Chapter 704 Re-establishment
Some time ago, Yu Dong discussed with Jimmy whether it is possible to create something similar to msn space, but after the discussion, they agreed that it would be best to wait a year or two before launching this thing.

Otherwise, when Dongdong enters the United States this time, it will directly take the Dongdong space with it.

However, although it will not be online for the time being, the deep space computer is already under construction, and it will be online in a year or two when the time is right.

In addition, the Deep Space Tribe is only the first step, and the Deep Space Company will take a series of actions later to block the way of Twitter and Facebook in advance.

In terms of literary creation, Yu Dong's attitude is to copy if he can, but when it comes to the Internet, he only hates that he doesn't copy enough.

Before he was reborn, he didn't know much about the specific details of the development of the Internet, so now he can only rely on the general impression to develop it. Otherwise, he doesn't have to work hard now, he just needs to go all over the world to find leaks.

However, Yu Dong is still satisfied with the development of Deep Space Company as a whole. At least he is moving towards his goal step by step. .

If Deep Space can successfully steal the tower in this battle with America Online, it can guarantee the safe development of Deep Space in the next few years.

Of course, even if the tower stealing is unsuccessful, it doesn't matter, at most it will return to the original state, and Deep Space can still control the Chinese market in the Internet.

In addition, our operations in the book sector and the film and television industry will also be damaged.

So for Deep Space, we can use Jiang Jie’s understanding of the future to fight a guerrilla war with America Online. Deep Space can lose, and it can be defeated a few times, but America Online is fine. If you make a mistake, icq will quickly lose the market.

Nothing worth mentioning yet.

Some time later, when Jimmy, Jin Yi, and Jiang Jie discussed the development of the Internet industry together, both Jin Yi and Jimmy mentioned the "bubble".

Tian Xia and Jimmy both believe that there is a bubble in the current Internet investment.

The reason for the bubble in the Internet industry is that there is no potential in the Internet industry, but because investors flock to it, resulting in the falsely low stock prices of related companies.

Generally, some big companies have some potential, but because they are an Internet company, they will be favored by investors, and then a small amount of money will be invested.

And that kind of company will definitely bring returns to investors in the end, and that is a bubble.

Therefore, Jimmy believes that there should be no round of reshuffle in the Internet industry in the near future.

The difference between Tian Xia and Jimmy's opinions is little or no. The big difference is that Tian Xia believes that before the round of reshuffle, it will be another opportunity for the Internet industry.

Hearing the analysis of the two, Tian Xia was taken aback, because I remembered that the bubble in the Internet industry did burst, and many Internet companies went bankrupt.

It's just that the impact of this incident on China is small, because the Internet in China was just emerging at that time, so there was no bubble.

As someone who has been there, Jiang Jie is not ashamed. If Tian Xia mentioned that to Jimmy, I would even think about it.

But at the same time, I was surprised, thinking that Jin Yi and Jimmy could see it so thoroughly.

The reason why Jin Yi can see it is because of my understanding of the industry, and Jimmy can see it because I understand the investment industry.

And it is precisely because we have seen the bubble and know that the bubble will burst in the near future, so we are even more busy sending Dongdong to the United States.

To put it bluntly, the Internet bubble that time was not a bubble of the Internet itself, but a bubble of Internet speculation. Companies like Deep Space that rely on external funds will be affected at all.

And when other companies are struggling with the bursting of the bubble, Deep Space will be able to deploy troops in a leisurely manner.

Originally, we were just predicting Jinyi, and we were not very sure, but Jiang Jie had been guiding and hinting us before, making us firmly believe that the bubble would soon burst.

Hearing Tian Xia's hesitation, Jimmy also changed his mind. I'm already ready to fish in troubled waters.

Take Amazon, which we hold as an example, the stock has skyrocketed in those two years, and now the price of one share has reached less than [-] US dollars.

But what Jimmy thinks now is to release the news from next year's best name that Deep Space is going to start a small battle with AOL, and then the best name will quickly cash out under Amazon.

