Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 678 It's Weird, It's Nice

Chapter 678 It's Weird, It's Nice

In fact, there are not many players who go to the scenic spots of the Great Wall to check in, but because they are all foreigners and their behavior is special, it is easy to be noticed by people.

In fact, because the distance is too far, many game fans have no way to travel thousands of miles to check in at scenic spots in China. They can only check in at the Deep Space Game offline experience store next to Amazon's offline physical bookstore in Chicago.

This experience store opened in October, but there has been no movement before. When "Runaway" was released, it became a place where tourists rushed to check in.

Although this store is called the Deep Space Game Store, it is actually a collaboration between Deep Space, Sony, Motorola, and imax, and combines the characteristics of these companies with the products of Deep Space.


"Xiaohu, let's go out for a stroll."

Ruan Xiaohu, who was reading a book, heard Li Yu's voice and turned to look at her with a look of surprise, "Aren't you too tired to walk just now?"

They visited the Great Wall today, and when they came back, Li Yu complained of leg pain. There was still more than 100 meters away from the hotel.

Li Yu smiled and said, "It's been a few hours, I've already rested, the weather is so good today, it's a pity not to go out for a stroll."

Yanjing at the end of November is supposed to be quite cold, but the temperature is really good tonight, so it's just right to wear a thin coat.

Ruan Xiaohu looked at Li Yu's legs again, "Are you sure?"

Li Yu suddenly jumped up from the bed, then patted his leg, "Look, I can not only walk, but also run."

Seeing Li Yu revived with full blood, Ruan Xiaohu put down the book in his hand and said with a smile, "Very good, then let's go out, where are we going?"

Li Yu thought for a while, and said, "Why don't you go to Yan Normal University, after all, it's Teacher Ni's alma mater, and it's not far from here, just a few steps away."

Ruan Xiaohu nodded. He actually wanted to visit Yanshi University during the day, but he didn't say anything because Li Yu wanted to go to the Great Wall so much. Later, when he came back at night, he wanted to go, but Li Yu was too tired, so he didn't say anything.

The place where they live is not far from Yan Normal University. Go out from the gate and walk about two miles along the main road to the north gate of Yan Normal University.

There is a small street at the north gate of Yan Normal University. This small street is not big, but it has all internal organs and sells everything.

After eight o'clock in the evening, it was the busiest time in the surrounding area. Students wandered around the street in twos and threes, and there were not a few couples like Ruan Xiaohu and Li Yu.

Li Yu was in high spirits, whether it was food or play, whenever she came to a store, she would have to stretch her head to have a look.

After walking for a while, Li Yu suddenly stood where he was, with his ears turned sideways.

Ruan Xiaohu also tilted his ears, and then heard a somewhat muffled singing.

"...start spending each day together..."

"Hand in hand, one step, two steps, three steps, four steps, looking at the sky"

"Looking at the stars, one, two, three, four, connected into a line"

"Back to back, silently make a star wish..."

Hearing this song, Li Yu smiled, "This song is so special, and it sounds good."

"Well, it's quite special."

The singing is very vague, but the rhythm is very strong. Compared with other songs, it sounds a bit weird, nice and weird.

Li Yu walked forward following the sound. The source of the singing sound was a video store called "Feihong".

When they arrived at the door of the store, the song just now had ended and they switched to the next one.

When the prelude started, Li Yu raised his eyebrows, "Is this from the guitar? Why does it sound so weird?"

Ruan Xiaohu also nodded. Although he didn't understand music, he also felt that the prelude was a bit strange. It didn't sound smooth at all, and it was jumping around. very strange.

"Niaozi, uncle who lacks the word..."

When the human voice came in, both Ruan Xiaohu and Li Yu were startled.

This man sang even weirder than the prelude.

If the last song was just a little vague and the lyrics could barely be understood, then this song is completely incomprehensible.

And the faster and faster the singing, the weirder the singing.

Ruan Xiaohu couldn't help scratching his head, "Is this singing?"

Ruan Xiaohu has never heard this kind of song when he grows up so big.

Moreover, the strange thing is that it sounds weird, but it doesn't feel unpleasant. Of course, Ruan Xiaohu didn't think it was too pleasant.

Li Yu raised his eyebrows again when he heard it in the middle, "It seems to be a pipa."

