Chapter 699 Another Game

Jiang Jie knew that the charm of Xiaoxiaole could not be explained clearly in a few words, but had to be felt by the audience, so he did not introduce any more, but began to demonstrate this game to the audience himself. How the game is played.

He chose the simplest mode, and then began to operate the gamepad to demonstrate the gameplay, "The arrow keys on the right can move the cursor, and the arrow keys on the left can move the gems, now we see two blue ones in the upper left corner The gems are lined up..."

The gameplay of the game is very simple, and the operation is certainly not difficult. After a simple explanation, most of the audience can understand it.

By this time, most viewers didn’t think the game had any bright spots, but Spielberg felt that although the gameplay was simple, the details were well done. For example, when the cursor moved to a gem, the gem would flash brightly. white light.

Although this is simple, it has greatly improved the texture of the entire game, and the special effects when gems are eliminated are also very good.

After Jiang Jie demonstrated the gameplay on the stage, he started playing seriously.

At first, the elimination speed was quite fast, but after a while, the speed slowed down.

Jiang Jie chose the timed level. The time for this level is not long, only 3 minutes. There is a continuously decreasing countdown next to the game screen, and there is only 38 minute and [-] seconds left.

Watching the ever-decreasing countdown, the audience became anxious.

"In the lower left corner, there are two red ones, and one next to it."

"In the middle, there are three blue ones in the middle, separated by a yellow one, which can be connected into four!"

"Oh, those two red ones on the right."

"Left, left."

In the same screen, there is actually more than one elimination answer. Of course, so many eyes of the audience can find many answers, and the direction of shouting is also varied.

As for Jiang Jie, who was standing on the stage, he seemed to be in a hurry because of the shouts from the audience, and it took him a long time to find one every time.

Every time he eliminated a group of gems, the audience in the audience let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at the anxious looks of the audience around him, Spielberg couldn't help laughing. He thought this game would be good, but he didn't expect the response to be so enthusiastic and the audience's participation rate to be so high.

The audience who were not very interested in this game gradually began to devote themselves wholeheartedly to help Jiang Jie find a combination that could be eliminated.

Jiang Jie, who seemed to be in a hurry on the stage, was actually not panicked at all.

He chose the easiest mode, the difficulty is not high, and he has played many rounds of this game before, and he is already very proficient.

And the reason why he behaved so well was, of course, that he wanted to mobilize the emotions of the audience.

In the demonstration of a game like Xiaoxiaole, it is definitely better to play well than to play well.In fact, his strategy is correct, and some viewers can't bear his dish, and are eager to try it with their sleeves rolled up.

Soon, 3 minutes passed and the game was over.

Jiang Jie wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and said with a smile: "Thank you, thank you, I have played many times before, but none of them scored more than [-] points. With your help this time, It finally surpassed [-] points."

Someone who knew Jiang Jie in the audience smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, although you are a computer expert, you play this game very generally."

Jiang Jie said with a smile, "I'm really not good at playing, and it's really not easy if I'm not good enough for this game. If anyone wants to try, you can raise your hand and try."

As soon as the words came out, many arms were raised in the audience, and Spielberg almost raised his own.

Jiang Jie looked around the audience, and then chose a young girl to go up.

"Girl, I just played the full limited-time version, do you want to try the single-step limited-time version?"

"Single-step limited time version?"

"Well, the single-step limited-time version has an overall time limit, but each step cannot exceed 15 seconds. Once the timeout expires, the game is over."

Jiang Jie's purpose is to introduce the game, so he recommends the little girl to choose different ways to play, so that he can show the audience various ways to play the game.

"15 seconds..." The little girl thought for a while, and felt that 15 seconds was quite long, so there should be no problem, so she nodded, "Okay."

Seeing her nodding, Jiang Jie chose the single-step limited-time version, simple mode for her.

After the game started, the relaxed girl suddenly became nervous. People on stage and off stage are completely different. Especially when she saw the 15-second countdown next to her, she felt her heartbeat kept decreasing. accelerate.

This is not over yet, the audience below kept shouting about "left", "right", "red" and "blue".

