Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 701 Revealing Yu Dong's True Face

Chapter 701 Revealing Yu Dong's True Face

The newcomers were all guessing who these people were, but apart from Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua who were more accurate and firm in their guesses, they were not sure about the others, and there were many answers.

Liu Jinfa sent out his analysis.

Seeing Liu Jinfa's analysis, netizens felt that it made sense.

For example, Qu Tiexin should be Tielin.

Tie Lin's surname should have been Qu, because his father was Qu Tieyang, a well-known painter.However, Qu Tieyang's pseudonym was Tie Yang, and after giving birth to Tie Lin, he took Tie as his surname, which has more personality.

Based on Qu Tiexin's name and the previous speech, it can basically be concluded that she is Tielin.

And Bi Donghua.

Before everyone guessed that Bi Donghua was actually Bi Feiyu, but they were not sure, but combined with the sentence in the speech of "Grid Ben", "The degree of alienation of the characters in Lao Bi's works is not comparable to that of "Curse", it is basically certain that Bi Donghua is Bi Feiyu." It's raining.

Everyone discussed together, and finally determined the vests of Bi Feiyu, Yu Hua, Tielin, Wang Anyi, Zhao Lihong and others, and also figured out that Miss Ai was Alice Munro and Miss O was Oates.

But there are still some vests that they can't see through no matter how they look.

For example, there is a person named Liu Shutong, who has just established a new account, and his speeches are very in-depth, but judging from his speeches, it should be that he is not very proficient in computer typing, and there are relatively few speeches, and there are many typos.

Netizens have studied Liu Shutong's speech from beginning to end, but have not found any clues to prove his identity.

Then everyone guessed among the writers surnamed Liu, and finally guessed and guessed, and guessed Liu Xinwu.

Many people think that Liu Shutong is Liu Xinwu's vest, because Liu Xinwu and Wang Xiaobo have always had a good relationship, Wang Xiaobo is in Yu Dong's circle, and by extension, Liu Xinwu is also in Yu Dong's circle.

In addition, Liu Xinwu did publish an article about Li Shutong before, and he praised Li Shutong greatly. Now it is reasonable to use his surname plus Shutong as a nickname on the Internet.


The day before the official opening of the Deep Space Annual Meeting, Yu Hua suddenly ran to Yu Dong's house, "Something is wrong!"

Yu Dong was reading a book when he saw Yu Hua approaching in a hurry, he glanced at him, and teased, "Why, an earthquake?"

"To be serious with you, my deep space account was found out."


Yu Dong nodded, acting as if he wasn't surprised at all. The key point is that there is really no need to be surprised. With Yu Hua's screen name and his usual appearance of jumping up and down on the Deep Space Chinese Website, it would be strange not to be picked up.

In fact, many people are sure that Shihua is him, but there is no evidence.

Seeing Yu Dong's indifferent expression, Yu Hua said again, "Fei Yu has also been caught."


Yu Dong still has the same expression. It is not surprising that Bi Feiyu was caught out. This guy directly uses "Bi Donghua" as his screen name. He usually posts the most articles on Deep Space Chinese Website. No matter how he conceals his style of writing, netizens We can all see the clues.

"You're not surprised at all?"

Yu Dong burst out laughing, "Compared to the fact that you were caught out, I'm more surprised that you were surprised by this."

"Don't tell me the tongue twister, let me tell you, besides the two of us, many people have also been caught."

Yu Dong became a little interested, "Who else?"

Yu Hua started counting with her fingers, "Tie Lin, Ge Fei, Zhao Lihong, Wang Anyi, Shi Zhongshan..."

Hearing that Yu Hua was counting more and more, Yu Dong was a little surprised, "What are you doing, why are so many people recognized?"

"Isn't it because of Teacher Zhang's post? We originally thought that we were the only ones to discuss this post. Who knew that many netizens came in later. These netizens are also amazing. They even recognized us one by one through our discussion records. Come out, you are basically right.”

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "Don't you have a group, just discuss in the group, why don't you make a post on the website?"

"Ahem, our group usually chats more easily."

Yu Dong twitched the corners of his mouth. Their group usually chatted really easily. A group of writers usually didn't mention literature at all. They basically talked about eating, drinking and having fun. Among them, appointments and appointments accounted for the most Card.

Yu Hua explained again: "The main reason is that Mr. Zhang and the others are not in the group. Although they can join the group again, they are not flexible enough to post."

