Chapter 663

"Apple Weekly" is now only published in Xiangjiang and Baodao, and the circulation is not large, so the two pieces of news they produced are mainly spread in some markets in Xiangjiang, and not many people know about them outside Xiangjiang.

In the mainland, those who know this news are basically netizens who often surf the Internet.

When mainland netizens saw Yu Dong's news, they were surprised at first, then they didn't believe it. Later, when they saw the photo of Yu Dong hugging an "unknown woman" on the official complaint post, they all wanted to laugh.

Netizens who often surf on the Deep Space website almost all look at the photos of Cheng Yanqiu. Before that, the photos of Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu on stage at the Hollywood Bowl were released on the Deep Space Chinese website.

The cat is better, it basically depends on what Cheng Yanqiu looks like.

And even if the cat is not good, he will definitely look for the news at that time on TV.

Netizens took the news of "Apple Weekly" as a joke, and even when they saw Hu Jing's news, they didn't go to verify it, and firmly believed that Hu Jing's news was fake.

Because this newspaper is too outrageous and has no credibility at all.

[Meat Governor: I vomited, if the deep space can't win this case, then I really can't understand Xiangjiang's lax laws. 】

[Master Ronald: Brother Meat, Xiangjiang's laws are not loose, they are special. 】

[Meat Governor: Oh. 】

[Fatty Lizhuzhu: To be honest, if it weren't for Yu Dong, I really didn't know about this "Apple Weekly". Are they famous? 】

[Princess Yueshi: It's just an entertainment newspaper with no bottom line. Many people in Xiangjiang know about it, so it doesn't have much influence. 】

[Jin Kefan: I am afraid that some people will believe it. As long as one person believes the news, the impact it will cause will exist. 】

【Flying Big Clumsy Bear: That's right, you can even say it's right. 】

【Young Ronald:...】

[Princess Yueshi: It depends on how the deep space will deal with this matter. Let’s take it as a joke. To be honest, I laughed all day when I saw this newspaper. 】

[No. [-] in the world: I'm fine, I just laughed for a long time. 】


Deep Space Company submitted a lawyer's letter to Next Media, but they didn't feel that the matter could be resolved smoothly. After all, in Xiangjiang, there are many obstacles for Deep Space to do anything.

The Apple Weekly thing was nothing more than a trifle, and there were other, more disgusting things.

In late October, "Infernal Affairs 1" officially started filming, and the start-up went very smoothly, but encountered a series of troubles later.

On the second day, there was a scene in a store, and the store was rented after an agreement with the owner in advance, and the filming ended after one day of filming.

However, on the day the filming started, a group of people went to the store. After these people arrived in the store, they said that the boss owed them money and insisted on staying there to prevent them from shooting.

The boss was not at the scene, and the film crew called the boss again. After the boss came, they chatted for a long time, and the group of people came and said "I found the wrong person", and then left.

After a long time of commotion, the filming time seemed to be running out, and the crew was about to speed up the progress, but as soon as the machine was installed, another group of people came to the store.

These people didn't say that the boss owed them money, but that the landlord of this facade owed them money.

It is even more difficult to find a landlord. Even if we call to coordinate, it may take a day.

Besides, Liu Weiqiang is not a fool, it's fine if he didn't understand the first batch of people coming, but if he didn't react to the second batch of people coming, then all these years he would have done nothing.

Liu Weiqiang has photographed Young and Dangerous, so he knows these things very well.

It must be impossible to shoot that day, so Liu Weiqiang put that scene on hold and filmed the next scene.

But changing the scene still doesn't work, there will still be people coming to make trouble for various reasons.

These people are not rude, but they are just wandering around and affecting the progress of the shooting.

Later, Liu Weiqiang deliberately asked the person who looked like the leader, and probably figured out the situation.

It turned out that because of the role selection at the time, Deep Space Company did not use Zeng Zhiwei, nor did they use the actors recommended by Zeng Zhiwei, so Zeng Zhiwei held a grudge, and this time they took advantage of their filming in Xiangjiang to engage in this matter.

Before the movie was filmed, Liu Weiqiang was worried that this kind of thing would happen. Zeng Zhiwei didn't look for him again for such a long time. He thought it was over, but unexpectedly, the thing he was afraid of still happened. .

If it is someone else, Liu Weiqiang is not afraid. He has been in this industry for so many years, and he still has connections. He can solve ordinary small situations.

But Zeng Zhiwei's influence in Xiangjiang is extraordinary, and Liu Weiqiang dare not offend him.

