Chapter 695 Literary Scream

Yu Dong and the others did not enter the theme building, but went to his office.

As soon as the couple entered the office, they saw three pandas, which shocked them.

After seeing the appearance of the three pandas clearly, Yu Dong couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Why are you three here?"

It was none other than Zhang Yimou, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu.

"It's nothing. Isn't today the theme of a film and television drama? I'll bring the two of them over to have a look." Zhang Yimou said.

Yu Dong pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, "You played cards late last night?"

Yu Hua yawned, "It just ended an hour ago. I wanted to go back to sleep, but this old schemer caught me. He lost more than 100 yuan last night, and he felt unbalanced."

Seeing the appearance of the three of them, Cheng Yanqiu smiled, "I'll get someone to pour some tea, and I'll go find Dajing and the others later, and you guys can talk."

After Cheng Yanqiu left, Yu Dong asked again, "Did you all walk the red carpet when you came?"

Yu Hua pointed to her face, "Excellent Yu, look at us in this state, can we go on the red carpet? If there is a large group of reporters outside, if they see us all staring at the dark circles under our eyes, maybe we can only tell us what to do." make news."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Don't worry about that. If a reporter asks you why you have dark circles under your eyes, you can just say that they had a long conversation last night in order to discuss literature, and it got out of hand. Good story."

Bi Feiyu gave a thumbs up: "This statement is good, I think it will work."

Yu Dong looked at the three of them, "You guys really have nothing else to do when you come here early in the morning?"

"Really not." Yu Hua stood up and walked to the back of the office, "I'll find a place to sit for a while."

Yu Dong's office is large and fully functional. Of course, there is a place to rest.

After Yu Hua went in, Bi Feiyu also stood up, ran to occupy the rocking chair sofa behind the bookshelf, "I'll just sleep here."

When they both went to sleep, Yu Dong looked at Zhang Yimou, "Do you want to sleep?"

Zhang Yimou shook his head, "I don't sleep, I can carry it better."

Yu Dong nodded. Zhang Yimou could indeed carry it. He rarely slept at ordinary times, and staying up all night was common for him.

"Then sit down for a while, and I'll read the information for a while."

He hasn't finished sorting out the "Pirates of the Caribbean" materials that were left over for him yesterday. Jimmy will come over in the afternoon, and he plans to finish the materials in the morning.

"Well, you go, I'll find a book to read, you don't have to ignore me."

Yu Dong nodded, and ran to read the materials, but after less than half an hour of reading, he heard a slight snoring from the sofa - Zhang Yimou had also fallen asleep.

After a while, there were two more snores in the office, and one was louder than the other, one after another.

The three of them cooperated seamlessly, never allowing any second of silence in the office.

Yu Dong rubbed his temples, picked up the phone and called the secretary department, "Send me a walkman and a pair of earphones."

With the growing size of Deep Space Corporation, the Secretary Department has also been established. The Secretary Department now has eight or nine secretaries, and each secretary is responsible for coordinating the work of one or more leaders above the level of department heads.

Yu Dong doesn't come here often, and he has a special assistant, but if there is anything, the entire secretarial office is at his disposal.

As soon as the boss asked for a walkman and headphones, the secretaries of the secretarial department did not dare to neglect, and quickly contacted Deep Space Music to adjust the latest and best equipment to Yudong's office.

Xiao Li, who was in charge of delivering the walkman and earphones, was still wondering why the boss suddenly wanted these things. When she knocked on the door and heard the loud voices inside, she immediately understood that this is not an office, it looks like a lumberyard.

Yu Dong put on the earphones, the music hadn't played yet, there was only the sound of the tape spinning, but he showed a satisfied smile. Compared with the snoring of Zhang Yimou and the three of them, the sound of the tape spinning was just like fairy music.

Putting on the headset, the work efficiency will be improved at once.

The "Pirates of the Caribbean" information that Yu Yu gave me included the appearance of props, costumes, character shapes and some symbols.