Yu Dong shook his head, "If you are recognized, you will be recognized. Anyway, you are not shameless. I see you like this. It seems that you are quite happy to be recognized."

Yu Hua laughed and said, "Nonsense, I'm so sad."

"You came here at night just to tell me about it?"

"No, besides this, there are two other things."

"Which two?"

"The first thing is that everyone thinks that they have been discovered, but your trumpet has not been discovered. I feel unbalanced, so I plan to expose you together."

Yu Dong patted the table, "You-"

Yu Hua quickly took over the quarrel, "You're a good guy, hehe, it's useless for you to take pictures of the table, because Raindance has already exposed you."

Yu Dong nodded fiercely at Yu Hua, "Your conscience is very bad!"

Saying that, Yu Dong ran to the study to log on to the Deep Space Chinese website, and then clicked on Zhang Zuohai's post, and he really saw that Bi Feiyu had exposed him.

[Bi Donghua: Dong Yudao is Yu Dong. 】

Start decisively, simply and neatly.

Below are the enthusiastic replies from netizens.

[No. [-] Black Underground: I just said that Old Dong is Yu Da. 】

[Dark Fragrance Floats: Teacher Bi's breaking the news about his friend's behavior is really... that's great. 】

[Red book and blue book: Mr. Bi, come on, come on a few more, besides writers, do actors have trumpets? 】

[Spoon 8321: I guessed it a long time ago, Dong Yudao, fell to the east! 】

[Princess Yuezhi: Shaozi, you should not be here with hindsight. 】

[Spoon 8321: A spoon is a curse word. 】

[Princess Yueshi: You named it Spoon yourself, who is to blame? 】


Looking at the netizens' replies, Yu Dong was so angry that his hair was standing on end, and he wished he could find Bi Feiyu to beat him up now.

Yu Hua stretched out her face from the side, and said with a playful smile, "If you are recognized, you will be recognized. Anyway, you are not shameless."

These are Yu Dong's original words a few minutes ago, and now Yu Hua has returned them a few minutes later.

Seeing Yu Hua's face full of beatings, Yu Dong gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know what the headlines will be tomorrow?"

Yu Hua raised her eyebrows, not understanding why Yu Dong suddenly mentioned this, "You want to say that the matter of us being caught will make the headlines tomorrow? I don't think so. After all, tomorrow is the deep space annual meeting. Focus on it."

Yu Dong shook his head, "No, there is more breaking news."

"What news?"

"The well-known writer Yu Hua was beaten and admitted to the hospital by Yu Dong."

Yu Hua shouted, "Fake news, absolutely fake news."

Yu Dong shook his head and sighed, and then he couldn't help laughing. Regarding the matter of their vests being stripped, he was actually not angry, as he himself said, although they always wore vests, it was never useful What shameful things did the vest do?

"You said there are two things, what is the other thing?" Yu Dong asked.

Yu Hua patted his forehead, "By the way, there is one more thing. Although these netizens have great powers, they only found some of them, and some of them didn't. The point is, we didn't find out, so I wanted to ask Do you know who these people are?"


"Let me look for it for you." Yu Hua manipulated the mouse to flip through the post, and then found "Liu Shutong", "there are still some clues about the others, and you should be able to find them after some time. The most important thing is this Liu Shutong, he spoke very early and had deep insights. Netizens suspected that he was Liu Xinwu, but Liu Xinwu didn’t participate in our discussion that day, so he probably wouldn’t enter the post so quickly. And Wang Xiaobo also asked Liu Xinwu, It really wasn't him."

Yu Dong read several "Liu Shutong" posts, but he still couldn't figure out who the other party was.

The main reason was that there were too many people present that day. After Ge Fei, Zhao Lihong and the others went, many more people came one after another. In the end, there were 40 to [-] people in total.Yu Dong went through all these people in his mind, and there were many possible ones.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Yu Dong stopped guessing, "Why do you have to guess someone out, and just pull out the trumpet they just built, it's too unethical."

Yu Hua shook her head, "No, we must find him. I'll ask Ge Fei and the others if they have any clues."

After speaking, he sat down directly in front of Yudong's computer, then skillfully changed into his own Shenkong number, and began to discuss with them who "Liu Shutong" was.

Seeing that he was full of energy, Yu Dong shook his head helplessly, and went to read again.


The next morning, there were three news items in the news section of the Deep Space Chinese website that were quite eye-catching.

The first one is naturally related to the Deep Space Annual Meeting. After more than a week of deliberation, the annual meeting officially started today, and everyone's enthusiasm has been pushed to a climax.

