Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 697 A Literary Exchange Meeting Suddenly Organized

Chapter 697 A Literary Exchange Meeting Suddenly Organized
After Modiano followed his daughter into the Deep Space Park, he was "ruthlessly" abandoned by her daughter—his daughter came here this time to make news, so of course she had no time to accompany him.

Since he walked into the deep space theme building alone, and then took the elevator up to the literature museum, although today is the video game theme day of Deep Space Corporation, Modiano is still more interested in the literature theme pavilion.

Looking at the rows of bookshelves in the literature themed pavilion made him feel much better. When he was surrounded by the crowd just now, he was almost out of breath.

But looking at all the books in Chinese on the bookshelf, he could only scratch his head. Gina was not only his daughter, but also his translator for this trip. Without a translator, he would be blind.

Picking up a book from the bookshelf, Modiano tried to find some Chinese characters he knew. For this trip to China, he deliberately learned some Chinese characters, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find any, so he could only Put the book back again.

Walking along the bookshelf until the end, he saw some foreign language books, English, neon, Spanish and French. It seems that Deep Space Company has specially set up a foreign language section, but only There are not many books.

This is also understandable. After all, in China, not many people can read books in other languages. Even though there are many foreigners among the tourists who came to visit this time, these foreign tourists will not come all the way to waste time to read A book you can buy anywhere in your own country - except for Modiano.

Modiano found a French version of "The Golden Age", then found a place nearby, and read it quietly.

By the time Modiano looked up again, he had already finished watching "The Golden Age".

He moved his gaze out of the window, trying to adjust his eyes to the view beyond the book.

After a while, he turned his gaze back to the "Golden Age" in his hand again.

After reading this book, a thought came to his mind. People pay too much attention to YU, but not enough attention to other Chinese writers. When talking about Chinese literature, the first thing that comes to mind is YU. As everyone knows, apart from YU, there are many excellent contemporary Chinese writers, and it is these people who together with YU constitute the contemporary Chinese literature.

Whether it is the "Golden Age" he is reading now, or the "Fazed Finger" and "To Live" that he has read before, they are all excellent works, and not only are they excellent, these people have also walked out of their own paths. As time goes by, these works will surely be remembered by the world.


Zhang Zuohai has been staring at the foreigner across the table from him.

The southeast corner is the foreign language books area, and there are relatively few people, and most of the people who come here come here to rest for a while because there are no chairs elsewhere. There are not many people who really read books, and there is only one foreigner.

This should be a Frenchman, and he is holding a French version of "The Golden Age".

Zhang Zuohai doesn't know French, but he knows Wang Xiaobo's face. There is a photo of Wang Xiaobo on the cover of the French version of "Golden Age".

After the Frenchman finished reading the book, he stared out of the window for a while, and then showed emotion to the book in his hand.

Zhang Zuohai really wanted to go over and ask the Frenchman what he thought of Wang Xiaobo's works.

It's just that he doesn't know French, and he is not sure whether the other party can speak Chinese, so he has been hesitating.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Zuohai made up his mind and walked over with "Xiang Xi", "Hello."

Zhang Zuohai first said "Ni Hao" in English, and then "Ni Hao" in Mandarin.

Modiano glanced at Zhang Zuohai unexpectedly, and said, "Hi."

He spoke Mandarin, a substandard "Ni Hao".

But this has surprised Zhang Zuohai, and he continued: "Sir, can we communicate in Chinese?"

Modiano frowned, then shook his head, expressing that he did not understand what Zhang Zuohai was saying.

Zhang Zuohai was a little disappointed when he could only say "Hello". Then he pointed to the "Golden Age" in Modiano's hand and asked tentatively, "What do you think of this book?"

Although Modiano couldn't understand what Zhang Zuohai said, he still understood Zhang Zuohai's meaning and nodded with a smile, "Very good."

He used French, which Zhang Zuohai couldn't understand, but he understood it—this French man gave the book a positive review.

"I also think this book is very good."


"This writer is very good, and his other works are also very good." Zhang Zuohai pointed to Wang Xiaobo on the cover.

Modiano nodded, "Well, he is very good, and many Chinese writers are very good."

Although the two couldn't understand each other's words, they communicated fairly smoothly, and what they said didn't deviate too much from each other.

