Chapter 628
Hearing what Jimmy said, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Since you've already made up your mind, let's do it this way."

Jimmy smiled: "I knew that you would definitely agree to this kind of thing."

"Of course I would agree, but in this way, this part of the funding cannot come from the film's funding."

The repair of the relatively short road was funded from the filming budget. Spielberg and the others also agreed, because it was clearly written in the evaluation report given by Deep Space that even if the road was built, filming in China would still be difficult. Can save more money.

But now they have to increase the expenditure of 2000 million, and Spielberg and the others may not be willing.For this movie, Spielberg is not only the director, but also the owner.

"I will try my best to get other investors to agree to pay more, but I am afraid that the 2000 million yuan cannot be fully paid out of the film budget."

Yu Dong nodded, expressing his understanding: "It doesn't matter, as long as the insufficient parts come from our company. Also, if the project becomes so large all of a sudden, will the approval process become longer and delay the shooting?"

"No." Jimmy shook his head: "I also specifically asked about this matter. They said that as long as we agree to this plan, we can do special things and start construction as soon as possible. At that time, the 94-kilometer section will be repaired first. Our crew went in, and then started to fix the part outside."

"Well, just don't delay the progress."

Jimmy rubbed his thighs, and said with a smile: "If this battle can be fought well, more movies will be attracted to China in the future. In addition to benefiting the local economy, in fact, what I care most about is technology. At that time, we will organize a group of people to come and learn from their production experience. The cost of organizing people to study abroad is still too high.”

"It's a pity that the post-production is not in China, otherwise I can learn more."

Jimmy glanced at Yu Dong and joked, "You must be greedy."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Now we have too many shortcomings, how can I not be greedy, how can I improve if I am not greedy?"

"Okay, this matter is settled like this, and I will call back to the superior in a while."


When Yu Dong returned to the room, Cheng Yanqiu was reading those song manuscripts.

Seeing that his wife was engrossed and had no time to pay attention to him, Yu Dong took out a pen and paper and pondered the script of "Pirates of the Caribbean" for a while.

Yu Dong plans to add a little more Captain Jack in the first part of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Speaking of "Pirates of the Caribbean", the first thing most viewers think of is probably Captain Jack, this character has been bound to the movie.

But in the first part, Captain Jack did not have a lot of roles. Later, Disney saw that the role of Jack had a good response, so he added a lot of his roles.

Yu Dong wrote and drew on the paper, but he didn't write out the big plot, but he wrote a lot of small inspirations.


When Cheng Yanqiu was reading the manuscript of the song, he would hum along to the score unconsciously, and after humming, he would ask Yu Dong for his opinion.


"pretty good."

"I don't feel anything."

Yu Dong would also talk about his own views from time to time.

After more than two hours like this, Yu Donggang was about to write down an inspiration he thought of, when he suddenly looked up at Cheng Yanqiu in surprise.

"What are you humming?"

Cheng Yanqiu stopped humming, turned to look at Yu Dong, and said with a smile: "You actually asked, is it nice? I also think this song is very good."

"Well, it's really nice." Yu Dong nodded.

The reason why he asked suddenly was not only because Cheng Yanqiu hummed it nicely, but more importantly, he had heard this song before.

This song is called "The Roof", and it should have been written by Jay Chou. Yu Dong has heard the version sung by Jay Chou and Wen Lan, and the version sung by Wu Zongxian and Wen Lan.

But is this song written now?Yu Dong couldn't remember the exact release time of this song, but in his impression it was not so early.

Yu Dong asked, "Who wrote this?"

Cheng Yanqiu had a strange smile on his face, "Haha, you would never have guessed that this song was written by Xiao Zhou."

"Written by Xiao Zhou?"

"Well, I didn't expect it either, and the time was written on his manuscript. He wrote this song in 1994. He looks young. He must have been fifteen or sixteen years old in 1994."


Hearing this song now, Yu Dong is already surprised enough, he never thought that Jay Chou would write this song in 1994.

"Let me see."

Yu Dong went over to get the manuscript, and the score and lyrics were already written on it. He couldn't remember all the lyrics of this song, but after reading it roughly, it should be the same as the original lyrics, and Jay Chou wrote the lyrics himself.

Seeing 1994 at the inscription, Yu Dong sighed slightly, this is probably a genius from heaven.