In the "Pirates of the Caribbean" script written by Yu Dong, there are descriptions of these contents, and they are quite detailed. The current materials are also some sketches and explanations made by the production staff based on those descriptions.

Because it was made according to the text description, there are generally no mistakes, but some details are still not perfect. What Yu Dong has to do is to circle these imperfect places. It is best if he can give some more details. Specific suggestions are convenient for staff to modify.

The basis for Yu Dongquan's note is not only his memory of watching movies in his previous life, but also the results he obtained after researching the materials.

Although I have seen the movie and remember the plot of the movie, I only have a general impression of the image, costumes, and props of the actors. Most people don’t remember these things when they watch movies.


It wasn't until one o'clock in the afternoon that Yu Dong finished processing the materials.

Zhang Yimou woke up at eleven o'clock, the two had lunch together, and then Zhang Yimou went to the theme pavilion, while Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua were still sound asleep.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Spielberg entered Yu Dong's office and raised his eyebrows when he heard snoring one after another, "What's that sound?"

"It's a literary cry."

Yu Dong made a joke, and then asked Spielberg to sit down, "Sit down for a while, and I will cut off these two literary shouts."

Then Yu Dong ran to the back to wake up Bi Feiyu and the others, and drove them to the back of the office.

After returning, Yu Dong explained with a smile. "Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu rested at my place for a while."

Spielberg nodded to express his understanding, "It seems that these two writers have been very tired recently. Do you have any new works to meet with you?"

"Maybe." Yu Dong laughed, and then said to Spielberg, "Today is the special day for film and television dramas. Actually, I shouldn't ask you to come up, but while you are here, Jimmy is also here today. I just want to Let’s talk about things. Talk about things earlier, and we can move forward in the next few days.”

"What's the matter?" Spielberg wondered, he remembered that he didn't talk about specific things with Yu Dong the night before.

Yu Dong cut to the chase and said, "It's related to Shrek."


When Jimmy arrived at Yu Dong's office, Spielberg was drinking his third cup of tea, and Yu Dong, who was sitting across from him, was also watching him quietly with his tea cup.

Glancing at the pensive Spielberg, Jimmy looked at Yu Dong again, mouthing and asking, "What's going on?"

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders, then motioned for Jimmy to sit down, Jimmy nodded, and sat down next to Yu Dong.

When Jimmy sat down, Spielberg seemed to realize that Jimmy was coming, and said with a smile, "There you are, Jimmy."

"Well, I'm here, how is your talk with Yu?"

"We just started talking." Spielberg smiled. "He said he hoped to co-produce "Shrek" with me. Why didn't you say this before?"

Jimmy smiled and said, "There was no problem with your plan before, so it's not easy for us to intervene."

This made Spielberg raise his eyebrows. There was indeed a problem with the production plan of "Shrek", and it was more serious than what he had told Jimmy before. The whole plan had basically been shelved.

The copyright of "Shrek" was purchased by Spielberg in 91. Spielberg's own company originally wanted to shoot it, and even made hand-drawn drawings, but in the end it still didn't get it.

It was not until October 96 that this plan was restarted in DreamWorks, but after the restart, it encountered a lot of troubles. The previous encounters were all minor troubles, but recently it encountered a big trouble.

From the beginning, DreamWorks had planned to make Shrek into motion capture animation, and it has always done so, but halfway through it found that the effect was not very good.

At this time, I faced a problem, whether to endure this kind of discomfort and continue to do it, or to push away the previous one and make it into a CG special effect animation again?

At this time, there were differences of opinion within the company.

What Spielberg means is that although the cost of making CG special effects animation will increase, the effect will be better, but other people have some opinions on this. They think that motion capture is not that bad, and there is no need to waste money at all.

Moreover, the company's budget for this animated film is not much, a total of less than 5000 million US dollars.