Language is not a necessary tool for communication. A look, a gesture, and a micro-expression can all provide information to the other party.


After Yu Dong went up the stairs to the southeast corner of the Literature Museum, he glanced around and saw the two people who were "having a good conversation".

He recognized Zhang Zuohai first, and then felt that the foreign man chatting with Zhang Zuohai looked familiar, and he looked a bit like Modiano.

But why is Modiano here?
It could also be just a look alike, as many foreigners do.

Without thinking too much, Yu Dong walked over directly. He was about to greet Zhang Zuohai, but the foreigner asked in surprise, "Are you YU?"

Yu Dong doesn't understand French, but he can understand YU's pronunciation.

This is still a Frenchman, Yu Dong couldn't help raising his eyebrows, is it really Modiano?

Zhang Zuohai also turned his head to see Yu Dong, with a look of surprise on his face. His first reaction was that he didn't connect Yu Dong with Old Dong. He was just surprised that Yu Dong would appear here.

Could it be related to the Frenchman in front of him who had been chatting with him for a long time?
Seeing the two people looking at him with piercing eyes, Yu Dong decided to find out whether the Frenchman in front of him was Modiano before going to "connect" with Zhang Zuohai.

"Modiano?" Yu Dong asked.

Modiano showed a puzzled expression.

Yu Dong frowned, and said "Modiano" several times in a row with different accents. He really didn't know how to pronounce the name Modiano in French, so he could only touch it slowly.

Although the Chinese pronunciation of the name Modiano is very different from the French pronunciation, Yu Dongduo said it several times, and Modiano still understood it.

"modiano?" Modiano pointed at himself, nodded with a smile, "it's me."

Hearing that it was Modiano, Yu Dong shook hands with Modiano in surprise, "Hello, hello, I didn't expect you to come to China, to the Deep Space Park, you should tell us in advance... "

After Yu Dong spoke for a long time, Modiano heard "Hello", but didn't understand anything else, with a confused expression on his face.

Zhang Zuohai next to him was also in a daze.

What day is today?
He originally made an appointment with Old Dong, but before Old Dong came, he met Yu Dong and Modiano?And he chatted with Modiano for a while - if gesticulating with each other is chatting.

After Yu Dong finished speaking, he realized that there was a language barrier between him and Modiano. He quickly stopped a staff member, "Hi, do you have time now? Go and find someone who can speak French for me."

The staff member was stunned for a moment, where did the boss suddenly appear from?

But he quickly reacted and said hurriedly, "Oh, yes, boss, I'll go right away."

The young man was very efficient, and found a French-speaking person in less than 1 minute.

With the translator, the communication between Yu Dong and Modiano became much easier.

The two were chatting here when someone suddenly noticed Yu Dong and slowly moved over.

Everyone likes to join in the fun, and once someone comes over, more people will come over. After a while, many people stood around Yu Dong and the others.

These people were relatively restrained, they just stood by and watched and listened quietly.

Yu Dong has long been used to this kind of scene, but Modiano still seems a little uncomfortable.Modiano rarely appeared in front of the public and was not good at dealing with strangers.Compared with oral expression, he prefers to communicate with Zhang Zuohai just now with gestures.

Not many French people can recognize Modiano, let alone Chinese.

Yu Dong noticed that there were more and more people around him, and he also noticed that Modiano was a little uncomfortable, so he invited him, "Modiano, would you like to come to my office?"

Modiano nodded, he would rather go to Yu Dong's office than the gradually noisy here.

Seeing Modiano nodding, Yu Dong made a gesture of invitation.

When the two were about to leave, Yu Dong patted his head again, turned to look at Zhang Zuohai, "Old Zhang, come here too."


Zhang Zuohai felt as if he was in a fog. His brain was receiving too many stimuli at this moment, and it was almost impossible to turn.

Seeing Zhang Zuohai's bewildered expression, Yu Dong pointed to "Xiang Xi" in his hand, and said with a smile, "Join the token."

Zhang Zuohai looked at the book in his hand, and suddenly understood, but he didn't seem to understand anymore.

It took a full five seconds for Zhang Zuohai's brain to resume operation, and then he chased after Yu Dong under the eager eyes of a crowd eating melons.

After the three of them left, the melon-eating crowd talked a lot.

"Who is that Frenchman?"

"I seem to have heard Teacher Yu Dong say it was Modiano."

