of the bowl, but he knew about "Flying Man", Wu Changxin specially brought the manuscript to show him before, and he directly finalized it for Shen Kong to sign it.

After Shen Kong signed a contract with Wei Peng, it began to operate "Flying Man", which should have been serialized last month.

As for "The End of the Great Wall", Yu Dong had never heard of it.

"How's the response of "Flying Man"?" Yu Dong asked.

Cheng Yanqiu nodded: "The response is very good, there are a lot of laughs, and many netizens follow the updates every day. In addition to following the updates, I usually also read the comments of netizens, which are very interesting. I almost didn't die laughing .”

"What about "The End of the Great Wall"? What kind of novel is it?"

"It's a novel that participated in the Deep Space Contest. It was only updated last week, and it was updated to Chapter 3 today. Although the number of words is not many, I am quite optimistic about it, and the popularity of these two chapters has gradually increased. "

When Cheng Yanqiu said this, Yu Dong remembered the matter of soliciting essays. He was busy with "Curse" during this time, and even forgot about the game.

Yu Dong stared at the computer screen, then bent down, pushed Cheng Yanqiu aside with his butt, "Let me take a look at "The End of the Great Wall."

Cheng Yanqiu glanced at Yu Dong angrily: "De Xing, take a look, I've finished it anyway, after dinner in a while, remember to clean up the bowl. Also, Chen Hong's house called for dinner at noon."

"Why did you suddenly call for dinner?"

"Why, you forgot, it wasn't you who finished drinking last night and dragged Mr. Yu Hua and the others to insist that each of them treat you to a meal. Isn't that the arrangement? At noon at Mrs. Yu Hua's house , at Teacher Bi’s house tonight, and Teacher Mo Yan’s house will be scheduled until tomorrow night.”

Yu Dong patted his head: "It seems that there is such a thing."

"Don't drink at noon today."

"As ordered."

Yu Dong smiled, and began to manipulate the mouse, turning "The End of the Great Wall" forward.

Turning all the way to the top, the first thing I saw was not the beginning of the novel, but a passage from the author who crossed thousands of mountains.It is probably the process of his writing this novel. For this novel, he went to experience the Great Wall in various places again, and experienced many interesting and incredible things during the process. Some plots in the novel are also based on the experience during this period.

In the end, he also expressed his admiration to Yu Dong, hoping to become a writer like Yu Dong one day.

But Yu Dong didn't care about the last sentence.

There are many authors who express their admiration for him before or after the article. He believes that most of them really like him, but some of them just compliment him because he is the boss of Deep Space.

No matter what, the work still needs to speak for itself.

Before reading the text, Yu Dong already had expectations, because he believed in his wife's vision. Since Cheng Yanqiu was also following up on the update, it proved that the other party's writing did have merit.

As expected, Chapter 1 aroused Yu Dong's interest.

This is a fantasy article with a touch of reasoning. At the beginning, I wrote about a bizarre incident that happened in Village A. Wang Sanpang in the village suddenly went crazy, and he kept saying that these other people couldn’t understand. If it is, you can only roughly hear the words "black shadow" and "bloody hand".

There is a young man named Xu Sanguan in the village, who is Wang Sanpang's old friend. Seeing that Wang Sanpang has gone crazy, he wants to find out the reason and rescue Wang Sanpang, but he is caught in a whirlpool.

The novel introduces witchcraft in Chapter 2, and it seems to have a complete system of witchcraft.

After reading the first three chapters, Yu Dong couldn't help but nodded. This is a very Chinese fantasy essay. It combines fantasy elements with traditional Chinese elements very well. The story is wonderful and it fits this essay solicitation very well. Theme of.

(End of this chapter)

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