Chapter 664 People on the list (asking for a monthly pass, asking for a subscription)
As for how to deal with "Apple Weekly" or Zeng Zhiwei, Yu Dong just listened and watched, and at most offered opinions, and would not directly intervene.

He is not suitable and there is no need to come forward directly, the company can handle everything.

Even if "Apple Weekly" has spread rumors to such an extent, even if Yu Dong came forward to respond, he would be inferior.

He and "Apple Weekly" belong to two worlds, so there is no need to squeeze into one world.

It happened that Ruan Xiaohu was going to get married in November, and Yu Dong was also very busy recently, so he didn't care about these things.

Ruan Xiaohu and Li Yu originally wanted to do it in a small way, and it would be over if they invited the closest people on both sides to have a meal.

But as soon as the couple discussed it, the line of thought began to change.

No matter how big or small the ostentation is, it is always a wedding. The elders of both parties must be present, and then brothers and sisters, uncles, sisters-in-law and so on will definitely be present.

Counting like this, the two sides add up to have a small NO. 20 people.

Besides, when Ruan Xiaohu gets married, he must invite Yu Dong.

There is a saying that being a teacher for one day and being a father for life is not a thing now, but when Ruan Xiaohu gets married, he will definitely invite Yu Dong, a teacher, to be present.

The teacher is here, do you want my wife to be there?

Wouldn't it be shameful if the teacher's wife wasn't there?
When the teacher's wife is present, the teacher's parents should also be present. Ruan Xiaohu has been in Jinling all these years and has received a lot of care from Yu Dong's parents, so he should invite the two elders to have a cup of wedding wine.

The teacher's parents are here, and the teacher's wife's parents must also be there, they have taken good care of Ruan Xiaohu.

There are also Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, they play together every day, they take good care of Ruan Xiaohu, and now they don't invite him when they are married, which is outrageous.If you want to invite them, you can't just invite one person. Naturally, they should bring their families together.

Just doing the math, there are five or six tables.

When they counted five or six tables, the couple simply let go, and simply called acquaintances and relatives. Later, the number of tables increased, and they went directly to nearly forty tables.

In this way, things will be more troublesome to manage.

Ruan Xiaohu's father and brothers naturally had no hope, and it was not appropriate for the woman's parents to handle it. In the end, these matters fell on Dong's parents.

Ruan Xiaohu didn't need to ask for it, the second elder took the initiative to take over the job, and wanted to hold a decent wedding for Ruan Xiaohu.

Let the old couple do these things by themselves, but they still have to drag Yu Dong, from booking a hotel to writing an invitation, they all come to ask Yu Dong for his opinion.

If Yu Dong raised any protests, they would say: "Who told you to be his teacher?"

By this time, Yu Dong was always speechless.

In addition to Ruan Xiaohu's wedding, October is the charity month of Deep Space Corporation, and there are many things that Yu Dong needs to ask about.

The term "charity month" is not officially recognized, but it was given by the company's internal employees in private chats.

The charity work of Deep Space Company is from the beginning to the end of the year, but every October the company has more charitable activities, such as the approval of poor schools and poor students, the publicity and distribution of various scholarships and grants, basically in the It's October.

At this time of year, the employees of Deep Space Corporation are most busy with charity, so they call October the company's "Charity Month".

Deep Space Corporation raises its own charitable funds to support basic education in China. From elementary school to high school, any school that believes that its school meets the conditions for support can submit application materials to Deep Space Corporation, and Deep Space Corporation will review and decide whether to provide funding support.

If it is approved, Deep Space will also discuss a suitable plan to help the school develop.

Any school in the country can select poor students in the school who meet the conditions to apply for the scholarship of Shenkong. Once approved, Shenkong will issue the scholarship to the student.

Under normal circumstances, Yu Dong is involved in the work of looking over the audit materials, but this year he was a little worried, so he told Yu Yu that he would select a few schools for field inspections.

Charity is most afraid of not being implemented properly. If charity is not implemented properly, it will breed corruption and encourage crime.

Yu Dong wanted to take advantage of the period after the school sports meeting and before Ruan Xiaohu got married to spend more than a week to visit a dozen or so schools.

The schools funded by Deep Space are all over the country. It is not realistic to cover a large area for this investigation, so Yu Dong chose two provinces, Hubei and Sichuan, and selected seven schools in each province.

Yu Dong first went to Sichuan Province, which was farther away. In addition to the traveling time, he visited seven schools in less than four days.

The results of the visit are very good. The funds issued by the deep space and the implementation plan are basically in place.

Such a result also depends on the company's policies. The employees of the Charity Department will also visit the schools regularly, write investigation reports and send them to the headquarters, just to prevent the kind of deception from happening.

After walking through Sichuan Province, Yu Dong went back to Hubei Province.

He went to Yichang first, then to Xiangyang and Jingzhou, and finally to Jiangcheng.

The five schools in the first three cities are all in very good condition, similar to those in Sichuan Province.

