Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 693 I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry

Chapter 693 I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry

Although Yu Dong had already instructed Jay Chou to set aside time to chat with fans, Jay Chou went into a frantic working state as soon as he sat down, signing autographs all the time without stopping.

More than 100 people were signed, not to mention chatting with fans, even Jay Chou didn't raise his head.

Fortunately, Yu Dong had greeted the fans in advance, so the fans didn't feel left out, they just felt that Jay Chou was shy.

On the contrary, many fans would take the initiative to chat with Jay Chou.

"Jay Chou, your song is really nice."

"Jay Chou, I really like your song."

"You must work hard."

"Come on, I am optimistic about you, you are the next king of heaven."

Faced with these encouragements, Jay Chou just bowed his head and said thank you.

After signing more than 100 people, Jay Chou suddenly heard a little girl's voice, "Jie Lun Zhou, hey, Salang."

Jay Chou raised his head. He looked at the little girl in front of him, trying to recall the Korean girl he met last night. It seemed a bit similar, but he couldn't be sure because he didn't see clearly last night.

Qian Xiuyan didn't expect Jay Chou to look up.

Just now she was at the back of the queue and had been staring at Jay Chou's side. From the beginning to the end, Jay Chou had been burying his head in signing the autograph without looking up.

Is it because of my accent?

Jay Chou stared at Qian Xiuyan for a while, then suddenly asked, "Do you speak Chinese?"

Qian Xiuyan blinked, she only understood the word "Chinese" in this sentence, but that was enough.

"I, Chinese, a little bit." Qian Xiuyan smiled, "Jay Chou, love you, Deep Space Company, Yu Dong, curse, live, simple love, roof, me, Qian Xiuyan."

Hearing that Qian Xiuyan knew a lot of words, Jay Chou raised his eyebrows, and then said, "I'll teach you a word, I'm sorry, come on, I'm sorry."

Although Qian Xiuyan couldn't hear Jay Chou's words, she remembered the sorry she repeated twice, "Are you right?"

It looks a little bit different, Jay Chou smiled and corrected again: "Yes, no, get up."

"Can not align."



By the way, Jay Chou grinned, he really wanted to pull Liu Genghong over to listen.

Jay Chou laughed, and Qian Xiuyan also laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Not bad." Jay Chou gave a thumbs up, and then signed the two albums in Qian Xiuyan's hands.


Cheng Yanqiu watched Jay Chou raise his head and talk to Qian Xiuyan from a distance, and couldn't help laughing, "It seems that Xiao Zhou also prefers beautiful girls, there must be tens of hundreds of people who have signed, this is the first time he raised his head to talk to fans , talked quite a lot, and he seemed to be very happy."

Yu Dongzheng lowered his head to look at the documents Yu Yu showed him. Hearing what Cheng Yanqiu said, he also looked up in the direction of Jay Chou. Jay Chou had just signed for Qian Xiuyan, and Qian Xiuyan was walking out under the guidance of the staff.

Seeing Qian Xiuyan's appearance, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, this girl looks familiar.

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Dong remembered why she felt familiar. This girl looked a bit like the Korean actress Song Zhixiao. Compared with Song Zhixiao, this girl looked a little more heroic.

If you count by age... Yu Dong doesn't know how old Song Zhixiao is, but the current Song Zhixiao should be about the same age as this girl.

Could it be her?

This time, Deep Space Company has invited a lot of ordinary guests from Korea. Maybe it happened to invite Song Zhixiao?
Yu Dong decided to ask, he turned to look at Yu Yu, "How many Korean guests have our company invited this year? Is there a list?"

Yu Liang looked at Yu Dong in surprise, and didn't understand why Yu Dong suddenly asked for the list of Korean guests. What he showed Yu Dong was obviously the information of "Pirates of the Caribbean". Didn't the topic jump too fast?
"Well, there is a list. We have invited a total of 78 Korean guests, and some of them have not yet arrived. As for the list, of course there is. Some guests will bring friends or family members, and they are all registered."

Yu Dong nodded: "Very good, if you have time, show me a copy of the information."

Yu Yu blinked, "I have time now, but... I'll get it now."

He originally wanted to ask Yu Dong why he suddenly wanted this list, but thinking of Yu Dong's previous style of handling affairs, he didn't ask.