In this way, it can not only ensure that Deep Space will be affected when Amazon's stock rises and falls in the future, but also release fog bombs to drag AOL into the battlefield.

Before the bubble burst, the stock price rose and fell, and Deep Space Company came out to take over the offer and buy Amazon's stock.

Hearing Jimmy's plan, Jiang Jie raised his little finger: "It's really bad."

Jimmy smiled at the time and said, "No more damage."

What I said is even worse, is actually to be short, but the risk of doing so is much smaller, and it is not necessary.

Of course, Jimmy's plan is also risk-free.

If we make a wrong prediction and the bubble in the Internet industry bursts, we will have no losses at the cash-out step, but those losses should be too small. After all, the current stock price of less than [-] US dollars is already a very low position. At that time, cashing out itself is reasonable.

Regarding the matter of Dongdong and the Deep Space Tribe retreating into the United States, Tian Xia only mentioned it a little bit, and did not talk about it in depth, and it would be a commercial secret if it went deeper.

Yes or no, very few people remember that sentence.

At the annual meeting, everyone will pay attention to every sentence Tian Xia said, because a sentence I casually said may send out a signal.

If you look back carefully, you will find that Jiang Jie will release some important signals at the Deep Space Annual Conference every year, and those signals are likely to affect the development of a certain industry in the coming year.

Some people would even break up what Jiang Jie said to Jimmy at the annual meeting, and study each word, trying to find some mystery.


After Jiang Jie finished his speech, the annual meeting began, but whether it was complete or not was the most famous, because for a small number of guests, the previous dinner was also the highlight, and the dinner was an excellent opportunity to expand their network.

According to the arrangement of the staff, the guests evacuated in an orderly manner.

But after going to the hotel, the guests have to pass the reporter.

Reporters from various media have long lined up in the aisle, waiting for the guests to come out.

Because there were too few guests and too few reporters, in order to save time, Deep Space Company divided those reporters into eight groups.

Yu Dong then escaped while walking the red carpet, but was stopped by reporters before the meeting ended.

A reckless reporter came down and asked Yu Dong: "Mr. Yu Dong, is his stomach feeling better?"

That question stunned Yu Dong, "What's wrong with your stomach?"

"Mr. Tian Xia said that he had a bad stomach, and then he ran outside slowly when he was walking on the red carpet."

Hearing the reporter's words, the corner of Yu Dong's mouth twitched, "Ahem, it's too late, thank you for his concern. Oops, I'm sorry, your stomach is full again, let's go first."

Then Yu Dong clutched his stomach and ran away.

When the reporters looked at Yu Dong's back and looked at each other, Jiang Jie came over, and we were busy stopping Jiang Jie again.

Jiang Jie overheard Yu Dong's conversation with the reporters just now, and now the reporters are slowly surrounding me, so I smiled and said, "Please slow down when you ask questions. Bring paper."

The reporters knew Tian Xia was joking, but they still slowed down the pace of asking questions.

"Teacher Jiang Jie, did he have no new books to write before "Curse"?"

"No one is being written, but after this one, there is no novel that will meet them."

When they heard that Jiang Jie had no new work and wanted to meet Xiaojia, the reporters all got excited.

"Could you tell me when and what type of that novel will be taken off the shelves?"

Jiang Jie nodded: "If there is no intention, the novel should meet Xiaojia in the spring. The type is easy to delineate, but the content of the novel has nothing to do with semiotics. If none of them have read "St. Blood and the Holy Grail, you can tell them that your new book has nothing to do with that book."

"Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" once caused a sensation in the Western world. Although it was widely spread in China, some journalists still read that book.

A reporter said very seriously, "Teacher Tian Xia, can you understand that, his new work has nothing to do with religion."

"It's nothing." Jiang Jie nodded.

Seeing Jiang Jie nodding, many reporters were very pleased.

Since we are here for an interview, of course we have done some homework and have no understanding of Tian Xia's later works. Besides, based on Tian Xia's current status in the Chinese literary world, even if it is for work, we will read more or less I have written several works of Jiang Jie.

