Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 702 Entering the Track Strongly

Chapter 702 Entering the Track Strongly
Although Jinling's gdp was only a little over 98 billion in 1000, it was already at the forefront among major cities across the country.

In 1998, there were only five provincial capital cities with a GDP exceeding 1000 billion, namely Yangcheng, Hangzhou, Rongcheng, Jiangcheng, and Jinling, and Jinling just surpassed Jiangcheng and ranked fourth.

However, according to predictions, the GDP of Deep Space this year should hopefully exceed that of Chengdu, or even Hangzhou, and enter the top three, because last year Jinling’s GDP was only 30 billion more than that of Rongcheng, and 60 billion more than Hangzhou. With Jinling’s current momentum It's easy to catch up.

This year's red carpet, Yu Dong and Yu Hua walked together, and they were neither the first nor the last, they just took the time to walk the red carpet.

Many reporters didn't react, and they didn't expect Yu Dong to appear so low-key, and hurriedly raised his camera to shoot wildly.

While smiling at the camera, Yu Hua said to Yu Dong, "Wai Yuan, although this is not the first time walking the red carpet, every time I feel that the red carpet is out of place with us."

"Remove the word 'we'." Yu Dong smiled, "If you don't want to walk on the red carpet, speed up."

"Then I speed up."

Before Dong could respond, Yu Hua started running with small steps.

Seeing Yu Hua running away, Yu Dong's hand that was waving in the air suddenly got stuck, and his expression was also stuck at the same time.

For the first time, the reporters took the initiative to move the camera away from Yu Dong and turned to Yu Hua who was running away.

"Mr. Yu Hua, why are you running?"

asked a reporter near the front.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "He had a bad stomach from eating this morning."


A group of reporters showed an "I understand" expression.

Yu Dong smiled and quickened his pace to walk inside.

Another reporter shouted, "Teacher Yu Dong, why are you walking so fast? Walk one more time, otherwise the photos will all be blurred."

"Teacher Yu Hua forgot to bring paper."

Yu Dong replied, walked quickly through the red carpet and entered the building, leaving only a bunch of reporters and the onlookers looking at each other.

"These two walk the red carpet... so relaxed."


The red carpet cast of the Deep Space Annual Meeting is very strong, but it is different from the Oscars. Everyone is more down-to-earth, and they can wear all kinds of clothes.

There are suits and leather shoes, everyday clothes, Chinese tunic suits and long gowns, and even ancient costumes—for example, Hu Jing, who is wearing a costume from "Love Through Time and Space".

Moreover, except for a few people who have specific arrangements for walking the red carpet, there is no fixed order for others, so walking down the entire red carpet will make people feel very random.

Maybe Wang Xiaobo had just walked over with grinning teeth, and Winona, who was dressed up to attend, followed closely behind, and then Wang Anyi walked over with Zhao Yan, talking and laughing.

Because there were so many guests present, the red carpet lasted for a long time, and it didn't end until three o'clock in the afternoon.


After the annual meeting officially started, as in previous years, representatives from all walks of life went up to give speeches, then Jimmy was responsible for summarizing the achievements of last year, and Yu Dong was responsible for looking forward to the future.

Although these processes are repeated every year, everyone still does not feel tired.

The guests were not bored, and neither was Jimmy, who was in charge of summarizing.

Today's Jimmy is wearing a bright red Tang suit, looking very festive, and his whole face is full of red.

"It's time to report the results to everyone. Last year, Deep Space Corporation did a lot of things, so much that I was a little surprised. During this year, although more and more outstanding people joined the big family of Deep Space Inside, but I am still very busy, so I seldom look at the summary, that is, when I started the year-end summary some time ago, I was shocked when I saw the data report for this year."

"I can't help but feel proud of myself when I look at those numbers, because we've really done something amazing. Where do I start..."

