Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 700 The big guys can't hang their vests anymore

Chapter 700 The big guys can't hang their vests anymore
Spielberg is a resolute person. After confirming that Deep Space Corporation took over "Shrek" without any harm, he immediately took his heart.

"Mr. Yu, can you call Jimmy and ask where he is?"

Yu You smiled and nodded, "Of course, I'll call Mr. Ji's office first."

Then Yu Yu picked up the phone and dialed out. After the phone was connected, he said a few words, and then said to Spielberg, "Coincidentally, Mr. Ji just came back from outside and is in the office right now. You go and find him."

"Thank you very much then."

Yu Yu took Spielberg up to Jimmy's office on the top floor.

Jimmy also just came back from the outside, and when he called him, he was making tea for himself, and when he heard that Spielberg was coming, he made another cup.

When Spielberg went up, Jimmy smiled and handed over a cup of tea, "Listen to Yu Yu, do you need me?"

"It's about the game."

Spielberg nodded, and took Jimmy's tea. Although he had already drank tea at Yuyu, he was not thirsty at this time, but he knew that in China, whether it was chatting or talking about business, tea was the necessary.

Jimmy had already anticipated Spielberg's coming, he blew on the froth on the surface of the teacup, and said with a smile, "Do you think our game is very suitable for joint development with "Shrek"?"

"That's right, especially "Lianliankan". It can be said that it fits perfectly with "Shrek." Following Jimmy's example, Spielberg also blew on the froth in his teacup and continued, "Actually Regarding the "Shrek" game, I have thought about many possibilities before, one of which is to cooperate with your deep space company."

"You mean "Escape"?"

Spielberg raised his eyebrows, shook his head and smiled, "You seem to be able to guess everything."

"It's easy to guess. After all, we don't have many games in deep space, and before "Lianliankan", it is true that "Escape" is the most suitable for "Shrek". Actually, I have thought about this before, and it is true. It is feasible, and if our Deep Space Company really wins "Shrek" later, it is not impossible to add a map to "Escape."

When talking about business, attacking the heart is the first thing, and Jimmy's words reached Spielberg's heart at once.

His goal now is to start the "Shrek" project smoothly, and it is best to add some more budget.

And now it seems that Deep Space Corporation can not only do these two points, but also give the film a good start.

If Deep Space can really add a "Shrek" themed map to "Escape" and then add a themed level to "Lianliankan", then the box office of this movie after its release is basically guaranteed. Even if you can't make a lot of money, you won't lose money.

Spielberg is also one of the copyright owners of "Shrek". Even if Deep Space Company will follow up with "Shrek", this will not change, so if the movie can make money, he can also make money.

"Jimmy, when are you going to talk to Jeffrey about Shrek?" Spielberg asked.

"Didn't I say it last time, I will go to DreamWorks to discuss this matter after the Chinese New Year, and I will also discuss the acquisition of pdi at the same time. It is estimated that the production plan of "Shrek" will be restarted in half a year."

As soon as Spielberg heard that Jimmy was not in a hurry, he became anxious, "It's too slow. Isn't there an old saying in China that cuts a mess quickly? Jeffrey and the others haven't figured it out yet, so it's not right for "Shrek". Special attention, you don't need to pay much to win "Shrek". Once Jeffrey and the others figure it out and pay more attention to this movie, it will be difficult to talk about."

Jimmy couldn't help laughing, "Steven, you don't seem like what the boss of DreamWorks should say."

"I have no choice. Since they disagree with my proposal, of course I will help "Shrek" choose a better place."

In fact, Spielberg is also for the good of DreamWorks.

Although he is very optimistic about the "Shrek" plan, the problem is that there are differences of opinion within the company. Under such circumstances, no one can convince anyone, and it will only cause losses to the company.

It would be better for everyone to sell "Shrek" earlier.

People headed by Jeffrey who are unwilling to invest more in the project of "Shrek" will undoubtedly be very happy. They not only solved the company's internal conflicts, but also made a small amount of money, so that the early work was not in vain. busy.

After thinking about it, Spielberg simply said, "How about this, I'll help you get in touch with this matter, I'll get in touch today, and I'll help you explain things clearly to Jeffrey and the others. And PDI, I also I will help you to contact Rosendahl, he is seeking financial support for his company recently, this is a good time for you to go there, if you miss it, it will not be so easy for them to find other funding sources."

Jimmy looked at Spielberg with a smile. He didn't expect that this guy would be so active when the game came out, and he would take the initiative to help contact him.

But this is also good, with Spielberg actively operating in the middle, this matter should go more smoothly.

Especially on the pdi side, as far as Jimmy knows, the founder of pdi, Rosendahl, has a very good relationship with Spielberg, and Spielberg's words must be very useful to him.

Jimmy was not hypocritical, nodded and said, "If that's the case, then this matter will trouble you."

"You're welcome, I can only help you get in touch, but you still need to discuss the specific details."

"no problem."


Jimmy originally thought that even if Spielberg helped to contact, it would take time, but what he didn't expect was that Spielberg contacted Jeffrey and Rosendahl to tell them about the matter that night.

Hearing that Deep Space Corporation intends to take over "Shrek", Jeffrey was very happy, and he was having a headache with this matter during this time.

After all, the plan for "Shrek" has already started, and the company has paid a lot for this plan. If they give up now, the previous efforts will directly become losses.But if you want to continue, you need to invest more, and the future is unpredictable, and you may lose more.

Now that Deep Space wants to take over, it is of course the best. More importantly, Steven is willing to hand over this plan to other companies, which can fundamentally solve the company's internal problems.

As soon as the two sides joined forces, Jeffrey quickly set up a negotiation team to connect with the deep space side.