On the same day, Liu Weiqiang called Zeng Zhiwei, thinking of saying something nice to Zeng Zhiwei, lowering his attitude, and telling Zeng Zhiwei not to trouble them again.

But Zeng Zhiwei's attitude is very firm. If he wants to shoot smoothly, he can replace all the actors on the list before him, and himself. He also wants to get a role in "Infernal Affairs 1", either Either Han Chen, the boss of the blackboard, or Huang Zhicheng, Chen Yongren's boss.

Of course, Liu Weiqiang could not agree to this matter. Now that the actors had already been decided, if Zeng Zhiwei and the actors recommended by him were to be replaced, he would offend the group of people who had been decided before.

Besides, Liu Weiqiang has no right to agree to Zeng Zhiwei, he is just a director, and it is not up to him to decide the casting.

He couldn't handle Zeng Zhiwei by himself, so he could only ask the Deep Space Company for help.

When Yu Dong found out about this, his first reaction was to stop filming in Xiangjiang and move the shooting location to the mainland. Anyway, "Infernal Affairs" does not have high requirements for the environment, and there are many filming locations in the mainland.

Yu Yu asked him for his opinion, and he told Yu Yu his opinion.

"I thought about shooting in the mainland before, but I still chose Xiangjiang after comprehensive consideration. Now it seems that the choice at that time was still lacking in consideration. I just took advantage of this opportunity to put the filming location in the mainland. Fortunately, they caused trouble. The trouble started earlier, if we make trouble in the middle of filming, it will be difficult for us."

Yu Yu smiled and said, "They didn't have good intentions, they just wanted a role, so they made trouble before the filming started. If there are many scenes, they also know that it is impossible to change the role."

"Well, let's change it, tell Liu Weiqiang not to worry, and spend another two months looking for a new location."

"The filming location is easy to find, and it will take less than two months." Speaking of this, Yu Yu sighed slightly, "But anyway, there is still a loss in moving the place like this. We are still tied up in Xiangjiang now, a little difficult."

Yu Dong smiled and comforted: "Don't take Xiangjiang's market too seriously. You don't have to be so unhappy and feel aggrieved. The withdrawal of the stall this time is not a compromise, nor a surrender, but a demonstration. Let them Knowing that this three-acre land in Xiangjiang is not important to us, we can go there and leave at any time."

Hearing Yu Dong comfort himself, Yu Liang said with a smile: "I'm not discouraged, I just feel sorry for money. As for Zeng Zhiwei, we are already going to deal with him."

"How are you going to deal with it?"

Yu Liang explained, "Previously Baodao Yanping Film Company invited Ning Jing to participate in the movie "Where Is My Home", but we rejected it because we heard that Zhu Yanping was also planning to invite Zeng Zhiwei to participate in the film. We declined. After the filming, they did find Zeng Zhiwei, and now the film is about to be filmed, and it is going to be released next year. But if there are no accidents, the release plan of "Where is My Home" should be unexpected."

Yu Dong murmured, "Is this the Taikeng Zhu Yanping?"

Yu Yu smiled and said: "No way, I reminded him euphemistically before that if he chooses Zeng Zhiwei, we will refuse to cooperate, but he finally chose Zeng Zhiwei instead of us. Since he chose to stand in the team, he got the team leader He should also bear the benefits of coming, and the disadvantages of standing in the team, I don't think Zhu Yan is at a loss."

Yu Dong sighed slightly. From Zhu Yanping's point of view, he must have felt wronged. Maybe he didn't understand the meaning of Yu Yu's euphemistic expression, so he offended Shen Kong in a daze.

But Shenkong has to do this. If Zhu Yanping has clearly stood in line this time and Shenkong has not taken any action, then no one will pay attention to Shenkong in the future.

Killing chickens to warn monkeys has existed since ancient times, but Zhu Yanping unfortunately became that chicken.

As for Yu Yu's confident statement that the release plan of "Where is My Home" will definitely be unexpected, Yu Dong has no doubts.

With the current relationship between Deep Space Corporation and China Film Corporation, it is natural that this can be done, even without the help of China Film Corporation, Deep Space Corporation can do it by itself.

It doesn't even matter whether their movie can be released, as long as Deep Space releases a movie when "Where is My Home" is released, no theater will be willing to show "Where is My Home".

In the mainland film and television industry, it is very easy for Deep Space to embarrass anyone.

There are many methods, and the means are very simple.

"In addition to "Where is My Home", which was co-produced in three places, Zeng Zhiwei also has two films that he wants to release in the mainland, namely "Special Police New Man" and "Star Wish", although he plays a supporting role in it, But as long as it comes out, we don't want the movie to come out."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, he killed a bit too many chickens, but the deterrent effect will be better if more chickens are killed.


