Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 703 Dong Dong and the Deep Space Tribe

Chapter 703 Dong Dong and the Deep Space Tribe

Eisner has no way of judging the specific changes that Deep Space Corporation's entry into the animated film track will bring to the existing structure, but it is conceivable that the impact will definitely not be small.

Although in the film and television production industry, Deep Space is just a new company, but their capital is very strong, and the brand has already been established.

Although Deep Space has bought copyrights everywhere in the past few years and launched various plans, Eisner knows that their company should have a lot of cash.

Cash is king, and Deep Space Corporation is not short of anything other than cash. In the entire industry, from upstream to downstream, it is complete.

Even Eisner has begun to worry that their cooperation with Deep Space Corporation in Myth Universe will undergo some changes due to the acquisition of PDI by Deep Space Corporation.

Compared with Eisner's preoccupation, Spielberg, who was sitting not far from him, was indeed flushed.

Because he is happy wow.

The whole thing was smoother than he had expected before. Although the cooperation hadn't been fully settled, it was basically almost done. The terms of the two parties had been negotiated, leaving some irrelevant finishing work.

When Spielberg talked to Jimmy about this yesterday, Jimmy revealed to him that after "Shrek" is completely won, Deep Space will add 1000 million dollars to the movie's budget on the original basis, and at the same time We will also try our best to launch the deep space publicity channels to create momentum for this movie.

Not to mention the joint cooperation of the game, Deep Space Company has already asked the visual design studio to contact the people of DreamWorks to prepare the game pictures exclusively for "Shrek". In less than a few months, "History of Monsters" "Lake" version of Lianliankan should be able to meet the majority of players.

Also happy are Yang Xiao and Niu Erfang. Jimmy told them a long time ago that they will create a whole production line from science fiction novels to science fiction comics to science fiction animations.

Nowadays, science fiction novels and science fiction comics are indeed well done, but science fiction animations have always been lacking.

Without the sci-fi animation link, the entire production line is much weaker. The combined output value of sci-fi novels and sci-fi comics may not be worth a fraction of that of sci-fi animation.

Now that Deep Space Corporation has established a studio specializing in animation films, although it may not serve them immediately, the transition from sci-fi comics to sci-fi animation should be realized soon.

According to the usual style of Yu Dong and Jimmy, the acquisition is only the first step, and the deep space company will definitely rely on the acquired company to gradually develop its core strength.

Seeing Yu Dong talking eloquently on the stage, Yang Xiao was also very emotional.

Yu Dong's experience is inextricably linked to his development. He graduated from the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University and later started his career in literature, which seems completely reasonable.

Later, when I worked at Jinyi, the development of Deep Space Company also extended from the book section to the film and television industry and the music industry... Although Jinyi's school started from a poor start, it is better in all aspects, and has majors in all aspects.

Moreover, the development of Jinyi has been getting better and better in recent years, and it has been able to continuously import talents for Deep Space Company.

As far as Yang Xiao knows, the visual design studio established by Deep Space Company in Jinyi is now developing rapidly, and Jinyi has a lot of help in this.

Many of the subsequent batches of arts and crafts majors students starting from the 91st grade all aim at the film and television industry and strive to develop in this direction, and Deep Space Corporation also sends a group of students to the United States every year for further studies. Now there are many of them They all entered the visual design studio.

For the games behind Deep Space Corporation, all the art involved are from this visual design studio.

Not to mention film and television related majors. In the past few years, there have been many young talents in the deep space. From screenwriters to directors to actors, there are very bright characters.

Especially for acting majors, with the opportunities provided by Deep Space, actors grow very fast.

The ability of Deep Space Company to train actors is obvious to all. Qin Yi, Hu Jing, Nie Yuan, Yan Danchen... Jin Yi has many students who have become popular all over the country before they graduate.

In a sense, Yu Dong has contributed to the rapid development of Jinyi in the past few years, and Jinyi has gradually become a powerful force for Deep Space Company.


