Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 682 The deep space park is hot in advance

Chapter 682 The deep space park is hot in advance
In order to attract more ordinary people to participate in the Deep Space Annual Conference, they plan to arrange more rewarding activities this year.

The signing event just mentioned is one. At the same time, some lucky draws will also be held on the spot. In addition to a series of cultural products of Deep Space, the prizes also include things from companies that cooperate with Deep Space, such as Sony and Motorola.

I heard that the annual meeting of the Deep Space Company will hold a lottery, and Motorola was particularly active. It directly dialed fifty new mobile phones and sponsored them for free to the Deep Space Company for the lucky draw.

Compared with previous deep space annual conferences, this year's annual conference is more international.

In previous years, the main participants were mainly from China and the United States, and there were very few people from other countries, whether they were guests or staff.

But this year is different. This year, Deep Space not only invited all the people from offices in other countries, but also selected lucky people from various countries to attend the annual meeting in Jinling.

The lucky ones who are selected can get a chance to come to China for free. Deep Space Corporation will cover all the necessary expenses incurred during the whole process, and they will also receive gifts from Deep Space Corporation.

Since last month, this selection process has started one after another in some countries, and some results have already been produced.

There are relatively few quotas in Europe, America and Latin America, and most of the quotas are in some countries and regions in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

The main reason is that this year, if Deep Space Corporation wants to develop the TV drama and music markets, the first thing they need to conquer is East Asia and Southeast Asia. Selecting more lucky people from these two regions is also an opportunity for a wave of publicity.

Another important reason is that these countries are relatively close to China, and the cost required is not high.

Although Deep Space Corporation claimed that the selection was random, in fact the lucky ones were selected after careful selection.

Deep Space Company selects candidates mainly from several perspectives. The first is age, which should not be too large, because younger audiences are more likely to be changed.The second is family background. Try to choose non-religious people with a certain level of education.

The third is economic strength. Although the deep space will cover the necessary expenses for their journey, choosing some rich people to come over can also stimulate local consumption in Jinling.

After reading Yu Yu's planning plan, Yu Dong nodded and handed the plan back to Yu Yu, "These plans are very good, you can follow this, I have no opinion."

After thinking about it, Yu Dong said, "By the way, I want to add someone to the guest list."

The allowance was not surprising at all, and he nodded and said, "Well, boss, tell me, I will write it down, and I will add people to it later."

"Professor of the Chinese Department of East China Normal University, Zhang Zuohai."

"Zhang Zuohai... I remembered, it's that Dongjiao. He is quite famous on Shenkong now, because he is famous for his special research on your works, boss. The company also planned to contact these contracted writers for our company before. Well-known people who have said good things, but this plan has not yet been implemented."

"You don't need to contact him specifically, just send him an invitation letter."

Although Yu Liang didn't understand why Yu Dong suddenly added Zhang Zuohai, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll add it when I get back."


The deep space annual meeting is still being arranged, and the number of daily tourists in the deep space park has begun to rise.

By mid-January, the number of daily visitors to the Deep Space Park had reached more than 6000.

Although it can’t be compared with some well-known scenic spots, as a company’s park, it is already a miracle to receive more than 6000 tourists in a single day. The key is that this is not the number of one day, but the number of consecutive days. , and the number seems to be increasing every day.

Xu Zechen no longer remembered that this was the first time he had come to the Deep Space Park.

Before Yu Dong recharged his card, he would come over as long as conditions allowed. After Yu Dong recharged him, he would basically come over whenever he had time, and the frequency was almost as fast as those employees working in deep space.

The deep space company will regularly deposit points into his star card. Every time the old points are not used up, new points will be deposited in. Now his card has [-] to [-] points.

He comes at a special time every day, and he is still a tourist holding a star card, so the guard has a deep impression of him. After a long time, he has become familiar with the guard.

In the past few days, because the end of the period is approaching, there are many school things, so he didn't come to the deep space to go far away. He didn't expect to see many colorful heads in the park when he came today.