"Who is Modiano?"

"I don't know wow."

"Modiano is a French writer. Wang Xiaobo's novel "The Temple of Longevity" begins with his name."

"Yeah, I didn't notice it when I saw it before."

"Won the Goncourt Prize for Literature."

"Oh, the Goncourt Prize for Literature!"

"Who is that old Zhang?"

"I don't know, he should be a great writer too."

Someone guessed, "Zhang Xianliang?"

This guess was refuted by another, "How is it possible, Zhang Xianliang is in his sixties or seventies, and his age is not right."

The man guessed again, "Is that Zhang Kangkang?"

It was refuted again, "Zhang Kangkang is a female writer."

After being refuted twice in a row, the man felt ashamed, and blushed and argued forcefully, "Why are you so sure that the one just now wasn't a female writer?"


A sneeze!

Zhang Zuohai, who had just caught up with Yu Dong and the others, suddenly sneezed.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Old Zhang, it's been cold recently, you should pay more attention to keeping warm."

"Definitely, definitely." Zhang Zuohai rubbed his nose, he was still a little uncomfortable with old Dong being Yu Dong.

The three of them took the elevator down from the theme pavilion to the basement, then went from the basement to the elevator in the main building, and then took the elevator to the top floor.

"My office rarely comes back, so it's relatively deserted. Come here..."

Yu Dong half-spoken, opened the door and entered the office, and then saw Yu Hua and others sitting on the sofa, there were eight people in total.

Yu Hua, Wang Xiaobo, Bi Feiyu, Ruan Xiaohu, Tie Lin, Han Dong, Chi Zijian, Wang Anyi.

"Ahem, of course, occasionally some friends will come."

Yu Hua and the others were chatting happily, when they suddenly saw Yu Dong bringing two people in, they all fell silent and looked at Yu Dong and the others.

"Let me introduce you, this is Modiano..."

Before Yu Dong could finish his sentence, Wang Xiaobo slapped his palms, "I just said he looks familiar."

Others didn't react as strongly as Wang Xiaobo, but they all nodded to Modiano.

Modiano is not well-known in China nowadays, but all of you present here are writers. Naturally, you know something about this Goncourt Prize winner, but everyone has different feelings about him.

"This is Mr. Zhang Zuohai." Yu Dong introduced Zhang Zuohai to them.

Not many people know now.

Only Bi Feiyu patted his head, "Oh, you are that Dongjiao."

Zhang Zuohai smiled, and didn't nod or shake his head. Although everyone on the Internet called him Dongjiao, he was already used to this name, but when this name was called out in reality, and the person who called him When it was still Bi Feiyu, it made him feel a little strange.

Not only him, but even Yu Dong himself felt strange.

Yu Dong introduced Yu Hua and the others to Modiano and Zhang Zuohai one by one, and then everyone sat down.

After sitting down, Yu Dong asked, "What were you talking about just now?"

"Let's talk about you." Wang Anyi said with a smile, "After "Curse" came out, I watched it several times, and every time I read it, I felt different. Just now when everyone was sitting together, I didn't have anything else to talk about, so I proposed to chat with you." The book "Curse", this is just the beginning of the chat, you are here."

Tielin nodded and said with a smile: "It just so happens that Teacher Zhang is here, so we can ask the opinions of professionals."

Zhang Zuohai quickly waved his hands and said modestly, "No, no, I'm just an ordinary reader. In fact, I really want to know what the writers think of this book."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at Modiano again, "Also, what do foreign writers like Mr. Modiano think of this novel?"

After listening to the translation, Modiano said: "YU is obviously a writer who can do whatever he wants in writing... In the literary world, there are many literary genres... Every writer will be classified into a certain genre. ...but...I think...most writers actually don't want to be divided like this...I'm not saying that this division is bad...just from a writer's point of talk about this matter.Every famous All writers will be classified into...a certain genre, but I haven't seen anyone classify YU as a genre. Before, some people said he was realism...and others said he was magic realism...or psychological Realism, ... in the end none of that was widely ... agreed upon."

Because of the need to take into account the translation, and because Modiano is not very fast in speaking, Modiano talked for a long time, and it took several minutes, but Yu Dong and the others listened carefully. interrupt.

 The number of chapters in the previous chapters was wrong, and it has been changed now
(End of this chapter)

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