Chapter 684 Experiments
Yu Yu's efficiency was very high, and he turned around and conveyed the content of his discussion with Yu Dong to Mikami Shinji, and Mikami Shinji was even more efficient, and had already held two mobilization meetings before he got off work at noon.

The first mobilization meeting is about the Chinese character block version of Xiaoxiaole, and the two difficulties of simple and advanced are started at the same time. They plan to make the game before the start of the deep space annual meeting, so that they can play this game at any time. The game is released to the market.

As for the second mobilization meeting, it was about Lianliankan in Chinese characters.

For Lianliankan and Xiaoxiaole, the reason why Mikami and the others developed the latter first was because there was a game developed by the Russian game company, and there was relatively little follow-up work.

On the other hand, Lianliankan requires more pictures and more preparatory work in the early stage.

Now that the first version of Xiaoxiaole has been produced, Shinji Mikami and the others can also free up their hands to develop Lianliankan, and now they are working on the Chinese character block version of Xiaoxiaole, just starting from the Chinese character block, first developing a version of Lianliankan Come out, and then extend forward to develop other versions.

At that time, the game frame has been released, and all that needs to be done is to put various pictures in the game, which will save a lot of trouble.


At the end of January, "Star Moon Love Song" officially landed in Korea.

This time, regardless of previous suspicions, Deep Space Company still cooperates with SBS TV station. The reason is very simple, that is, SBS gives more.

However, one learns one's wisdom through adversity. This time, Deep Space Company stipulated the broadcasting time in the contract. The first three episodes of the TV series must be broadcast in the prime time of SBS.

If the audience rating exceeds 30.00% five, it must be broadcast in prime time all the time.

Sbs also has no choice. Originally, after the development of their Korean TV dramas in the past two years, they have already taken off, and they are expected to sweep the TV drama market in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Who would have thought that such a blocker as Deep Space Film and Television would suddenly jump out at this time, and two consecutive TV series would directly sell the Southeast Asian region.

In addition to the two TV series in the deep space, the response of "Han Zhu Ge Ge" in the Baodao area is also good. After the two TV series in the deep space, I drank the soup, leaving them with only bone dregs.

Moreover, SBS also knows a little about Deep Space's upcoming TV series plans.

They naturally understand that they will not be able to do deep space this year, and next year will be even more hopeless.

If you can't do it, just surrender, the way to survive.

Goryeo is also well versed in this way of survival.

At the beginning, several TV stations acted quite stubbornly, saying that they must unite to prevent Chinese TV dramas from entering.

But it didn't take long for them to disintegrate internally, and several TV stations approached Deep Space Company to discuss the copyright of the TV series.

In the end, after several rounds of intense competition, sbs won the exclusive broadcast rights of "Song of the Stars and the Moon" in Korea, making other companies jump their feet in anger.

Although several of their TV stations are relatively hard-spoken, the performance of "Song of the Stars and the Moon" is obvious to all. Not long after it was broadcast, it swept the TV stations in mainland China, Taiwan and other regions.

If you have money but don't make money, you bastards, perhaps from the very beginning, the few of them yelled to boycott Chinese TV dramas, just to show their competitors, so that they can relax their vigilance.

The end result is that they are all millennial foxes, and no one has been fooled.

This time "Song of the Stars and the Moon" was launched, although Deep Space Company did not do much publicity work in Korea, but the effect was better than the previous "Love Through Time and Space". The reason is also very simple. "Roof" has already become popular in Goryeo.

Just the previous week, "The Roof" had just become the most popular karaoke song of the week, and it had basically become a must-play song for Korean male and female duets.


17-year-old Cheon Soo-yeon couldn't wait to turn on the TV as soon as she got home from school.

Younger brother Qian Chengwen was eating snacks at the dining table, and ran over when he saw his sister turn on the TV as soon as she got home.

"The remote control should be mine today."

Qianjia's remote control is kept in turn. Parents and Qian Xiuyan each control it for two days, and the remaining day is kept by eight-year-old Qian Chengwen.

As for the second sister, Qian Chengmei, she voluntarily gave up the opportunity to control the remote control because she loves learning.

Qian Chengwen stretched out his small thick hand to grab the remote control, his face was very ferocious, after all, he could only master the remote control once a week, so of course he couldn't let his sister snatch it away easily.