Ruan Xiaohu shook his head, "It doesn't seem to be a pipa, it sounds a bit different from a pipa, it should be a guitar."

Li Yu looked at Ruan Xiaohu in surprise, he didn't expect Ruan Xiaohu to be able to hear such a subtle difference.

Ruan Xiaohu smiled foolishly, "My wife knows a lot of musical instruments and often plays the pipa. I can hear some of them when I listen a lot."

Li Yu said with a smile: "No wonder everyone said that they want to worship a famous teacher. Even if they don't study hard, they just can't compare with ordinary people. This song was weird when I first heard it, but it's much better when I hear it later. It sounds good, and I can hear it, it seems to be about a lady? I can hear it, why do I owe you too much..."

"Seems to be."

Ruan Xiaohu looked into the video store, the small store was crowded with more than a dozen people, all choosing tapes.

The small board standing at the door reads: Cargo News.

"The latest golden song in deep space, only five yuan."

"Contains the episode of "Xingyue Love Song"."

"Super era new star Jay Chou."

Seeing these news, Ruan Xiaohu patted his head and said, "It seems to be that teacher's student."

Li Yu asked in surprise, "Your teacher still has students?"

Ruan Xiaohu scratched his head, "I'm not considered a student, but everyone is saying that Xiao Zhou is a teacher's student, because my wife is really kind to him. I know this album, and it's also checked by my wife. There is a piano in it The accompaniment was recorded for him by his wife herself."

"That's really good." Li Yu said with emotion, "Then is he your junior brother?"

"Forget it?" Ruan Xiaohu didn't know what to do with this relationship.

Li Yu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, since we heard it, let's support it, it's only five yuan."


Ruan Xiaohu and the others finally paid more than five yuan.

After the tape was bought, there was no way to play it, so he spent 500 yuan to buy a Walkman.

Li Yu complained all the way, "You didn't buy the 100 yuan Walkman, but you bought this [-] yuan one. You can buy a better CD player for [-] yuan, so why buy a Walkman?"

Ruan Xiaohu just bared his teeth and smiled: "This voice is good."

It is said that they spend a lot of money before getting married, and plan carefully after getting married, but Ruan Xiaohu is the other way around. He didn't spend much money before getting married, but after getting married, he immediately became enlightened and spent a lot more.

The key is that he is rich now, although he is not as rich as his teacher Yu Dong, but his family is over a million, so he doesn't have to worry about life at all.

Li Yu bought a Walkman for [-] yuan, and Li Yu didn't want to waste it. That night, he just hugged the Walkman and listened to that "Jay Chou" over and over again many times.

There are some songs on this album that are very pleasant to listen to, and they only get better the more you listen to them.

And some songs sound weird at first, but after listening to them a lot, they feel good.

In the end, the couple lay on the bed, shared an earphone with each of them, and fell asleep to Jay Chou's singing.


That night, Jay Chou's singing accompanied countless fans from all over the country to sleep.

Before the album "Jay Chou" was released, "The Roof", one of the title songs, had already become popular in China.

After the new album came out, many people went for "The Roof", and some people went for the title of Deep Space.

Although the album's production company is Alpha, it was promoted under the name of Deep Space Corporation.

In China's literary and art circles, there is a rule that as long as it is produced by Deep Space, it must be a high-quality product.

People have high expectations for the works that come out of deep space.

The album "Jay Chou" has just been released, and it has received a lot of attention, but people's evaluation of this album and the singer Jay Chou has become polarized.

Those who like it think that these songs are really nice, they are revolutionary songs that created the era, broke the rules, and are very musical.

Those who don't like these songs feel that these songs are too weird, and the singer's level is too poor. They can't even pronounce the words clearly. They can't understand what they are singing without reading the lyrics. After reading the lyrics, they can only understand half of them.

Of course, there are some people who like certain songs in this album, such as love songs such as "Starry Sunshine", "Tornado", "Roof", and "End of the World", but they can't accept "Lady", "Indian Old Turtle Dove", etc. ", "The Clock in the Reverse Direction", "Lady" and other strange songs, and these people are not in the minority.

Most of the users of Shenkong are young people, and their acceptance of this album is much higher, but there are still many different voices.