In Yu Yu's mind, the boss does things calmly and with traces most of the time, but occasionally he does some behaviors that ordinary people can't understand, but these behaviors that ordinary people can't understand will eventually prove to be purposeful and useful of.


The margin quickly brought the roster over.

"There are a total of 78 Korean guests who received the invitation, and a total of [-] people brought by them, all of them are on the top."

Yu Dong took the roster and started looking for someone with the surname Song, and found a few, but none named Song Zhixiao.

After reading it over and over several times, and after confirming that there was no Song Zhixiao, Yu Dong closed the roster.

Yu Dong had also thought about the fact that Song Zhixiao had changed his name, but there was no basis for this guess, and he didn't need to insist on talking about it just because there was a girl who looked like Song Zhixiao.

But this incident gave Yu Dong some ideas.

Their company has not signed any artists from Goryeo and Neon until now, and they have been promoting domestic TV dramas and Chinese artists before.

This model is a bit different from that in the United States. Deep Space Company has signed many local stars in the United States, including several child stars. Because Yu Dong wants to cultivate some stars who are biased towards China, the public opinion war will be more likely in the future. smoothly.

According to this idea, in Neon and Goryeo, it is definitely necessary to sign celebrities. This two-pronged approach will make it easier to enter the local market.

The little girl just now can get in touch. First of all, her appearance should pass the test. In addition, since she can come to the deep space annual meeting, it proves that she loves China more and is easier to develop.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong scratched his head, why did he feel that picking an artist was like running an underground party, but having said that, in the future, when signing an artist, he must do a good job in the background.

He scrolled down again, and at the back of the list was the personal information of these people, just like a resume, with photos of each person on it.

After looking through about a dozen photos, Yu Dong found the photo of the girl just now.

"Hey, you're really Korean."

When looking through the information just now, Yu Dong was mentally prepared. Maybe the girl who looked like Song Zhixiao just now was not Korean. After all, the difference in appearance between Chinese and Korean is not very big. Like Song Zhixiao is also normal.

"Chien Soo-yeon."

Her surname isn't even Song.

Yu Dong pulled out Qian Xiuyan's information separately, and then handed it to Yu Yue, "This Qian Xiuyan, please contact me."

Yu Yu took the information and asked doubtfully, "What kind of contact method?"

"See if she has the potential to be an artist, whether she has the idea of ​​becoming an artist, and most importantly, her personal views on China and her family background."

"You don't need to do the latter, it's been done before."

"It's a little more detailed this time."

Yu Yue nodded, "Okay, I'll let someone contact you in a while."

"Okay, there's no need to rush."

Of course, Yu Yu would not do this in person. After all, he is the head of Deep Space China. There are dedicated people to do the work of discovering artists, and Yu Yu only needs to give orders.

"There is still this material." Yu Dong held up the material of "Pirates of the Caribbean" and said, "There are some problems in it, I will take it back first, and I will mark the problems in it tonight, and I will also write my own I will give you my opinion tomorrow."

Yu Yue smiled and said, "No problem, Boss, it just so happens that Mr. Ji will come over tomorrow."


After Qian Xiuyan got Jay Chou's signed album, she ran to the side and stared at the name on the album for a while, then carefully wrapped the two albums in a plastic bag, and then carefully put them in the backpack.

After doing this, she looked up in the direction of You Nesbo. She also bought a You Nesbo album and was going to ask him to sign it.Although Qian Xiuyan hasn't listened to You Nesbo's songs very much, but I heard that they are quite good. Since I came all the way, I'll buy a record and get an autograph.

After Qian Xiuyan got You Nesbo's signature, she was about to take a stroll in the music tube when Guan Yongqian, who was in charge of receiving Korean guests, found her.

"Xiuyan, I found you."

Qian Xiuyan looked at Guan Yongqian who was out of breath, and asked strangely: "Sister Yongqian, are you looking for me?"

Guan Yongqian nodded: "I was just looking for you, I thought you were queuing up at Jay Chou's side."

Qian Xiuyan said with a smile, "I already got Jay Chou's autograph, and just now I got U Nesbo's autograph."

She shook the signed U Nesbo album in her hand.

Guan Yongqian said unexpectedly: "It's so fast, don't you miss lunch?"