When he came to deep space before, he would also see foreigners, but the frequency was definitely not as high as now.

After swiping the card, he looked at the guard suspiciously, "Brother Hong, why are there so many foreigners here today?"

Brother Hong smiled and said, "It's not just today, there are more and more foreigners during this period, and you come late. If you come in the morning, there will be a long queue at the gate of our park. There are three or four foreigners out of ten." After these foreigners entered the themed pavilion, they just took pictures of the sculptures of Xiaowanzi, as if they didn’t need money for film.”

Hearing Brother Hong's words, Xu Zechen nodded suddenly. It turned out that these people came here for fun, or it could be said that they came because of games.

Europe and the United States are not familiar with "Love Through Time and Space", so they know that Xiaowanzi is basically because of "Runaway" and Motorola mobile phones, and the latter seems to be unable to make people travel across the ocean to China.

Ever since the game "Runaway" was released in deep space, some scenic spots in China have become popular. A few days ago, Xu Zechen saw on the Internet that there were suddenly more foreigners in scenic spots such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, and some of them were still acting as playboys. and Alice.

As time went by, the game became more and more popular, and many people who wanted to come here just completed the formalities at this time, and the number of foreigners in these attractions became more and more.

After these foreigners come to China, they will give priority to browsing the maps in the game, and then go to the deep space park to make a summary.

With the influx of these foreign tourists, coupled with the upcoming Deep Space Annual Conference, the number of daily tourists has naturally increased.

"Okay, thank you."

Xu Zechen thanked him, then walked into the park.

After entering the theme hall, Xu Zechen found that the game theme area was obviously more lively.

There are many game consoles in the game area. Tourists can use the points of the star card to exchange for the duration or number of games. After the game is over, if the game points can enter the top ten, not only will the tourists leave their names, but there will also be corresponding Prize distribution.

Looking at the movement over there, it should be a certain player who is sprinting for the scoreboard of "Escape".

Out of curiosity, Xu Zechen took a closer look. Among the crowd, a foreigner holding a game controller was concentrating on manipulating the little game in the TV to dodge left and right.

The game distance has reached 300 meters, and the points have reached more than [-] million points.

And No. 10 in the game theme area leaderboard is 3000 meters and 360 million points. It won't take long for this foreigner to rush to the top ten.

People around held their breath and dared not speak loudly, for fear that the loud voice would affect this person's operation.

When the last few hundred meters were left, almost everyone was silently counting down.

Five hundred, four hundred, three hundred...


Someone couldn't help but let out a low cry, and immediately shut up again, because no one knows how far this foreigner can run, maybe he won't stop at No.10.

No.9 is 6000 meters, the distance is not too far.

But in the end, the foreign player was not popular, and the distance was stuck at more than 4000 meters, ranking No.10.


Among the onlookers, many people couldn't help sighing.

It's really a pity, after all, if you support for a while, you will be able to rush to No.9.The prize will also change from a signed book by Yu Dong to a Sony Walkman.

The foreign player didn't feel sorry for it at all. When the game was over, he put down the handle and asked the staff, "Did I get a book signed by YU?"

The staff at the station can't speak English, so they can only go to the guide in the lobby for help again.

The tour guide communicated with the foreigner, and then asked the resident staff in the game area to pick up a book signed by Yu Dong, and then took a group photo at the scene. The ceremony was quite grand.

Seats in the game area are still in high demand. As soon as the foreigner got off, the people in the queue behind rushed up.

Not everyone played well though, most of them failed from very early positions.

According to the staff just now, it has been almost a week since someone broke into the top ten last time.

Xu Zechen stood on the periphery of the game area and looked at it for a while, then walked upstairs with his hands behind his back. Today, he finally had time, and he was going to spend the night in the literature themed museum. He had finished reading Yu Dong's new book "Curse", However, he looked at it from the perspective of an ordinary reader before, and today he is going to study this book carefully.