Jimmy flipped through the report in his hand, with a very embarrassed expression, and finally he had a flash of inspiration and laughed, "Let me tell you a piece of data that you don't know much about, but it is indeed very powerful. Many people should We all know that last fall, the Deep Space Corporation took the lead and made a plan for an ancient Chinese poetry commemorative book with Amazon and Flash Printing Company."

The guests in the audience couldn't help nodding their heads. At that time, this matter was quite popular. Many news media at home and abroad reported it. Many Chinese people also regarded this plan as an effective activity to spread Chinese traditional culture.

It's just that most people don't know how far this plan has developed in the follow-up. They just feel that it seems to be doing well, but they have no idea how good it is.

"As of the end of last month, the Handbook of Ancient Poetry program had turnover of $300 million, and all cards had turnover of over $[-] million."

In addition to ancient poetry albums, Amazon also sold many other instant printing products this year, such as "Old Books" sales record cards.

Activities such as record cards and ancient poetry albums have also driven the development of personal businesses. People have learned about flash printing through these activities and have begun to try to use this service. The largest proportion is the production of personal photo albums.

It was Christmas some time ago, and many Amazon users would choose to customize their own exclusive Christmas cards on the website.

Flash Printing, originally a company co-founded by Deep Space to win Amazon and Ingram, has now developed into a company with annual sales of [-] million US dollars, and everyone can see that the future of this company Unlimited.

With the development of the times and the continuous improvement of the Internet, there will only be more and more personalized printing customizations on the Internet.

Now many people also see the potential in this business, but there is no way to share a share with Deep Space and Ingram.

The success of Flash Print relies on Deep Space Company's high-quality content output to strengthen its publicity, and the second relies on Amazon's perfect channel. Without one of these two, Flash Print can't develop to the present situation.

In addition, in order to support Flash Printing Company, Deep Space and Ingram have been building factories and preparing equipment for a long time. If other companies want to enter the market now, the first thing to do is to spend at least a year and a half. Time to prepare these things.

After they have made these preparations, no one knows what the market will look like at that time.

Yu Hua, who was in the audience, turned sideways and said to Yu Dong, "I've been with you for a long time, why don't I feel much when I hear [-] million dollars?"

This is Yu Hua's sincere words. Before coming to Jinyi, let alone a hundred million, he was shocked enough to hear one hundred and eighty thousand.

But as time goes by, now he has no feeling for these numbers, as if $[-] million is nothing, because he has heard too much.

To give the simplest example, the global box office of the movie "Butterfly Effect" produced by Deep Space Company this year is said to be expected to exceed 900 million US dollars, and the real cost of this movie, as he heard from Yu Dong, is [-] million US dollars.

A movie that cost 900 million US dollars to shoot has won [-] million US dollars at the box office. Looking at it this way, it seems that a company with a turnover of [-] million US dollars a year does not seem to be a big deal.

As if hearing Yu Hua's heart, Jimmy on stage continued, "The second thing I want to say is "Butterfly Effect". The box office of this movie even surprised me. Of course, I I am full of confidence in this movie. Before the movie was released, when I chatted with Yu Dong, I thought that the final box office of this movie should be around 5000 million, but I didn't expect it to double in the end..."

After talking about the movie, Jimmy talked about the TV series again, "During the annual meeting last year, Yu Dong boasted that we were going to launch a plan for [-] TV series. At the time, this goal was achieved, some of them have already been seen by everyone, and there are still some TV dramas, which have a high probability of being able to meet with you next year..."

Jimmy didn't go into great detail, but just gave a general introduction to what Deep Space did last year, but even so, it took a lot of time, because Deep Space really did too many things last year.

Take TV series as an example, Deep Space is not only making domestic TV series, there are also TV series in the United States, such as "Don't Lie to Me".

After talking about other sections, Jimmy finally talked about the foundation of Deep Space Corporation - the book section.

Although the development of the book industry around the world is showing a downward trend, Deep Space Company still operates the book section as the company's pillar section, and the results are also very obvious.

