Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 696 There is a game you must be interested in

Chapter 696 There is a game you must be interested in
Jimmy really didn't think about this before, because his main goal was Pixar, but now that "Shrek" is an opportunity, the possibility of acquiring PDI has greatly increased, so now he has to think about it.

But there is no need to tell Spielberg about this, so Jimmy changed the topic and said: "Steven, tomorrow is our company's game theme day, and there is a game that you may be interested in."

"Really?" Spielberg said in surprise, "Will there be any special games? I know all of your company's games, and I've played them all. Could it be that a new game will be announced tomorrow? No, this is not in line with your usual product release routine."

Speaking of games, Spielberg is still very interested, because he is very obsessed with video games.

Spielberg took some documentary photos in his early years. In one of the photos, Spielberg, who is in his 30s, is sitting in his office surrounded by some movie posters, but careful viewers still look at it in this photo. On to something different, next to his shoulder, there's a full-sized original Donkey Kong.

Spielberg's playing games is not a simple pastime, he played very professionally, he even wrote a preface to Martin Amis's arcade strategy collection, explaining his obsession with the Taitao arcade game "Space Invaders" .

Not only does he personally like playing games, but most of the movies he participated in can be related to games.

For example, "ET", "Raiders of the Lost Ark", and "The Goonies", these movies have made games, some of which are relatively successful, such as "The Goonies", from the birth of this game to today, this game is very popular welcome.

But some games are very popular, such as "ET". It is said that after the game came out, tens of thousands of game cassettes were quietly buried in the desert of New Mexico by Atari because they could not be sold.

A few years ago, Spielberg also participated in the development of a video game business called Sega Gameworks, which is a large-scale luxury arcade game hall, and he has put a lot of effort into it, but it does not seem to be very developed now smoothly.

There have been rumors recently that DreamWorks intends to fully withdraw from the video game business.

After Saving Private Ryan was released, Spielberg was also considering making a similar video game.

In Spielberg's own words, he has always been a heavily game-addicted youth... Of course, at this time, Spielberg should be a severely game-addicted middle-aged man, and he is already in his 50s.

Jimmy knew that Spielberg would definitely be interested in the game, but he didn't explain too much, just said, "You will find out tomorrow."

Spielberg has a lot of opinions about Jimmy's secret, "Jimmy, if you don't want to tell me the answer in advance, then you shouldn't mention it to me in advance."

"This is called creating suspense and anticipation." Jimmy smiled, "Isn't this what you filmmakers have been doing?"

This made Spielberg unable to refute, and he could only shrug his shoulders: "I hope tomorrow's game will not disappoint me."


When Yu Dong and the others were drinking tea and chatting in the top-floor office, the park was already full of people. With more and more tourists coming to visit, the theme hall was already crowded.

Later, there was really no other way. The park had no choice but to limit the flow of visitors. After entering the park, tourists could not immediately enter the theme pavilion. They had to queue up around the park building and wait for those who entered the theme pavilion to leave before letting them in.

Not long after, the queuing team surrounded the theme pavilion and the main building, and could only make a second circle.

This is true outside, not to mention inside the theme hall, where the most popular place is the Deep Space Cinema.

The Deep Space Cinema, which can accommodate more than 400 spectators, was stuffed with more than 600 people.

Usually, the Deep Space Cinema will only show two movies a day, and in order to prevent insufficient seats, you need to make an appointment in advance to enter the cinema.However, this period is a special period. The Deep Space Cinema will play a total of six movies every day from nine o'clock to eleven o'clock in the evening.

Moreover, there is no need to make an appointment to enter the theater, just queue up and enter.

Many people are here for the first time today, and those who come for the first time will basically go to the Deep Space Cinema to check in.

Since the opening of the Deep Space Cinema, it has been very popular among fans. Among other things, watching a movie in the Deep Space Cinema will feel like a profit.

As long as the points are deducted to enter the theme building, there is no need to deduct additional points to enter the deep space theater, and entering the theme building has only required [-] points so far.

With only [-] points, you can enjoy a visual feast in the best cinema in the world, and anyone will feel that they have made a fortune.

Thinking about it from another angle, it means that you spend 30 yuan to go to a super luxurious theater to watch a movie, and then the cinema will give you 30 yuan of things, and you can also go to the amusement park next to it for a day with the ticket stub.