Originally, I thought 15 seconds was quite long, but when I actually played it, I felt that these 15 seconds were really fast. She even suspected that the countdown of the game was shorter than the actual time.

It's not just her who is anxious, but also the audience in the audience. Many people don't say anything, but they are muttering in their hearts, how can they play so poorly when it is so simple, if they go up by themselves, they will have already found it...

In the end, the girl only moved seven groups before the game was over. Although her grades were poor, Jiang Jie still came over with a small doll, "I have performed very well the first time, and this is for you."

"Thank you." The girl took the doll with some embarrassment.

Her entire face was flushed, not only because she felt ashamed because of her poor grades, but also because the game just now was really intense for her. Before she came on stage, she never thought that such a simple game would give her such an intense feeling .

It's not just intense, of course it's also joyful. Although the road to elimination is a bit bumpy, every time she sees a group of gems being eliminated, she can feel a sense of joy from the bottom of her heart. This feeling is similar to when she was a child holding a Walking on the country road with the sickle, he kept waving the sickle to cut the weeds on the roadside.

After sending the girl off the stage, Jiang Jie invited several audience members to go up.

It may be because the time spent observing in the audience is getting longer and longer, and the later audiences are also performing better and better. However, no matter how good the performance is, there are many regrets. Most people feel that they can perform better.

Some viewers even chose the medium difficulty with great confidence, but the final results were not satisfactory.

Seeing that the atmosphere of the audience was mobilized, Jiang Jie called up the Chinese character block mode again.

Xiaoxiaole's Chinese character block mode does not use the existing fonts, but is designed one by one by the visual design studio. There are some commonly used characters in them, and the fonts look very cute, and the strokes look fat and round At first glance, it looks like a villain.

When he saw the Chinese character block pattern, Spielberg, who was standing in the audience, couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

He had been thinking about the potential of this game just now, but he never thought that he could make a fuss about gems.

Since gems can be replaced with Chinese characters with a fixed number of colors, does that mean that they can be replaced with other things?

For example... Shrek the monster?
Spielberg suddenly remembered what Jimmy said yesterday, and suddenly understood why Jimmy said that he would be interested in this game. Probably Jimmy and the others had already thought of this kind of thing.

With the keen insight of Jimmy and YU, it is impossible not to think of this kind of thing. They may have already thought about using the game Xiaoxiaole to develop Shrek before they talked about cooperation.

Thinking of this, Spielberg didn't bother to watch the audience on the stage play games, but ran straight to the elevator.


There is a separate small office at the entrance of the general manager's office, which is used by the remaining assistants. If you want to enter the general manager's office, this small office is the only way to go.

In the office at this time, only the second assistant, Hong Kang, was sorting out the data of the park's activities in the past few days.

Here, Hong Kang had just finished a form when he looked up and saw a "zombie" running in.

Hong Kang works in deep space, so he must know the IP of his company, and he recognized the Makini zombie in front of him at a glance.

"Oh, this..."

Just as Hong Kang was about to speak, the makini zombie had already passed the assistant's office and went straight to the general manager's office. Hong Kang was startled, and quickly got up and rushed over.

When Hong Kang ran into the general manager's office, he was stunned when he saw Spielberg who had just taken off his hood.

The margin behind the desk smiled and said, "Xiao Hong, go out, Mr. Spielberg has something to do with me."

"Uh, okay."

After Hong Kang left, Yu Yu glanced at the hood on Spielberg's hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Spielberg, have you just come back from cosplay?"

Spielberg took a long breath, "The world inside the leather case is really boring."

Yu Yue got up and poured Spielberg a glass of water, "Come on, have a drink."

Spielberg took the teacup and drank it, while Yu Yu looked at him suspiciously.

Under normal circumstances, Spielberg will not come to find a margin. If there is anything, Spielberg will connect with Jimmy or Yu Dong.

I don't know why, but I ran over suddenly today, looking like I was in a hurry.

After drinking the water, Spielberg felt much more comfortable. He smiled and said, "YU and Jimmy may not be in the office, but I know that you are in the office most of the time."