On the second day when Deep Space was preparing to find a new filming location in the mainland, Ren Dahua, who played Han Chen, called Yu Yu about this matter.

When I received a call from Ren Dahua, I was quite surprised by the margin.

"Mr. Ren, what's the matter with the call?"

Ren Dahua said in substandard Mandarin: "Mr. Yu, you can just call me Ah Hua. I called you this time to talk about the filming. I heard that the crew met a little bit in Xiangjiang. Trouble, are you going to move to the mainland?"

Yu Yu smiled and said, "There is indeed such a thing. For various reasons, we are going to move to the mainland to continue filming "Infernal Affairs 1". Don't worry, Mr. Ren, we will try our best to coordinate and not waste your time."

"No, no, no, I'm not worrying about my own time. I just want to ask, will moving around like this be a waste of your financial, material and manpower."

Yu Yu nodded with a smile: "There will indeed be waste, but I believe that if the film can be shot smoothly at this price, it is very worthwhile."

"Actually, it doesn't have to be moved to the mainland, and we can continue to shoot in Xiangjiang." Ren Dahua lowered his voice when he said this, "The problem of filming should be related to Zeng Zhiwei, right?"

The margin did not hide it, nodded and said: "It is indeed related to him."

"Actually, this matter is very simple. I can help him come forward and tell him not to make trouble. If this is the case, you can continue filming in Xiangjiang."

Yu Yu probably understood what Ren Dahua meant. Ren Dahua wanted to be a peacemaker in the middle, and asked Zeng Zhiwei to mediate and help them solve the problem.

In fact, I have some understanding of the situation in Ren Dahua's family.

Ren Dahua has an elder brother who is quite powerful in Xiangjiang. If Ren Dahua's elder brother is willing to come forward, this matter will naturally be resolved easily.

But Yu Yu didn't think about going to find Ren Dahua before, because he felt that it was completely unnecessary to be Ren Dahua's favor for this matter, and the relationship between Shenkong and Zeng Zhiwei had come to this point, and there was definitely no room for maneuver.

Since there is no room left, there is naturally no need for a peacemaker.

Moreover, Yu Yu hadn't approached Ren Dahua for this matter before, and now that Ren Dahua had brought it up on his own initiative, he would naturally not take it up.

Yu Liang smiled and asked, "Mr. Ren, are you unwilling to come to the mainland to film?"

Ren Dahua was taken aback by Yu Yue's question.

When making this call, Ren Dahua was still quite conflicted, after all, he was going to ask his brother about this matter.

But after thinking about it, he still made this call because he didn't want Deep Space Company to be frustrated by this matter.

Although the contact time is not long, Ren Dahua can see that Deep Space is a good company that pays great attention to its works. If such a good company loses confidence in Xiangjiang because of troubles in Xiangjiang, it will make him feel very sad.

Ren Dahua thought that now that he asked for help, Yu Yu would be very happy. After all, in this way, the deep space would not have to waste manpower, material and financial resources to go to the mainland to shoot scenes again, and the movie could be shot faster, but he did not expect that Yu Yu would suddenly Ask the question.

It was as if he made this call for himself.

He quickly explained: "Mr. Yu, that's not what I mean. As long as it's filming, you can go anywhere, whether it's the mainland or Xiangjiang. I mainly consider your company's contribution this time..."

After listening to Ren Dahua's words, Yu Yu said with a smile: "Ah Hua, you don't have to worry about this matter, just go to the mainland to film in a safe and secure way, this matter is a foregone conclusion, even if Zeng Zhiwei begged us to go to Xiangjiang to continue We won’t be going back after filming Infernal Affairs.”

Hearing this, Ren Dahua was stunned again. He didn't expect Shen Kong Company to be so tough. It was obvious that he was going to fight Zeng Zhiwei.

Regarding the conflict between Deep Space and Zeng Zhiwei, Ren Dahua believes that in the world, Deep Space must have the upper hand, not to mention the mainland, but Hollywood, the power of the Deep Space Company has already penetrated, if Zeng Zhiwei wants to It is basically impossible to go to Hollywood to develop.

But it's hard to say in this three-acre land in Xiangjiang. Zeng Zhiwei is a local snake, and he has plenty of ways to fight against the deep space here.

The key is that Zeng Zhiwei doesn't care about Hollywood and the mainland market at all. He only cares about the Xiangjiang market. In this way, Deep Space's influence in the mainland and Hollywood will not affect Zeng Zhiwei.

(End of this chapter)

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