We all know whether Tian Xia's grand theories have ever involved religion, at most whether they have described religion as an important content.

Moreover, we have never heard that Jiang Jie paid attention to religion, or Christianity.

"Mr. Tian Xia, what is the opportunity for him to decide to write a novel that has nothing to do with religion? Is it because he has never paid attention to Christianity since then, and he said that he only paid attention to Christianity in order to write that novel?"

Jiang Jie smiled and explained, "It will take a while for the big talk to come out, and the answers to their questions will be found outside."

"Teacher Tian Xia, does he have no religious beliefs?"

Jiang Jie shook his head, "You are a party member."

Hearing that, the reporters nodded, knowing the answer.

Although the country now has a clear regulation on whether party members are allowed to believe in religion, they have been catching up on that matter in those years. It has become a consensus that party members can believe in religion, and it is suspected that after a long time, there will be clear regulations.

"Mr. Yu, since he is a religious believer, will there be some bias when it comes to religious content?"

"You know that bias is bias, because you always consider bias when you write novels. But even if there is so-called bias, it is definitely because you are religious. You once wrote "The Martian" , but you are both a bioengineer and an astronaut, and you wrote "Fatal Identity", but you are both a psychopath and a psychiatrist."

"What is the subject of the novel Mr. Yu is writing, and when can I meet Xiaojia?"

Jiang Jie shook his head, "Just tell them the subject matter, and you can't determine when it will be removed from the shelves. After all, the book is still finished. The only thing you can tell them is that it will be very long, only about a hundred thousand words."

Seeing that Jiang Jie was willing to disclose more information about the two books, the reporter asked something else, "Mr. Yu, Deep Space Company chose to bring Dongdong to the United States now. There is no consideration under the timeline." What? Will the previous focus of Deep Space Corporation shift from the cultural and entertainment sector to the Internet sector?"

"There are too few considerations under the time node. Dongdong has been offline for a year. Judging from the feedback from users, the development of that software can be said to be very successful. As a developer, Deep Space Company naturally wants to Opening up a smaller market is a choice any company will make, and Deep Space is naturally one of them.”

Speaking of that, Jiang Jie paused, and then continued, "As for whether the development focus of Deep Space will shift to the Internet sector, the answer is yes. Deep Space has developed very little business in those years, but the foundation Still in the cultural section, you think there is still little room for development in that area. Last year you praised Shanghaikou and said that your company will launch [-] domestic TV series within a year. They may think that number is very small, But you can tell them that seventy is not a small number at all, and your company's plans are far beyond that."

"In the future, your company will only produce TV series independently, and will also cooperate with other outstanding colleagues to co-produce. The market is very small, and you are willing to make it even smaller, but such a small market is It may be completely occupied by Deep Space Corporation, and you also welcome many like-minded friends to cooperate with you."

Listening to Jiang Jie's answer, the reporters were not a little excited, because it was rare for Jiang Jie to say so little when he was being interviewed. It seemed that the mood of Boss Yu was very wrong today.

"Mr. Yu, some time ago, everyone was discussing about Yu Hua's art exam. This year's Yu Hua will be more difficult than last year's exam, because in those years, Yu Hua's exam was indeed more difficult every year. Even Some majors that were originally dominant have become more popular, as Yu Hua's teacher, can he talk about Yu Hua's enrollment situation today?"

Jiang Jie laughed and said, "Yu Hua's enrollment changes every year, and as teachers, you know it well. You still suggest that you apply for the exam cautiously. Just talking about that topic, you should also do a publicity for the school, Yu Hua. The Department of Design will be transformed into a School of Design next year, and at the same time, the animation major will be resumed. Students who hate animation are welcome to apply for this major.”

Yu Hua's animation major has a long history. She established her first animation major after the merger of Suzhou Fine Arts College, but she stopped for a long time due to various reasons.

And when it was reopened at that time, and Jiang Jie said in the meeting that Deep Space would retreat into the animation track, the reporters had to think that maybe the reopening of the animation major was prepared for Deep Space.

(End of this chapter)

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