Chapter 677

Deep Space Company has always spared no effort to promote its own games, but even so, apart from the "Resident Evil" series, Deep Space Company has not released a game that has gone out of the circle in recent years.

Last year's "Purple Reloaded" invested a lot of money, but in the end it only sold 80 sets worldwide, and this is already the best-selling game in Deep Space in the past two years, except for the "Resident Evil" series. Several other games performed worse than it.

This fully proves one thing, even with a very good marketing ability, if the product is not hard enough, it is not easy to push it. The 80 sales of "Purple Reloaded" is already very popular. If the production It is a small company, and the sales volume should be at least [-]% off.

"Escape" became Deep Space's second game out of the circle, and it only took a week to sell 40 sets in North America.

This result is very impressive. You must know that "Resident Evil 1" had the addition of novels and movies, and it took two weeks to achieve this goal. According to comprehensive data, the stamina of this game is very strong. The decline curve of sales is very smooth.

Although "Escape" does not have the bonus of novels and movies, it has one more advantage over "Resident Evil", that is, it has a wider audience.

Although "Resident Evil" is good, it is disliked by many young and fresh players, but "Runaway" is different. No matter what kind of player, as long as they have a PS in hand, they are willing to buy a set of "Runaway" and go home. You can not only enjoy the unparalleled beauty, but also have a unique race with family and friends.

In addition, the emergence of the "Runaway" game happened to be on the second wave of ancient Chinese culture's climax in the United States.Many players also buy games with the idea of ​​experiencing Chinese culture through games.

But after the game came out, it wasn't all praise.

Some people say that this game is not global enough. The maps are all Chinese landmarks and the characters are all from China, which is not inclusive enough.

Others said that Deep Space Company made famous writers such as Yu Hua and Yu Hua into the game as characters, purely for gimmicks, which is low-end marketing.Putting a writer into the game, even if the writer himself agrees, seems inappropriate, and it seems that there is not enough respect for literature.

They are also very concerned about Yu Dong's reputation, saying that Yu Dong doesn't care about his reputation, and sooner or later he will disappoint the audience.

Of course, these are nothing. After "Escape" came out, there was not a single female character in the most controversial multi-game.

This has caused strong protests from some feminists and people who live by feminism. They think that Deep Space Corporation does not respect women enough. There are many female characters that can be created, but the designed characters are all male.

Among the protesters, the most well-known and most active was a female long-distance runner in the United States. She publicly accused Deep Space Corporation.

She linked "Escape" with track and field, and issued a statement saying that women can also perform well in track and field, and challenged Yu Dong and Yu Hua to let Deep Space Company know that she is better than these characters. All prototypes must be able to run.

This kind of challenge is not interesting at all, because everyone knows that when Deep Space Corporation selects a character prototype, it doesn't care whether the prototype can really run.And when the players are playing this game, they don't care whether Yu Dong and Yu Hua can really run in reality.

The current American feminism has developed into the third wave. Whether it is true feminism or the model of relying on feminism for food, it has developed to a relatively mature stage, so this topic has aroused extensive discussions as soon as it came out.

While the real feminists are still studying and discussing this matter carefully, those who rely on feminism for food are already waving the banner to send Deep Space Games to the court for trial, because these people know that Rational discussions cannot help them make money, only by mobilizing women's emotions.

It only took a week for this news to reach China.

When Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu saw the news, they ran to find Yu Dong, who was working on the script of Xiaowanzi's movie at the time.

"It seems that some lesbians are upset by your game this time." Yu Hua said, "What the hell is this? You still have a race against me. Do you think I can outrun her?"

Yu Dong put down his pen, looked up and down at Yu Hua: "Yes."


Yu Dong nodded seriously and said, "Don't forget, your special skill is that in a battle, your agility will definitely be higher than that of your opponent."

"Who told you about the game?" Yu Hua rolled her eyes.

Yu Dong sneered, "Who would have thought that what you were asking was in reality? In reality, you can't even run against me. You, me, and this Sona, if the three of us participate in a competition together, I can at least win one." No. 2."