Qian Xiuyan flashed a smile, then dodged Qian Chengwen's hand grabbing the remote control.

"Chengwen, give the remote control to my sister tonight, and the remote control will be yours tomorrow."

"But, that's what you said yesterday." Qian Chengwen rolled his eyes, and went around the sofa to snatch the remote control from Qian Xiuyan's hand.

"Really?" Qian Xiuyan giggled, holding the remote control so high that Ren Qianchengwen couldn't reach it no matter how she danced.

When Qian Chengwen was tired from dancing, Qian Xiuyan began to fool around again, "After you fell asleep last night, I heard Mom and Dad talking, guess what they were talking about?"

"What are you talking about?" Qian Chengwen kept jumping up and down, trying to reach the remote control.

"They are discussing that the amount of TV watching in our family will be halved in the future."

"Ah?" Qian Chengwen was taken aback, "Why?"

"Of course it's because Cheng Wen's academic performance has dropped recently. They think that the reason why your grades have dropped must be related to watching TV. Think about it, if it is really halved, I have two days, and I can still have one day left , you only have one day, and there is nothing left."

"Isn't it rounded up?" Qian Chengwen said innocently, "If it's rounded up, I still have one day."

Qian Xiuyan tapped Qian Chengwen's head with her finger, "Do you think it's possible? It's because of you that you halved the amount of TV watching."

"If this is the case, I can't change it with you. Otherwise, when the halving starts tomorrow, the only day I have left is gone."

Qian Xiuyan smiled, his idiot brother reacted quite quickly.

But the Tao is one foot tall, and the demon is also one foot taller.

Qian Xiuyan continued to fool around, "You were watching TV on Saturday, right?"

"That's right." Qian Chengwen nodded, "Yesterday was originally mine, but you took it."

"It's an exchange." Qian Xiuyan corrected, "If you continue to agree to exchange today, you will become Monday."

"Well, so what?"

"In the future, we can change it every week. On the first week, I will exchange Sunday for you, and on the second week, I will exchange Monday for you. In this way, you will have Sunday and one or two days in a row. Together. Sunday and Monday belong to the same week, so there are two days in the same week, even if it is halved, you still have one day left.”

After all, Qian Chengwen was only eight years old, so he was immediately confused by Qian Xiuyan.

He felt that what his sister said was right. With such a change, he would start from nothing, and once again have a day of watching TV.

After thinking about it for a while, he didn't think about where the flaw was, so he nodded innocently, "Then let me show you, remember to show me tomorrow."

"Sure, don't worry."

After discussing the ownership of the remote control, Qian Chengwen sat on the sofa and asked curiously, "Sister, why are you so active in watching TV today?"

Cheon Soo Yeon showed a mysterious smile, "Because of a song."

"A song?" Qian Chengwen asked puzzled, "Is there a music program tonight?"

Qian Xiuyan shook her head and said, "It's not a music program, it's a Chinese TV series that's about to air, and there's an episode in it. You've heard of "The Roof."

"Huh!" Qian Chengwen showed a disdainful expression, "You girls just like this kind of erotic songs, it's so disgusting. And it's Chinese songs, do you understand?"

"I'm learning Chinese recently, don't you know?" Qian Xiuyan smiled.

"Didn't you tell your parents that you learned Chinese so that you can go to university better? Oh, so you are chasing stars..."

Qian Chengwen turned up the volume, while Qian Xiuyan hurriedly covered her younger brother's mouth, "Don't talk nonsense, I mainly want to go to college better."

"whispering sound."

A mocking laugh showed Qian Chengwen's attitude.

The mother who went shopping came back soon, and saw the siblings sitting happily on the sofa watching TV, showing a gentle smile, "Xiuyan, Chengwen, don't worry, the meal will be ready soon."


After the family of five had finished eating, "Song of the Stars and the Moon" started broadcasting.

Qian Chengmei, who loves to study, went upstairs to study early, while the other four were sitting on the sofa watching the new TV series.

Hearing the opening song of "The Love Song of the Stars and the Moon", my father asked in surprise, "Is there another Chinese TV series going to be broadcast?"

Mother Pu Guizi smiled and said, "It's been announced before, haven't you seen it, I heard it's a very good TV series, and the heroine is a great beauty."

Father curled his lips, "It's just a decent level, not as beautiful as Xiuyan's."

"I see, you have two daughters who are prettier than actresses, okay?"