[Second Under Heaven: The song is a good song, but the singer was chosen wrongly. Wouldn't it be better to change the singer? 】

[Shao Ronaldo: I don't think so, these songs are all original by Jay Chou, and he is more able to sing his own feelings. 】

[Yellow Robe Humidification: Don't you think he can't speak clearly? 】

[Princess Yueshi: Don't you think this kind of inarticulate articulation is nice?There is no rule that you must enunciate clearly when singing. 】

[Jin Kefan: At first I also thought that the singer was not good, but after listening to it, I wonder if I got used to his voice, but I feel that he sings very well, I just like this kind of voice. 】

[Flying Big Clumsy Bear: The upstairs is right, I especially like "Lovely Woman". 】

[Liu Jinfa: No, do you two live together?Why does the big stupid bear come out every time the team leader's reply comes out? 】

[Flying Big Stupid Bear: This is called a tacit understanding. 】

[Hippo: I heard that Mr. Cheng, Yu Dong's wife, participated in the production of this album. 】

[Fatty Lizhuzhu: Hey, isn't Mr. Cheng a classical piano player? 】

[Affection is also loneliness: No, Mr. Cheng's popular songs are also very well written, and "Jing Hong" in "Sea Pianist" is very good. 】

[Fatty Lizhuzhu: What is "Sea Pianist"? 】

[Jin Kefan: It's Giuseppe's new movie, which was released in the US not long ago. 】


[Spoon 8321: I heard that the music video of "The Roof" will be released some time ago, and there is a picture of "Xingyue Liange" in it. 】

[Jin Kefan: It's all settled. It seems to be the first broadcast on Dolphin TV. The song mv will be played first, and then the TV series will be shown in a few days. 】

[The joy of dice: Looking forward to it, I don’t know how this TV series will be. 】

[Simplified: There will be no problem. 】

Controversy is the basis of the explosion.

The quality of the album "Jay Chou" is excellent, and it has enough topicality. Deep Space Company just pushed it a little, and it quickly became popular.

The three words Jay Chou also quickly entered the ears of countless listeners.

Throughout the year, many people's ears have been numb by "Conquer" and "Sad Pacific", and now they can finally change their tastes.

This album was first sold in the mainland for three days, and then it was launched in the Taiwan area. It took only seven days before and after, and the sales volume reached 30 copies.


At the headquarters of Deep Space Music Treasure Island, Zhou Jianhui looked at the report in front of him, his eyebrows were tightly knit together.

He really couldn't understand why Jay Chou's album was so good.

If it's just average, Zhou Jianhui may still be able to attribute all the credit to Deep Space's marketing. After all, with Deep Space's current marketing capabilities, as long as they work hard, any album will sell 50 copies at the beginning.

But looking at the momentum of "Jay Chou", breaking one million is already certain.

For a newcomer, the sales of the first Chapter 1 album exceeded one million. Although it is not unprecedented, it is still impressive.

It would be a lie to say no regrets.

At that time, Yu Yu asked him and the Li Brothers for their opinions, just to see if there was a possibility of making Jay Chou debut through deep space music, but they were not very optimistic about Jay Chou, thinking that Jay Chou was more suitable to be behind the scenes.

But now it seems that Jay Chou will undoubtedly become popular, but it is a pity that their deep space music did not catch it.

Although both are under the banner of Deep Space, there are still differences between the two.

After closing the file, Zhou Jianhui smiled and shook his head, "I don't want to, one Jay Chou is missing, and there will be tens of thousands of Jay Chou in the future."


If Yu Dong knew what Zhou Jianhui was thinking, he would definitely laugh out loud, maybe there would be another Jay Chou, but Zhou Jianhui definitely couldn't wait.

Yu Dong is not at all surprised by the achievements of "Jay Chou".

In the previous life, without the blessing of Deep Space Company, the record industry was not as good as it is now, but Jay Chou's first album still won over 50 sales.

Starting from this year, physical records will decline rapidly in the next few years. This year, Ren Xianqi's new album can still sell over one million in Taiwan, but in 2001, the highest-selling "Fantasy" is only about [-] years old. Ten thousand.

In a few years, if you don't use the data, other singers may not even be able to sell 20 in Taiwan.

Under such circumstances, Jay Chou was able to break through the siege, and now that the Deep Space Company provided him with such good conditions, naturally there would be no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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