Leaving aside the quality of this song, it is no easy feat for a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child to write a complete song with all the lyrics and music.

"The theme song for this song?" Yu Dong asked.

Cheng Yanqiu smiled and shook his head: "No, the atmosphere of this song is too romantic, it is not suitable for the theme song, and he voted for an episode. After the hero and heroine meet in the city, there is a very sweet and ambiguous time, and we need a song like this. I think the roof is very good. And you see, there are stars and moons in this song, which fits well with the TV series."

Looking at the lyrics, Yu Dong found that, as Cheng Yanqiu said, there are two images of stars and moon in it, which is quite a coincidence.

Cheng Yanqiu continued, "This song is a love song sung by a man and a woman. If it can be used in "Xingyue Love Song" this time, it will definitely be very popular among young men and women in the future."

"Have you decided to use it?" Yu Dong asked.

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head and said, "Not yet. After all, I have only read half of this submission, and I don't know if there will be better ones in the future. But for the time being, this song "The Roof" is the best choice."

Yu Dong nodded: "That's true."

"Actually, even if I didn't choose it in the end, this song is worth being sung to others. The quality is very good."

"Then who do you think is suitable to sing this song?" Yu Dong asked.

"Who will sing..." Cheng Yanqiu tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "I really can't think of a male singer whose singing voice is more suitable for this song, but as for female singers, I think Zhang Huimei, who has become popular in recent years It's a good fit."

"Well, keep reading."

Seeing Yu Dong's pensive look, Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "It seems that you really like this song."

"I'm quite surprised that Xiao Zhou can write such a song."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded in agreement, "I'm also quite surprised, the style of his songs is very special."

"Well, special."

Yu Dong smiled secretly, and said that there was something more special that she hadn't seen yet.


Cheng Yanqiu finished the first batch of manuscripts at lunch time, and compared them, the song "The Roof" was the best and most suitable.

In fact, there should be other manuscripts sent to Cheng Yanqiu in the future, but after reading so many manuscripts, she figured it out. The melody of "The Roof" is very good, and the later manuscripts may not be more suitable than it, so she simply Set it straight away.

After "The Roof" was finalized, Yu Dong first contacted Yu Liang and told him about it.

Yu Yu was also surprised when he heard about this.

"There are so many songs, but in the end I chose that Xiao Zhou's song?"

Yu Yu also had an impression of Jay Chou. He remembered that this little Zhou was a piano student. When they went to Alpha Music Company together, the proprietress was very interested in this kid.

"The song is very good. You'll know it when you listen to it. This song is a love song sung by a man and a woman. Let Jay Chou and Wen Lan sing a version first to see."

"Boss, I'm afraid this won't work."

"What do you mean?"

"Wen Lan has terminated the contract with us."

"Termination? When did it happen?" Yu Dong asked in surprise. He never expected that Wen Lan would terminate the contract.

"As for what happened last month, it is estimated that after the company was acquired by us, she was worried that she would not be taken seriously, and she was indeed not considered in Mr. Zhou's initial strategy. Well... If the boss wants her to come Sing, we can get in touch through the company she works for now."

Yu Dong sighed slightly, Wen Lan just left, it's not very important.

"No need, just contact Zhang Huimei and ask her if she would like to record a version."

Yu Liang pondered and said: "Sister Zhang Hui... It's not impossible, but I'm afraid she may not be willing to sing duet with Xiao Zhou. She is very famous recently, and her career is still on the rise, so of course she doesn't want to sing with an unknown newcomer. Ah, boss, I don’t think Xiao Zhou is very good at singing, weren’t you there when he sang last time?”

He really felt that the boss's idea this time was not suitable. Xiao Zhou played the piano well, but he couldn't sing well.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "He is the composer and lyricist, so there must be no problem with his understanding of this song. Let him sing it first, even if the effect is not good, and then find someone else to sing it later, he will definitely be able to find some songs through his version. experience."

"Oh." Yu Yu suddenly said: "So you think so, boss, then I understand, and I will make arrangements later."

"Well, arrange it as soon as possible, and re-sign Xiao Zhou's contract."

Yu Yue nodded and said, "I know, what happened to Wen Lan will never happen again."

"Don't make his contract too strict. There are many ways to keep people, and the most important thing is to attack the heart."

"Haha, actually, I think this kid will definitely not leave. You and the proprietress are so optimistic about him, it's too late for him to be grateful."

