Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 668 You Don't Really Know

Chapter 668 You Don't Really Know

Lin Lan's "ah" contained a lot of emotions. At first, she wondered why Yu Dong asked such a question, and then her doubts turned into surprise, because she suddenly thought of something.

Yu Dong asked, could it be that these signatures were not signed by Sister Yueying herself, but real?

Why does Sister Yueying have so many books signed by Yu Dong, and why did she keep this matter from her?
Yu Dong could see the surprise on Lin Lan's face, but he didn't answer her questions, he just picked up the books on the table one by one to read.

He didn't mind Zhang Yueying showing these books to the students, but felt that Zhang Yueying was too conservative.

On the Deep Space Chinese website, there are posts dedicated to trading his autographed books.

Generally, the price of a book with only one name ranges from [-] to [-] yuan, depending on which book and which edition it is.

Yu Dong also saw that post on the website last time. There were only ordinary signed models with names, and the most expensive one was the French version.

"Old Books" sales are high in France, but there are very few signed books in French.

Rare things are more expensive, so the price of the French version of the signed "Old Book" has been raised very high. The highest price was more than 2000 RMB, which is the kind with only the name and no gift words.

Although Zhang Yueying's autographed books here are not particularly in demand, they are more numerous, and some of them have gift words.

Putting so many signed books together, not much to say, there is no problem selling them for thousands of dollars.

And these thousands of dollars can help them solve many problems in Lichao Primary School.

"Teacher Yu, are you going to see sister Yueying?" Lin Lan who was following Yu Dong suddenly asked.

Yu Dong turned his head and looked at Lin Lan who had a hopeful face, showing a warm smile, "Yes."

"Then will you bring her back?" Lin Lan asked again.

Yu Dong was at a loss for words for a while, he wanted to tell Lin Lan for sure that he would bring her sister Yueying back, but he didn't know Zhang Yueying's situation at all.

If the person in front of him was a student, maybe Yu Dong would tell her a kind lie.

But Lin Lan has grown up, she is now a teacher, and if Zhang Yueying does not come back, the burden of Lichao Primary School will be on Lin Lan.

So instead of coaxing her with lies, it is better for her to face the reality as soon as possible.

"Lin Lan, I can only assure you that I will do my best to bring your sister Yueying back. But in this world, there are some things that cannot be resisted by humans."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Lin Lan's eyes were already watering. She stared at Yu Dong, refusing to blink, "Teacher Yu, even you, can't you?"

"Not even me."

Speaking of this cruel fact, Yu Dong tilted his head, not daring to look directly into Lin Lan's eyes, for fear that he would cry too.

The two of them were standing in the corridor talking, and the yard was full of students who were playing and playing, and many students looked at them with curious eyes.

Yu Dong squeezed out a smile, "Now you don't know anything about your sister Yueying, we don't need to guess here. As for you, just listen to your sister Yueying and take good care of the students. If you have any difficulties , You can also tell me, I will help you solve it if it can be solved.”

These words made Lin Lan feel a little better. She turned her head and wiped away her tears, and when she turned back, she already had a stubborn smile on her face, "Teacher Yu, don't worry, I will definitely not let Yueying down." My sister asked me to. When she comes back, I must hand over the school to her."

"That's right." Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "Also, in addition to teaching, don't forget to continue studying. Primary school is the first step for most rural students to receive education, and it is also a particularly crucial step. Although there is only so much knowledge in textbooks, practical teaching has very profound knowledge.”

Lin Lan nodded heavily, "Sister Yueying told me the same way. When she was here, she would often find time to teach me at night. Sister Yueying said that the current school situation is special, and I don't need to learn every subject for the time being. It’s too deep, and we need to master more knowledge as soon as possible, so that we can ensure that the school’s classes can go on normally.”

"Your elder sister Yueying is right. It is a special case. When the school's teachers are in short supply, you really need to acquire more knowledge as soon as possible so that you can be competent for teaching tasks in different subjects. But since she has assuredly handed over the school to You, prove that you have met her requirements. Now you, you need to think about what you are going to be a bishop in the future, and then continue to study in depth. Have you ever thought about what you want to teach in the future?"