In the next few days, Xu Zechen went to the Deep Space Park every day, and he found that the number of tourists in the park was increasing every day, and this growth rate was visible to the naked eye.

He didn't even need to go to the park, he could experience this feeling when he was still at the gate of the school.

In the earliest days, people basically took the shuttle bus from Shenkong Lane to the Shenkong Park. Later, with the active planning of the Jinling government, more and more buses passed the Shenkong Park. Now they want to go to the Shenkong Park. There are many options.

In the past two days, the number of shuttle buses has obviously increased. The shuttle bus that used to have to wait for ten, twenty, or ten minutes will come every few minutes in these two days, and there are not many passengers on it.

On the way here, Xu Zechen could also hear the passengers discussing the matter of the Deep Space Park.

Regarding the Deep Space Annual Conference, different people pay attention to different things.

Younger ones usually pay attention to their favorite authors, singers, and film and television actors, wondering if they can meet them at the Deep Space Annual Meeting.

Even without reading the announcement on the Deep Space Chinese website, Xu Zechen has already heard the complete signing list from the young passengers.

The older ones may be more concerned about the deep space company's lottery. After all, there are rare items such as mobile phones in the prize list.

There are also some parents who already regard the Deep Space Park as a science and technology museum and a cultural museum, and take their children there to play whenever they have time.

Compared with general science and technology museums and cultural centers, the Deep Space Park has many advantages. First of all, the content of the Deep Space Park is richer and more diverse, both in terms of software strength and hardware facilities, far surpassing the Science and Technology Museum and Cultural Center.Secondly, the deep space park is really cost-effective. If you often consume various cultural products at home, the points you get are basically enough.

There are many ways to earn star card points, and it will not make people feel too pressured.

You can get points for buying books signed by Deep Space in designated bookstores, you can get points for buying albums of singers under the company’s name, you can get points for buying designated movie tickets, and you can even get points for surfing the Internet at Internet cafes.

If you only look at the present, the star card point exchange mechanism will cost Deep Space a lot of money every year. After all, the maintenance of the park requires a lot of expenses, various equipment, personnel and some daily consumption.

For example, those players in the audio-visual area cost Deep Space Company a lot of money. Not to mention the daily power consumption, these devices will need to be updated in a short time. In this era, electronic products are updated very quickly.

There are also those game consoles in the game area, which are no less worn out than the game hall, and in order to ensure the player's game experience and the fairness of the rankings, Deep Space Company will change a batch of equipment soon.

All of these require money, and it is not a small sum.

But taking a long-term view, the existence of Star Card has indeed stimulated people's consumption of cultural products.

There are many families who go to the bookstore to buy a few genuine books or a music album every month just to bring their children to the Deep Space Park a few more times.

Of the over 60 sales of "Jay Chou", many of them were purchased by people in order to earn points.

This is especially evident in foreign tourists.

Ordinary people want to enter the deep space park, the premise is to have a starry sky card, and then the card needs to have points.

If you don't have a star card, even if you are willing to spend the same money as the points.

So the first thing these foreign tourists do when they come to Jinling is to apply for a Starry Sky Card. After finishing the Starry Sky Card, they will get points. Buying books is obviously not as efficient as buying records. After all, a book is only about ten yuan at most. , and genuine records cost dozens of yuan at every turn.

Foreigners who come to play don't care about the little money at all, they just want to get points quickly, and buying records has become the first choice.

These were all Xu Zechen heard on the bus. He even saw a foreigner buy a large stack of books, and because it was troublesome to carry them, he sent them around in the bus.

Seeing the picture of foreigners sending books, Xu Zechen couldn't help admiring. He usually doesn't feel how open the Deep Space Park is to the outside world. Now seeing this scene, he realizes how beneficial the operations of Deep Space Corporation are to the people.

A deep space park is set up there, not to mention the big ones, but the cultural and entertainment life of the people of Jinling alone has to be upgraded to a higher level.

(End of this chapter)

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