Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 68 The Death of Li Xuelian

Chapter 68 The Death of Li Xuelian

Different from the gentleness of "Zhongshan", the style of "Harvest" is more cutting-edge.Their magazines always collect some works that "do not understand current affairs". For example, in [-], the magazine published works by Ma Yuan, Yu Hua, Hong Feng, Su Tong, etc., so they were dubbed as avant-garde by some people. Origin.

For the exploration of literature, "Harvest" has always been at the forefront, but sometimes it seems a little impulsive.

Since it is an exploration, it may not be correct every time, and sometimes there will be some works that are not liked by people in the past, and even more disliked by future generations.But these explorations will all be meaningful.

In addition, "Harvest" is more complex in content. They have opened up columns such as "Cultural Brigade" and "Cultural Brigade". Among them, Yu Qiuyu's "Cultural Brigade" is the most well-known.

Of course, magazine editors also have their own thoughts, and magazines also have a "vulgar" side. Articles such as "X Open Women" have a strong reader effect, making ordinary readers feel quite "interesting".

The critical article Yu Dong wrote before was originally intended to be published in "Yenjing Literature", because the literary criticism section of "Yenjing Literature" was very popular at that time.Yu Dong's article is a new novel, but it is a literary review.

But then his teacher Hu Yueming suggested that he give Harvest a try, because "Harvest" was asking for "miscellaneous" at that time and wanted to accept some works of different types.

After listening to Hu Yueming's words, Yu Dong gave it a try, but he didn't expect the manuscript to pass quickly.

Only later did Yu Dong know that Hu Yueming was very familiar with Yongxing, the deputy chief programmer of the magazine.

At that time, Yu Dong was a stunned young man. When he knew about this, he felt that he was "humiliated". He was afraid that others would think that he had only passed the manuscript through the back door after knowing this, so he went to ask his teacher Hu Yueming.

Hu Yueming laughed after hearing Yu Dong's words: When you can stretch my hand into "Harvest"?After reading the book for so many years, I don't even understand the simple truth of not avoiding hatred outside, and not avoiding relatives in order?
Later, Yu Dong did not contribute to the magazine for a long time, and Hu Yueming asked him if he still remembered the "Harvest".

Of course, Yu Dong wouldn't stop publishing novels because of that, but at that time he was so focused on learning that he felt that both novels and poems were little things.

After hearing Yu Dong's explanation, Hu Yueming didn't say anything, because their literature department really didn't write novels.

Thinking of the past, Yu Dong also has some nostalgic memories. Although he was stunned at the time and had done many embarrassing things, such impulsive days are also a good memory.

Looking back at Wang Yu's letter, Yu Dong thought about it for a while, and decided to send him a manuscript.

In his previous life, he wrote a novella half a year ago, called "The Death of a Widow". The style is a bit novel now. I'm afraid it may not be suitable for "Zhongshan". "Harvest" is a good choice.

This "Death of a Widow" is about a young widow who was reviled by the locals because a local writer wrote a novel, and finally committed suicide because of the shame.

In less than [-] words, Yu Dong used three perspectives.

In fact, there should be two perspectives, because this novel also contains a novel, which is a novel written by the local writer.

At the beginning of the story, on the way to school, "I" met Yu Xizheng, a former teacher and now a full-time provincial writer, and a young woman across a river.

"You are famous for killing thousands of knives, so I can't be a human being!"

"The widow I wrote has nothing to do with you, you do it yourself!"

From the conversation between the two, "I" heard the general idea. It turned out that Yu Xi had written a well-known novel, in which there was a young widow who had a problem with her life style and seduced men everywhere.

After reading the novel, the local people looked for the prototype in reality, and finally found this widow named Li Xuelian, and firmly believed that the widow in Yu Xi's novel was her.

Li Xuelian was scorned and insulted by the locals every day, so he regarded Yu Xi as a mortal enemy.

One day, Yuxi went back to his hometown for something, and happened to meet Li Xuelian. When the enemy met, he was very jealous, and scolded across the river.

At the end of the scolding, Li Xuelian jumped off the small river and wanted to climb to the river to fight Yu Xi, but Yu Xi ran away first.

Li Xuelian chased after her wet clothes for a while, but in the end she didn't catch up.

"I" watched the play for a long time not far away, and found it interesting, but at the same time felt lost, because when Yu Xi was teaching at school, he often taught "me" and "I" disliked him very much.

Later, "I" went to Yu Xi's novel to read it.

The content of the novel is very simple. It is about the corruption of a local middle school principal and an extramarital affair with a local widow. In the end, the principal was investigated and the widow was unkind, and she did not even look at it.

"I" couldn't help feeling emotional after reading the novel. No wonder the locals thought Li Xuelian was the prototype, because the description of widows in it was at least half like Li Xuelian.

In addition, there was indeed a principal who fell from the horse at that time, so people believed that reality was contained in the novel.

Unwilling to be humiliated, Li Xuelian jumped into a river and died one day.

After Yu Xi learned that the widow was dead, he ran to the "me" and asked him why he had to kill Li Xuelian.

"I" smiled and told him: You should be the one who killed Li Xuelian.

Another person patted Yu Xi on the shoulder: You exposed the darkness, she committed suicide out of fear of sin.


The story ends here.

There are a total of two "Is" in the three perspectives in the novel. The first "I" is a middle school student in a certain school who encountered the scolding battle between writer Yu Xi and Li Xuelian.

The second "I" is the teacher in the novel written by Yu Xi. This "I" witnessed the whole process of the principal's fall from the horse and the reconciliation with the widow.

In addition to the two "Is", there is also the perspective of the writer Yu Xi, who explained the whole process of writing the novel at that time. It was true that the principal fell from the horse. As for making peace with the widow, he met Li Xuelian one day and thought Li Xuelian was very beautiful. Just use her as the prototype and write it into the novel.

When Yu Dong wrote this novel and Yu Xi's novel, he used completely different narrative techniques. One was realism and the narrative sequence was variable, including interlude, sequence, and reverse narrative, while the other was completely sequential narrative. , there is no interlude or flashback, and there are many repeated narrations, and it is a typical novel of new historicism.

For now, this is indeed a rare innovation, and from another perspective, it is also a return to realism.

Such an article will probably be favored by Harvest.




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  Thank you [*** Wei Xiao] for the 100 reward of the boss
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(End of this chapter)

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