"Well, I'm actually not very hungry."

Hearing that Qian Xiuyan didn't eat, Guan Yongqian shook her head, "Even if you want an autograph, you don't have to work so hard. Today's event will last until late, so you should be able to get your autograph. Let's go, I'll take you to dinner."

Guan Yongqian looked at the time. Although it was two o'clock, there should be some food in the cafeteria. Even if there was none, she told the chef in the cafeteria that there should be no problem cooking noodles.

"Here, don't bother..." Qian Xiuyan felt a little embarrassed, and began to feel coy, but she was indeed hungry, and she was looking around just now, wanting to see if there was a convenience store in the music hall.

"It's okay, let's go, I still have something to tell you."

Guan Yongqian took Qian Xiuyan to the cafeteria, and asked the master to serve a bowl of noodles, nothing else, just added some shredded pork and sauerkraut.

With fried shredded pork and sauerkraut, Qian Xiuyan was sweating profusely.

Seeing Qian Xiuyan eating like a reincarnated starved ghost, Guan Yongqian smiled and said, "I'm still not hungry."

Qian Xiuyan put the last noodle into her mouth, took a sip of hot soup from the noodle bowl, and said with a smile: "I'm not hungry at first, but this noodle is really delicious. By the way, Miss Yongqian , You said you wanted to tell me something, what did you mean?"

"Wipe your mouth first." Guan Yongqian handed Qian Xiuyan a tissue, and then smiled, "Xiuyan, have you ever thought about becoming an artist?"

Qian Xiuyan froze for a moment, "Sister Yongqian, what are you talking about? What's wrong with the artist?"

Guan Yongqian repeated again, "Have you ever thought about being an artist?"

"Being an artist..."

In fact, when Guan Yongqian said it the first time, Qian Xiuyan had already heard it clearly, but she couldn't believe it, so she asked again to confirm that she heard correctly.

Has Cheon Soo Yeon ever thought about being an artist?
Of course I thought about it, but it was not a firm idea, nor was it a dream.

In fact, most children had this kind of thought when they were young. When they saw stars on TV, they would think that they could become stars one day, but those thoughts were just fleeting, and few children would take it seriously. Really think about whether you have the possibility of being an artist, and not many children will think about trying to become a TV star.

The same is true for Qian Soo-yeon, she thought about becoming an artist, becoming a star, standing on the stage and accepting the cheers and love of the audience, just like those stars she likes, but she never thought about really working hard to become an artist .

So it was difficult for her to answer Guan Yongqian's question.

After holding back for a long time, Qian Xiuyan said, "I thought about it, but I just thought about it."

Guan Yongqian nodded, expressing her understanding. Of course, as a person who has experienced it, she knows what a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl is thinking.

"Let me put it another way, do you reject being an artist?"

This question is obviously easier to answer, Qian Xiuyan shook her head and said, "I don't reject it."

"Even if you know that after becoming an artist, you will not be as free as you are now, do you still not reject it?"

"not against."

The answer the second time did not change, and without the slightest hesitation.

"I understand." Guan Yongqian nodded with a smile, "The thing is, our company is going to recruit a few artist interns from Korea. I think your image is very good and you are very suitable."

"Artist intern?"

"Well, there will be a period of inspection. The company will see if you have the potential to become an artist. If so, our company will sign a contract with you. Of course, you are relatively young, and the company will try not to delay your study. .”

Qian Xiuyan understood what Guan Yongqian meant, and was quite interested in this artist intern.

"Sister Yongqian, if I become an artist trainee in Deep Space, will I have the opportunity to get in close contact with Jay Chou, Xiao Wanzi, and even Yu Dong?"

Guan Yongqian didn't expect Qian Xiuyan to pay attention to this. He smiled, "Of course, even an intern will definitely have the opportunity to contact other people in the company. But I want to remind you, don't agree because of this reason, if you really If you want to meet these people, even if you don’t become an artist trainee in our company, you still have the opportunity.”

Qian Xiuyan thought for a while and said, "Then can I discuss it with my parents?"

"Of course, this is a very important matter. You can discuss it with anyone, and we will give you enough time. If you need to call your family, I can provide you with convenience, and our company can achieve Gao Li's phone number."

(End of this chapter)

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