Chapter 671 Charity Scale of 2000 Million

On the tenth day after Zhang Yueying's death, the Zhang family met the people sent by the Deep Space Company.

"You want to set up a scholarship in Yueying's name?"

Zhang Houguo looked surprised. He looked at his wife beside him, who was even more surprised than him.

"Yes, uncle, you heard me right. In view of your daughter, Ms. Zhang Yueying's dedication to rural education, our company will set up 20 yuan to set up the 'Zhang Yueying Inspirational Scholarship'. Of course, this name is only tentative. Amendments may be made.”

The person sent by Deep Space to take charge of this matter was a little girl. Seeing that Zhang Houguo and his wife were still a little confused, she explained again simply, "To set up this scholarship, you need the consent of both of you, and some procedures after that also require your two." We are here this time, not to say that this matter has been settled, but mainly to seek the opinions of the two of you."

In fact, regardless of whether Zhang Houguo and his wife agree or not, this scholarship will be established. The difference lies in whether the name Zhang Yueying is used.

Zhang Houguo and his wife are ordinary workers, have never experienced this, and have no idea for a while.

"Comrade, let's discuss and discuss."

"Well, it's okay. This is a big deal. Auntie, you should discuss it with your uncle. We are not in a hurry."

The wife pulled Zhang Houguo aside.

"Old Zhang, it's a good thing for me to hear this, or I should agree."

"It sounds like a good thing, but I don't know if there is any way in it."

"Daodao? No way, I've heard about this Deep Space Company. It seems to be a big company. Is it necessary for a big company and a big company to play tricks with us?"

"You don't know if they are from deep space. There are more and more scammers these days, and they are getting bolder. You know Liu Huagui from our factory."

"Well, bald, the one who is not married at the age of 40?"

"Just him, he married a daughter-in-law last month. She looks upright and works hard. Everyone says that Lao Liu has a good life. He has a good marriage at the age of 40. Who knows that he hasn't stayed for a week. I just ran away and took away all the money Lao Liu had saved over the years, and I haven’t found any clues until now, so I probably won’t be able to get it back.”

"Oh, people's hearts are not ancient."

"Of course, we can't make wild guesses. We still have to ask clearly. If what they said is true, then it must be a good thing. Sigh, Yue Ying has been stubborn since she was a child, and she taught well in college..."

As he spoke, Zhang Houguo's eyes turned red. At their age, when a white-haired person sends a black-haired person, the pain is indescribable.

Before the old couple reached a conclusion, the voice of the second daughter Zhang Yueqing sounded outside, "Mom and Dad, I'm back... who are you?"

Zhang Houguo hurried out and said to Zhang Yueqing: "Yueqing, these comrades came to the house for your sister's business, and they said they wanted to set up a scholarship in your sister's name. Your mother and I are discussing it."

"This is a good thing. There is nothing to discuss. My sister has paid so much for the country's rural education. Now that she is gone, a scholarship is set up in her name. She is totally worth it." Zhang Yueqing raised her eyebrows, "But , which unit do you belong to?"

"Hello, we are from Deep Space Corporation."

"Deep Space Corporation?"

Zhang Yueqing was a little surprised, she thought it was a related unit to handle this matter, but she didn't expect it to be the Deep Space Company.

Although Zhang Yueqing usually doesn't like to read books or watch the news, she also knows about Shenkong Company and Yu Dong, the boss of Shenkong.

She has watched the TV series "Love Through Time and Space" several times, and it seems that it was produced by Deep Space Company. It is said that whether it is a TV series or a movie, Deep Space Company has guaranteed quality.

And recently she also heard that the Deep Space Company is going to build a long road somewhere, and people in their factory always mention it.

There is also a boy she likes. Every time she chats with her, she can't do without Yu Dong.

Either it was what book Yu Dong wrote recently, what script he wrote recently, and where did he go to sign a sale recently, so even if Zhang Yueqing didn't pay special attention, he knew a lot about Yu Dong and the Deep Space Company.

"Dad, Mom, Deep Space Company won't lie, let's agree. If my sister knows that she has another scholarship, she will be happy."

Zhang Houguo originally wanted to say something, but when he heard Zhang Yueqing's last sentence, he grinned and finally nodded, "Okay, we agree."