Bi Feiyu laughed and said, "That's what I said, but he's still not convinced."

"A retired athlete who is unemployed at home came here to earn some food money. She may not take her words seriously, but you are quite serious."

"How do you say that?" Yu Hua asked.

"Have you ever heard a word?"


"Any kind of doctrine, in the end, what comes with it and can last forever is business."

Yu Hua raised her eyebrows, "You said that yourself."

Yu Dongzheng nodded solemnly, "Exactly."

Bi Feiyu said: "I understand what you mean. You want to say that this incident was promoted by people who want to do feminist business? But no matter what, this incident has affected deep space. , I see you don't care at all."

Yu Dong laughed again: "Then do you know what the best way to defeat the enemy is?"

"What is it?"

"Do what they want."

Bi Feiyu frowned, "I don't quite understand what you said, you want to say that you also want to do feminist business? But how do you do this?"

Yu Dong suddenly whispered, "Let me tell you a secret. In fact, there are two versions of "Runaway" this time, one normal version and one collector's version. Now the normal version is on sale."

Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua glanced at each other, as if they understood something.


More than a week after "Runaway" was released, it announced the release of the Collector's Edition.

In this collector's edition, there are two more female characters and a map than the normal edition.

One female character is Joker, the other is Alice, and the map is Raccoon City Tower from Resident Evil.

In addition to this difference, the biggest difference between the two versions is the price. Although there are only two more characters and one map, the price of the Collector's Edition is almost twice that of the regular version, with a price tag of $99.

After this collector's edition came out, public opinion also began to favor Deep Space Corporation.

Everyone knows that these collector's editions cannot be produced within a week, it is only possible that they have done it a long time ago, but the release was delayed.

Sony officials also issued an announcement, explaining the matter of the Collector's Edition. In fact, Deep Space was going to release the Collector's Edition at the same time, and it was Sony's proposal to hold it down temporarily and wait until later.

In the announcement, I expressed my sincere apology to Deep Space Games, saying that they caused Deep Space Games to be criticized for no reason.

After this wave, not only did the reputation of Deep Space Games not be damaged, but it gained a wave of favorability.

As for the collector's edition, although the price is extremely expensive, it is selling very hot.

The reason is simple. After this wave of public opinion, people are very concerned and curious about the two characters in the collector's edition, and they can also install a b when they buy the collector's edition.

Look, there are Xiaowanzi and Alice in my version, don't you?
Jimmy has a thorough understanding of consumers' minds.

In the middle of the game's development, in fact, Deep Space has decided to release the regular version and the collector's version.

But that was not the strategy at the time.

At that time, the opinion of the marketing department was that the two editions were released at the same time, and the collector's edition was only a few dollars higher than the regular edition.

This strategy is actually focused on the Collector’s Edition, because from a consumer’s point of view, I’ve already spent tens of dollars on the regular version, so why not spend a few more dollars on the Collector’s Edition, the Collector’s Edition has two more characters and A map, no matter how you look at it, it is more profitable to buy the collector's edition.

The essence of this strategy is no different from the marketing strategy in supermarkets where you buy two pieces and get [-]% off and the second half price.

But after seeing this marketing plan, Jimmy denied it.

He believes that doing so can certainly increase the sales of the collector's edition, but their profits will decline, and there will be a lack of gimmicks.

So Jimmy personally formulated a plan, put Xiaowanzi and Alice in the collector's edition, and then created public opinion.

In this way, it can not only bring more heat to the game, but also increase the profit of the collector's edition without affecting the sales of the regular edition.

Now the price of the Collector's Edition is twice the previous price, but the profit has not only doubled, because the cost is not included in the extra double.

Originally, Jimmy wanted to create public opinion about the disrespect of women in deep space games after the regular version came out, but he didn't expect that those people who rely on feminism for food are very sensitive. It has already been shot, but it saves his work.

The subsequent things were carried out according to the plan Jimmy had made before.

Public opinion arose, there was a lot of scolding, the collector's edition was sold strongly, and public opinion turned. While gaining the favor of feminism, it also made money.

