Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 667 She said she signed it herself?

Chapter 667 She said she signed it herself?
Education should be oriented toward modernization, the world, and the future.

This is Mr. Deng's inscription to Yanjing Jingshan School. Later, many schools followed suit and painted this passage on the school's outer walls.

For example, there is a line of words on the outer wall of Jinyi, which removes "education", leaving only "facing modernization, facing the world, and facing the future".

The eight words of Lichao Primary School have changed even more, leaving only the four words "facing the future".

Standing on the edge of the outer wall, looking at the eight characters, Yu Dong couldn't help but nodded.

The so-called teaching students according to their aptitude and adapting measures to local conditions, in a place like Lichao Village, facing the world and facing modernization is too far away for students, but this "persist in learning and face the future" is more suitable for them.

Living in a mountain village, insisting on studying is the best way for them to change their future.

"Sunflowers in the green garden, morning dew waiting for the sun. Budze in Yangchun, all things are radiant."


"When all the rivers go east to the sea, when will they return to the west? If the young don't work hard, the old will be sad."

Suddenly there was a loud reading sound in a certain classroom, it was the well-known song "Long Song Xing".

Read it once, and then start a second time.

Yu Dong is not familiar with elementary school textbooks, so he doesn't know what grade he learned this "Long Song Xing", but this poem is not low difficulty, at least it should be in the fourth grade.

He turned his head and said to the other people accompanying him: "You guys wait outside for a while, I will go in and have a look first."

The security captain nodded and didn't say anything. Nothing should happen to Yu Dong at Lichao Primary School.

Yu Dong stepped lightly into the school yard with his hands behind his back. The voice of reading echoed in the yard and became louder. He could also clearly hear the voice of reading coming from the classroom in the southwest corner .

Facing the classroom in the southwest corner, Yu Dong walked straight there.

There are about [-] or [-] students sitting in the classroom, and each student is sitting upright, reading aloud hard.

Standing on the podium was a little girl who was not much older.

Probably to make herself look more majestic, the little girl tied her hair up and tied it behind her head, and she was wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit.

This attire formed a strong contrast with the young girl's age.

After the students had read "Long Song Xing" several times, the little girl pressed her hand, and the students slowly stopped reading and looked up at their teacher.

"Students, "Long Song Xing" is a song that praises life. The whole poem sings that life starts from the sunflower in the garden. The words chanted..."

Listening to the little teacher explaining "Long Song Xing" on the podium, Yu Dong smiled. It can be seen that the little girl is not particularly familiar with this poem.

It's not that her interpretation just now was wrong, it's just that what she said was too literal.

For elementary school students, especially those in Lichao Elementary School who do not read a lot, they must not understand what the little teacher said just now.

Don't say that the students don't understand, it can be heard that this little teacher himself should not know much.

She just conveyed what she saw to the students without breaking it down.

This kind of teaching method is definitely not good, but this little teacher cannot be blamed.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of teachers in the country, not to mention Lichao Village, which is located on the mountain, where the conditions are very poor, even in some villages and towns, the conditions are a hundred times better than here, and there are still a bunch of bastard teachers. Not to mention, a lot of professional knowledge is simply not enough.

The last time I went to a junior high school in a town below Jinling, a third-year biology teacher didn't even know that there were dromedary camels in this world.

The biology teacher brazenly told the students in class that one of the two humps of a camel stores food and the other stores water, so he raised his hand and asked him: What about the dromedary?
The teacher was surprised: there are no dromedary camels in this world.

During the last chat, Yu Yu told Yu Dong about this as a joke.

It's just a joke, but it's a heart-wrenching reality.

A junior high school biology teacher in a township can still make such a low-level mistake, let alone those rural schools.

Relatively speaking, the performance of the little girl in front of me was pretty good. She just told the students what she knew, and she wouldn't act recklessly if she didn't know.

The little girl spoke very slowly, and seemed to be taking time for the students to take notes.

After explaining the structure and technique of the whole poem, Lin Lan was about to explain the meaning of each line of the poem to the students in detail, when she saw Yu Dong standing outside the window with his hands behind his back.

