Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 698 Skills do exist, but dazzling may not

Chapter 698 Skills do exist, but dazzling may not
Zhang Zuohai had already taken out his notebook and pen, and began to record Modiano's words.

Originally, he only extracted the key information records, but slowly found that Modiano spoke very slowly, even slower than his writing.

Modiano's point of view is easy to interpret, that is, Yu Dong's works have a variety of styles, and this diversity is very obvious in the novel "The Curse".

Anyone who knows Modiano knows that Modiano belongs to the kind of writer whose works are very "single".

His works are inherently small in size, and the themes are similar, which makes people feel that the works are "single", which he himself admits.

Zhang Zuohai wrote Modiano's words in his notebook, and couldn't help but smile. It was very interesting for a writer like Modiano to talk about a writer like Yu Dong.

Modiano seems to be writing a book for half his life, but Yu Dong is eager to try out any style, as if afraid of repeating himself.

However, what Modiano said just now sounds like he really appreciates Yu Dong's changeable style.

Of course, what Modiano appreciates is probably not the "variable styles" per se, but Yu Dong's varied styles. After all, apart from Yu Dong, it is difficult to find a style that is so varied, and each style Both performed very well as writers.

Zhang Zuohai previously studied the reasons for the changeable language style in Tai Dong's works.

The language style in Yu Dong's works is generally southerly. Needless to say, Yu Dong's "The Crowd" itself is an improved version of Shanghai language literature. He even became a representative of Shanghai language writing because of "The Crowd". .

In another part of his works, there are some northern languages, such as "Xiang Xi".

This has something to do with Yu Dong's growth experience. He is from Shanghai, but he studied in Yanjing University.

After Modiano finished speaking, Wang Xiaobo took over the conversation and said, "I agree with Modiano's statement that Yuanwai belongs to the kind of novelist who likes to show off his skills."

Zhang Zuohai was taken aback, outsider?Could this be Yu Dong's nickname?Why would you call someone outside?
Yu Hua said with a smile, "Isn't it a little bad to say that you're showing off your skills?"

Wang Xiaobo glanced at Yu Hua, curled his thick lips and said, "To me, showing off skills is considered a compliment, but to you, it's not good."

Yu Hua raised her hand in surrender: "I won't talk too much."

"That's right." Wang Xiaobo continued, "The brilliance I'm talking about here refers to the skill in narrative language. Yu Dong's research on narrative language must surpass that of us here... Oh, Zhang The teacher is here, it should be more than everyone else present except Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Zuohai said modestly, "I have been studying all the time, and Teacher Yu Dong's works have also inspired me a lot."

Wang Xiaobo continued: "Of course, if you do a good job of research, you may not be able to use it well. In other words, if you do a good job of research, most of them will not be able to use it well. Teacher Zhang, what do you think?"

Zhang Zuohai nodded in agreement.

To say that his research on narrative language is not as good as Yu Dong's is pure nonsense. As a professional scholar who has studied literature for decades, his research on narrative language is definitely not comparable to Yu Dong's.

But in terms of using it, even if he flatters him, he can't keep up with Yu Dong.

It's not that Zhang Zuohai has never tried it. How many people who study literature have never tried literary creation?But most of them fail.

Tie Lin smiled and said, "Actually, I also have opinions on the idea of ​​showing off skills. Of course there are skills, but not necessarily showing off. For example, in the previous book "The Crowd", the pure flow of consciousness cannot be achieved by showing off." I think that if you deliberately show off, you won’t be able to achieve that effect. Let’s talk about "Curse" this time, which seems to have a variety of styles, but in fact it’s just a natural flow in terms of narrative.”

"Li Qin, the editor-in-chief of Jinling University Press, quoted a passage from Zhou Zuoren when he commented on "The Crowd": It seems that a stream of water always goes eastward toward the sea, and wherever it flows, there is no Han Hong Kong. The bend has to be poured and turned over, and there are rocks and water plants that have to be brushed and stroked before moving forward... I think this sentence can also be used in the comments of "Curse". For example, Qin He died At that time, the description of the Qin family's reaction did not seem to be deliberately designed, but it seemed to be a complete picture, presented in front of my eyes, without any bumps and bumps, and it was extremely fluid..."

