Chapter 694 Got it?

Qian Xiuyan talked with her parents on the phone for a long time. Apart from the matter of the artist intern, she also told her family what happened in the past two days, saying that she saw Jay Chou, got a signed album, and said that she Zeng and Xiaowanzi stood together...

Cheon Soo-yeon's parents have different opinions on the artist trainee.

Qian Xiuyan's father is engaged in the construction industry and is a man with a stable life. He has always planned for Qian Xiuyan's future to let her study hard. Although her academic performance is not very good, she also hopes that she can go to college. I hope I can learn the construction industry and become an architectural designer.

Although her mother, Park Guizi, also thinks that Qian Xiuyan is not yet an adult, it is not suitable for her to be an artist, but she should be more relaxed. She thinks that she can follow the proposal of Deep Space Company, do a good job in her studies first, and wait until she is in college. Try being an entertainer.

Qian Xiuyan will take the exam in November next year, and there are less than ten months left.

Park Guizi was originally a member of the swimming team, and her life is different from that of ordinary office workers, so she should be more open-minded in this regard.

Guan Yongqian listened for a long time, and finally suggested, "Xiuyan, don't rush to make a decision on this matter. I don't think it's better than this. During this time, you should take part in the activities and come to China with your family again after New Year's Eve. It not only reassures them that you have not encountered a liar, but also allows us to sit face to face and have a good chat."

The main reason is that Qian Xiuyan's family members didn't apply for a visa before, so they couldn't come here immediately, so they had to wait until the next year.Otherwise, it would be better to take them over now and let them join in the fun of the annual meeting.

"Is that okay too?"

"of course can."

Guan Yongqian smiled, and after listening to Qian Xiuyan's phone call with her family, she felt that it should not be difficult to persuade Qian Xiuyan's family.

The reason why she has this confidence is because Qian Xiuyan was not very good at studying.Even her father wanted her to go to college wholeheartedly, but he didn't mention that this matter would affect her grades, but said that she was afraid that she would not have time to go to college as an artist.

This is easy to handle, because the idea of ​​Shenkong Company is to let her go to college. After her parents come later, they can explain this clearly to them, and at the same time, they can also tell them that as long as she is willing to be an artist intern, Shenzhen The air company will find the best teacher to give her tuition.

"Let's go." Guan Yongqian got up and said.

Qian Xiuyan looked up at her, "Where are you going?"

Guan Yongqian smiled and said, "Don't you want to meet the stars of our company? I'll take you to see them. Jay Chou and the others are signing a sale right now, but Xiaowanzi and the others should be in the lounge."

When she heard that she was going to meet a celebrity, Cheon Soo Yeon jumped up, "That's great!"


That night, when Yu Dong left the Deep Space Park, Jay Chou was still signing autographs for fans, and You Nesbo and the others had already left.

Yu Yu told Yu Dong that today's signings were very good. Jay Chou alone signed and sold more than 8000 records, and You Nesbo also sold nearly [-] records.

In fact, Jay Chou should have been able to sell more, but was held back by the signing speed.

On the one hand, it is the first time for him to hold a signing event, and his hands are relatively raw. On the other hand, his name has many strokes. Although the design is rough, it still takes time to write.

Of course, these more than 8000 copies were actually only sold, and have not yet been signed out.

It was 09:30 when Yu Dong left, but according to the forecast, it would take nearly two hours for the sold records to be signed.


Yu Dong didn't go back to Jinyi, but went to Luoyuan. Cheng Yanqiu's grandparents came to Jinling, and he wanted to greet them.

The second elder arrived at Luoyuan the night before, and when Yu Dong and the others returned, the second elder was already asleep, so the next morning Yu Dong went to say hello to Cheng Yanqiu early in the morning.

The old people felt little, Yu Dong and the others went there at seven o'clock, and the two elders had already had breakfast and were chatting in the reception room of the small building.

Seeing Yu Dongcheng Mingde smiled and waved, "Come here, come here."

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu walked over with a smile, "Did grandpa and grandma sleep well last night?"

"Okay." Cheng Mingde said: "It's not the first time we've come here. Every time you come, you have to ask this question. Every time you come, I have to tell you that you slept well."

