653 Public Execution
After the song "The Roof" was sung, the audience booed and asked them to play another song, but Yu Dong didn't agree this time, because the song just now had consumed his whole life of skill.

After Yu Dong retreated, Cheng Yanqiu played "Jinghong", which won the applause of the audience again.

Yu Dong's coming tonight was a lot of sacrifices, but he also gained a lot. A song and a piano piece directly promoted a TV series and a movie for Deep Space.

When they came, the two of them walked in directly, but when they left, they needed the protection of the security personnel at the concert site.


It was Yu Dong's own idea to go to You Nesbo's concert, but Jimmy, who had already returned to New York at noon the next day, called Yu Dong.

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu had just returned to their room after lunch, and as soon as the phone was connected, Jimmy's complaining voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother, can you discuss it with me every time before you do something?"

"what happened?"

"You asked me what's wrong? I want to ask what's wrong with you. You've been on the news, and you've been on a lot of places. Yes, that's right, it's common for you to be on the news, but it's your first time to be on the music and entertainment section."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Oh, it happened last night. Your American news is really efficient. It's only been a while, and the news is out."

"It's faster than you can think of. I guess there will be a TV station broadcasting news about the two of you tonight."

Cheng Yanqiu was making tea, when he heard Yu Dong talking on the phone, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Hearing Cheng Yanqiu's voice, Jimmy said to Yu Dong, "Turn on the speakerphone."

Yu Dong nodded and turned on the speakerphone.

Jimmy on the opposite side said: "Mr. Cheng, I read the news. When it comes to your singing, it is basically a compliment. Unlike some people, it is the object of ridicule."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "Don't be yin and yang."

"You still use my yin and yang? Don't you know how good you are at singing? I can't figure it out. How did you have the nerve to sing on stage? Before you played the piano on stage at Jinyi, I thought that was already the bottom line of a cheeky, I didn’t expect the bottom line to be even lower.”

"Jimmy, if you talk about things, just talk about things, don't engage in personal attacks. I didn't have anything to do last night. The Nesper guy had to drag me up. Besides, I am a writer, and I am afraid that others will say that my singing is ugly. Is it?"

"You are also in a good mood." Jimmy complained, and then suddenly laughed again, "Well, I don't know if I should say that your life is good, but you are praised for your singing level. "New York Music" In the news section, professional sound critic Landry commented that your singing is very emotional, and also praised that your chorus better interprets the meaning of music. I guess, he is also a dish, and you are a great writer Well, let me show you some face."

Yu Dong immediately retorted, "Nonsense, he is a professional music critic, and everything he says is based on his professional foundation. How could he make an evaluation against my will because of my identity and name?"

"Oh, but there are also those who scold you. The columnist of "First Music" Kessel accused you of saying that you should not appear on the music stage, which lowered the professional level and polluted the ears of the audience. He praised Mr. Cheng It’s up to the sky, but I think that he praised Teacher Cheng to the sky just to demote you. In the end, he also warned you not to go to the music industry just because you wrote a few popular books. Bless you, he will take the lead in resisting you."

"Ahem, it seems that professional music critics are not all qualified."

Jimmy laughed, "Haha, I just like your double standards. Don't worry, the trend of the news is generally good. I won't talk about your singing level. No matter how others depreciate you, it will be the same. A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water." Tang, the good thing is that they are beginning to be interested in Mr. Cheng, "The Roof" and "Jinghong". But in the future, it is better to do this kind of thing less, not to mention affecting your style as a great writer, your singing voice, people listen to it once That's enough, I can't bear to listen too much. If Teacher Cheng didn't lead you well this time, you would have finished running."

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "He has practiced this song many times, and he sang it very well last night."

Jimmy sighed and said, "This love not only makes people fascinated, but also causes hearing problems. Teacher Cheng, you can't say such words that violate your conscience just because he is your husband."

"I really think he sang nicely last night."

"Look, you can even speak with a Shanghai accent now."

Cheng Yanqiu looked confused, "Really, is this a Shanghai accent?"