The second one almost made Yu Dong spit out the porridge he ate in the morning.

[Shocked the literary world!The writers jointly revealed Yu Dong's true face. 】

Clicking on it, it turned out that Bi Feiyu and the others had exposed Yu Dong's vest, which is called exposing the "true face".

The third piece of news is also somewhat absurd.

[Who the hell is Liu Shutong? 】

It turns out that writers like Yu Hua and the others had been discussing who Liu Shutong was in their posts last night, which made many netizens interested in Liu Shutong. Netizens went everywhere to ask who Liu Shutong was. In just one night, they said, "Who is Liu Shutong?" "Rush to the top three.

To be honest, when he saw this hot news, Yu Dong was a little curious about who this Liu Shutong was.

Even on the way to the Deep Space Park, Yu Dong specifically asked Yu Hua if they had found any clues.

Yu Hua scratched her forehead, "I have no clue. We asked almost everyone who participated in the discussion that day, but no one admitted that he was Liu Shutong."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "You guys made Liu Shutong angry, and now netizens are asking who Liu Shutong is."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that netizens are so boring."

Yu Dong glanced at Yu Hua angrily, thinking that it must be you people who are more boring.

The two chatted for a while about what happened last night, and the car suddenly slowed down. Yu Dong looked forward through the windshield, and saw that the gate of the Deep Space Park was surrounded by people, and there was a road in the middle that was only big enough for one car to pass through. On the road, in front of them, there is a black Mercedes-Benz driving slowly.

"This year's battle is much bigger than last year's." Yu Hua said with emotion, "It's another 200 meters from the door, so there are so many people around."

Yu Dong nodded. The number of people visiting today is indeed more than last year, probably more than doubled.

Not only was the entrance full of people, but almost all places in the park where the red carpet could be seen were full of people.

Yesterday morning, Yu Yu went to report to him the general situation of the activities of the previous few days. What impressed Yu Dong the most was that in previous years, Deep Space Company was losing money at the annual meeting, but this year it achieved profit for the first time.

Deep Space Corporation's annual meeting investment is very high every year, and it is getting higher every year.

With so many guests, their board and lodging in Jinling and the round-trip fare add up to a considerable sum.

Especially this year, not only did many ordinary guests be invited, but the guests also stayed in Jinling much longer than in previous years.

This year, the investment in these guests alone has reached more than 3000 million yuan, plus other messy expenses, the investment in the entire annual meeting is at least 5000 million yuan.

Before last year, the expenses were all irrecoverable, which meant that the Deep Space Company used the money to make money and stimulate the local economy in Jinling at the same time.

Since last year, there have been some blood-recovering projects, such as bookstores and electronic reading rooms in the park, which can generate some income, but this part of the income can be said to be a drop in the bucket compared to the investment of Deep Space Corporation.

But this year has achieved a major reversal in one fell swoop.

First of all, in order to obtain the live broadcast rights, Jinling TV Station and Dolphin Satellite TV paid a lot of money to Deep Space.

There are also those signing events held by Deep Space this year, which are also a considerable income.

What Yu Dong didn't expect the most was that the store inside the deep space was sold out this year. All kinds of peripheral products in it, including the zombie figures of "Resident Evil" and small toys... Tourists directly bought the deep space. Empty company warehouses were emptied.

Overall, after this annual meeting is over, Deep Space should be able to earn hundreds of thousands.

This little money is nothing to Deep Space Company, after all, this is their company's annual meeting, and the original intention is not to make money, but the company's annual meeting can still make money, and Deep Space Company is the only one in the world.

Of course, the happiest thing has to be the local government.

In the past few days, the number of tourists in the deep space park has increased sharply, with an average of 3 people per day, and before the event started, there were thousands of people per day.

With so many people, most of them came from other places or even foreign countries. When they came to Jinling, they had to spend money on food, clothing, housing and transportation. On the contrary, only a small part of the money was spent on the Deep Space Park.

If you add their spending in the deep space park, the total cost should have exceeded 3 million yuan, of which the main consumers are tourists from Europe and the United States, and some European and American tourists can spend [-] to [-] US dollars alone.

There are also those ordinary guests invited by Deep Space, all of whom are not short of money, so they are naturally extravagant in spending money.

When the annual meeting is over, many of them should not be in a hurry to leave, and perhaps the total consumption is expected to exceed 4 million yuan.

This is a remarkable figure. After all, Jinling's gdp just reached 1000 billion yuan last year.

(End of this chapter)

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