When she saw Yu Dong, she felt that Yu Dong looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen him.

The feeling that she should have seen it somewhere is very strong.

Which student's parent is it?
But she knew all the parents of the students in the class, whether they were parents, brothers or sisters, besides, Yu Dong didn't look like a rural person.

Although it's not appropriate to judge people by their appearance, the person standing outside the window exudes an air of culture.

The most educated person Lin Lan has come into contact with is their principal Zhang Yueying, but even Zhang Yueying does not have this kind of temperament.

Seeing Lin Lan noticing him, Yu Dong smiled at her.

For no reason, Lin Lan became nervous. She was standing on the podium now, but she felt that she was back in school, and Yu Dong standing outside was his teacher who was taking the exam.

The originally smooth lectures also began to become stumbling.

After a few minutes, she breathed a long sigh of relief after seeing the people outside the window leave.

Yu Dong could see the nervousness of the little girl, so he left voluntarily, and happened to go to other classrooms to have a look.

There are five grades in Lichao Primary School, and each grade is a class. The classes in the five classes are different at the moment, including arithmetic, Chinese, ideology and morality, society, and nature.

After looking around, Yu Dong didn't see Zhang Yueying either.

After finishing the round, a class was over, and Yu Dong went to the class taught by the little girl, and heard the little girl assigning homework to the students: "Give it to Li Ting when you come tomorrow morning, get out of class is over."

After class was over, Lin Lan came out holding the teaching aids and saw Yu Dong head-on.

"Who are you looking for?" Lin Lan asked.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Is your principal Zhang Yueying here?"

"Sister Yueying." Lin Lan's eyes suddenly felt a little lonely.

Seeing the change in Lin Lan's expression, Yu Dong had a bad feeling, "Did something happen to her?"

"Sister Yueying was hospitalized. She has been in poor health. She fainted several times last month. She was unwilling to ask her to go to the hospital. In the end, her father came to pick her up."

Yu Dong frowned, "What about now, what's her situation now?"

Lin Lan shook her head, "I don't know, last week I also received a letter from Sister Yueying. It was written to me when she first entered the hospital. I haven't received any letter from her in the past two weeks."

"Did she say what the disease was?"

"No, she just said there's no big problem, she reassured me, and told me to take good care of the students."

Yu Dong knew that Zhang Yueying was probably trying to appease the little girl, so she said that she was not seriously ill.According to Zhang Yueying's personality, in order to reassure the school, she must write letters frequently, but it has been two weeks, and the school has not received any letter from Zhang Yueying, which shows that the situation is not good.

When he came to Lichao Village this time, Yu Dong always felt flustered.

In the last life, after seven or eight years of correspondence between the two of them, Zhang Yueying suddenly lost their voice. Yu Dong thought about many possibilities, and naturally he also thought of some extreme situations.

And this year, just seven years have passed since they graduated from college.

Seeing Yu Dong in a daze, Lin Lan asked, "Do you know Sister Yueying?"

"Yeah." Yu Dong nodded heavily, "I'm friends with her."

Lin Lan looked at Yu Dong curiously. She had never heard sister Yueying talk about friends. Since they met, sister Yueying seemed to put all her energy on school.

Except for a pen pal.

Sister Yueying finished her work at night, no matter how late she was, she would sit at the desk and write letters.

I write almost every night, but very little is sent.

Lin Lan once asked Sister Yueying curiously: Why do you always write letters but never send them?
Zhang Yueying just said: Not all letters are sent out after they are written, some letters are written to another person, but they are for themselves to read.

Lin Lan didn't know much about Sister Yueying's pen pal, only that they were far away and had never seen each other.

Could this man in front of me be sister Yueying's pen pal?
But if he was sister Yueying's pen pal, how could he feel familiar?Sister Mingming Yueying has never met him.

Looking at it this way, it shouldn't be.

After thinking wildly for a while, Lin Lan said, "If you want to find Sister Yueying, there may be no way for you now."