In fact, whether it makes money or not is just a joke. The main reason is that most of the audience have never seen such a good visual experience before, so they naturally want to see it.

Not to mention ordinary movie fans, even those movie stars have never seen such a good movie theater before.

In addition, there is another very interesting thing about watching movies in the Deep Space Cinema today, that is, when you walk out of the cinema after watching the movie, you may be able to see the star you just saw in the movie when you look up.

For example, Tim Ross in "Sea Pianist", Matthew McConaughey in "Sniper Phone Booth", Jason Statham in "Two Smoking Barrels"...

As soon as Zhang Zuohai came out of the theater, he saw Matthew McConaughey surrounded by fans.

At this time, Matthew McConaughey stood among the fans, greeted the fans with a smile, and signed autographs for the fans in a friendly manner.

The fans handed over a lot of things, including movie posters purchased from the park, autographed books prepared by the audience, peripheral products of the movie, and someone even signed a book by a certain author.

As a "Dong Scholar", in order to study Yu Dong in all aspects, Zhang Zuohai has watched all the film and television dramas related to Yu Dong, which naturally includes "Sniper Phone Booth" starring Matthew McConaughey. Hugh McConaughey was very impressed. The acting skills of this young actor are not so good.

The wife next to him didn't know much about Matthew McConaughey, but she had also seen it on TV. She pointed there and said, "Old Zhang, this seems to be the actor who played "Telephone Booth."

Zhang Zuohai nodded: "Well, Matthew McConaughey, an actor signed by Deep Space Company, can be regarded as Yu Dong's queen actor. He also acted in "The Butterfly Effect" we watched together a while ago."

"Is he also the starring role in "Butterfly Effect"?" The wife looked puzzled, "I don't feel like a person, the male protagonist in "Butterfly Effect" is unshaven, and he is much fatter than the one in front of me."

Zhang Zuohai said with a smile: "It should be a specially adjusted image for the role. Many actors will change their appearance in order to portray the role. This kind of change is very normal, and the actor looks fatter on TV than in reality. Some."

"Indeed." The wife nodded approvingly. When they entered the park in the morning, they saw the little playboy Hu Jing.

Watching Hu Jing on TV, although he can’t be considered fat, he definitely can’t be considered thin, his face looks a bit fleshy, but when he saw the real person just now, he felt a little thin, but the real person is really good-looking.

On the TV, I only thought Xiaowanzi was more fun and interesting, but seeing Hu Jing in real life gave me a feeling of amazement, she was so different from ordinary people, she was a real beauty.

"Let's go." Seeing a group of movie fans surrounding Matthew McConaughey, his wife pulled Zhang Zuohai's arm, "Old Zhang, let's get an autograph too."

Zhang Zuohai pushed his glasses, and said a little awkwardly, "How old are we, why are we still joining in the fun with young people?"

His wife stared at her glasses, "What's this called? How old are we?"

Seeing his wife who was about to lose his temper, Zhang Zuohai knew that he had said something wrong, and quickly said, "No, no, we are young, so let's go too."


After squeezing with a group of young people for half an hour, Zhang Zuohai and the others finally got two autographs.

Squeezing out of the crowd, the wife held up the postcard in her hand and said with a smile, "I will give this postcard to Li Yan when I go back."

Li Yan is a good friend of his wife, but the two are always secretly competing. The wife wants to send postcards to Li Yan. The point is not to share, but to show off, showing off that she came to the Deep Space Park and met a big star.

Zhang Zuohai smiled and shook his head. His wife has been fighting with Li Yan for more than 20 years, but she still enjoys it, like two children.

He looked at the postcard in his hand again. If he wanted to send it, who would he give it to?

After thinking for a while, he suddenly thought of a person: Lao Dong.

Before coming, Zhang Zuohai also sent Lao Dong a dongdong message, saying that he was coming to the Deep Space Park, and asked Lao Dong if he would come, but he didn’t get a reply, probably because it was the end of the year, and Lao Dong was busy recently .

Old Dong probably didn't come to the Deep Space Park, otherwise he would have told himself in advance, after all, Old Dong already knew that he was coming to the Deep Space Park.

That being the case, it is better to give this signed postcard to Old Dong, and let him keep it as a souvenir.


Yu Dong only saw the Dongdong message and email when he turned on his computer at night. Zhang Zuohai contacted him twice. The first time was to tell Yu Dong that he was going to the Deep Space Park ahead of time, and he was also concerned about whether Yu Dong would come too. The deep space is here to join in the fun, if you want to come, can you meet up and so on.