So far, there were only two schools left in Jiangcheng. Yu Dong was also relieved at this moment. After inspecting so many schools, they were all very good. It seemed that what he was worried about did not happen.


"The penultimate school."

Looking at the Changcun Elementary School in front of him, Yu Dong smiled. After inspecting the last two schools in Jiangcheng today, he will return to Jinling tomorrow, which is a little less time than he previously budgeted.

Hu Hao, who was standing next to Yu Dong, also showed a smile. They traveled a lot during this period, and he was quite tired.

Fortunately, they sent a lot of people to the company this time, at least he didn't need to do the driving job.

In order not to attract attention, their car stopped at the entrance of the village, and then Yu Dong and Hu Hao walked nearly two miles to the gate of Changcun Primary School.

One look at this Changcun Primary School, and you can tell that it was rebuilt.

According to the information, this Changcun Primary School was rebuilt with donations from Deep Space the year before last. There is a bronze plaque hanging on the pillar of the school gate, which says the donation from Deep Space.

In addition to donating to build schools, Changcun Primary School passes two to three impoverished students every semester.

In general, after the poor students pass the exam, Shenkong will provide them with a bursary of 600 to [-] yuan per semester, which is valid for one year. .

Usually elementary school students get less bonuses, while middle school students get more.

This amount of money, whether it is more or less, can basically provide a student's daily expenses at school, including tuition, books and other expenses.

Generally, only those who really can't read the book, the deep space company will adopt this method of directly distributing money.

The gate of Changcun Elementary School was wide open, and there were still many students chasing and frolicking in the yard, while most of the students were in the classroom. The ones who came out to play at this moment should be in physical education class.

The physical education class in rural primary schools is to let students play by themselves, and they don't teach any sports. Sometimes teachers are short of teachers, and they will ask Chinese teachers, math teachers and other teachers to substitute for the class.

In addition to physical education, the same is true for many extra-curricular courses, such as art, music, natural science and other courses, which are basically replaced by teachers from other courses. Under such circumstances, it is of course nonsense to develop students' interests and specialties.

However, the current national conditions are like this. It is not easy for students in remote villages to successfully complete primary school, and we can't ask for more.

Yu Dong and Hu Hao walked into the school. Instead of disturbing the frolicking students, they went straight to the edge of a classroom that was in class, wanting to see how the school's teaching level was.

If the teaching level is not good, at least to see if there is a teaching attitude.

Yu Dong listened to mathematics for 10 minutes, and Chinese for another 10 minutes. He could only say that the teacher was okay, and he taught the subjects according to the script without any mistakes.

After listening to the class, Yu Dong and Hu Hao wandered around the teaching building.

The schools funded by Deep Space are basically the same length, with three floors and two staircases, the office is in the middle, and the library is on the second floor.

Yu Dong wanted to see the library.

On the second floor, turn to the left from the stairs, and Yu Dong saw a classroom with a "Library" sign.

It's just that the doors and windows of this classroom are closed at this time, and there is a curtain drawn inside, so you can't see the situation in the library at all, let alone whether the library is usually open.

The door was not opened, so Yu Dong could understand that the libraries of elementary schools were usually open on a regular basis, but it was the first time Yu Dong saw such thick curtains in the library.

"Hu Hao, look around and see if there is any place where you can see inside."

Hu Hao pulled the window, then the door, searched for several times, finally shook his head and said: "It's very tight, I can't see anything. Boss, why don't you contact the school and ask them to open the door, let's go in and have a look. "

Yu Dong shook his head, "Don't worry, let's take a look."

"What else are you looking at?"

"Go to Class [-], Grade [-] and Class [-], Grade [-]."

The three students funded by Deep Space last year were in these two classes, and Yu Dong wanted to visit them.

The fourth and fifth grades are both on the third floor. When Yu Dong went up the stairs, he always had an ominous premonition. He always felt that today's situation was different from the previous few days.

At the top of the stairs, Yu Dong and the others met a middle-aged man, bald, wearing a gray tunic suit.

The man glanced at Yu Dong and Hu Hao, frowned and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Yu Dong pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and said with a smile, "Let's look for my nephew, he is in the fourth grade."

In order not to let others recognize him, Yu Dong also made a little disguise, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

In fact, in the countryside, he didn't have to pretend to be. Although he was the boss of Shen Kong, and Shen Kong funded the school, people here would not recognize him at all.

The bald man looked at Yu Dong, probably thinking that these two people didn't look like rural people, and they also spoke Mandarin, which was a bit suspicious.

"What's your nephew's name?"

"Feng Kai." Yu Dong said.

Feng Kai is in the second class of the fourth grade, and he is also one of the recipients of deep space funding this year.

Hearing Feng Kai's words, the bald man frowned even more, "Who the hell are you?"

Yu Dong and Hu Hao looked at each other, with some doubts in his eyes, he didn't understand what he said wrong just now.

The information given by the company is correct, Feng Kai is from the second class of the fourth grade.

