Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 705 Bourne's Identity

Chapter 705 Bourne's Identity

As soon as Yu Dong arrived at the banquet hall of the hotel, Michael Eisner found him.

With a smile on his face, Eisner found Yu Dong and congratulated him first: "YU, congratulations, such a grand event has been successfully completed."

"Mr. Eisner, the success of the event would not have been possible without the support of you and everyone else."

"This is the first time for me to participate in the deep space annual meeting, and I am very shocked by the lively scene." Eisner smiled, and then changed the topic, "YU, congratulations on the acquisition of pdi, I believe, With the participation of pdi, the cooperation between our two companies will definitely be smoother in the future.”

Hearing Eisner's words, Yu Dong twitched the corners of his mouth and laughed. This guy had something to say, and he clearly said that he was happy for PDI to participate in their cooperation. In fact, he was asking if Deep Space would consider letting PDI pdi is involved.

Yu Dong guessed that Eisner would pay attention to this, and he said with a smile, "Mr. Eisner, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. The "Shrek" we took over from DreamWorks also needs to speed up the progress, so I am afraid that pdi will not have time to participate in the cooperation between our two companies in a short time. Even if the production of "Shrek" is over, Our company also has other plans that pdi needs to do, and if Disney wants pdi to participate, it will take at least a few years."

Eisner raised his eyebrows, and said with a disappointed face: "That's really a pity, pdi is a very good company, if we can have their assistance, the work between us will definitely be smoother. Of course, for pdi I also understand their absence, after all, Deep Space Corporation is developing very rapidly, and there are many places where they need to be used."

In fact, upon hearing Yu Dong's words, Eisner seemed to have taken a reassurance. He felt relieved. He didn't want the pdi to be inserted into the deep space at all. It may even affect the overall plan.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Although we have acquired pdi, our company is still very inexperienced in the field of animation films, and we still need your company's help in the future."

Eisner nodded again and again, "Of course, as long as we can do it, we will definitely help."


After Eisner left contentedly, Spielberg came over again, followed by "The Butterfly Effect" director Doug Liman.

Now Doug Liman is proud of his spring breeze. After the two films "I Lived for 1 Years" and "The Butterfly Effect" were released, he has become a hot young director in Hollywood. There are two invitations to decline.

In fact, Doug Liman himself did not expect these two films to be so successful, especially "I Lived Ten Thousand Years".

Including the box office of several European countries, the final global box office of "I Lived for Tens of Thousand Years" reached more than 900 million.

It broke two Deep Space Corporation (USA) records.

One was the lowest-grossing movie.

That's right, "I Lived for Tens of Thousand Years" is the lowest-grossing movie that Deep Space Corporation (USA) has participated in so far. For other movies, no matter what role Deep Space Corporation (USA) appears in, as long as there is With the participation of Deep Space Corporation (USA), the box office will not be low.

But at the same time, "I Lived for Tens of Thousand Years" is the movie with the highest return rate of Deep Space Company. Its cost is only [-] US dollars, and the return rate is nearly [-] times.

Of course, this rate of return still has a lot of water. After all, the reason why a movie has such a box office is not only a good story, but also related to two aspects, one is the quality of the shooting, and the other is the actors.

For $[-], the best equipment and the most popular actors were used. If it was replaced by someone else, even three zeros would not be enough to get it.

Of course, being able to do this is mainly because the filming is simple. When filming "The Butterfly Effect", Doug Liman asked someone to set up the scene, and then took Matthew McConaughey and they spent a day making the film. The movie was shot, and the subsequent editing did not take much time, after all, the plot is really simple.

Because of the "Shrek" incident, Spielberg was also in a good mood. He smiled beside him and said, "YU, I'm going to ask you for a drink tonight, and you can save some for me when the time comes."

Yu Dong laughed. Spielberg has also been in China for a long time, and he has been affected a lot in this regard. When he first came to China, he would only drink slowly with a glass of red wine. Now he dares to compete with others for baijiu. up.

"Steven, I should tell you this, don't be forced down before I find you."

"Don't worry, absolutely not."

"Then I'll wait and see." Yu Dong smiled, and then looked at Doug Liman next to him, "Doug, do you have any other plans after "The Butterfly Effect"? Have you thought about what to make for the next movie?" ?”

Doug Liman shook his head, "Not yet, because I haven't encountered a good script...Of course, I have encountered it before, but the author of the original work is unwilling to shoot it for me."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and asked, "Whose work is it? Do you want our company to come forward and be a lobbyist for you?"

Doug Liman bared his teeth and said, "I'm looking at 'Golden Dreamland.'"

Yu Dong couldn't help curling his lips, "You guys still remember this."

At the beginning, Doug Liman was interested in "Golden Dreamland" and wanted to shoot it, but Yu Dong handed "Golden Dreamland" to Zhang Yimou, and instead handed "I Lived for Tens of Thousand Years" to "Butterfly Effect". To Doug Liman, at that time Doug Liman was still a little reluctant.

But now Doug Liman should not have any opinions, after all, "I Lived for Tens of Thousand Years" and "The Butterfly Effect" made him famous and rich.

As for the mention of "Golden Dreamland" at this moment, it was completely a joke with Yu Dong.

"I've also been looking for scripts recently, but I have no idea, mainly because I don't know what type to look for. Because I have no direction, it is more difficult to find. Many scripts are sent to me every day, but basically There is not a good one in the world, and I only found out in the past few months that there are so many rubbish scripts in this world."

Yu Dong nodded, it was indeed difficult to have no direction.

But it doesn't matter, since Doug Liman has no direction, let him have one.

"I think there is a novel that is more suitable for you to shoot."

