Chapter 685

Although it was a joint signing event for more than a dozen writers, Yu Hua was still more popular among readers. Among all the writers' booths, he had the longest line of readers in front of him.

On the first day of the Deep Space Annual Conference, Yu Dong went to the venue for a while in the morning and then returned to his office in the building to continue working on his new book.

In the evening, Yu Hua walked into Yu Dong's office with his hands on his waist.

After entering the office, he sat down on the sofa, and then told Yu Dong, "Member, go get me a glass of water, I'm dying of thirst."

Yu Dong raised his eyes to look at Yu Hua, then lowered his head and continued to work on his own affairs.

"Tea or boiled water?"

Yu Hua thought for a while and said, "White water."

"Well, there's a drinking fountain on your left."

Yu Hua turned her head to look at the water dispenser in the corner, and twitched the corners of her mouth, "Can't you move your hands and pour me a drink? I've worked for you all day today, and I'll be out at eight o'clock in the morning. It is only now that the stall is closed, except for eating fried rice with eggs, it has not stopped."

"Work for me." Yu Dong sneered, "Every time you sell a book, you make more money than the company. Who is working for whom? I heard that the surplus will be returned to you." I paid your appearance fee, but I didn't ask how much it was, it should be expensive."

Speaking of the appearance fee, Yu Hua chuckled, stood up by herself, and ran to pour water.

"The margin is too polite. I told him that I don't need any appearance fee for the signing, but he insisted on giving it to me. It's hard to turn down the hospitality." After pouring himself a glass of water, Yu Hua asked again: "Shall I pour you a glass?"

Yu Dong couldn't help laughing and said: "It seems that being rich can not only make ghosts grind the millstone, but also make you, Yu Hua, pour water."

"Don't drink it." Yu Hua sat back on the sofa comfortably. "Today, the intensity was too high, and there were so many people at the scene. The noise made my head buzz, and I felt like my ears were ringing a bit."

After Yu Dong finished writing a paragraph, he put down his pen and asked with a smile, "Where are you and Lao Bi? It's not over yet?"

"I went to eat in the cafeteria, and a few starved ghosts were reincarnated. I can't eat at all now, so I just want to lie down for a while." Yu Hua lay on the sofa and stared at the ceiling for a while, then said with emotion, "It's still you Members outside know how to enjoy the blessings, and I can't participate in the activities of my company. If you were here today, you would definitely be able to share most of the firepower, and we would be able to relax."

Yu Dong pouted, "If you have a new book, you don't have to read it."

Speaking of the new book, Yu Hua smiled coquettishly, "It's not that I haven't written anything yet, didn't I just write a few essays?"

Yu Dong didn't say anything, he didn't want to say anything more about Yu Hua's laziness.

Although it is said that articles are natural and can be obtained by chance, Yu Hua is really too lazy. He usually thinks about when the cucumbers in the vegetable garden will grow up, when the wine in the wine cellar will be old, when Milan will play international... …

Yu Dong used to urge him before, but now he doesn't care about him at all, and only occasionally teases him.

But Yu Hua really worked hard today. Although it ended late, the intensity was not small. It is estimated that the number of books signed on this day was over ten thousand.

Yu Dong rubbed his wrists and stood up, then turned and looked out the French window.

It's only past six o'clock, but it's almost dark. Looking down from the floor-to-ceiling windows, the first thing that catches the eye is the brightly lit theme building.

Although it was already evening and the writers signing event was over, tourists could still be seen walking into the theme building one after another.

The theme building is usually open until 08:30 in the evening, but because of the approach of the deep space annual meeting, the company adjusted the business hours and delayed it to [-]:[-] in the evening.

On the south side of the theme building, there is a building that is about the same height as the theme building and slightly smaller in area. It is the newly opened Deep Space Music Hall.

The activities of the Deep Space Music Hall will start tomorrow, and there are still many staff members busy setting up the stage at the entrance of the music hall.

After looking at the busy staff for a while, Yu Dong turned to Yu Hua and said, "You will feel much more relaxed in the next few days."

Yu Hua put down the water glass, walked to Yu Dong's side, saw the picture downstairs at the Deep Space Music Hall, and said with a smile, "Your view here is really good. You can see it from the top angle. I'll come to you tomorrow to see it." It's the show."