Or does the middle-aged man think he doesn't look like Feng Kai?Or maybe the middle-aged man knows Feng Kai's family situation and knows that Feng Kai doesn't have an uncle?
Yu Dong added: "I'm Feng Kaiyuan's cousin. I heard that he goes to school here. I happened to pass by today, so I wanted to come and see him."

The bald man looked Yu Dong up and down again, and then said, "You should go directly to Feng Kai's house, he has dropped out of school."

"Dropped out?" Hu Hao asked in surprise, "Didn't he—"

Yu Dong pulled Hu Hao's arm and didn't let him continue joking.

"Thank you, teacher, then let's go to Feng Kai's house."

After all, Yu Dong dragged Hu Hao away.

After leaving the school, Hu Hao asked suspiciously, "Boss, isn't Feng Kai funded by our company? Why did he drop out of school suddenly? And why didn't you let me tell you, boss? It's the best time to confront them face-to-face. Let them open the library and show us."

"Don't worry, there are only two of us. If we act rashly, we might suffer a loss."

Hu Hao asked in surprise, "Boss, are you thinking too much? Do they still dare to fight us?"

"Anything can happen in this kind of place, so be careful." Yu Dong walked towards the outside of the school, and then continued: "Also, in the information provided by Mr. Yu, this Changcun Elementary School four I just went through a field visit by the Charity Department more than a month ago, and in the record sheet, the company sent two people during that visit, and the reports from these two employees were very good."

Hu Hao nodded: "That's right, according to their report, Changcun Primary School's book utilization rate is very high, and the bursary has also been implemented, so we also give priority to the applications submitted by their school this year."

"But you have seen the current situation. We don't know if there are any books in the library. That Feng Kai also dropped out, and we don't know when he dropped out. If he dropped out last semester... ..."

Before Yu Dong finished speaking, Hu Hao already understood what he meant, "Boss, what you mean is that if Feng Kai dropped out of school last semester, it can prove that there are problems with the two employees of our company who visited Changcun Primary School. "


In fact, Yu Dong has basically determined that the two employees have problems, but if he wants to prove that they have problems, he needs to prove that the school had problems more than four months ago.

Yu Dong sighed for a long time. Deep Space has done his best to do charity, but there are still problems.

In order to prevent the school from failing to implement it, it regularly dispatched company employees to make unannounced visits. This strategy prevented the school, but not the employees.

It is very likely that the employees who came to make unannounced visits received benefits from Changcun Primary School, so they helped them conceal the facts.

Today they saw Changcun Primary School, maybe there are other short villages like Kuancun Primary School.

And to put an end to this situation, the best way is to organize another department to conduct regular spot checks and unannounced visits.

When he arrived at the parking place, Hu Hao asked Yu Dong again, "Boss, what should we do now? Should we continue to kill? Now we have a lot of people, even if we want to beat them, we can't beat us."

Among the two cars they came, one and a half of them were bodyguards, all of them were burly, sturdy and powerful.

Yu Dong looked at Hu Hao, and said, "Take a few people and arrange the homes of Feng Kai and the others according to the information, and ask about the specific situation. Be quick, and I will see the results in the afternoon."

"it is good."


Hu Hao's investigation was quite fast. Before he had lunch, he came to report the situation to Yu Dong.

"Boss, two of the three students on the list have dropped out of school, Feng Kai and Liu Juan, both of them dropped out of school this spring, and now they are helping with farming at home, saying that they will be sent to the city when they are older Part-time job. The only one left is Chen Ran who is still in school, and according to Chen Ran's father, he wants Chen Ran to drop out of school after finishing the fifth grade."

Hu Hao wiped the sweat off his forehead, and the more he talked, the more angry he became, "Boss, you don't know if you didn't go to see it. Feng Kai and Liu Juan's house can't be seen. The four members of Feng Kai's family can only squeeze on one bed. There was a big hole in the house, and the thatch on the roof was thin and leaking, and there was no money to repair it. Feng Kai’s mother left early, his grandfather had bad legs and feet, and was bedridden. His father’s eyesight was poor, so he could only do simple things at home. Farm work, if you want to go out to work, no one wants it. And his sister, when Feng Kai was still in school, his sister helped with the work, a girl of fourteen or five years old, her hands are bigger than a big man like me Rough. His sister told me that she wanted to go out to work to earn more money, but she was worried that no one would take care of her at home..."

As he spoke, Hu Hao's eyes turned red.

He has lived in the city since he was a child. Although he is not rich, he has never had a hard life. The worst time was that he did not eat meat for several days.When he was fourteen or fifteen years old, he still thought about how to play every day, but Feng Kai's sister had already supported half of the family at this age.

Before today, the poorest and bitterest life that Hu Hao has seen is all in the book.

But today, when the scene that he had only seen in the book appeared in front of him, the impact was extremely strong. For a moment, he suddenly felt that he was in a dream, and none of this happened in reality.

But everything in front of him reminded him all the time that this was not a dream, but a real tragedy that happened in reality.



It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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