And Jimmy also told Yu Dong about his strategy, so when he saw the news, Yu Dong didn't care at all, because everything was within Jimmy's expectation.

"This Jimmy, what a fucking genius, he's not just in the feminist business, he's in the business of people who are in the feminist business."

Seeing that the public opinion turned around, Yu Hua came to Yu Dong again and let out a sigh of emotion.

Yu Dong was already used to Jimmy's operations. All of them together didn't have as much thoughtfulness as Jimmy alone.

Another advantage of this wave of marketing is that it has promoted a wave of gadgets in conjunction with the sales of Motorola's new mobile phones.

Since then, for Americans, Xiaowanzi has added another identity.

Of course, Jimmy's most powerful thing is not only his intelligence, but also his ability to take advantage of the situation.

For example, in this incident, after the public opinion turned, Jimmy not only did not take advantage of the victory to fight back against Sona, the long-distance runner who slandered the deep space game before, but also contacted Sona, and talked to her about cooperation, asking her to do "Runaway" The spokesperson in the United States signed several offline activities at the same time.

Sona is also very cooperative, and made an announcement saying that she had misunderstood Deep Space Games before, but now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, in order to better show the charm of women, she decided to agree to Deep Space Games to become the spokesperson of "Escape" in the United States, and called on all women to come together play this game.

For one incident, Deep Space has done two marketing back and forth, and the directions are different, which can be said to eat two fish.


After Ruan Xiaohu and Li Yu got married, Li Yu took a month off and they went on their honeymoon together.

Their first stop was the Badaling Great Wall.

It was Li Yu who proposed to go to the Great Wall. Although Li Yu traveled all over the world for filming, she had never been to the Great Wall.

Not to mention that the Great Wall is not a hero. As a little girl, she also wants to see what the Great Wall looks like. Most importantly, she recently read a novel called "The End of the Great Wall" and was very fascinated.

Standing on the Great Wall, looking at the shoulder-to-shoulder crowd, the proportion of foreign tourists among them exceeded Li Yu's expectation.

She asked Ruan Xiaohu, who had been here once, "Has there always been so many people on the Great Wall? And foreigners like the Great Wall so much?"

Ruan Xiaohu took his new wife's hand and said with a smile: "This season, there are more tourists. The last time I came here, there were relatively few. As for foreigners, there seem to be many more than before."

"Hey, look—"

Li Yu suddenly pointed to the front, "There is a foreign girl over there, wearing ancient clothes."

Ruan Xiaohu looked in the direction Li Yu pointed, and saw a blond foreign girl in an ancient costume, posing non-stop, and a boy next to her was in charge of taking pictures of her.

After taking a few photos of standing, the girl made a running posture again, and made a strange sound, "Oh, oh."

This action made other Chinese tourists including Ruan Xiaohu and his wife stunned.

What is this thing?

But all the foreign tourists around applauded.

Li Yu asked in a daze, "Is this a cultural barrier? Why can't I understand what she's doing?"

Ruan Xiaohu dragged his chin and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "If I guessed correctly, she should be playing the prankster."

"Little Wanzi?" Li Yu stared at the girl again, "The clothes are a bit similar, but why does Xiao Wanzi behave like this?"

She made a running pose.

"And she barked very strangely."

Ruan Xiaohu said with a smile: "Because she is playing the role of Xiaowanzi in the game, there is Xiaowanzi in the "Escape" released by Deep Space Games, and now this game is very popular in the United States, but I didn't expect that there would be someone because of Game purposely went to China, to the Great Wall.”

After listening to Ruan Xiaohu's explanation, Li Yu was speechless and said, "No wonder there are so many foreigners here."

During the ensuing journey, the couple saw many game cosplayers, all of whom were foreigners, and most of them were girls.

The reason why most of them play girls is because the costumes of the male characters in the game are not very good-looking, especially Xu Sanguan, who is very plainly dressed.

The female characters are different. Whether it is Xiaowanzi or Alice, they all wear very distinctive clothes, one is smart and the other is sassy.

(End of this chapter)

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