"There are fewer open-air programs outside the museum, and the main activities will still be arranged in the museum. Those activities cannot be seen from me."

"Tsk tsk, the Deep Space Music Hall is really not small, but your company's music development has been really good this year. I, who don't pay much attention to pop music, know that Jay Chou is the hottest recently. I have listened to many of his songs. It sounds weird, but if you listen to it too much, it should be more pleasant to your ears. Oh, not all songs are weird, and the song "Roof" in "Xingyue Love Song" is not weird."

As soon as "Song of the Stars and the Moon" was mentioned, Yu Hua patted his head, and he felt a little pain in his head.

Some time ago, "The Love Song of the Stars and the Moon" was broadcast, and Chen Hong took him to watch it together every day, and was very fascinated.Moreover, Chen Hong is the screenwriter herself, not only watching, but also seriously discussing the plot arrangement of this drama with Yu Hua.

"Oh yes." Yu Hua remembered one more thing: "Chen Hong liked the song "The Roof" very much. Later, because of "The Roof", she listened to a few songs by Xiao Zhou, and she felt pretty good about him. She said, If she writes TV dramas in the future, I also hope to ask Xiao Zhou to help her write theme songs."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "That's good. Xiao Zhou has already arrived in Jinling. He should be resting at the hotel right now. He will come to the scene tomorrow and find time for his sister-in-law to chat with him. Maybe he has an idea."

"Tomorrow the scene must be very busy. Let's wait for Xiao Zhou to finish his work. This kind of thing is not in a hurry. Although he is from Baodao, he will definitely come here often in the future. Even if he doesn't meet him this time, he will still have opportunities in the future."

Yu Dong nodded, "Alright."

Yu Hua is right, Xiao Zhou will definitely be very busy tomorrow, because this time, he is the main target of the Deep Space Music Day.

The other was Yo Nesbor.

Nesper is now making steady progress in Hollywood and developing very well, but there is no promotion in Asia, so his reputation is not as good as that of Jay Chou who just debuted.

This time, Deep Space will pay more attention to selecting the lucky ones in various countries and regions, and that is whether the other party pays attention to Jay Chou. If they are more concerned about Jay Chou, or even already a fan of Jay Chou, they will naturally give priority to it.

The reason for doing this is also to create momentum for Jay Chou.

At that time, ordinary guests from other countries and regions will all be Jay Chou fans. The atmosphere at the Deep Space Music Day will definitely be better, and news reports will naturally be easy to write.

In addition, attracting this group of people and increasing the stickiness of foreign fans will be more beneficial to Jay Chou's future development abroad.

Jay Chou's cash cow has already started to sprout, and I believe it will flourish in a short time.


What Yu Dong didn't know was that Jay Chou was not in the hotel at this time.

This time he didn't come alone, besides his partner Fang Wenshan and good friend Liu Genghong, he also brought his mother.

At this moment, he ran out with Liu Genghong and appeared in the deep space park.

Jay Chou was wearing a black coat and a peaked cap. He was not conspicuous in the crowd, but Liu Genghong still attracted a lot of attention because of his makeup and fashionable outfits.

Looking at the bustling Deep Space Park, Liu Genghong said in amazement: "It's already dark, and there are so many people. I just heard that today's event is over."

Jay Chou looked at the crowd and expressed a little regret, "Unfortunately, we should have come earlier, and we can also buy a few books for autographs."

"You bought it and didn't watch it." Liu Genghong teased, and then laughed, "It's just that you should come earlier, isn't there a rehearsal for the event in the mainland? You are going to sing tomorrow, so suddenly you don't have a rehearsal Go up and sing, won't it be too good?"

Jay Chou smiled, "If you just sing without fear, as long as you don't let me talk too much."

Liu Genghong also laughed, "I'm also worried about this, but you still have to be prepared. It must be a good thing to interact with fans more. Look at your master, such a great writer, he often talks to you on stage. People are joking, you have to learn a little bit."

"What master, blind."

"The wife of the male teacher is the teacher's wife, and the husband of the female teacher is of course the teacher's father." Liu Genghong laughed.

Jay Chou twitched the corner of his mouth, but said nothing.

In fact, he didn't object to others saying that Cheng Yanqiu was his teacher, because in his opinion, Cheng Yanqiu really had the kindness to know him.

He had heard about the process of making the album, and if Cheng Yanqiu wasn't there, I'm afraid "Jay Chou" wouldn't have appeared.