Lin Lan thought for a while, then finally shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Yu Dong smiled and comforted: "It's okay, you will know one day..."

While he was talking, the school bell rang suddenly, and Lin Lan suddenly thought of something, with an anxious expression on his face, "Teacher Yu, I still have class in the next period."

Seeing her anxious look, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Go to class, I'll walk around the school for a while, and we'll go to the cafeteria to eat at noon."

"Well, I'll come to you after class, Teacher Yu."

Yu Dong nodded, "By the way, don't tell others that I'm here."

"Uh, okay."

After speaking, Lin Lan left in a hurry.

She first ran to the office to get the textbooks for the math class, and then ran to a classroom on the east side.

Hearing a loud "Hello Teacher" from the classroom, Yu Dong smiled with relief. He knew that it was the right decision for the veteran to entrust the school to Lin Lan, who was less than 20 years old.

Lin Lan has a simple heart, and she also devotes her enthusiasm to teaching.

Ordinary people would not bother to go to class when Yu Dong came here now. After all, missing a class doesn't seem like a big deal, but Yu Dong doesn't come here often.

In addition, Yu Dong came as a guest, and it seemed not good to leave the guest aside.

But Lin Lan definitely wouldn't think so much. In her heart, teaching students is the highest priority in her life. Even if Yu Dong came, she had to let it go.

No one was entertaining him, and Yu Dong didn't take it too seriously, and continued to wander around the school with his hands behind his back.


After class was over, Lin Lan ran out to find Yu Dong with an apologetic face.

"Mr. Yu, I'm sorry, it's really wrong to leave you alone."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "It's okay, the cafeteria should be open now, let's go eat together. There are a few other people coming with me, please help arrange it."

Speaking of the cafeteria, Lin Lan was a little embarrassed, "I should ask the cafeteria to order additional dishes in advance. I'm afraid that you may not be used to the dishes that the students eat."

"Is the food for the students not well done?"

Lin Lan waved her hand: "No, no, it's just that you may not be used to it, Teacher Yu. After all, it is a rural area, and the food is relatively simple."

"It's okay, my usual food is not complicated, let's go."


Lin Lan said that the food is simple, and it is indeed very simple. There are many types of dishes, but there is very little meat. The only meat is the shredded pork inside the potato shreds.

But overall the nutritional mix is ​​not bad. In order to maintain protein supplementation, students have three eggs every day, two at noon and one at night.

There were not many meat dishes, but the students ate very happily. After all, for the children in Lichao Village, it was good enough to be full every meal, not to mention three eggs a day.

Yu Dong filled a little of each dish, and then sat face to face with Lin Lan.

"The taste is not bad. I took a look and found that the nutritional combination is not bad, but I still have to let the students eat some meat every now and then, whether it is red meat or white meat. Is there a problem with the budget?"

"No, the budget is quite sufficient. Sister Yueying stipulates that students will be given a big meal every week. And Sister Yueying also bought milk powder for the students, and each student can receive two cups a week. There is a cafeteria After that, the students' health is much better than before."

Yu Dong nodded, Zhang Yueying must know better than him about nutrition.

It is unrealistic for students to have meat in every meal. It is better to give them more eggs and milk to supplement protein, so as to make the nutrition as balanced as possible.

Yu Dong asked some more questions about the school, and Lin Lan explained them to Yu Dong one by one.

There are still many deficiencies in Lichao Primary School, such as shabby school buildings, scarce equipment, and lack of extracurricular activities for students.

The school building and equipment are real problems, and unless the deep space invests money, it will be impossible to solve them. However, according to the funding rules of the deep space, Lichao Primary School does not meet the conditions for building a new school building.

According to the calculation of Deep Space Corporation, Lichao Village should be unifiedly planned at the foot of the mountain in the next 15 to [-] years. At that time, Lichao Village on the mountain will no longer exist, so there will be no need to build Lichao Primary School on the original site. significance.