With the consent of Zhang Yueying’s family, the establishment of the scholarship was quickly completed. The local government heard that Yu Dong would donate 20 yuan to establish the scholarship, and gave them the green light along the way. .

During this period of time, the Jiangyang government has been focusing on road construction.

After Hu Hao talked about the road construction in Banqiao Town last time, the city has always attached great importance to it. Recently, it is focusing on eliminating the power of the Bao family in Banqiao Town, arresting them, arresting them, and many cases are already going on. The procedure is over, and the results will be available soon.

The matter of the road has not been settled yet, but Yu Dong got a scholarship first, which made the local government more motivated and dealt with the affairs of Banqiao Town more attentively.

In addition to the Bao family, there are many other stubborn forces in Banqiao Town, but under the thunderous means of the Jiangyang government, they naturally have nothing to hide.

The matter of Banqiaozhen and Zhang Yueying's scholarship quickly attracted the attention of the media. Only then did many media find out that Yu Dong had come to a "private visit" without making any noise, and it had caused such a big impact.

Through deep digging, more than a dozen other elementary schools that Yu Dong visited this time were also dug out. A newspaper office directly drew Yu Dong's visit route this time, and the drawing was very accurate, basically there was no discrepancy.

But when he went to other elementary schools, Yu Dong kept a low profile, and at most he just had a brief contact with the school leaders, so he couldn't dig out any breaking news.

There were only Changcun Primary School and Lichao Village Primary School, where the former Yu Dong recruited a local gangster, and the latter Yu Dong attended three classes.

Some reporters interviewed the students of Lichao Village Elementary School, and even wrote down what Yudong taught in class that day.


As a senior journalist, Ma Xiaohong also joined the team of this news hunt, but compared to others, she has an advantage, that is, her target is the president of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, that is, Yu Dong's student , Qu Aiguo.

After getting the news, Ma Xiaohong called her boyfriend immediately and asked whether the matter was true or not. After getting a positive answer, she was not in a hurry to have an exclusive interview with Yu Dongyue, but went to a Went to Jiangyang and conducted a series of interviews at Changcun Primary School and Lichao Village Primary School.

After her round of interviews was over, she suddenly discovered that the relevant news had already been reported by other media, and it was meaningless for their "Xinmin Evening News" to report it again.

So Ma Xiaohong changed her perspective. Aren't people all paying attention to the news about Yu Dong's "private visits on Weibo" to eradicate bullies? She went to dig out the charity that Deep Space Corporation has done over the years.

In the process of researching this news, Ma Xiaohong found that the charity of Deep Space Corporation is more than she imagined before, and it is likely to be much more.

Deep Space Corporation will also promote charity, but the publicity is very general.

People always hear that the Deep Space Corporation supports a certain school or a certain student, but they don't know the extent of their philanthropy.

After Ma Xiaohong found out that the news was very interesting, she contacted the Deep Space Corporation through Qu Aiguo, and wanted to ask them for a list and information of the objects they had funded over the years.

These materials are not considered confidential materials. Since they are related to Qu Aiguo, Deep Space Company cooperatively sent a copy of these materials to Ma Xiaohong.

After getting the information, Ma Xiaohong was really taken aback.

She noticed that the Deep Space Corporation had done more charity in the past few years than she had imagined, but she didn't expect there to be so many. The simple information files alone consisted of a stack of A4 paper ten centimeters thick.

It took several days for Ma Xiaohong to sort out the information according to her own thinking, and calculated a total amount: 2000 million.

As of August this year, Deep Space Corporation has spent a total of 2000 million yuan on charitable causes.

It can be traced back that the earliest charity record made by Deep Space Corporation was in 1992, and it has been seven years in total, with an average of nearly 2000 million yuan a year.

Of course, the average calculation is definitely wrong, because the charity of the Deep Space Corporation has been gradually increasing in recent years.

From 92 to 95, Deep Space Corporation's charitable efforts were average, and the most were only a few million RMB.

But since 96, the charity of Deep Space Corporation has suddenly increased to 3000 million a year.

In 97, the annual investment in charity was 100 million. This year, in the first eight months alone, the investment was close to 4000 million. According to calculations in previous years, the total investment this year will inevitably exceed 5000 million.

What is the concept of 5000 million a year?
Many large domestic companies do not have a net profit of 5000 million a year.

