Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 652 The first singing of "The Roof"

Chapter 652 The First Sing of "The Roof" (Second Change)
Yu Dong glanced at You Nesbo, and he felt that this guy either had a brain hole or had a grudge against him, otherwise he would never let him sing.

No, he might have a grudge against the audience.

The audience in the audience didn't know the seriousness of the matter, and followed Nesbor to boo.

"YU, come one."

"YU, come one."

In fact, Yu Dong wrongly blamed Nesper.

In Nesper's impression, Yu Dong could sing, and he was very good at it.

During the annual meeting last year, Nesper went to China, and when chatting with people, he heard someone say: "YU's musical talent is too powerful. When he was in school last year, he played a song, and the audience cheered for him." Shocked."

Nesper didn't know that he was joking and was talking ironically, so he thought that Yu Dong was hiding something, and now he was acting modestly on the stage.

"Do you want to invite Teacher Cheng together?" After speaking, Nesb explained to the audience, "Mr. Cheng is YU's wife."

The audience booed again.

"Teacher Cheng."

"Teacher Cheng."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Yu Dong is no longer coy, singing, anyway, he won't be the one who gets hurt.

He ran to the edge of the stage again and pulled Cheng Yanqiu onto the stage.

The couple appeared on the stage together, and the atmosphere in the venue reached its peak for a moment. Most of the people saw Cheng Yanqiu for the first time, and some even just knew that Yu Dong was married.

Cheng Yanqiu is dressed very casually today, jeans, canvas shoes, and a white T-shirt. When she stands with Yu Dong, people think that they look good and match well.

Someone gave Cheng Yanqiu a microphone, she took the microphone and said with a smile: "Hi everyone, I'm Cheng Yanqiu."

Yu Dong took over the conversation with a smile beside him, "Hello everyone, I will introduce myself again. I am the husband of the famous pianist Cheng Yanqiu. I think this name is more powerful on this stage."

The audience in the audience laughed for the third time for Yu Dong.

I don't know why, although YU didn't say any jokes, they always found it very interesting.

After Cheng Yanqiu took the stage, You Nesbo completely became the host. He smiled and asked Yu Dong and the others: "What songs are you going to sing for everyone? Do you need the band to prepare?"

Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu, and the meaning was obvious. On this stage, he listened to his wife in everything.

You Nesbo looked at Cheng Yanqiu tactfully. The latter thought for a while and said, "Why don't you sing a new song. This is a Chinese song called "The Roof", which is also being filmed by Deep Space. The theme song in a TV series. This song has never been sung publicly before, and tonight is the first time."

As soon as she finished speaking, the cheers from the audience rang out, louder than when they came to the stage just now.

The first time the gimmick was so catchy, it meant they would be the first people outside of insiders to hear the song.

Hearing it was this song, Yu Dong touched his forehead and asked him to perform this song. Many people are destined to suffer from insomnia tonight.

Yu Dong understood why Cheng Yanqiu chose this song. The proprietress wanted to take this opportunity to promote this song.

I have to say that the starting point of this song is really high. The first time it was sung publicly was at the Hollywood Bowl.Unfortunately, the singer is Yu Dong.

Yu Dong is not really tone deaf, but his singing is really mediocre. When he sings, he is full of emotion and has no skills.

The song "The Roof" is still difficult. Fortunately, Cheng Yanqiu likes it, so Yu Dong sang it many times with her. Not to mention other things, at least he can remember the words and the general key of this song, and he won't get out of it. What an outrageous question.

Two people sing duet, no other instruments are needed, just a piano will do.

There was a piano on the stage. The staff pushed the piano to the front and made some simple arrangements.

The piano was facing the audience, while Yu Dong was standing in front. The two looked at each other, and then Cheng Yanqiu began to play the prelude.

The beautiful prelude ended, and Yu Dong was about to enter, but he had already missed it.

Some people are late, but they can make up for it, or they simply make mistakes.

But Yu Dongjin was late, so he stopped directly, "Sorry, I'm late."

Originally, the audience's emotions were already brewing, and they were waiting for Yu Dong to speak, and then they cheered. Who would have thought that Yu Dong's arrival would interrupt their emotions.

Cheng Yanqiu smiled and said, "Come again, look at the shape of my mouth."

The prelude sounded again, and at the end, Cheng Yanqiu began to count: "Three, two, one."

Yu Dong kept staring at Cheng Yanqiu's mouth, and when he heard a word, he went in.

“Could not sleep in the middle of the night”

"Hum your mood into a song"


When Yu Dong finished singing the first sentence, You Nesbo was stunned for a moment, because it completely overturned his imagination.

The audience was also a little disappointed after hearing this. After all, everyone wants the person they like to have more talents, and it is best to be a perfect person.

YU's works are so good, and he looks so handsome, it would be even better if he sings well.

But this hope has been shattered. Even with the fan filter, it is difficult for them to think that Yu Dong sings well.

And it can be heard that his rhythm is quite chaotic, and the rhythm of his wife playing the piano has been matching him.

"Had to go to the roof to find another dream"

After the male part was sung, after a brief interlude, it was time for the female part.

"waking up from sleep"

"I'm still not sure"

"How can there be a moving melody on the opposite roof"


Following Cheng Yanqiu's voice, the originally quiet venue suddenly erupted into applause.

Although they can't understand Chinese, the beauty of their singing voice is straight to the heart, especially when they just heard a bad singing voice, the contrast is too obvious.

The expectations that had been lowered were instantly raised.

You Nesbo let out a long breath. He originally thought that the performance would end in dismal, but he didn't expect Mr. Cheng to be so powerful.

As a professional singer, Nesbo has a deeper feeling than the audience. Mr. Cheng's singing is perfect in terms of technique and timbre.

It's a pity that he can't understand Chinese, otherwise he can feel more emotions of this song through the lyrics.

Cheng Yanqiu's perfect performance instantly conquered the audience, and at the same time drove Yu Dong.

In the following paragraphs, Yu Dong also performed better and better, at least not as bad as it was at the beginning.

Throughout the song until the last part of the dialogue between men and women, the atmosphere reached a climax.

Cheng: Let me love who you are
Yu: it's me
Cheng: let you love who I am
Yu: Yes

At the end of the song, Yu Dong also sang in, and the dialogue was all based on emotion.

Yu Dong didn't need to think too much, he had already forgotten that he was in the Hollywood Bowl, and there were more than 1 people watching him.Only his wife remained in his eyes, and he just stared affectionately at Cheng Yanqiu who was playing the piano, Cheng Yanqiu asked, and he could answer.

The affectionate gaze between the two was also noticed by the audience, and the audience suddenly felt that YU's singing voice was not so bad, at least it was very emotional.

Although the audience can't understand the lyrics, they can also hear the feeling of the last dialogue.

This song, as well as the scene of Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu looking at each other, have been deeply reflected in the minds of the more than 1 viewers.

After the song ended, the words "It's you" and "It's me" still lingered in the minds of many viewers.

I have to say that the last few lines of the whole song are the most brainwashing.

Catchy and the melody is easy to remember.

As long as the audience adjusts a little, this section will definitely be a chorus.

 . ,,. ,, ';'

(End of this chapter)

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