Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 669 The Charm of History

Chapter 669 The Charm of History (First Update)
Yu Dong would only give them one class in Lichao Village. If he only taught them some textbook knowledge, no matter how good the class was, it would not be very meaningful. It would be better to open up their minds.

What he wants to teach the students is a kind of learning thinking, a kind of thinking that knows what is and why.

Confucius said: Don't be angry, don't open up, don't be angry, don't express.

When the student is trying hard to understand, but still can't figure it out, don't enlighten him.

Until the student understands in his heart but can't express it, don't inspire him.

This sentence makes sense, but Yu Dong doesn't fully agree with it.

For basic education, the teacher must guide the students to try to understand, and then enlighten them.

For example, the word "yu", if there is no teacher's guidance, how many students will take the initiative to study its meaning?
Extending to the poems they usually learn, students always memorize those poems, and then throw them in their minds, waiting to use them in the exam, but in this way, no matter how deep they are remembered before, after a while It's also easy to forget.

This kind of study habit will continue to middle school. Many students don't know what they memorize all day long when they arrive in middle school.

It’s the same when you go to university and start to learn professional knowledge, such as IT. If you don’t learn the underlying logic well, you will be eliminated soon with the development of the times.

"Let's talk about the word Yu first. This word has many meanings. First, it can be used as a surname. For example, my surname is Yu. Second, it can express an action..."

It takes a long time to analyze the word Yu, and more of it exists in the form of prepositions, and words like prepositions are a bit difficult for students, so Yu Dong simply explained it to them with specific examples Said, the main purpose is to arouse their interest.

This trick really worked. After he finished speaking, a student asked curiously: "Teacher, do you know why our place is called Lichao Village?"

This question obviously aroused the interest of other students as well.

"Yes, why?"

Why is Lichao Village called Lichao Village? Many students have asked their elders this question, but basically they can’t get an accurate answer.

Parents who are more patient may say to their children, "Because we used to call Lichao Village here."

If you encounter parents who are impatient, you may open your mouth and scold: "I don't worry about business every day, so I ask these stupid questions."

If things go on like this, children's curiosity will be wiped out, which is the impact of the environment.

Yu Dong really knew why Lichao Village was called Lichao Village, because he had read the local geography.

There is a record in the local geography that the people of Lichao Village did not live here, but in a place beside the Yangtze River. However, there are often floods there, and they will move to other places after a short period of time. Stay temporarily and move back when the flood subsides.

Until one day, someone in the village suggested why not find a place and move there for a long time, so as to avoid the suffering of the flood.

For this proposal, there are two schools of thought in the village.

One group thinks this proposal is good, as long as they find another place and settle down, they don't need to move frequently.

But another faction believes that although there are frequent floods where they live, the local land is fertile and their lives are good when there is no flood.It is basically impossible to find another place with such fertile land.

The two sides were deadlocked, and no one could persuade the other. In the end, they were divided into two factions, one left and the other stayed.

The faction that left did not start blindly, but sent three teams of people to set off in three directions, looking for a suitable place to live.

Finally, after several years of searching, I finally found the place where Lichao Village is now.

Although this is a mountain, it is not difficult to go down the mountain compared to other mountains. The land around here is relatively flat and easy to cultivate.

When you come to a new place, you will naturally not be able to use the previous name, and you need a new village name.

Someone suggested that since they came here because they wanted to stay away from the flood, it would be better to call it Lihong Village, but there is a Hong Village not far from the foot of the mountain, so the compromise was changed to Lichao Village.

"Since then, Lichao Village has become the name of this village, and generations of people have lived here. Your ancestors came from far away, and maybe one day, you will follow their trajectory Go back to where they lived."

The students raised their heads and looked at Yu Dong longingly. Perhaps their thoughts at this moment have flown to the river and to the future.

This is the charm of history. It is not only a cold record, but also a spirit, a kind of wisdom, engraved in the body of the people who carry this history, and flows with the blood.

"Teacher, you know so much."

Facing the praise of the students, Yu Dong responded with a smile: "As long as you maintain a curious and enterprising heart, you will know more than me one day. I hope you can maintain the same curiosity as today, even if you Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get answers to your questions for a while, because we can’t always go smoothly in our pursuit of knowledge, as long as we are more patient, there will always be an answer.”

Just as Yu Dong finished speaking, the bell rang for the end of class. This was the last class of the day.

"get out of class is over, let's go to the cafeteria to eat."

"goodbye teacher."

After Yu Dong left, most of the students did not leave in a hurry, and many of them were still discussing the history of Lichao Village.

"So we weren't here before we left Chao Village."

"Hee hee hee, I'm going to tell my grandpa when I get home tonight, he must be shocked."

"Teacher Yu's lectures are so interesting."

"Yeah, and he doesn't even give homework."

These students didn't know the significance of this class to them at this time. They only thought that Yu Dong's class sounded interesting. The class time, which was always difficult before, passed by extremely fast today.


After all the classes were over, Yu Dong went to say goodbye to Lin Lan, and then went down the mountain before dark.

When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, Yu Dong called Hu Hao and briefly asked about the situation in Banqiao Town. After hearing that the road construction was effective, he asked Hu Hao not to stay there and asked him to go to the city. in.

"Go find the contact information of Zhang Yueying's family, the headmaster of Lichao Village, try to contact Zhang Yueying, and ask her how she is doing now."

"What happened to her?" Hu Hao asked.

"I went to the hospital a few days ago, but there has been no letter."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Hu Hao didn't ask any more questions, just said "OK", and rushed to Jiangyang City.

 Thank you [Love is Loneliness] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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