"Don't be careless."

"As ordered."


At 02:30 in the afternoon, the Galaxy Awards ceremony officially began.

There are more awards this year than last year, so the award ceremony is also very long.

The ceremony has an opening performance of four and 10 minutes. As usual, there will be a sci-fi stage play at the end. This year's stage play is an adaptation of "Bring Her Eyes", and it is quite touching.

At the end of the stage play, Yang Xiao applauded and said to Jimmy who was sitting next to her: "How is it, Mr. Ji, is this stage play not bad?"

Jimmy was also applauding: "Very good, it can be seen that he is very attentive, this stage play is just a little short, otherwise it can be done on tour."

"That's right. Actually, I also had the idea of ​​rehearsing this stage play for a longer period of time and performing it frequently in the future."

"It's a good idea." Jimmy nodded, "I can act in any other activities in the future."

"If this matter is really going to be done, I hope Mr. Ji will support it more." Yang Xiao smiled and said, "By the way, how is the matter of "The Martian"? When I came here, I met Secretary Hu. He You said you were busy with this in the morning, did you make any progress?"

Jimmy smiled and said: "Indeed, the matter has been settled, and we plan to announce the news on the official website in the next two days."

"It's settled?" Yang Xiao said with surprise on his face: "The road construction is also confirmed? Nothing happened, right?"

"There's really something wrong."

Hearing that Jimmy said there was an accident, Yang Xiao suddenly became nervous, "What's the accident?"

"The road we built has become longer. Didn't it have to be built for 300 kilometers before, but now it has become more than [-] kilometers, all the way to the center of Mangya."

Yang Xiao stared at Jimmy and blinked, she had no idea that this was the accident Jimmy was talking about.

"In terms of funds..."

"The government will also allocate funds, not entirely from us, they also want to take this opportunity to repair the local roads, our private enterprises can't stand idly by for the country's economic development, and we should contribute some money to cooperate Yes. We at Deep Space have always attached great importance to the investment in basic education. Over the years, many schools have been built and built. Road construction and education lead to the same goal. They are both to let people from poor areas come out, so we also attach the same importance. This The next time the superior gives us a chance, we are willing to seize it.”

Yang Xiao said with emotion: "If companies are like your deep space, they are all thinking of sharing the country's worries, so why worry about the country not developing?"

"President Yang praised it absurdly, and we are only doing what we can."

Yang Xiao clapped her palms and sighed: "It's good that I can do it. I don't know how many companies can do what you say."

Some enterprises have the power, but not the heart.Some enterprises have the heart, but not the strength.

It is very rare to have such a strong heart and strength like Deep Space Corporation.

"Boss Ji, can we announce this in advance?" Yang Xiao asked.

Jimmy immediately understood Yang Xiao's meaning, thought for a while, nodded and said, "No problem."


Fifteen minutes later, Yang Xiao took the stage to present the trophy for the Best Science Fiction Film Award.

After the awards were presented and Harold went down with the trophy, Yang Xiao walked behind the microphone again.

"Don't worry, everyone. Please allow me to say a few more words on stage. Just now, I got a piece of news, a very exciting piece of news. The filming of "The Martian" in China has been finalized."

After she finished speaking, cheers erupted from the audience.

Although most people have already heard about it, Yang Xiao's official announcement at this time is still exciting.

Yang Xiao rushed to press down the stage: "Everyone's applause stops first, I haven't finished my words yet. The filming location of "The Martian" is set in Mangya City, Qing Province. Because of the inconvenient local transportation, Deep Space Company took the initiative They proposed to build a road for the local area. Originally they wanted to build a 300-kilometer small road, but now things have changed, and the road they want to build has been extended from [-] kilometers to a [-]-kilometer road.”

This time, there was no applause immediately, because most people were shocked by the news.

More than 300 kilometers!
What is that concept?
The distance from the center of Rongcheng City to the center of Yudu City is about this distance.

Maybe it doesn’t make much sense to say this, because in many people’s minds, Rongcheng and Yudu are next to each other.

But the distance between the center of Jinling and the center of Shanghai is about the same.

The deep space is too big.

After a brief silence, the auditorium suddenly burst into applause, which was several times stronger than the previous wave.

 Thank you [20220528180644422] for the 100 reward from the boss. Looking at this number, it is still a newly created account today...

(End of this chapter)

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