Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 683 Interpretation of Narratology

Chapter 683 Interpretation of Narratology

After chatting with Lao Dong last time, Zhang Zuohai's thinking was cleared up at once, and the paper on "Curse" was almost written soon.

[A Narrative Interpretation of Yu Dong's Curse]

This is the title of his paper, which is not long and easy to understand.

Zhang Zuohai started from the perspective of classic narratology, drawing on the theories of other experts and scholars, and focused on analyzing the narrative perspective, narrative space and narrative time in "The Curse".

Inner perspective, outer perspective, full perspective and multiple perspectives, box-style, orange-petal-style and circle-style narrative space types...

Zhang Zuohai has always felt that Yu Dong is the best writer who combines tradition and modernity, and there is no one for the time being.

The reason why the novel "Curse" can combine traditional representation and expression while still giving people a very fresh feeling is precisely because Yu Dong combined the visual transformation promoted by the development of film art.

Whether it's a set of boxes, orange petals or circles, Yu Dong can always play well with these narrative methods that have come out a long time ago.

Halfway through the writing of this thesis, Zhang Zuohai firmly believed that the novel "The Curse" could be put in the classroom and used as a teaching material to teach students about narrative perspective and narrative space.So when writing this paper, he also had a mentality of writing teaching plans.

Putting down the pen, Zhang Zuohai turned on the computer and browsed the Deep Space Chinese Network for a while, thinking about whether he could absorb some essence from the ideas of netizens and add them to his thesis.

In Zhang Zuohai's view, the Internet is undoubtedly a very good tool for learning and working.

Even a senior scholar like him has no way to remember all the relevant theories and knowledge. In the past, when he encountered some knowledge points that he could not remember clearly, he had to find physical information or discuss solutions with his colleagues.

Now that there is a network, it is much more convenient. In most cases, netizens can give a result.

Even if netizens can't give an answer, they can usually provide a way, such as a certain theory can be found in a certain book.

After walking around, he saw a lot of fantastic ideas, but basically they didn't involve the narrative perspective.

Moreover, the novel "Curse" was not the most discussed by everyone in the past two days. At the end of this year, Deep Space will hold another annual meeting, and this year's annual meeting seems to be more lively than previous years.

Many people have already received invitations from Deep Space Corporation.

After browsing the Deep Space Chinese website, Zhang Zuohai was about to get up and walk around the room. When he just got up, he heard the door open. It was his wife coming back from get off work.

His wife works in the city library, and the off-duty time is fixed every day, basically at this point.

"Old Zhang, there is an express mail from you, sent from Leshan Road, Jinling."

As soon as the wife put an email on the table, she rolled up her sleeves and went to the kitchen, "It must be some important document. It's so close that I still need to take the express. It's 20 yuan less."

Zhang Zuohai picked up the mail and looked at it. The mailing address was very simple, which was Leshan Road, Jinling.

He was not familiar with Jinling, and he had no clue about this Leshan Road. He couldn't figure out who he knew was there.

Moreover, phone calls, Internet emails, and Dongdong are very convenient now. Since the sender is willing to spend money to take the express, why is he not willing to call and tell in advance?

The cost of express mail is indeed not cheap. The postal service charges 18 yuan for the distance between Jinling and Shanghai, which is already worth the daily wages of many workers. No wonder my wife mutters.

Confirming that the recipient was correct, Zhang Zuohai opened the file bag, and then saw a blue invitation card with a big deep space logo on the cover.


【Mr. Zhang Zuohai】

【Since the establishment of Deep Space Corporation, it has passed...】

This is an invitation letter from Deep Space Corporation, inviting him to attend their annual meeting on February 12th.

The invitation letter contained some specific details, including reception time, reception hotel, etc., and told him that if he wanted, he could also rush to Jinling to participate in the activities before the annual meeting on February [-]th, and all expenses would be borne by Deep Space Corporation.

Zhang Zuohai read the invitation letter from front to back several times, and only put it down after making sure that there was nothing missing.