Although Park Guizi teased her so much, their two daughters are indeed very good-looking, especially the eldest daughter Qian Xiuyan, anyone who sees them will praise her for being beautiful.

The early stage of "Song of the Stars and the Moon" is relatively brisk, looks very warm, and often bursts out some laughs.

Halfway through, the father said reluctantly, "This heroine is quite attractive, she is already as good-looking as Xiuyan and Chengmei."

Pu Guizi covered his mouth and smiled, "This is already a very high level of praise."

After the first episode, the evaluation of the family of four was pretty good. Only Qian Xiuyan felt that it was a pity that she hadn't heard her favorite song "The Roof" after the whole episode.


In the next two days, Qian Chengwen took control of the remote control as he wished, but he also "voluntarily" tuned to the TV series that his parents and sister like to watch.

Because of the contract with Deep Space, sbs aired three episodes in three consecutive days this time, and it took up a prime time on Sunday.

After the third episode is over, two episodes will be screened on the weekend.

Because of the length of time, the three episodes broadcast by sbs are shorter than the six episodes broadcast in mainland China, and longer than the three episodes. It happens to be the most beautiful episode, and it is also the most intensive episode of "The Roof".

In these three episodes, Qian Xiuyan was directly entertained. Not only did she see the small and fresh TV plot, but she also kept listening to her favorite songs.

It's not just Qian Xiuyan who is watching, this TV series became popular in the whole Goryeo in an instant.

Exquisite pictures, novel shooting techniques, nice soundtrack, and sweet plot, no matter how you look at it, it is different from those TV dramas that have been broadcast before, which makes the Korean audience shine.

The last time they felt this way was when "Love Through Time and Space" hit the air.

Coincidentally, these two TV series are both produced by Deep Space.

With the addition of popular songs and the quality of the TV series itself, the ratings of "Song of the Stars and the Moon" quickly reached 40.00%, setting a record for this year. Of course, only one month has passed since this year.

While watching TV series, many lucky ones are also looking forward to the arrival of the Deep Space Annual Meeting.

And Qian Xiuyan was one of them, and she was lucky enough to get an invitation letter from Deep Space Company.

When "Song of the Stars and the Moon" aired to the fifth episode in Goryeo, the first day of the Deep Space Annual Meeting had just begun.

The deep space annual meeting is scheduled for February NO.12, and there are various activities in the week before that.

On February [-]th, the first event to start was a signing event for writers represented by Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu.

For a whole day, in the literary themed pavilion of the Deep Space Park, more than a dozen writers gathered together to hold a signing event, and readers could find their favorite authors and line up at the booth.

Originally, Yu Dong also wanted to participate in this signing event, but in the end, considering that the space of the literature themed pavilion was too small, he canceled it.

But even if he wasn't there, Yu Hua's book signing would still overwhelm the literature theme hall.

It was previously estimated that the Deep Space Park could receive [-] tourists a day.

But the signing activity on the first day directly raised the record to [-].

Of course, the 5000 people are not only the readers who came to participate in the signing, but also many people who participated in other projects. There may be 9000 people in this part.

Seeing the lively scene in front of him, Yu Yu also opened his mouth wide.

He was also worried before that the dozen or so writers were a little short, and whether he should make more efforts to increase the number of writers to thirty or forty, so that the scene would be more lively.

Looking at it now, it's fortunate that they didn't do this, otherwise, the scene would definitely be a mess.

"When organizing the event before, I still felt that the area of ​​our literary themed museum was quite large, not small at all. Now it seems that it is still a little smaller." Yu Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Jiang Jie, who was standing next to him, said with a smile, "The Literature Theme Pavilion is not used for autographs. I think next time it's better to hold it downstairs. The hall is spacious."

"The hall is nice, but I'm just worried that it will block tourists from entering other venues, and the loss outweighs the gain."

"Then put it on the square in front of the building. Anyway, it doesn't rain or snow recently." Jiang Jie continued to propose.

Yu Yu twitched the corner of his mouth: "That's so cold."

"When there are more people together, it will be warmer."

"Don't come up with ideas. This year is a book signing event. The live broadcast is not very difficult. You can only broadcast live text. But tomorrow is a music signing event. You can't just let the audience read text."

Jiang Jie smiled and said, "Don't worry, everything is ready."


(End of this chapter)

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