Chapter 66 Decided

When Liu Changmin heard what Yu Dong said about sending the certificate, he didn't react for a while, but he also listened to what Yu Dong said and stayed.

Yu Dong stood on the podium, and when the students were all seated again, he made a stern expression and tapped the table with his fingers: "Look at your appearance, the get out of class bell hasn't rang yet, and your feet are all walking towards the door. Went outside. Did you think about how to rush out of the classroom when you were in get out of class?"

The students below bowed their heads sadly, because what Teacher Yu said was very interesting, but seeing his stern expression, they didn't dare to laugh, so they could only bear it.

Qu Aiguo looked at each other affectionately. Isn't that what Teacher Yu said was just a few of them?
But they were also a little aggrieved. They were obviously out of class, so why couldn't they leave the classroom?
"Li Huixiang, Sun Pingping, you two come up."

The two people who were named shook their hearts, got up and walked slowly to the podium.

Liu Changmin, who was standing at the door, looked puzzled. Didn't he say that he was going to give out a certificate?Why this battle?

Yu Dong looked at Sun Pingping and Li Huixiang with fearful expressions on their faces, and did not come to the podium after walking for a long time.

"Come on you two."

Yu Dong smiled and beckoned to them, then raised the certificate in his hand, "Tell you the good news, you all performed very well in this decoration design competition. And two students, Sun Pingping and Li Huixiang, also won the prizes for us respectively. To the third prize and the fashion award."

Sun Pingping and Li Huixiang took the certificate from Yu Dong with a dull look. They may never forget the mood at this moment for the rest of their lives. The ups and downs were too exciting.

Liu Changmin also walked in with a smile, "Yu Dong, you're making fun of the children."

"Didn't I set the mood for them?"

Yu Dong smiled and said to the bottom: "Everyone performed very well this time, not only the two winners, I have seen the preparations you have made for the competition during this period of time. The award is an honor, But winning the prize is not the ultimate goal, I hope you can learn from experience and grow in this competition."

"Of course, with such a good result this time, you should thank your teachers the most. Come on, Qu Aiguo, give your command. Let's express our thanks to Teacher Liu together."

Qu Aiguo was still upset just now, but now he finally calmed down. Hearing the business coming, he immediately stood up and shouted, "Come on, everyone listen to my password, I count one, two, three, and then everyone shouts to thank Liu. Teacher, Teacher Liu has worked hard, one, two, three!"

"Thank you Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu has worked hard!"

The neat shouts echoed in the classroom. Liu Changmin laughed so hard that he could barely straighten his waist. He held the table with one hand and waved his hand towards the bottom with the other: "It's not hard, it's not hard."

After speaking, he turned around and said to Yu Dong, "Yu Dong, I have to catch the next class, so I will leave first."

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, let's go first, my side is almost over, and they have classes in the next two sessions."

Liu Changmin hummed and walked out, laughing while walking.

After Liu Changmin left, Yu Dong said: "This time is in a hurry, so don't say anything about the acceptance speech, but you two need to prepare, and make up for it next time. Go to class."

After speaking, Yu Dong took the first step.

However, the students did not immediately disperse after hearing his words. Instead, they flocked to Li Huixiang and Sun Pingping to see their awards.

Yu Dong, who was out of the classroom, heard the noise coming from inside, and shook his head with the corner of his mouth raised. Let them go make trouble, so that the good mood can be passed on to more people and last longer.


In the office of the president of Science Fiction World Magazine, Yang Xiao frowned as he looked at the data report in front of him.

Tan Kai sat opposite her and remained silent.

This data report shows the sales of the last issue of "Science Fiction World".

From the data point of view, sales have indeed increased, but this growth is not much higher than that of the previous period.

It is worth noting that the best-selling magazines are in Jinling. The first batch of books sold out soon after they were sent out.

It is roughly estimated that at least [-] copies were sold in Jinling this time.

The total national sales volume of the last issue was just over 9000 copies.

To say that Yu Dong bought it himself, Yang Xiao would definitely not believe it.However, Yang Xiao guessed that there is a high probability that Yu Dong's friends or students supported him.

"How about the feedback from readers?" Yang Xiao asked again.

"From the feedback from readers, the popularity of "One Day" is not bad, and the name Yu Dong has also been remembered by many people, and some people are asking if Yu Dong is a pseudonym." Tan Kai said.

Hearing Tan Kai's words, Yang Xiao groaned.

The reason why they study the data is to see if it is possible to change from bimonthly to monthly.It has not been changed before because of two reasons. One is that you cannot receive enough high-quality manuscripts, and the other is that the sales volume is too poor, and you will lose one issue after one issue.

Now the pressure on manuscripts has been reduced a lot because of the decision to serialize "Second World", so there is only the issue of sales.

Staring at the report and thinking for a while, Yang Xiao said to Tan Kai again: "Get ready, let the printing factory start the next issue."

Tan Kai narrowed his eyes, "Have you decided?"

"It's decided. Sooner or later, this step will be taken. The big deal will only take a few more issues. Besides, you can ask Yu Dong if he can write a short story."

Tan Kai nodded and said, "I see."

"Oh, and also, make a good appointment with Han Song."

Tan Kai looked embarrassed, "You know Han Song's situation, he doesn't have enough time."

"That's why I asked you to make an appointment. I know that Xinhua News Agency is very busy, but it's not that they are so busy that they have no time at all. You ask him to squeeze in some time to provide some short stories."

"Okay, I will fight for it."

After Tan Kai left, Yang Xiao sighed silently.She was very optimistic about Han Song for a while, just like she is optimistic about Yu Dong now.

Han Song started writing when he was in college, and won two Galaxy Awards in a row. Yang Xiao once regarded Han Song as a man who was revived in Chinese science fiction.

But after Han Song graduated from university and joined Xinhua News Agency, he spent much less time creating science fiction novels, and his own mind was less focused on it.

Although Yang Xiao can understand, after all, writing science fiction can not support people, Han Song can not give up the work of Xinhua News Agency to become a full-time science fiction writer, but Yang Xiao still feels lost.

She also knows that when domestic sci-fi writers can support themselves with their manuscript fees, this path can be regarded as coming out.

 Good luck to all readers

(End of this chapter)

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