On the other hand, Rosendahl is also very interested in deep space and expressed his willingness to discuss cooperation.

Although Jimmy was surprised, he reacted very quickly. He quickly organized manpower to negotiate with DreamWorks and PDI. If nothing unexpected happened, the negotiation could have a preliminary result before the Chinese New Year.


While Jimmy was busy buying "Shrek" and acquiring pdi, Deep Space Chinese Website was experiencing a different kind of storm.

The discussion on "The Curse" lasted until nine o'clock in the evening, but the discussion did not end. After Zhang Zuohai went back, he found an Internet cafe and rushed out a post overnight, expressing his comprehensive views on the novel "The Curse".

Before coming to the Deep Space Park, Zhang Zuohai had already published a paper on "Curse", but after listening to everyone's discussion this time, he had a new understanding.

In the previous thesis, Zhang Zuohai analyzed "Curse" from the perspective of narrative space, but this time his perspective is broader and more casual.

"The Confusion and Light of Ethical Choice."

"Compromise and struggle, pander and justify."

"A Yuan's personality structure analysis."

"An Ecological Interpretation of The Curse in the Context of War."

This time, Zhang Zuohai did not limit himself, but wrote whatever came to his mind.

Before writing this post, Zhang Zuohai told Yu Hua and the others that if they wanted to continue the discussion, they could continue on Deep Space Chinese Online, so Yu Hua and the others found this post and continued to discuss "Curse" in the post. .

[Bi Donghua: I think that when interpreting the character of A Yuan, we should not only focus on the era, but separate from the relationship between perspectives. The same era will show different appearances under different perspectives. I think...]

[Xiao Bao: The author deliberately set A Yuan's specific identity as an unsolved case, which actually reflects the irresistible torrent of the times. In the naturally raging tide of the times, personal will is wrapped in the tide, and it is difficult to make a cry Voice.When I saw A Yuan’s tragic experience, I also thought of thousands of revolutionaries besides him. These people are all...]

[Grid Ben: When interpreting "The Curse", many people ignore Yu Dong's description of the childhood of the old man of the Qin family and A Yuan. Part of the content reflects the growth of human nature. Only by understanding how human nature grows and changes in this process can we understand what the curse symbolizes. 】

[Qu Tiexin: I think what Ge Ziben said is correct. Mr. Mo from France also mentioned this point during the chat. Whether it is childhood or adolescence, although there is not much ink, Yu Dong’s description of growth is not rough. It's an understatement, but laying down the foreshadowing layer by layer. 】

[Old Zhao Yisan: I read more about national identity from this novel. After the Qin family moved to Baodao with gmd, what happened to their family was a process of identification and integration. Culture plays a huge role in this. 】


This post quickly became a forum for Zhang Zuohai and his group to discuss "Curse".

Earlier, only Zhang Zuohai and the others posted and responded to this post, but soon, this post attracted the attention of some netizens.

Liu Jinfa, like most netizens, has been paying attention to the content of the Deep Space Annual Conference these two days.

Now there are live broadcasts on the news every day, but they still can't satisfy the curiosity of netizens, so after the live broadcast ends, there are a lot of posts related to the Deep Space Annual Meeting on the Deep Space Chinese website.

On this day, Liu Jinfa had just read a few posts related to the Deep Space Annual Meeting, and suddenly saw a post about "Curse" appearing in the cracks. He took a closer look and found that the poster was actually Zhang Zuohai.

As a loyal reader of Yu Dong, Liu Jinfa has followed the famous Dong scholar Zhang Zuohai for a long time. When he is free, he will click on Zhang Zuohai's homepage to see if there are any new posts.

Since I have been paying attention to the Deep Space Annual Meeting these two days, I didn't click on it specifically. I didn't expect to find his post suddenly.

The title of the post is generic and unattractive.

[Talk about "Curse" again, I feel]

Although the title was very simple, Liu Jinfa entered without any hesitation, and then saw Zhang Zuohai's long biography and multi-faceted interpretation.

This is not over yet, there are still many people interacting with Zhang Zuohai, and the things they chat with are very thoughtful.

Although there are many posts discussing literature on Deep Space Chinese Online, everyone is very enthusiastic, but this is the first time Liu Jinfa has seen such a high-level discussion post. Read every comment sent by everyone under this post. It's not easy at all.

Some are very professional and academic, while others hit the nail on the head and have unique insights.

The most important thing is that these people seem to know each other, and sometimes they will mention other people in their replies, such as Mr. Mo and Mr. Ke from France, Miss O from the United States, and Miss Ai from Canada.

Looking at the back again, Liu Jinfa felt something was wrong, because he saw several familiar nicknames.

Like Stone Flower, like Bi Donghua.

These two accounts have always been included in the key suspects, the former is considered to be Yu Hua, while the latter is considered to be Bi Feiyu.

After seeing these two names, Liu Jinfa squinted his eyes, could they really be Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu?

If they were really Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, then who were those other people?Will he also be a well-known writer?
Who would Mr. Mo, Miss O, and Miss Ai they were talking about?

With a mentality of solving the case, Liu Jinfa began to study the comments of these people one by one, hoping to find some clues and detect the identities of these people.


A few hours later, Liu Jinfa let out a long breath, and there was a piece of paper in front of him, on which were some names he had listed.

Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, Wang Anyi, Tielin, Oates, Alice, Ge Fei...

Looking at the names he listed, Liu Jinfa's eyes were a little excited. He felt that he had discovered an incredible treasure. These well-known writers were all hidden in one post.

With excitement, Liu Jinfa was about to try to participate in the discussion among the bigwigs, but found that the post suddenly became lively, and a large group of people flooded in.

The most important thing is that other people also guessed the identities of the big bosses and started shouting in the post.

(End of this chapter)

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