Chapter 670 Farewell (Second Change)

The next night, as soon as Yu Dongren stayed at the hotel in downtown Jiangyang, Hu Hao sent the news that Zhang Yueying had died of bowel cancer a week ago, and her parents had not had time to attend to her funeral. Talk to the school.

After hanging up Hu Hao's phone, Yu Dong went to the window and opened the thick curtains.

Jiangyang under the night is not very prosperous, perhaps because the veteran has described the scenery of her hometown in his heart countless times. This city, which Yu Dong has never met, has a familiar feeling.

He wanted to come and have a look many times, but every time he missed it for various reasons.

Adding up the two generations, he communicated letters with the veteran for 20 years, but in the end he never met.

Are you sorry?
If you want to say regret, after losing contact with the veteran in the previous life, he has already regretted it.

That night, Yu Dong didn't sleep all night. He stared at Jiangcheng outside the window in the middle of the night, and suddenly wanted to write something, but when he sat at the table with a pen, he found that he couldn't write anything.

One night passed, and the paper in front of him was still blank.

The next morning, he asked the security captain to send him to Biandanshan Cemetery, and then walked in alone.

Because it was not a special day and it was early in the morning, not many people came to visit the grave. Yu Dong found Zhang Yueying's tomb according to the number Hu Hao told him.

This is a new tomb, and there are several bouquets of chrysanthemums placed in front of the tombstone, which should have just been placed for a few days.

There is a photo of Zhang Yueying on the tombstone, which should not be a recent photo. In the photo, Zhang Yueying looks about twenty, with a bright smile on her face.

Yu Dong bent down and put the flowers in his hand in front of the tombstone, then sat down on the floor and sighed slightly, "Unexpectedly, the first time we met each other was in this way. In the last life, you and I suddenly When I broke contact, I was thinking, why? Even if you are married, it is not necessary to break your pen pal for more than ten years. Now, I finally got the answer. You, it has not changed, last time it was You told me that you were going to move, but you didn’t tell me this time. Are you angry that I didn’t help Lichao Village Primary School build a new school building? Probably not, I understand you, even if I don’t do anything, you will Don't be angry, otherwise, you would have come to me long ago."

"The books I gave you, you should have sold them for some money, so you can relax a bit."

"Although I have different ideas from yours on the matter of teaching support, don't worry, I will take care of the affairs of Lichao Village Primary School to the end, but in my own way. If you are like me, you can live another life, I wish you could live more for probably won't listen."

"I still remember receiving your first letter, which was addressed to the representative of the Chinese class in our class. If your letter had been sent a month earlier, it would not have been addressed to me, because I was not in the class at that time. The representative of the Chinese class..."

Yu Dong sat in front of Zhang Yueying's tombstone, rambling on for a long time, and he didn't stop until the sun was already high.

There were more and more people in the cemetery, Yu Dong stood up, patted his buttocks, and said with a smile, "I'm leaving, take care of yourself."

Naturally no one responded.

Yu Dong walked towards the way he came. He had just walked a few steps when he saw four or five people head-on, some old and some young, like a family.

Several people looked at him with piercing eyes, and one of them, a man in his 60s or [-]s, asked curiously, "Who are you?"

These are probably Zhang Yueying's family members, Yu Dong nodded to each other, "I'm Zhang Yueying's friend, I came to see her specially today."

The man was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I have a heart."

Yu Dong nodded again, and the other party nodded in response, and then the two passed each other.

After Yu Dong walked for a while, the young girl standing next to the man scratched the back of her head and said, "This man looks so familiar."

The man didn't take it seriously, "It should be your sister's classmate, maybe you have met it before."


The girl stared at Yu Dong's back for a long time, and it was her parents who called her that she turned her head.In addition to feeling that this person was familiar, she was even more surprised because her sister had never had any male friends.

Zhang Yueying was a top student, she was busy studying every day in school, and she didn't have any contact with boys at all.

Now that a young and handsome man suddenly appeared, she was certainly surprised.

In fact, her parents also found it strange, but their daughter had already passed away, so they didn't want to ask too much about these things. Even if this man had something to do with his daughter, so what?How should they face it?


After leaving Biandan Mountain, Yu Dong returned to Jinling that afternoon.

On the way back, Yu Dong told Hu Hao, "This year's bursary quota will be increased by 30.00%, and at the same time, an additional part of the student subsidy quota will be added, which is 150 yuan per semester, and the amount can be increased."

Hu Hao wrote down Yu Dong's words in his notebook, and then asked: "Boss, what about the visit and supervision? Do you want to set up another supervision department?"

"Not for the time being, but it is necessary to increase the mobility of the interviewers. It cannot happen that the same group of interviewers visits one place in a short period of time."

Hu Hao nodded: "After increasing the mobility, the possibility of the interviewers being bribed by the school leaders is greatly reduced."

"That's right, at the same time increase the frequency of visits, and strive to visit every school once every quarter."

"In this way, as we fund more and more schools, the workload will increase, and we may face a shortage of manpower."

"Then plan ahead and solve the problem of manpower in advance. We should do charity based on one principle. If there are problems with charity, we would rather be good. We must ensure that the charity is implemented in place before increasing the amount."

"Understood." Hu Hao nodded and asked again, "What about Lichao Village? Should we give them some help?"

"Well, there is no need to build a new school building. Let's build up their school's library, put in a batch of books, and recruit a few more teachers. There are still not enough teachers in their school. After Zhang Yueying is gone, there will only be five students left in the whole school. As a teacher, it's basically a continuous rotation. However, this doesn't need to go to the company's account, and how much money it needs can be withdrawn from my personal account."

Yu Dong still didn't want to break the deep space company's charity rules, so he simply took some money out of his own pocket to help them.

Hu Hao could also understand Yu Dong's thoughts, "Boss, why don't you bring me with you, I'll donate some desks and chairs to them."

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "Don't join in the fun. Doing things well is the greatest help. In addition, I will take another 20 from my personal account to set up a scholarship in the name of Zhang Yueying. The scope of the scholarship will be distributed in Jiangyang. boundary."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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