Lu Yun smiled and said: "You old man, people don't like to listen to what you say. Yu Dong and the others care about you. Is there something wrong?"

"It's right to be concerned, but it's too long-winded."

"Look, a person in his 80s still thinks others are long-winded."

"Whether you are long-winded or not has nothing to do with your age." Cheng Mingde muttered, and then said to Dong: "You must be very busy these days."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's not too busy, it's because other colleagues in the company are busy."

"It's still important to work. You have visited our side, so hurry up and go to the company's side."

Hearing that Cheng Mingde started pushing people away so quickly, Yu Dong twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a smile, "Grandpa, there is no such rush. You two elders finally came here. It is a rare opportunity. Let me chat with Luoluo."

Lu Yun nodded and said: "Yes, yes, let's chat for a while, and go to the company later."

Cheng Mingde rolled his eyes, "You just like to chat with people, and you don't know if young people like to chat with you."

Cheng Yanqiu also knew his grandfather's temper, and walked over to hold Lu Yun's hand with a smile, "Grandma, come here, stay here with peace of mind, stay a little longer, and parents will come over later, if there is anything If you need it, tell me or tell your parents.”

Lu Yun held Cheng Yanqiu's hand and said with a smile: "Luoluo, grandma doesn't have any other requirements, just look forward to seeing my great-grandson sooner, Luoluo, tell me, can your grandpa and I still see him?" ?”

"You old woman, why are you saying this all of a sudden? Young people have their own plans."

Cheng Mingde complained, but he focused on Yu Dong and the others, and paid close attention to their answers.

In fact, Cheng Mingde did not think about this before. He believed that young people have their own plans, and they decide when to have children.

But this year he fell ill and almost went to see Hades. After recovering from his illness, he heard Lu Yun muttering about it every day, so he changed his mind.

He reckoned that he didn't have a few more years to live, if he could see Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu's child come out, he would forget about it.

Speaking of having a baby, Cheng Yanqiu's face turned red all of a sudden.

Although she has been a woman for several years, her skin is still very thin, and she always reacts like this every time she talks about giving birth.

In the past two years, people around have mentioned having children more and more frequently, but they are not affected too much. Everything is going according to plan. According to Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu's plan, they are going to have another child in the next year.

But Cheng Yanqiu couldn't tell his grandparents about his plan, so he could only nod his head and say, "I'm thinking about it, grandma."

Lu Yun said sternly: "It's not enough to just think about it. The times are different now, and the matter of having children must be taken seriously. Also, Luo Luo, you are too skinny. It's not okay to have children so thin."

"Grandma, I weigh over 110 catties."

"You're tall. If you gain more than ten or twenty catties, you won't be considered fat. Don't forget why I named you Luoluo."

"I haven't forgotten, grandma." Cheng Yanqiu pouted, and she suddenly remembered the circle of piglets in the countryside.

"And Yu Dong, you've lost weight too. You can't be so thin if you're a man."

"I know, I will eat hard when I look back."

In fact, Yu Dong is not thin. He weighs more than 140 kilograms, which is considered a normal figure, but in the eyes of their older generation, he is indeed thinner.


After chatting with grandparents until eight o'clock, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu set off for the Ultra Deep Space Park.

On the way, Cheng Yanqiu, the co-pilot, suddenly said, "Husband, just now when grandma mentioned children, I suddenly thought of something."

Yu Dong saw that the green light in front turned red, and lightly tapped the brakes, "What's the matter?"

"My aunt doesn't seem to be here."

Yu Dong was taken aback, and couldn't help using some force on the brakes. The two of them moved forward as the brakes became sharper, and he hurriedly released the brakes slowly.

"What did you say?"

"I said, my aunt hasn't come this month."

"Really?" Yu Dong scratched his head.

Seeing Yu Dong's nervous look, Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "Don't be nervous, sometimes it's normal to delay a little bit, now it's only three or four days late, and the most time before it was a week late."

"Oh." Yu Dong nodded.

Although Cheng Yanqiu said so, there is still a possibility of being recruited, because a few days ago they really did not have safety measures, because they were thinking about the safety period at that time.