Although Ma Xiaohong has no philanthropic information of other companies, she dares to assert that there must be only one company that invests more than 5000 million in philanthropy in a single year, Deep Space.

However, while surprised at the strength of the deep space company in charity, Ma Xiaohong also began to wonder why the deep space company is so rich and what is their main way of making money.

It is more difficult to understand this matter. As a non-listed company, Shenkong does not need to publish financial reports, and Ma Xiaohong is too embarrassed to ask Shenkong for such things.

Therefore, Ma Xiaohong decided to do a good job of the charity news of Deep Space Corporation first, and then to study the secrets of Deep Space Corporation's revenue in all aspects.

After the news was written, "Xinmin Evening News" published it directly on the official account of Deep Space Chinese Online.

[Deep Space Corporation and its philanthropy are not just as simple as 2000 million yuan]

Very ordinary, very concise title, no shock, no exclamation point, but still attracted a lot of netizens.

"Xinmin Evening News" was one of the first batch of media to enter the Deep Space Chinese Network. Because of its own reputation and follow-up operations following the trend, it soon became one of the official accounts with the most attention.

Deep Space Chinese Network has undergone a big change now. The original literature section has been completely divided out, and it has become another brand new website independently. The name has not changed much, it is Deep Space Literature Network.

Also since then, the new version of Deep Space Chinese Website has added the function of following, and users can follow any other user on the website.

There is a personal area on the website. In this area, only the content created by the user and other users followed by the user is displayed, thereby increasing the social attribute.

So after the news of "Xinmin Evening News" comes out, the hundreds of thousands of users who follow them will be able to see the news the next time they log in and refresh.

[Paper bullets: I haven't read the news yet, but the title is good. 】

[Master Ronald: Xinxin has finally dug into our deep space charity. 】

[Fatty Lizhuzhu: Isn't it true, the deep space company has 2000 million in charity? 】

[Flying Big Clumsy Bear: I am also surprised, what is the concept of 2000 million? 】

[Princess Yueshi: A group of bumpkins, 2000 million is 2000 million plus [-] million. 】

[Jin Kefan: The princess is right, but I think 2000 million should be two 6000 million. 】

[Closer to the button: It can also be three 4000 million. 】

[Dr. Tea: The news is very long. I read more than half of it. Let me summarize it for you. The total investment of Deep Space Corporation in charity over the past few years has reached 2000 million, and it has already invested 4000 million in the first eight months of this year. . 】

[Sister Xiaowanzi Big Maruko: Thank you, Dr. Tea, deep space is so powerful. 】

【Su Mo: I've finished reading it too. There is one more crucial point that the reporter didn't mention. The charity of Deep Space Corporation doesn't include certain expenditures, such as... road construction. 】

[Princess Yueshi: Oh, yes, roads are still being built in deep space! 】

[Yu Dong believer: How much money can Deep Space earn in a year, how dare you spend it like this?Didn’t someone say last time that Dongdong and Shenkong Chinese Website, and Shenkong Company don’t make money, or even lose money? 】

[Wolf of Forestry: It is indeed a loss of money. It used to lose a lot, but now it is basically not losing money.Deep Space China’s own business doesn’t actually make much money. I think they are able to do charity by relying on blood transfusions from Deep Space America. 】

[Princess Yuezhi: I don't think so. Although Deep Space China's profits cannot compare with Deep Space America's, the profits are quite considerable, and 5000 million is still achievable. 】

[Wolf of Forestry: Nonsense, companies like Wahaha and Lenovo now have an annual revenue of tens of billions, but if you ask them to spend 5000 million for charity, they can't do it. 】

[Princess Yuezhi: Deep Space China can't compare to Wahaha and Lenovo? 】

[Wolf of Forestry: It’s really not comparable for the time being. The models of the two are different. Deep Space China has many good projects on hand, but it seems that it has no idea of ​​cashing out. 】

[Sumo: Brother Wolf is right. For example, Dongdong, Deep Space Chinese Website and Mailbox, Deep Space China is now operating at a loss for market share and cultivating users, so I don’t know if they don’t make money now. understandable. 】

[Flying Big Clumsy Bear: Give me face, stop arguing, I don't care how deep space makes money, what I care about is that they really do charity. 】

【Su Mo: That's right. 】

(End of this chapter)

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