And in terms of piano performance, Cheng Yanqiu is indeed good enough to be his teacher.

It's just that he is really not Cheng Yanqiu's student, and he is worried that Teacher Cheng will be angry when people always say that.

Of course, even if he is really a student of Mr. Cheng, the title of teacher dad is quite stupid. Geng Hong is not very smart.

The two walked around the theme hall with the flow of people. Jay Chou's favorite is the game zone, but this zone is more popular, surrounded by people, and there are many people queuing behind each game console. He wants to go up and show off , did not get what they wanted.

Another popular one is the huge movie theater.

When they went, "The Pianist on the Sea" happened to be playing in the theater, so they stood in the back row and watched it for a while.

"The Pianist on the Sea" is not the kind of blockbuster movie, but the theater is still overcrowded. On the one hand, it is because as long as the star points for entering the park are swiped, no extra points will be deducted for watching this movie. On the other hand, it is also because of the effect of the theater It's so good.

Watching a movie in such a movie theater is a kind of enjoyment no matter what you watch, not to mention that the picture and soundtrack of this movie are very good, and it is very in tune with the effect of the movie theater. Not a lot of stimulation.

Jay Chou likes this movie very much. He has watched it many times, but he still likes it very much. He even wrote several piano pieces for this movie.

It was past ten o'clock when Jay Chou and the others came out of the themed pavilion. The two of them were talking, when suddenly a little girl in a peaked cap lowered her head and slipped between them.

While walking, the girl also said, "The ancestor sent Hamida."

Jay Chou scratched his head and glanced at the girl's back, "This person is not Chinese."

Liu Genghong smiled and said, "It's Korean, I'm sorry."

"Korean language." Jay Chow pouted, jokingly said, "When you come to China, you should learn Chinese. Next time I see her, I must teach her how to say sorry."

"It's strange that people listen to you." Liu Genghong laughed, "Let's go back and have a good rest at night, otherwise we won't be in a good state tomorrow."



Qian Xiuyan held a strategy map and ran to the Literature Museum recklessly. Looking at the people coming and going and the rows of bookshelves, she was a little dazed. Today's activities seemed to be over.

That's right, she came too late, and it was normal for the event to end.

It's just a pity...

Although she is not very fond of literature, she finally came to China and encountered such a good event, so of course she wanted to get some signed books back.

She should have been able to arrive, but because of communication problems, she wasted too much time from Shanghai to Jinling, and then to the Deep Space Park.

In fact, she didn't have to be so embarrassed.

When the Deep Space Company sent her the invitation letter, it also included a few pages of guide books, which arranged for her the whole process from Korea to Jinling. After arriving at the place, she could contact the staff of Deep Space. They will be received by people who can speak Korean.

It's just that when she came, she lost the guide book.

After the plane landed in Shanghai, she searched in her backpack several times but couldn't find it.

Originally, even if she lost the instruction book, she would not be in such a mess. She only needs to ask the airport staff to get the official phone number of the Deep Space Company, and then call to explain the situation, and the Deep Space Company will naturally send someone there Pick her up.

But she was very reckless, and used the few Chinese she had learned to break into the deep space park.

If you say she is smart, she just couldn't think of asking the airport staff for help to contact the Deep Space Company if you lost the guide book. If you say she is stupid, in this case, she really found a place.

As for the guide in her hand, it was actually given to her by someone she knew in a Chinese interest group she was in.

That person had stayed in China before, and had also been to the Deep Space Park. He knew the layout of the themed pavilion and drew it for her. So when she arrived at the themed pavilion, she went straight to the literature pavilion.

After missing the event, Qian Xiuyan remembered to find the staff of Deep Space.

I couldn't find anyone who could speak Korean, and she couldn't speak English, so she spoke Chinese that was difficult for ordinary people and danced to let the other party know about her situation.

The main staff heard that Qian Soo-yeon is from Korea, and the company has indeed invited many ordinary guests from Korea this year, so it was easy to associate her with the guests.

The staff took her to a colleague who can speak Korean, and then arranged a place for her to settle down.

 The anti-theft is just a try, I'll see the situation, no matter whether the effect is good or not, I probably won't do it in the future.As for the content of the anti-theft stickers, some of them were written by myself, and there is no follow-up.

(End of this chapter)

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