"The light is green." Cheng Yanqiu said suddenly.

"Oh, good." Yu Dong quickly put into gear and started.

The possibility of having a child made Yu Dong a little distracted, and he didn't know what kind of mood he was in.

The joy of being a father?Annoyed and flustered by disrupted plans?

It doesn't seem to be.

Or rather, a little bit of every emotion.

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong's profile with interest, and said, "I really think this is the first time I've seen you so nervous."

Oh, it was nervous, Cheng Yanqiu said the answer.

Even though Yu Dong has been a man for two lifetimes, he is still not ready to be a father.

As a son, he has decades of experience, but as a father, he is still a novice.Marrying Cheng Yanqiu was also his first time, but this matter gave him a completely different feeling.

At that time when he married Cheng Yanqiu, apart from being a little nervous, his heart was full of joy and longing.

"Nonsense, how could I be nervous." Yu Dong said stiffly, and then said, "There is nothing that can make me nervous."

Cheng Yanqiu glanced at Yu Dong and said with a smile, "That's good."


The theme of today's event in the Deep Space Park is film and television drama, which is an important part of the activities in the past few days, because there will be a lot of stars coming that day, both at home and abroad.

After driving to the park, after getting off the car, Yu Dong accidentally ran to open the door for Cheng Yanqiu, which directly confused Cheng Yanqiu.

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong's hand covering her head, and said with a sneer, "Where did you learn this?"

"Aren't you..." Yu Dong gestured to his stomach with his hand.

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes and said, "I told you, there is a high probability that it will be postponed. If I knew you were so nervous, I wouldn't tell you."

"Then what if you really hit it? Then you should pay more attention from now on."

"Even if you win, it's just pregnancy. Many people can go to work in the fields when they are pregnant. I can't even get off the car? And let me tell you, pregnant women just need to exercise more. It's easy to be nervous like you Something went wrong."

"Ahem, I..."

Yu Dong was about to say something more when he suddenly heard exclamations from the direction of the park entrance. He turned his head and saw Matthew McConaughey and Johnny Depp getting out of a car , surrounded by many fans and reporters.

From the entrance of the deep space park to the theme pavilion, there is a red carpet with a length of 199.8 meters and a width of 19.98 meters. This red carpet was laid overnight by the staff last night.

All the cars today either go through other doors, or stop at the door. Yu Dong and the others came in through the side door just now.

"They came so early." Cheng Yanqiu said in surprise.

"Well, it's really early." Yu Dong nodded, he was also surprised.

Although the red carpet was laid, today's event is not as rigorous as the Oscars, and all guests only need to be there between 08:30 and 11:30.

In other words, guests can walk on the red carpet whenever they want, for as long as they want, even if they don’t want to, or sneak in through the side door, just like Yu Dong.

Because the main content of today's event is not walking the red carpet, the key is the activities in the theme pavilion, such as film promotion, press conference, and signing.

Today's signing will be very large, and there are many types of signings. Unlike the previous two days, there are only books and novels.

Signing items include video tapes, CDs, posters and some peripheral products.

Yu Dong glanced at the crazy movie fans and reporters over there, took Cheng Yanqiu's hand, and said with a smile: "Let's go in too, don't be seen by others in a while, and don't be surrounded, my fans are no better than their movie fans few."

"I even made you shriek."

"It's not embarrassment, it's self-confidence."


In fact, what Yu Dong said was correct, if they didn't leave, they would definitely be recognized by others, because as time went by, more and more people entered the deep space park, and they could no longer stand at the entrance, and everyone began to disperse around.

Compared with yesterday's music day, today's film and television drama theme day is more attractive. Apart from other things, the number of guests who came to the film and television drama theme day crushed the music day.

According to incomplete statistics, the guests who will come to the film and television drama special day include but are not limited to Matthew McConaughey, Johnny Depp, Spielberg, Hu Jing, Ning Jing, Liu Ye, Feng Yuanqian, Zhang Yimou, Ge You , Liu Qingyun, Joe Schumacher, Winona, Quentin, Guy Ritchie, Statham, Tim Roth...

This lineup is no worse than any film festival.

 Thank you [Glen Seal] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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