Tielin couldn't stop the car as soon as she said it. It can be seen that she likes the novel "Curse" very much. She remembers the specific plots in it, and even some sentences in it.

She spoke faster and faster, but Yu Dong and the others didn't care, but suffered from the young man who translated for Modiano.

Fast speed is not the most uncomfortable thing. Sometimes Tielin would speak some complicated words when it was the most uncomfortable, which made the translation work more difficult. In the end, the young translator scratched his head in anxiety.

Yu Dong reminded with a smile, "Sister Tie, you can speak slowly."

Tielin also realized that there was Modiano here, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I got excited when I said it just now, and I will try to speak slowly later."

Hearing Tielin's words, the young translator let out a long sigh of relief.

Here Tielin was about to continue talking, when someone knocked at the door, everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Ge Fei and Zhao Lihong who had come.

Yu Hua waved to them, "Gefei, Teacher Zhao, come here."

Ge Fei and Zhao Lihong walked over, greeted a group of people, and then Yu Dong introduced Modiano to them.


Ge Fei also didn't expect to meet Modiano here, mainly because Modiano lived in a secluded place and rarely heard from him.

In the French Three Stars, Perec is dead, and this one doesn't appear very often, but the other Clerzio and the others can often see it.

Clezio also came to the Deep Space Annual Meeting. The day before yesterday, when Gefei was chatting with Clezio, he even talked about Modiano. He didn’t expect to see Modiano himself now.

They all thought that Modiano was invited by Yu Dong, but they never thought that Modiano was picked up by Yu Dong when he met some netizens.

After shaking hands with Modiano, Ge Fei saw Zhang Zuohai again, and greeted him with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, you are here too."

Zhang Zuohai nodded with a smile, "Well, Mr. Liu."

"Let me just say, it's impossible for Yuanwai to hide it from you all the time."

Zhang Zuohai was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Ge Fei knew that the old Dong was Yu Dong.

Now that I think about it, I did talk about Old Dong with Ge Fei before, and Ge Fei's reaction at that time seemed a bit strange. I didn't know why before, but now it seems that Ge Fei knew the truth in advance.

With Ge Fei and the others joining, Yu Dong's office became more lively.

After asking, Yu Dong found out that Ge Fei and the others heard that Yu Hua and the others were coming to Yu Dong's office in the hotel, so they also came to have a look.

Just now, they have been joining in the fun below, playing video games.

Today is the game theme day, so the game area is very lively. In order to expand the scale of the event, Deep Space Company removed the original music area, expanded the area and added a lot of game equipment.

Of course, the game theme day cannot just bring tourists to play video games. In addition to game experience, there are various activities, including some role-playing performances.

"A bunch of zombies downstairs."

This is Goffey's general summary of the role-playing activity.

Although this summary is simple, it is actually very in place.

Deep Space Company doesn’t have many games, there are only a few in total, and the most famous of them is “Resident Evil”, so the most on-site role-playing is all kinds of zombies, some of them are official staff, There are also some spontaneously played by role-playing enthusiasts.

Besides the zombies, the ones who played the most roles were Xiaowanzi and Alice.

Spielberg stood behind a chaser zombie and looked around the entire game exhibition hall. Although there were not many games from Deep Space, today's event was more lively than he had imagined.

In fact, many people don't know how to play games, just look at the tourists who are at a loss in front of the game consoles.

There is a place where game consoles and peripheral products are sold in the game exhibition hall. Although Deep Space did not sell them hard, it still attracted many customers to buy them.

They are willing to participate, feel the atmosphere, and enjoy the excitement. This is the influence of Deep Space Corporation. It seems that as long as it is something made by Deep Space Corporation, people are willing to buy it.