Doug Liman was surprised and said: "Really? Are you talking about your own novel? "Curse" or "Old Book"? For "Old Book", I think I am more suitable. As for "Curse", although Not my style, but I can give it a try."

"Ahem, it's not my book, Doug, it's Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Identity."

"Oh my God!"

Doug Liman called out, and he looked at Yu Dong with an incredible look, "YU, did you investigate me? How did you know that I like the book "Bourne's Identity" very much?" Book? To be honest, I did think about adapting "The Bourne Identity" before, and even went to find the copyright, but the copyright is in the hands of Roger Young, and he is not willing to transfer it."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's no problem now, because the copyright of "Bourne's Identity" has been bought by us."

Spielberg on the side wondered, "Is your company very optimistic about this novel? But as far as I know, it has been adapted into a TV movie, but the ratings are not good, and it is not popular."

Yu Dong nodded and said, "This is the time to show the director's talent. "Bourne's Identity" and "Mission: Impossible" are not the same type of movie. Compared with Ethan Hunt, Bourne is more ordinary, with action The special effects are definitely not that exaggerated. "The Bourne Identity" will definitely not continue the "007" or "Mission: Impossible" series, and will go out of its own style."

"But this style is not necessarily pleasing." Spielberg said.

Yu Dong nodded. Spielberg was right. In fact, "The Bourne" was not as popular as "Mission: Impossible", and the box office difference between the two was quite a bit.

"Mission: Impossible" is actually following the path of "007", action, special effects, handsome men and beautiful women, these are the important elements of the box office.

But in "The Identity of Bourne", Bourne is more like an ordinary agent. He has no extraordinary abilities, nor does he have those powerful weapons, which is closer to reality.

Doug Liman didn't care whether the movie could make money or not, and said directly, "I'm willing to make it."

Yu Dong nodded, "Since you want to shoot, let's chat with Jimmy tomorrow and see how this plan starts."

For the filming of "Bourne's Identity", Deep Space will definitely need to attract investment. It is impossible for them to invest too much money themselves, because they will need to use a lot of money in the next one or two years.

Moreover, "Bourne's Identity" itself is not the kind of movie that can make a lot of money, the cost is not low, and the risk is not small, so it is better to raise some investment in deep space, so that the risk is diluted and the movie is made.

Yu Dong is mainly interested in the word-of-mouth and influence of "The Bourne". Although its box office is far inferior to "Mission: Impossible", its influence is not weaker than the latter.

Most importantly, "The Bourne Bourne" is a series.

No matter which company it is, it attaches great importance to series films. Now Deep Space Company only has one "Resident Evil" series. After "Bourne Shadow" is filmed, Deep Space Company has another series that can be sold.

The year before last, Yu Dong asked Jimmy to find out where the copyright of "Bourne's Identity" was?

At that time, the copyright was in the hands of Roger Young, and there were two years left, so Jimmy didn't ask. Until the copyright in Roger Young's hands expired, Jimmy went directly to Ludlum and took it easily. Copyrighted "Bourne's Identity".

Doug Liman didn't consider whether to invest or not at all. First, he believed in the strength of deep space, and second, he also had a very powerful father.

The movie "Bourne's Identity" doesn't even need to come out from deep space, just throw the novel to Doug Liman, and he can solve everything by himself, including the investors.

Seeing Doug Liman's appearance, Yu Dong also laughed. It is good to have a good father. Doug Liman doesn't have to think too much about money when making movies.

Doug Liman rubbed his hands excitedly, then looked around again, Yu Dong asked him: "What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Jimmy." Doug Liman responded while looking around, and suddenly said pleasantly: "I saw Jimmy, Yu, I'm going to tell him about it now."

"No need..."

Yu Dong just wanted to stop Doug Liman, but he was already running towards Jimmy excitedly, Yu Dong grabbed the air: "There is no need to be in such a hurry."

Spielberg said with a smile: "After all, Doug is still very young, so he is very impatient. Of course, this is also your fault. You shouldn't have told him about this today."

Yu Dong shrugged, "Steven, in fact, I am a few years younger than Doug."

"When you start to emphasize this point, you should think about the reasons." Spielberg smiled, and then said: "There is something I want to tell you about "The Martian"... ..."

While Spielberg was talking, Colvin, the representative of Motorola, walked over with a smile, "YU, Steven, you are all here, so I didn't disturb you."

"No, I was talking about some movies with YU just now." Steven laughed, "Your Motorola has been developing better and better in the past two years, and the new models are also very easy to use."

Colvin said with a smile: "The key is that "Second World" left us with too much stuff at that time, and we haven't used it up until today. I must learn some knowledge from YU and go back."

This statement is half-truth, before Colvin came to China, his superiors did not give him such an explanation, but now Motorola really wants to get some newer designs from Yudong.

When designing props for "Second World" before, Yu Dong left a lot of things for Motorola, which have not been used up until now, and it seems that they can be used for a few years.

But for a big company like Motorola, a few years is just a short period of time for them, and they need to consider the company's development in a few years.

In the past few years, the great success of the market has fully proved that Yu Dong's mobile phone appearance and system operation design are very useful, and Yu Dong's prediction of the development of the mobile phone industry is also very accurate.

In this case, Motorola will certainly not give up the opportunity to continue cooperation with Yudong.

The last time they collaborated with Deep Space to produce a small toy figure, they mentioned this matter, but Jimmy didn’t respond at that time, so this time Colvin came over and mentioned it very tactfully.

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands and said, "The key to the appearance and operation of the mobile phone is that the quality of the mobile phone is good."

"No, no, no." Colvin said hastily, "Mobile phones are facing a large number of users. No matter how high the technical level is, it will definitely not work without user experience, and the appearance and operation method are really the foundation of user experience."

(End of this chapter)

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