His wife was busy in the kitchen for a while, but she didn't hear any movement from Zhang Zuohai, so she asked, "Who sent you the express mail? Is there any urgent important document?"

"It's an invitation letter from Deep Space Corporation."

"Invitation letter from Deep Space Corporation?"

"Well, they invited me to their company's annual meeting on October [-]th."

"Good thing." The wife ran out of the kitchen all of a sudden, "Tell me, I have been studying Yu Dong's works for so long, and I haven't even seen Yu Dong himself."

Zhang Zuohai corrected: "I'm studying Yu Dong's works, not Yu Dong himself."

"You are sophistry. Works are inseparable from people. Wouldn't it be more beneficial for you to study his works when you see a real person? People call you Dong Scholar. It's strange that Dong Scholar has never met Yu Dong himself." Is it?"

"It's not like what the deputy director of the library said. If the Dong scholar wants to meet Yu Dong, then the Hong scholar must meet Cao Xueqin?"

His wife rolled her eyes, "You don't sound like a university professor. Do you think those scholars who study Hongxue don't want to see Cao Xueqin? They met each other but couldn't. If they could, they would have seen Cao Xueqin a long time ago." ran to the front."

Zhang Zuohai was so refuted by his wife that he couldn't say anything else for a moment, he just looked down at the invitation letter, and after a while, he grinned and said: "It is said that you can still bring your family, as long as you notify in advance."

The wife raised her eyebrows and asked, "What day?"

"February [-]th."

"February [-]th, it should be Saturday. I don't know if I should be on duty. I'll take a look at the duty list later..."


That night, Yu Dong received an email, and Zhang Zuohai "showed off" to him that he had received an invitation letter from Deep Space Corporation.

It can be seen between the lines that Zhang Zuohai was very happy to receive the invitation letter, and wanted to share this joy with Yu Dong.

Yu Dong replied an email with a smile, congratulated Zhang Zuohai, and then continued to read the report in his hand.

"Xian Xiao Le" has been made, and the efficiency has exceeded Yu Dong's expectations. In his opinion, even if the game is very simple, it will take a long time to make a complete game.

After reading the report, Yu Dong understood what was going on.

It turns out that Deep Space Games directly acquired a game company located in Russia, and this company also has a match-[-] game.

This game is called "Shariki". In fact, it has been done a long time ago. It was supposed to be released in 94. However, because of the poor management of this company and the fact that their game production is really too rough, the company has no intention of operating it. So it was delayed until the middle of this year before it was released hastily.

The release of this game this year is also thinking about garbage collection, and it's just a gamble.

However, because the game screen is too ugly, it did not cause any response after the release.

In the information in Yu Dong’s hands, there are color pictures of this game. In fact, the gameplay is very similar to Xiao Xiao Le, but the graphics are really ugly, just small balls with ugly colors, and there is no game effect .

After the last transoceanic meeting, Shinji Mikami held an internal discussion meeting in Deep Space Games the next day. At that time, an original artist mentioned this game, and Jimmy made a decision to buy the game, and then Deep Space Games It only took three days for the people of the empty game to make another upgraded version based on this game, and then it took a while to modify it, and there is the current gem version.

In this report, there are follow-up development plans.

The game will be available for online play and download on Deep Space Games' official website, and will also be distributed to pogo sites.

The pogo website originally wanted to buy the game for 50 US dollars, but Deep Space Games did not agree, and only agreed to rent it to them at a price of [-] US dollars per month.

There is only a simple version of online free play, and there are no subsequent levels. If you want to play the "advanced version", you need to download the game, and after downloading the game, you have to pay fifteen dollars to continue to play the subsequent levels.

Yu Dong doesn't know much about the game's payment model. According to the information, this model is relatively new, and pogo may not be willing to accept it, but their own website can be used. If it doesn't work, then consider other payment models.

For this game, Yu Dong didn't think about how much money he could make. What he wanted was to be able to promote Chinese culture through the game, so he didn't care much about the payment model.

And to be honest, this payment model can only be implemented in other places such as Europe and the United States, and it simply cannot work in China.