"Listen to his nonsense, I don't even have a Shanghai accent." Yu Dong pouted, "Jimmy, don't worry, even if you ask me to sing on stage in the future, I won't do it. I sang a song on stage last night. More tiring than writing a novel."

Yu Dong's words were not exaggerated. He was very nervous when he sang last night, especially the first half.

It's not because of stage fright, but because he has been concentrating on listening to the accompaniment. His level is not high, and he didn't listen to it with his ears. The whole singing process was confusing to others.

At the scene, he couldn't hear his own voice at all, and he didn't know how he sang.

To him, the scene last night was comparable to a battlefield full of artillery fire.

"I told you to leave little Youzi alone before, it was you who insisted on running to join in the fun."

"I just wanted to go and have a look. Who knew I would be dragged up. However, this kind of news will not attract too many people's attention. It should be gone in two days."

Jimmy said with a smile: "My Dong, you underestimate yourself too much, and you underestimate me too much."

"Why, you still want to do something?"

"Don't worry about what's going on, you guys should do a good job signing these two days, don't forget the premiere ceremony of "Butterfly Effect", when the time comes, we will watch it together in New York."

"no problem."


After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yanqiu asked curiously: "Listen to Jimmy, what else does he want to do?"

"He will definitely do something, I am not surprised at all. I won't talk about "The Roof". After all, "Star and Moon" will not meet with American audiences for the time being. If he wants to do something, he should focus on it. On "Jinghong". Because "The Pianist on the Sea" will be released in November this year, the box office is not expected, but the reputation of this movie must be spread."

Cheng Yanqiu pouted, "Actually, I think "The Roof" can also be promoted. Don't keep thinking that it is the theme song of "Star and Moon". Regardless of the name, it is also a high-quality song. The Chinese duet repertoire, the most important thing is that it is catchy. If it can be promoted, it will be very beneficial for our country's music to enter the European and American markets."

Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu, and said with a smile, "You've thought about all this now, more than I have thought about."

Cheng Yanqiu tilted his head and smiled and said: "Every day with you, you will always be affected. Anyway, I think that if this song really makes Americans interested in this song, we should work hard to promote it. If the effect is good , when Xiao Zhou and the others come to perform in the future, there will be a chorus below."

"Well, but I think, this song will definitely become popular in China first."

"Is it?"

"Just wait and see."


Yu Dong's guess was not false at all. On the third day after the incident, this news was still brewing in the United States, but it had already become popular in China.

On the morning of August 21st, Yu Hansheng woke up early and ran to the living room to turn on the TV.

In summer, when it dawns early, he is used to watching CCTV's "Oriental Time and Space" before breakfast at eight o'clock every morning.

The child's mother usually wakes up at 07:30 and eats on time at eight o'clock, so Yu Hansheng will turn down the volume of the TV to a very low level.

"Oriental Time and Space" started broadcasting at seven o'clock. After watching for half an hour, Qin Fang woke up.

Yu Hansheng turned his head and looked at his wife, thinking that his wife's biological clock is really accurate. Every day, it starts at 07:30 and starts at 07:30. She doesn't need an alarm clock, but she can wake up on time, and the error has never exceeded 3 minutes.

Qin Fang ran to wash up, and Yu Hansheng turned up the volume of the TV.

Not long after the voice was turned up, a familiar name popped out of the host's mouth, no, it should be two.

"At 08:30 p.m. on August [-]th local time in Los Angeles, well-known writer Yu Dong and his wife Cheng Yanqiu attended the solo concert of Norwegian rock superstar Jo Nesbor."

"Yu Dong and his wife, who came temporarily, were warmly invited to the stage by the rock superstar, and presented an affectionate and touching duet love song "The Roof" to the audience, which ignited the hearts of nearly [-] audience members..."

Hearing the names of his son and daughter-in-law, Yu Hansheng hurriedly called to the bathroom: "Qin Fang, come and take a look, come and take a look."

Qin Fang rolled her eyes in the bathroom, "What is it, watching the news and yelling, World War III?"

"What a world war, our son is going to sing."


Qin Fang ran out clutching her toothbrush, "Who are you singing with?"