Seeing Spielberg hesitate, Jimmy smiled and said, "Steven, I know what you're thinking, now that the "Shrek" project has started, it's not up to you alone, is it? "

Spielberg nodded.

If it was before, when "Shrek" was all in his hands, he could of course make a decision directly.But it's different now, DreamWorks has already put in all of its effort into this plan, and now Spielberg has no right to directly give this IP to Deep Space.

"Your worry is unnecessary. As far as I know, this plan has stalled now, and no one knows whether it will be launched in the future. If it has been shelved for a long time, then the previous efforts of DreamWorks will be completely in vain. It would be better to sell this plan and the things made by DreamWorks to me in deep space, and let us take over. In this way, the plan can continue to start, and DreamWorks can get back the funds.”

Jimmy's proposal moved Spielberg a little, "How much money are you going to pay? If the money is not enough, they may not let it go."

"How much we will pay depends on how much work you have done. I can assure you that it will not be less than 1000 million US dollars. If you do a lot of work, it is possible to pay 3000 to [-] million US dollars. "

Two to thirty million US dollars...

Spielberg roughly calculated in his mind that the total cost of the plan should be 800 million to 500 million US dollars, including cash and non-cash conversions.

If it can be sold for 3000 to [-] million, their company will make a lot of money.

If it makes $1000 million in the end, it may earn more money than the box office of the movie, and there are risks in the movie's release, but it is safe to sell it directly in this way, and at the same time, you can get money in advance.

Thinking of this, Spielberg nodded, "I think you can try to talk to DreamWorks. I will express my attitude to the company on this matter and fully support it."

"No problem, after the annual meeting is over, I'll go back to the United States to talk about this with your company." Jimmy smiled, "Actually, our company doesn't expect this movie to make money, the main reason is that we want to form an animation division. We can really talk about this cartoon, and we are going to talk about pdi."

The pdi that Jimmy said is a well-known visual effects company. It started out as an advertisement production, and later broke into film production, and made a lot of fame in the field of special effects. The previous "Ants" produced by DreamWorks was based on the This company cooperates.

Originally, Jimmy had been staring at Pixar, but after Yu Dong mentioned "Shrek", he turned his attention to pdi.

Relatively speaking, the difficulty of acquiring pdi is much lower. If "Shrek" can be won this time, then it shouldn't take much effort to win pdi by the way. Jimmy knows the current situation of pdi very well. Their business operations over the years The condition is very good, belonging to the steady and steady type.

But because they are too steady, their development has encountered a bottleneck. The company's founder, Carl Rosendahl, intends to expand their business recently, so it is a very good time for Deep Space to intervene at this time.

The reason why Jimmy told Spielberg this is because he wanted to tell Spielberg that he didn't buy this animated movie because he thought it was very profitable.Prevent DreamWorks from raising prices crazily, or simply stop selling it and keep it for yourself.

Spielberg is a smart guy, of course he understood what Jimmy meant, he said with a smile: "Don't worry, no matter whether you like the box office of this movie, as long as you are really willing to pay, the company will definitely sell it. There is a Chinese saying that is very good, a hundred birds in the woods are not as good as one bird in the hand. Even if there is hope to earn 3000 million or more, Katzenberg and the others must be more willing to first 1000 million earned."

Jimmy nodded in agreement. In fact, he would be willing to change it to him. After all, there are many uncertainties in making a movie. Whether it can be shot well, whether it can be released, and whether it can have a good box office. If there is a mistake in one link, the cost paid before may not be recovered.

When the matter got to this point, Spielberg's mind became much more relaxed. He picked up his teacup and suddenly smiled, "You have two cooperation plans with Disney, "Pirates of the Caribbean" and Mythology Universe. If you take down the pdi , Will you still find Pixar or Disney for the production?"

After asking this question, both Yu Dong and Jimmy laughed, and the latter shook his head, "I really haven't thought about it."

(End of this chapter)

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