The second message turned out to be sent this evening.

Zhang Zuohai has already arrived in Jinling, and today he also went to the Deep Space Park, watched a movie, and got Matthew McConaughey's signature, and asked Yu Dong to give him an address, saying that he would send a postcard signed by Matthew McConaughey Sending it to Yu Dong is regarded as a gift that Yu Dong has spared no effort to help him for a long time.

Seeing the second message, Yu Dong couldn't help laughing. He understood that Zhang Zuohai wanted to send him a postcard as a bottom line.

Zhang Zuohai, as a junior netizen who has not been in contact with the Internet for a long time, is very enthusiastic about netizen Mianji. He has expressed to Yu Dong more than once that he wants to chat face to face.

Yu Dong looked at the time when the message was sent, it was 10 minutes ago.

Zhang Zuohai is currently in Jinling, he should be staying at the Jinling Hotel arranged by Shen Kong, and there is no computer in their room. If Zhang Zuohai wants to surf the Internet, either he has friends in Jinling who can borrow a computer, or he can go to a nearby internet cafe.

Beginning this year, it has gradually become a normal thing for citizens to go to Internet cafes to surf the Internet, because the current Internet fees have reached a new low, and some places even only cost two yuan an hour, compared with three or forty yuan a month when the Internet cafes first came out. Hours, already very close to the people.

Although for most people, a few dollars an hour is still relatively expensive, but it can be done occasionally.

The number of Internet cafes is also increasing, especially in Jinling, it is very easy to find an Internet cafe.The surge in the number of Internet cafes and the decline in Internet fees are actually inseparable from the vigorous promotion of Deep Space Corporation.

Opening an Internet cafe now not only earns Internet fees, but also earns money from Deep Space Corporation.

Internet cafes can get cheap point cards, and then sell them to customers at normal prices. The profit margin of Shenkong is particularly large, even reaching 30.00%[-] in the early stage.

Many Internet cafes can eat and drink enough just by the profits of point cards. In order to attract customers, they will naturally lower Internet fees appropriately.

Originally, because there are more and more netizens, more and more Internet cafes, and the cost is getting lower and lower, the Internet fee will definitely drop, and then a cycle will be formed, because the Internet fee is getting lower and lower, and more and more people can afford it. more……

The Deep Space Company just stepped on the gas pedal in the middle, speeding up the process.

"I don't know if he got off the plane."

Zhang Zuohai's profile picture is gray, but it is not possible to judge whether Zhang Zuohai is online through this, because this fall, Dongdong launched a stealth function.

Since the launch of this function, many people like to make Dongdong invisible, creating a group of diving dogs, and Yu Dong himself is also a diving dog.

Yu Dong still sent a message to Zhang Zuohai.

[1: Thank you, Lao Zhang, but I am in Jinling now, so there is no need for postcards. 】

After the news was sent out, Yu Dong was about to switch to the Chinese website of Shenkong to see the reactions of netizens during the two-day event, but suddenly there was a thud, and there was new news.

【Zhang Zuohai: Old Dong, are you in Jinling?Did you go to the deep space park today? 】

[1: Well, I went and just came back. 】

[Zhang Zuohai: You actually went, does this mean that we may have met today without knowing it? 】

[1: Probably not, I'm in the office most of the time today. 】

[Zhang Zuohai: Office?Are you a staff member of Deep Space? 】

[Yu Dong: That's right. 】

[Zhang Zuohai: Good old Dong, it’s hard for me to hide it, haha, but it’s not too late to know now, do you have time tomorrow, can we meet up? 】

[1: Yes, let’s meet at the Literature Museum tomorrow. I have something to do in the morning. At two o’clock in the afternoon, you go to the southeast corner of the Literature Museum. There is a rest area there, and we will meet there. 】

[Zhang Zuohai: Do you want some token?We don't know each other's appearance, how about this, I will hold a copy of "Xiang Xi" in my hand, of course, in order to prevent others from holding the same book, the "Xiang Xi" I will hold will be the first edition. 】

Seeing the news about Zhang Zuohai, Yu Dong pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled. This professor of literature has been studying how to meet netizens every day, and even thought out the token in advance.

[1: OK. 】

(End of this chapter)

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