"With my daughter-in-law."

With daughter-in-law?

Cheng Yanqiu sings well, of course Qin Fang knows that when she sees relatives and friends now, after showing off her son, she shows off her daughter-in-law, telling people every day that her daughter-in-law sings better than those singers and looks better than the stars.

At this moment, the news introduction just ended, and the scene of the concert began to be played.

The picture is very clear and it was taken by the official.

On the stage, the prelude just started.

The old couple stared at the screen tightly, and they wanted to see if their son's singing would return to normal after he went to the United States.

However, the accident did not happen.

Yu Dong was late for the first time.


Seeing that Yu Dongjin was late, Qin Fang covered her face all of a sudden.

Although there was no one else beside her, seeing this scene still made her feel ashamed.

Not only is it embarrassing, but it was also thrown on CCTV.

This is CCTV, and all Chinese people will see it. Although "Oriental Time and Space" was broadcast early, it still has rebroadcasts.

After covering her face for a while, Qin Fang let go of one hand, revealing one eye to look at the TV, and Yu Dong finally sang successfully.

Qin Fang couldn't help muttering, "Although my son's singing is so-so, he's still very photogenic. He looks good, and our family, Luo Luo, is much prettier than a celebrity."

After Cheng Yanqiu sang, Qin Fang couldn't stop boasting: "It's nice, it's nice, what our Luoluo sings is really nice, and this song is also nice. Just now when my son sang it, I thought it was a problem with the song. I didn't expect this song It sounds so good. It's a pity, it's a pity, my son inherited you, this singing is too ugly."

Yu Hansheng pursed his lips: "Oh, yes, my son's good novel writing is inherited from you. If he sings badly, he inherited it from me."

"I've wronged you. You can listen to singing, but you can't. If you sing a few lines now, maybe you can't sing as well as your son."

When it comes to singing, Yu Hansheng really has no confidence, "Oh, why are you arguing, watch TV carefully, watch your son and daughter-in-law sing, this is CCTV, it's a set!"

The entire "Oriental Time and Space" is only one hour in total, and the commercial time has to be removed, but this morning, it took a full 8 minutes to report on Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu's singing on stage.

When the song ended, the host briefly introduced the purpose of Yu Dong's trip to the United States and the origin of the song "Roof".

"Yu Dong is currently holding a book signing tour in the United States. The previous one was in Chicago. It is reported that at the Amazon bookstore on Michigan Avenue that day, the total came..."

"This "Roof" is a new song, and this performance at the Hollywood Bowl is also the first public performance of this song. It comes from a TV series that is being filmed..."

After watching the news, Qin Fang couldn't help calling her in-laws, telling them about the incident, and telling them to watch the rerun.


In fact, Cheng Liye and the others didn't need to watch the rebroadcast of "Oriental Time and Space" at all, because other TV stations reported the news that night.

In the next few days, TV stations made relevant reports, and the content of the news became longer and longer, with more and more introductions.

In the past few days, people not only experienced the beauty of Cheng Yanqiu's singing, but also saw the lethality of Yu Dong's singing.

This uninterrupted news report is like a public execution time after time.

And this news directly ignited the deep space Chinese website, and related posts have long been filled with the entire website.

[Ronald Shao: When I saw the news this morning, I was completely dumbfounded. 】

[The world is so big: I admit it, I like Yu Dong's singing more. 】

[Refill: This song is really nice, it would be great if the male singer was changed. 】

[Princess Yueshi: Fart, can other people come to sing duet with Teacher Cheng to sing this feeling? 】

[Clearly: Teacher Cheng sings really well. 】

[The big head is not afraid of the rain: Am I the only one who pays attention to the new TV series?The theme song is so good, the TV series must be good. 】

[Chopsticks can't stand up: I know, this TV series is still being filmed in our school, and the hero and heroine are both good-looking. 】

[Rare nonsense: Where can I hear this song? 】

[Sincerely like: Don't worry, the tape will be out in two days. 】

[Wine Cup: Haha, this wave of deep space is a big loss. 】

(End of this chapter)

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