"Do you know which hospital she is in?" Yu Dong asked.

Lin Lan shook her head, "I don't know, Sister Yueying didn't tell me."

Yu Dong sighed, she really had the character of a veteran, she probably didn't want people from the school to find her.

But since her father brought her back, she shouldn't have traveled too far, most likely in Jiangcheng.I can't ask anything now, so I have to go to Jiangcheng to look for it later.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong put Zhang Yueying's affairs aside, and then asked Lin Lan, "Little girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Lin Lan."

"Do you teach Chinese class?"

Lin Lan shook her head, "No, Sister Yueying taught Chinese, and now she is sick, so I am taking over."

While talking, Lin Lan felt embarrassed again, "I don't teach well."

"It's already very good." Yu Dong encouraged, and then asked, "Is the cafeteria in your school firing normally now?"

"Yes, two meals a day, the food is very good, every meal..."

After talking for a while, Lin Lan stared at Yu Dong carefully again, then covered her mouth, "You..."

She finally recognized who the man in front of her was.

Yu Dong, the sponsor of Lichao Primary School, is a young great writer. Lin Lan once saw Yu Dong on TV once.

In a place like Lichao Village, there are not many opportunities to watch TV, and Lin Lan saw Yu Dong's interview by chance.

"What's wrong with me?"

"You're Yu Dong?" Lin Lan's tone was filled with disbelief.

The person who could only be seen on TV before appeared in front of her alive.

Yu Dong smiled and nodded: "I'm Yu Dong, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself just now. I came here this time to inspect the teaching situation of Lichao Primary School. Could you please continue to tell me about the canteen of your school? ?”

"Yes, the canteen of our school is very good. In the past, sister Yueying would supervise every day to ensure the quality of the food. The most important thing was hygiene. After sister Yueying left, I have been doing this job. Since the canteen was established After that, the school has more and more students..."

Speaking of the cafeteria, Lin Lan had a lot to say.Especially after learning that Yu Dong was here to inspect the school, she naturally had to tell Yu Dong what Sister Yueying had done these years in front of Yu Dong, hoping to continue to receive funding from Deep Space.

In the past two years, she has watched the school change step by step into what it is today. Of course, this cannot be separated from the hard work and dedication of Sister Yueying, but it is also inseparable from the funding from Deep Space.And since Deep Space gave funding, Sister Yueying was finally able to relax a bit.

A long time ago, sister Yueying's health was very bad. Later, the school got funding from the deep space. For a while, her health remained pretty good, but it suddenly became bad again this summer.

After talking about the cafeteria, Lin Lan said, "By the way, our school also has a library."

"Library?" Yu Dong was a little surprised. He didn't remember that Shenkong's sponsorship for Lichao Village included the library.

I did donate a batch of books, but the amount should not be many, after all, there are only a few students in Lichao Village.

"I'll take you to see it."

Like a child who couldn't wait to show off her toys, Lin Lan took Yu Dong to a tile-roofed house next to the school building, and she took out the key to open the door.

"This is our school library."

Yu Dong looked around the room, the so-called library was just a small house.

There is not even a bookshelf, but four or five long tables and a small cabinet are placed. There are many books on the table and in the cabinet.

Yu Dong went over to have a look. There were quite a variety of books, including classics, children's books, and even "Science Fiction World" and "Science Fiction King".

"Most of these are sister Yueying's own books."

Yu Dong nodded, picked up an "Old Book" and looked at it, Yu Dong's signature was still on the title page.

This was sent by Yu Dong to Zhang Yueying before the "Old Book" was officially released. She didn't expect her to contribute the book and put it in the library.

In addition to "Old Book", there are several other books written by Yu Dong, all of which have his signature.

Seeing Yu Dong staring at the signature on the title page, Lin Lan explained sheepishly: "These signatures were all signed by Sister Yueying herself. She likes your works, but I'm sorry to ask you for an autograph."

"Did she tell you that she signed these herself?"

Lin Lan was taken aback, "Huh?"

 Ni Kuang actually left
(End of this chapter)

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