After Yu Dong finished talking about "Shrek", he continued to talk about Deep Space's other film plans for next year: "There is another news, many people should know that Deep Space will cooperate with Disney, To make a fantasy film, "Pirates of the Caribbean," which..."

After Yu Dong selected a few more important movie plans, he talked about the company's plans for music, TV dramas and books in the coming year.

Compared with books and music, the people present wanted to hear some content related to TV series, because in the past year, several TV series produced by Deep Space Company have caused a sensation in Asia.

Even before "Love Through Time and Space" was officially launched in Europe and the United States, the character of Xiaowanzi has become popular all over the world in another way. Anyone who buys a new Motorola mobile phone will have a Xiaowanzi in his hand Figures.

In addition, with the popularity of "Runaway", Xiaowanzi has also become the goddess in the minds of many players.

So everyone wants to see what TV dramas Deep Space will release this year, and whether they can continue the trend of last year and create another glories.

Many people hope that Yu Dong can be the same as last year, and then tell them a goal, preferably a number higher than [-].

However, Yu Dong is destined to disappoint them. He just announced some plans that have already started, such as "In the Name of Love", "The True Colors of a Criminal Police", "The Years of Burning Passion", "Looking for Qin", TV series such as "Never Rest In My Eyes" and "Flying Man".

Although the people at the scene felt very disappointed, the audience who were watching the live broadcast in front of the TV at this time were not disappointed at all, because many deep space companies had not released news about these TV series before.

[Cheng Men Lixue: Are there so many TV dramas being filmed by Deep Space Company?I don't know at all? 】

[Princess Yueshi: I know about "Looking for the Qin Dynasty". It seems that it has been filmed for a while, and I have been looking forward to it for a long time, but it has not started to be released until now. 】

[Old Zhu is a thin man: Princess, are you really a girl?Still watching "Looking for Qin Ji"? 】

[Spoon 8321: He's a fart girl, just an old pervert, and he has read all the novels of "Looking for Qin Ji". 】

[Princess Yuezhi: Shaozi, don't just dirty people's innocence. 】

[The world is as white as pigeons: I don't know if those hey-hey plots in "Looking for Qin Ji" will be kept. 】

[Mouse pad: Don't think about it, it's impossible to keep it, but I heard that the protagonist is played by Yang Guo. 】

[Big Red: Which version of Yang Guo? 】

[Mouse pad: Nonsense, of course it's Gu Zai, can the others see it? 】

【No. [-] in the world:...】

[Purple Rose: Is this "Flying Man" adapted from the serialized novel "Flying Man" on the website? 】

[Dark Fragrance Floating: It should be. 】

[Niuniu: Wow, I really like this novel. I didn't expect it to be made into a TV series so soon. I thought it would take a while. 】

[Running Wild Horse: Produced by Deep Space, it must be a high-quality product, and there will be another TV series next year. 】

[Guardian: Don’t worry, next year Deep Space will definitely have more than these TV series, and Deep Space will also shoot a TV series in the United States, which should start broadcasting next year. 】

[Man of the Tower: It's a pity we can't see it. 】

[Under the Sky: Not necessarily, we may not be able to see the filming of other companies, but with the filming of Deep Space Company, everything is possible. 】


After Yu Dong finished talking about the TV series, everyone thought he was going to end today's speech, but Yu Dong suddenly changed the subject and said: "There is one last thing to report to everyone. In the spring of next year, Dongdong will officially Entering the United States, in addition, Deep Space Chinese Network will also meet American netizens in the form of Deep Space Tribe.”

After saying this, there was a burst of applause at the scene, but the applause was not enthusiastic, because many people present did not understand the Internet at all, did not understand the meaning and impact of Deep Space's move, and did not know the consequences of this move. resistance.

From their point of view, isn't it that Deep Space Corporation has opened a website and developed a software abroad?
Amazon is a big website, it has been reported in the news, and it has developed very fast in recent years.

But anyone who knows something about the Internet knows that this time Deep Space Tribe and Dongdong entered the United States, which is completely different from Amazon.