If it were in China, the game would be released to the public the day before, and all kinds of pirated discs would appear on the street the next day, and even for such things as pirated discs, many people would not be willing to buy more, but would choose to share them with others.

Shinji Mikami naturally knows this clearly, but he still wants to promote this game at this deep space annual meeting, and after the annual meeting is over, he will launch this game in China.

Of course, Yu Dong had no objection to this idea and quickly agreed.

After reading the report, Yu Dong called Yu Yu.

It was past seven o'clock, but Yu Yu hadn't left work yet. When he received Yu Dong's call, he was still in the office looking at the organization plan for the annual meeting.

The big events are set, but there are still some smaller ones that need to be finalized.

"Boss, have you finished reading the materials of "Xiao Xiao Le"?" Yu Yu probably also guessed that Yu Dong made this call about the game, and he sent someone to send the materials to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong smiled and said: "After reading it, there is no problem overall, but I have a suggestion."

"Well, tell me, boss."

"You communicate with Sankami and the others, and ask them to hurry up and get the Chinese character version out. When the game is officially released, this version will be released as a free version."

Yu Yu wondered, "The Chinese block version is more suitable for Lianliankan. If you are doing Xiaoxiaole, there are too many Chinese characters and it is not easy to eliminate. The game experience will not be very good."

"It doesn't matter, you can randomize a few Chinese characters in each game, it shouldn't be technically difficult."

"Well, that's fine." Yu Yu pondered, "It's just that if this happens, will it affect the sales of the gemstone version?"

Hearing the worry about margin, Yu Dong laughed, "Look at you, is it a bit contradictory? When the Chinese block version was proposed before, you said that it would not be as attractive as other graphic models. Since So why worry about it affecting sales?"

Yu Yu also smiled and said, "It's really hard to say... Besides, boss, it's a bit cheap to release it for free, it seems that our Chinese is not good enough."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. He only thought about promoting Chinese characters before, but he didn't pay much attention to this issue.There is nothing wrong with the margin, free things will make people feel cheap.

"You mean, the Chinese text version also requires players to spend money to buy it?"

"That's not necessary, boss, can you see if this works? Put the Chinese block version and the gem version together. Make it a high-level special level. This special level can only be unlocked after the game reaches a fixed score."

Yu Dong's eyes lit up, and the proposal of margin was very interesting.In this way, it can avoid giving people a cheap impression of the Chinese text version, and it will not make players feel that there is a bundle, and it will even become a symbol of high-end players. After all, there is a certain threshold to play.

"Also." Yu Yu continued, "I suggest that the Chinese block version can be made into two levels of difficulty. For the simple version, just paint these random Chinese characters with color, and for the advanced version, just remove the color."

Yu Dong nodded. This idea is also good. After the color is painted, the player does not need to pay attention to the structure of the Chinese characters, but only needs to look at the color, and the difficulty is greatly reduced.

This is not over yet, Yu Yu continued, "We can make a more difficult version in the future, for example, if words appear together, they can also be eliminated..."

Listening to Yu Liang's eloquent talk, Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "It seems that I made the right call. You still have a lot of thoughts about the game now."

When they were chatting about games last time, Yu Yu didn't know much about the game, and he couldn't talk about it. I didn't expect to have so many insights now. Although these ideas haven't touched the core of the game, but compared to before , he has improved a lot.

Yu Yu smiled and said, "Boss, I am no longer Wuxia Amon. I couldn't get in the conversation in the last meeting, so I learned from the pain during this period and strengthened the research on the game. It must be better than before. Of course I also You know, I still have a lot of room for improvement.”

"You're quite modest." Yu Dong laughed, "Okay, it's good to keep your enthusiasm for learning. As for what we just said, you can find time to communicate with Sanshang later, and ask him for his opinion."

"Okay, they should go to work later, I will call him then, and I will definitely convey the boss's meaning to him."

"Not only to convey, but also to ask his opinion. After all, he is professional compared to the two of us."


 Thank you [Love is Loneliness] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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