Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 651 The YU of the Joke Chapter

Chapter 651 The Joke-Loving YU (Part [-])
Yu Dong glanced at his wife next to him, and Cheng Yanqiu also imitated the others, waving his fists and shouting: "U!"

In the front row, he was the only one who looked out of place.

After Yu Nesbo on the stage finished shouting, he began to play the piano, and then sang his own adaptation of "Golden Dreamland".

The original version of "Golden Dreamland" is a part of the suite, very short, with only a few lines of lyrics.

"There used to be a way home"

"There Was a Way Home"

"Sleep, baby, don't cry"

"I'll sing you a lullaby"

"You will see golden dreams"

"A smile will accompany you to sleep"

You Nesbo took only this part, then adapted it, and added a lyric after it.

"Sleep, baby, don't cry"

"Night Falls"

"You will see golden dreams"

"Crossing the Plains, Dispelling the Darkness"

"you will find"

"A Way Home"

This part of the lyrics is quite normal, and it fits well with the original lyrics, forming a progressive relationship, and You Nesbo's singing style is not much different from the original version. Up to here, it is just a slightly changed cover.

But in the next sentence, the tone of the whole song suddenly changed, and this change is very intuitive in the lyrics.

"When you wake up, you're smiling"


"Run away"

"Along the Way Home"

"Golden dreamland behind me fades away"

"Run away"

"Flee before the collapsing world catches up with you"


The more you sang to the back, the more energetic Yo Nesbo played the guitar, and the higher the voice.

Yu Dong was also a little dazed when he heard the second half of the song.

Many of these lyrics are extracted from the novel "Golden Dreamland".

The original version of the lyrics is like adults coaxing children, the world is very dangerous, but I weave a golden dreamland for you, in the dreamland, you will gain happiness and smile.When it came to the passage adapted by You Nesbo later, it suddenly became that the adults found that even the woven dreamland could not be maintained, so they shouted, let the children run away, full of despair.

You Nesbo is a good player of rock and roll, and he directly grasped the core of rock and roll.

Judging from the atmosphere of the scene, the audience has already been aroused by the excitement in the second half of the song.

Everyone around stood up, and Yu Dong also stood up, otherwise he would be too conspicuous.

The last paragraph happened to return to the original lyrics, and Yu Dong hummed along.

Seeing that Yu Dong stood up and was still singing along, You Nesbo was excited, and ran to the edge of the stage when he sang the last two lines, and put the microphone in front of Yu Dong.

Looking at the microphone in front of him, Yu Dong couldn't hold back all of a sudden,


Xiao Youzi, you don't like me, but you have hatred against me.

Yu Dong met You Nesbo's eyes, full of embarrassment, and You Nesbo reacted quickly, immediately retracted the microphone, and continued to sing the song.

However, his actions have already attracted the attention of the audience.

Sitting on Yu Dong's left was a blond girl about 20 years old. She looked at Yu Dong's face sideways, and then covered her mouth in surprise.

"He He!"

Her voice was drowned out in the loud cheers, but her hand pointing at Yu Dong stood out.

The people in the back row were curious about why You Nesbo suddenly handed over the microphone to the front row. Now they saw the girl pointing at Yu Dong excitedly, and then thought of what You Nesbo said just now. The song was given to YU first, and there was a guess immediately.

It's YU!



The audience shouted Yu Dong's name, and You Nesbo approached the stage with a microphone, and asked him with his mouth: "Come up?"

Yu Dong pursed his lips. He came here purely to cheer up You Nesbo, but he didn't expect this little You to expose him all at once.

let's go.

They have already been discovered by the audience, and if they go up and say a few words to Nesper, Lala will also like him.

The stage was not high, so Yu Dong took Nesper's hand and went up with a little effort.

As he came to the stage, the cheers from the audience became more enthusiastic. The audience did not expect that there would be a surprise.

The organizer is also low-key enough. They obviously invited a guest of YU's level, but did not disclose any information.

Because YU's reputation is too great, and it happens that many people at this scene specially went to Los Angeles to participate in his signing event, so they didn't think there was anything inappropriate for a great writer to appear on the stage of the concert, except for being excited or excited .

Someone sent Yu Dong a microphone.

Yu Dong didn't refuse, he took the microphone and said with a smile: "Hi everyone, I'm YU, and it's the first time I stand on such a stage. As a person with tone deafness, I can stand on such a stage. It's a very magical thing in itself, even more magical than all my novels."

Just this sentence made the audience laugh.

Many viewers who have not watched Yu Dong's interview did not expect that Yu Dong is such a humorous person.

"But, please believe me, I like music very much. If I could choose, I would prefer to be a musician."

You Nesbo couldn't help but continued: "I believe that's why you married a musician."

"Oh hoo—"

The audience booed accordingly, and their gossip souls also burned.

Maybe some readers who follow more will know the existence of Cheng Yanqiu, but most readers don't pay attention to Yu Dong's private life, and don't know that Yu Dong's wife is a music teacher.

"Sea Pianist" has not yet been released, so most people have not heard Cheng Yanqiu's "Jinghong".

You Nesbo, like a gossip leader, asked Yu Dong with a smile: "YU, let me interview you, marrying a pianist, what kind of experience is it?"

Yu Dong smiled and asked, "Have you ever heard of Mozart's dog?"

You Nesb nodded: "I have heard that Mozart has a beloved Pomeranian, who is very loyal, and because he is with Mozart every day, he has a very good sense of music. You want to say that although you have no musical talent, you can follow a Pomeranian every day. When pianists live together, they will also be nurtured?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "No, it was only after I heard this story that I realized that my musical talent is not as good as that of a puppy."

The audience laughed again.

Some spectators patted their thighs, laughing so hard that they couldn't straighten up.

The power of this joke is that it comes from YU's mouth, and YU is really serious about it, which gives people a very strong sense of contrast.

You Nesbo desperately held back his laughter, and then asked: "YU, are you really tone deaf, can you sing a few lines for us?"




Pig stomach, it's Thursday, ask for a monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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