Amazon mainly started early, and started by selling books and CDs.The relationship between the website Deep Space Company uses Ingram to provide books, relax the billing period, help them ensure cash flow, and make the website's potential unlimited. After two rounds of financing, it has developed rapidly.

But Dongdong can’t do it. Now there is ICQ in Europe and the United States, and its development is relatively mature. It has just been acquired by America Online for 1000 million US dollars. The number of users has exceeded [-] million, and its volume is far larger than Dongdong.

At this time, if Dongdong wants to grab the icq market, AOL will definitely disagree. When the two sides fight, the deep space side will not have much to gain.

In terms of fighting for funds, although Deep Space Corporation has indeed made a lot of money in the past two years, it is a little bit less interesting to compare with America Online.

As we all know, America Online doesn't care about innovation and technology at all. What they want is ordinary users, which is why they bought icq.

When encountering some potential products like icq, AOL's strategy is also very simple, that is, buy, buy, buy. They just want to transfer the potential of these products to themselves through buying, buying and buying, so as to gain popularity among the people.

Today, AOL's annual revenue is several billion dollars, and its profit is hundreds of millions of dollars. It is a huge money-absorbing machine, but Deep Space Corporation is trying to leverage such a behemoth. Of course, it is not optimistic.

Seeing the audience's reaction, Yu Dong just smiled.

When they make this decision, of course they will consider the existence of America Online.

If it wants to compete with AOL for capital, Deep Space is indeed a bit of a loser, but the key is how much AOL will pay for ICQ.

Yu Dong and Jimmy discussed this matter a few times, and the two had the same view on AOL, that is, the company's strategy is actually somewhat short-sighted, especially when it comes to ICQ, which they acquired.

Jimmy carefully studied the series of performances after AOL acquired icq and found that AOL was too eager to make money from icq. It neither developed multiple languages ​​​​to cater for the markets of other countries, nor did it properly optimize the software. What they did was not Constantly release new functions, trying to keep ahead of other im software through the continuous introduction of new functions, and maintain the leading position.

But in fact, their eagerness for success will eventually harm icq.

The most fundamental function of im software is communication, and this function is what customers need. If customers cannot have a good communication experience, other fancy functions will be useless at all.

Moreover, these functions will make icq increasingly bloated and hard to return, and eventually lose users.

Jimmy predicted that if Dongdong enters the European and American markets at this time, AOL will definitely repeat the old tricks and rush to let icq develop new functions in order to maintain an advantage in front of Dongdong.

But the problem is that Deep Space simply won't compete with AOL in this regard.

Deep Space has always attached great importance to the communication function of Dongdong. As for other functions, they are just icing on the cake. If they are useful, they will be added, and if they are useless, they will not be added.

Furthermore, if you want to play tricks, it is impossible for America Online to play too much.

In fact, many functions developed by icq are copied from the movie "Second World".

There is also a saying that the reason why AOL let icq develop these functions crazily is also to seize the opportunity to realize the functions shown in "Second World" earlier.


In addition, this time the Deep Space Corporation not only sent a Dongdong to fight alone, but also a deep space tribe.

Many people don't know what the Deep Space Tribe is, and they think that the Deep Space Tribe is just another name of the Deep Space Chinese Website.

In fact, there is still a difference between the Deep Space Tribe and the Deep Space Chinese Website. The Deep Space Tribe can be regarded as a simplified version of the Deep Space Chinese Website.

The Deep Space Company removed all the public pages of the Deep Space Chinese website, leaving more private space.

On Deep Space Chinese Online, although there is a following function, if you want to see the posts published by the people you follow, you need to click on the space you follow. When you log in to the website normally, you will see the popular sections first. .

But the Deep Space Tribe is different. The page will become more concise. After the user logs in, the updates posted by the people they follow will be displayed first. In fact, this is similar to a blog, but the Deep Space Tribe is better than some existing "blogs". It is more complete and advanced, and the user experience is better.

(End of this chapter)

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