"In the past year, all the books under the Deep Space Corporation have sold a total of 560 million copies, an average of about [-] copies sold every second. This means that the time I say a word , the sales volume of our company’s books will increase by dozens of copies.”


When Jimmy was doing the year-end summary on stage, the netizens were already blowing up.

In order to let the audience have a better experience, and the conference scene is better filmed than other events, the official annual meeting has been broadcast live.

However, in order to prevent accidents from happening, the picture that the audience saw was actually delayed by 5 minutes.

But the audience is already very satisfied, after all, it's only 5 minutes.

[Wangyunshanren: More than 4 million volumes, this data is really scary. 】

[Old Zhu is a skinny guy: It’s not scary at all. Deep Space has too many authors under its banner now, and all of them are awesome. 】

[Simplified: I remember that at the annual meeting a few years ago, Mr. Ji announced that the number should be 4000 million copies. I didn't expect it to increase tenfold in just a few years. 】

[Dream for you: Hahahaha, isn't this normal? Now, the annual sales volume of my Yu's work should be more than 4000 million. 】

[Miss Jin Xin: Of course it’s more than that. Which book under Yu’s name has sold less than 1000 million copies?With so many books, hundreds of thousands of copies are sold every year, let alone new books come out every year. 】

[The Thorough and Lonely Demon: Ahem, there are still books with less than 1000 million sales, but on average each book must be more than 1000 million. 】

[Xing Bingjing: The average book should be more than 1000 million, and the "Old Book" has more than 4000 million. 】

[I don't know what nickname I want to take: Deep Space has more than just a teacher. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series, Uncle Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series are also very popular, and last year suddenly Marc Levy popped up, and his book sales exploded in France. 】

[Wandering today: Yes, the most important thing is that these writers were all excavated by deep space before they became famous. 】

[Reasonable: I heard that Boss Yu excavated them all himself. I have to say that Boss Yu's vision is really unique. 】

[Qi Momo: Well, Boss Yu is amazing, so who is Liu Shutong? 】

【Boring, Patriarch:...】


Of course, Jimmy couldn't see the discussion of the netizens. At this time, he had almost finished his speech, finished it later, and then invited Yu Dong up with a smile.

As soon as Yu Dong came to the stage, the audience applauded.

Jimmy, who hadn't gone down yet, said jealously: "I've been talking about it for a long time, but I've never said such loud applause."

Hearing what Jimmy said, there was a burst of laughter from the audience, and then the applause became louder, this time the applause was for Jimmy.

Hearing the applause, Jimmy nodded with satisfaction, and then handed over the stage to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong walked up to the microphone, looked back at Jimmy who was walking down the stage, and said with a smile: "Thank you Jimmy for taking us back to some of the achievements of Deep Space Corporation in the past year. Thanks also He, let us know that this year is not bad, everyone can live a good year with peace of mind."

"Why does Deep Space hold an annual meeting every year? It takes the trouble to invite everyone from all over the world to Jinling. Naturally, it is not to show you how much money the company has earned in this year. In fact, Deep Space has gone all the way. Come on, every step has the weight of everyone on it, and the achievements of deep space are naturally also the achievements of you."

Then he continued: "Let's not talk about emotional things for now, let's talk about it at the dinner. Now I will complete my task and report to everyone about the plan of Deep Space Corporation for the next year."

"Let me tell you a piece of good news first. It was only confirmed in the past two days. Our company has reached a cooperation with DreamWorks to take over "Shrek" in an all-round way. Next, we will carry out the production of our company's first animated film. Production. That's right, this movie will be independently produced by our company's newly established pdi animation studio."

Many domestic people didn't react to Dong's words, but Michael Eisner and others were full of surprise.

Eisner did not expect such a big thing to happen in the deep space after a few days of absence.

Although Yu Dong didn't say it clearly, Eisner could guess that the newly established pdi animation studio of Deep Space Company should be established after the acquisition of pdi company.

This means that Deep Space will enter the animation film track strongly.

(End of this chapter)

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