Spielberg is right, the three of them have the greatest probability of remaining in the office.

"So, are you worried that you won't be able to find the boss and Mr. Ji, so you came to look for me?"

"There are also considerations in this regard, but I do have some things I want to consult with you."

Yu Yu nodded: "Well, please tell me."

"I was downstairs just now and saw Jiang promoting a new game to tourists."

"Xiaoxiaole?" The game launched today is not just Xiaoxiaole, but counting the time, I can guess that what Spielberg saw should be Xiaoxiaole.

"That's right, it's Xiao Xiao Le. Besides the gem version and the Chinese character block version, does your company have other versions?"

Yu Yu shook his head, "There are only these two versions for the time being."

"Temporarily?" Spielberg grasped the key information, "Does that mean you have plans to develop other versions?"

Yu You nodded with a smile, "Of course, but it's hard for me to tell you the specific version, I hope you can understand."

"I understand. Even if you don't say it, I can probably guess something. The version you should make next should be related to Xiaowanzi and Resident Evil."

Yu Yue smiled, neither saying yes nor no.

Spielberg doesn't care about the answer, or he firmly believes that his guess is correct. He firmly believes that YU and Jimmy will definitely make full use of the advantages of this game to help develop other content of Deep Space Corporation.

Yu Yu was a little confused about Spielberg's intentions at first, but when he mentioned Xiaoxiaole and asked if there were other versions, he understood what Spielberg wanted to do.

Jimmy and Yu Dong also told him about "Shrek". Spielberg probably thought of the possibility of using this game to promote "Shrek" after seeing Xiaoxiaole.

After pondering for a while, Yu Yu suddenly said, "Mr. Spielberg, in fact, today our company will launch another game besides Xiao Xiao Le."

Hearing this, Spielberg showed a surprised expression.

Why is there another game?
Seeing Spielberg's doubts, Yu Yu continued: "I think if you see another game, you will be even more surprised."

"Excuse me, what is the other game?"

Yu Yue smiled, "It happens that I have it in my computer, and I will demonstrate it to you."

Spielberg looked surprised, "Okay, thank you very much."

Then Yu Yu took Spielberg to his computer, and opened a game - Lianliankan.

When Spielberg saw Lianliankan, he knew why Yu Yu said that he would be more surprised when he saw this game, because Lianliankan is more suitable for promoting Shrek than Xiaoxiaole.

Due to its own game characteristics, Xiaoxiaole cannot have too many types of pictures in the same picture, otherwise it will be very troublesome to eliminate and the game experience will deteriorate.

But Lianliankan is different. In an ordinary Lianliankan game level, dozens of pictures can be stuffed, and there is more space to play.

The version that I played for Spielberg was the "Resident Evil" version, which is full of characters that appeared in the Resident Evil, including the markini zombie he played today, but compared to the headgear he wears, the The pictures inside are not so scary, and even look a little cute. Under the condition that the original character can be recognized, the designer tried to exaggerate the lines as much as possible.

Spielberg felt that this design was very good, and it fit Shrek very well in terms of style.

If you want to combine Shrek with Lianliankan, you don't even need to make too many modifications to the original picture, just put it in.

While manipulating the mouse to connect the zombies, Spielberg regretted that Jimmy and the others hadn’t told him about the game Lianliankan earlier. If he had known about this game earlier, he might have contributed to the victory of Deep Space. "Shrek", in this way, with the release of "Lianliankan", the version of Shrek can also be released to the public.

But it's not too late now, as long as Deep Space can win "Shrek", a corresponding version can be made quickly.

Spielberg believes that the characters in "Shrek" are more suitable for the game "Lianliankan" than "Resident Evil".

Halfway through the game, Spielberg suddenly asked the margin again, "What is the background music of this game? It feels familiar."

Yu Liang smiled and explained, "The background music of the version of "Resident Evil" is a song by a singer in our company, and the song is called "Old Indian Turtle Dove". In the past two days, this song has been played many times in the park , you must have heard of it."

Spielberg suddenly said, "No wonder I feel familiar, but this song sounds quite suitable for the game, and it has a very playful feeling."

(End of this chapter)

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