Even if the government does not give Lichao Village a unified plan, according to the current development trend, as more and more people go out to work, the more villagers who earn money, the more people will move down the mountain to live. At that time, there will be very few school-age students in the village, and it is a waste to build new school buildings now.

As for the lack of extracurricular activities, it is actually related to the nature of rural primary schools. The students already have enough extracurricular activities, and they are all arranged by themselves. There is no need for the school to arrange other extracurricular activities.

The two were chatting when a substitute teacher in their thirties walked up to them and said to Lin Lan in a low voice, "Mr. Xiao Lin, can I switch my afternoon classes to physical education? I want to go to the mountains next time. When I came last time, the child was not feeling well, and I don’t know what’s going on now, so I want to go down and have a look.”

"Should it be changed to a physical education class? But the physical education class must be watched by a teacher."

Lin Lan looked a bit embarrassed. After Zhang Yueying left, there were only five teachers left in the school. They could barely transfer, but if another one asked for leave, they would be overwhelmed.

But the family's child is not feeling well, so Lin Lan can't force her to stay.

"Mr. Hu, go down the mountain. I will arrange your class in the afternoon."

In the worst case, it will be changed to self-study and let the students stay in the classroom.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiaolin, I'll go back quickly. If there's nothing wrong, I'll come back as soon as possible."

"It's okay, take advantage of this time and spend time with your family."

After Teacher Hu left, Yu Dong asked, "What classes does this teacher Hu have in the afternoon?"

"I think about it, it should be Chinese, nature and ideology and morality."

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Let me take over these lessons. Although I can't teach well, it's better than letting them go to physical education."

"How good is this..."

"It's okay, just listen to me."


The fact that Lichao Primary School had a substitute teacher soon spread throughout the school.

Many students saw Yu Dong in the morning and were still guessing what he was doing, but they didn't expect him to be a substitute teacher.

The new substitute teacher was tall, thin and fair-skinned. It looked like he was from the city.

Yu Dong first taught nature and ideology and morality, and finally went to teach Chinese to fourth-grade students.

After two class breaks, the fourth grade students all knew that Mr. Hu asked for leave this afternoon, and the new substitute teacher was going to take his class, so they waited early.

As soon as Yu Dong entered the classroom, the monitor led the students to stand up and bow, and shouted loudly: "Hello, teacher!"

For the new teacher, the students are full of enthusiasm. It's not that the previous teacher Hu was bad, it's just that changing the teacher makes them feel very fresh.

Feeling the enthusiasm of the students, Yu Dong first pressed his hands to signal them to sit down, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Hu has something to do today, and I will teach you a lesson on his behalf. My surname is Yu, and you can call me Yu." Teacher. Before class, I want to figure out one thing, what should we learn today? I kind of forgot."

The students laughed, the new teacher Yu is such a fool, he can forget all about it.

"Three ancient poems."

"Title Xilinbi."

"Review Mu Jiang Yin."

Yu Dong nodded, "Thank you students, I remembered. But in order not to disrupt Teacher Hu's lesson plan, let's learn something different in this lesson."

"Teacher, what's different?" A student asked.

"In this lesson, let's learn a word."

After speaking, Yu Dong turned around and wrote the word "Yu" on the blackboard.


When Dong finished writing, the students read it out.

"It seems that the students all know this word, so can everyone explain the meaning of this word clearly?"

This time the students below stopped talking.

Yu this word is very simple, they learned it very early, and it is very common to use it in words.

Because, so, is, equivalent to, if Yu Dong asked these words, the students might be able to say one, two, three.

But when it was taken out alone, the students started to get confused.

They began to discuss in whispers, but the more they discussed, the more they couldn't find the answer. They found that they couldn't find a sentence to accurately express the meaning of the word Yu.

Seeing them scratching their heads, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Sometimes, we always feel that we have learned something, but when we think about it seriously, we find that we have not learned it at all. Especially the subject of Chinese, I believe that you all He is a good kid who loves to learn, and he has already known many characters, but these characters are just symbols that look familiar to you, and sometimes you can take them and use them, you don’t really know them.”

 The number of chapters today is not bad

(End of this chapter)

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