As for the game that Jimmy told him before, he hasn't seen it yet - he has been wandering around the theme pavilion for more than an hour, just to find the surprise that Jimmy said.

And the reason why no one found him was because he was wearing a makini zombie hood, hiding among the zombies.

Just now several Alices came to kill them, and even a few little players came to deal with them. Seeing the scene of the little players beating the zombies, Spielberg couldn't help laughing, maybe one day the little players would fight the zombies The scene will be moved to the big screen.

After wandering around the video game area again, Spielberg was about to leave. He really wanted to stay a little longer, but the zombie headgear was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe.

If other zombies feel stuffy or sweaty, they can take off their hoods anytime and anywhere to rest for a while, but he can't, once he takes off his hood here, he will be recognized quickly, and then he will be surrounded by enthusiastic movie fans Live - and, of course, journalists.

However, just as he was about to leave, the horn in the hall suddenly sounded.

First, there was a Chinese broadcast, but Spielberg couldn't understand it, and then switched to English broadcast.

"Good afternoon, players. The deep space game theme day has passed halfway. I believe that everyone must have a wonderful time during this half day. At the same time, I believe that the next half day will be even more wonderful. In order to give back to the enthusiasm of all players, we The company held a temporary meeting and decided to announce to you a game that we have not yet launched, so that you can experience it in advance. This game..."

Hearing the announcement, Spielberg raised his eyebrows.

Is this the game Jimmy was talking about yesterday?
Spiberg stopped and started to walk towards the center of the game theme area, where there was a temporary stage. The broadcast said that they would demonstrate the game they were about to release on the stage in a while.

By the time Spielberg walked up to the stage, there were already a lot of people there.

I don't know when, a big subtitle has been drawn on the stage, and there are TVs and game consoles next to it.At this time, the promotional video of Deep Space Corporation was playing on the big subtitles, and this video was made by DreamWorks for them.

After a while, a young lad came onto the stage.

This person Spielberg has also met is Mr. Jiang, the general manager of Deep Space Computer.

Standing on the stage, Jiang Jie looked at more and more audiences, and said with a smile, "Hello everyone, I am Jiang Jie, and I will be in charge of the advance promotion of "Xiao Xiao Le". The company involves many businesses, but our goal has always been to create more possibilities. As a line in "Second World" says: We are creating the future every moment, and the future has long been It has been announced when it comes..."

After a long series of foreshadowing, Jiang Jie started to get to the point, "As for the game "Xiao Xiao Le", I won't introduce too much, let you take a look at the screen of this game first."

After Jiang Jie finished speaking, the large subtitle screen behind him moved, the promotional video ended, and a square formation of colored gemstones appeared.

For the players, this picture does not have any special attraction. There is no need to compare it with those super masterpieces. Even compared with the previous games of Deep Space, the picture of this game is too monotonous.

It should be a little game.

"How does this game play?" someone in the crowd asked.

Jiang Jie said with a smile: "The gameplay is very simple. Players need to move gems of the same color to a line. As long as there are three gems of the same color connected together, these gems can be eliminated."

After Jiang Jie finished talking about the gameplay of "Xiao Xiao Le", the atmosphere at the scene was not very enthusiastic, because everyone felt that this game was really worthless.

Some people have even regretted why they participated in the promotion of this boring game, other games are obviously more fun.

Spielberg applauded. As a hardcore video game player, he can see the potential of this game.

Simple gameplay can often create classics, which is the potential of "Xiao Xiao Le".And the screen of the game is obviously carefully crafted by Deep Space Company. Although the screen is simple overall, you can see that each gem has a three-dimensional effect.

Because Spielberg applauded, the people around him also applauded symbolically along with the zombie.

Hearing the sparse applause from the audience, Jiang Jie didn't mean it, because the gameplay of this game really didn't surprise others.

Of course, they could also arrange some supporters in the audience in advance, but they didn't do so because they were very confident in the game.

(End of this chapter)

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