Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 67 The Star Wars Project

Chapter 67 The Star Wars Project (Additional 6\13)

On the afternoon that Yu Dong received the letter from Tan Kai, there was a lively discussion in the big office because of the news that the Russian Federation and other three countries had formed the Commonwealth of Independent States.

When he walked to the door of the office with the letter, he heard He Yu say in a high voice: "It's gone, it's going to go away, just listen to me, the Soviet government won't survive this year."

"It's up to you to say that after August [-], who still believes that the Soviets can continue." Li Zhenguo, a vocal music instructor sitting behind He Yu, teased.

"Not everyone thinks so." He Yu smiled and looked at the other teachers, "What do you think?"

No one is arguing.

It is still somewhat sensitive to discuss this matter now, and many people still hold hope for the Soviets in their hearts. They are also afraid that if the Soviets really collapse, there will be a domino effect and China will be affected.

Liu Changmin pulled He Yu's arm and said, "Stop talking, you haven't finished your work today."

He Yu also knew that he was too conspicuous, so he was pulled by Liu Changmin and sat down.No one took the lead in speaking, and everyone else turned their heads and went back to work.

Yu Dong walked to his seat silently, just took out a pen to prepare for the water, when He Yu's head came close, he asked in a low voice: "Yu Dong, I heard about the Commonwealth of Independent States. Is it?"

"I heard about it now." Yu Dongwu put ink on himself, he was not very interested in this topic.

He Yu was very talkative, and continued to whisper: "What do you think, can the Soviets be able to celebrate the New Year? If they do disperse, what effect will it have on us? Will it..."

He Yu didn't say anything later, probably he knew it was taboo.

"Are we the same as the Soviets?" Yu Dong asked rhetorically.

"Not the same... at least not exactly the same." He Yu shook his head.

"Since it's different, there's no need to put us on them."

"But after all, before we..."

"It was before, and now is now. It's time to change Mr. He's thinking."

Looking at the relaxed smile on Yu Dong's face, He Yu was very surprised, as if in Yu Dong's opinion, the Soviet affairs were not as important as the pen in his hand.

Is he really able to see through more things, or does he simply ignore things outside the window?

Unable to chat with Yu Dong, He Yu sat back in his seat.

Yu Dong continued to fill in the ink, and then took out the book and planned the arrangements for the next week.He really didn't care much about the Soviet affairs, because he had already experienced it once, and that time he was just as cranky as many people.

But time is the best proof that everything is not as bad as everyone imagined, and even a little better.

Moreover, in the game between countries, there are too few things that ordinary people can do. If they do the work at hand well, I am afraid they have already helped.

However, not everyone was as calm as Yu Dong, and the atmosphere in the big office was a little restless throughout the afternoon. Although he did not speak as loudly as He Yu before, there were always people whispering and whispering.

Yu Dong could sometimes hear them talking, talking about everything, some talking about the future of the Soviets, and some talking about the reasons why the Soviets came this far.

Hearing them discussing various reasons, the words "Star Wars Project" suddenly popped into Yu Dong's mind.

While the "Star Wars Project" wasn't the main reason for the Soviets to disintegrate, it was a dramatic, easy-to-remember event.

Speaking of which, it was only a few years ago that the U.S. government made a strategic defense plan for anti-ballistic missile defense systems, which is known as the Star Wars plan.

The budget of this plan is as high as more than 1 trillion U.S. dollars, and the content includes many aspects. Even after many years, the technology involved will be unconstrained.

In the end, this plan was not implemented. The United States claimed that it was due to technical defects, but many people believed that this plan was to bring down the Soviets.

Yu Dong didn't have the heart to find out what the truth was, but the Star Wars project reminded him of another thing: he had also written several novels about space.

For a while, he especially liked to read novels or film and television works related to deep space.

Whether it was "2001: A Space Odyssey" written by Clark in his early years, or "The Three-Body Problem" by Liu Cixin, or the movie "Interstellar", he looked for it all.

For about two months, he was immersed in various works describing space, and even in order to understand these novels, he searched related books, such as Kip Thorne's "Black Holes and Time Bending" and The book of the same name "Interstellar" is dedicated to explaining the physics knowledge in "Interstellar".

After reading it, I wrote a lot of itchy hands again.

There are countless short stories, and there are also some medium and long stories.

Because he wrote too much, he didn't remember much of it himself. The long and medium stories are slightly better, and he has a general impression, while the short stories only remember one or two of them.

What impressed me the most was a novel that he named "Deep Space", because he wrote it with the most heart, and it was the most satisfying when he finally wrote it.

It's just... Yu Dong tapped the table with a pen, he doesn't have time to get "Deep Space" out now.

The book is divided into eight volumes, and he wrote more than 40 words. Even if he starts writing now, it will probably take years to write.


After dinner with Liu Changmin and the others in the cafeteria that night, Yu Dong returned to the dormitory with two letters. Why two letters?Because there is another letter sent from the "Harvest" editorial department.

Yu Dong never opened the letter when he was at work until he returned to the dormitory.

He first opened Tan Kai's letter. In the letter, Tan Kai mainly told Yu Dong two things. The first one was to tell Yu Dong that the magazine had decided to change to a monthly magazine, and the next issue would be published in January.

The second one was to make an appointment with Yu Dong. Tan Kai spent the boss’s length in the letter to complain, saying that the lack of manuscripts would affect the monthly magazine. He also said that Yang Xiao ran to his office eight times a day to put pressure on him and ask Yu Dong to make sure to help him.

Moreover, Tan Kai also specially emphasized that the manuscript should be as short as possible, preferably less than [-] words.

After reading the letter, Yu Dong did not rush to reply to Tan Kai, but opened the letter from the editorial department of "Harvest".

As expected, it was another letter of invitation written by the literary editor named Wang Yu.

This time, Wang Yu's words were more sincere. He also mentioned that he accidentally read Yu Dong's "Mending the Sky" in "Zhongshan", and then bragged about "Mending the Sky", what "shocked as the pen of heaven and man" All came out.

But Yu Dong knows that literary editors like Wang Yu, who have just taken office, suffer from few resources, and often like to coax people first, making people think that they can be included in the journal if they just write, but when your manuscript is sent, the big Chances are that you will be rejected again.

 Thanks for the 100 reward of [Ke Jin Eat]
  Thank you [Red Comrade] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [just enough] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you [*** Wei Xiao] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thanks for the 100 reward of [Yilianyoumengdi No Sleep] boss
  Thank you [Bookworm who loves buns] for the 200 reward
  Jiagen is here, are you happy?
(End of this chapter)

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