Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 706 Is the new writing finished?

Chapter 706 Is the new writing finished?

Colvin is right. The development of mobile phones has not been around for a long time, and all parties are in the groping stage. It is most important to have a good direction.

It is not to say that technology is not important, but if there is no good direction in the appearance and operation of mobile phones, then the development of technology is likely to enter a misunderstanding.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "After the road on the other side of Mangya is repaired, the filming of "The Martian" can start. At that time, I will design another set of props for this movie. Maybe you Motorola will appreciate it." interest."

Colvin's eyes lit up, and he said pleasantly, "Of course, some time ago we also asked about the possibility of advertising cooperation in "The Martian", but Jimmy didn't mention this to us, and Mr. Spielberg should also know about this. Bar?"

Spielberg nodded. "Well, Motorola asked me about that, too."

In fact, after the announcement of the filming of "The Martian", Motorola was still waiting for Deep Space to contact them. After all, general movie advertisements are very active, and they felt that Deep Space should find them.

But after waiting for a while, they didn't wait for Deep Space Company to find them to advertise. At this moment, they became anxious, fearing that Deep Space Company would abandon them and go to cooperate with other competitors, so they took the initiative to ask Does Deep Space Corporation need advertising sponsorship?

At that time, Jimmy didn't give a letter of approval, but only told them to look again. After looking at it, he saw the present.

Yu Dong mentioned this now, naturally because the time was right.

The reason why Jimmy didn’t give permission before is because he was looking at the development of Dongdong. If Dongdong develops well and wants to enter the United States, then when accepting Motorola’s advertisements, Dongdong can also be embedded in it.

"There's no need to rush this matter, let's talk about it later in the year." Yu Dong said.

Colvin nodded, "Understood, understood."

Although he said it clearly, he was already very anxious in his heart, and wished he could call the headquarters now and report what Yu Dong said, so that the headquarters could make preparations earlier.

In the past two years, although Motorola has maintained its leading position in the mobile phone market by relying on several new models that lead the times, there are more and more mobile phone manufacturers. Among them, Nokia and Ericsson are also developing very well, and they are also worried that they will be surpassed one day.

As far as Colvin knows, many mobile phone manufacturers have already contacted Deep Space, wanting to cooperate with them, but Deep Space has not let go.

But not letting go now does not mean not letting go in the future, not letting go temporarily does not mean never letting go, so Motorola hopes to have more business cooperation with Deep Space to ensure their priority in Deep Space.


Before Colvin left, Warner's representative came over again. Gradually, more and more people gathered around Yu Dong.

Yu Dong has long been used to this kind of scene, chatting with them casually while watching the situation of the restaurant.

After the dinner started, Yu Dong began to greet them to take their seats.

After the dinner officially started, people came to toast Yu Dong one after another. At first, Yu Dong took a sip from the wine glass, but as more and more people came, he could only replace white wine with fruit juice. It doesn't matter, they also know the situation today, and it's considered a way of saving face for Yu Dong to be able to hold a cup to show them, because there are too many people.

There were so many toasts that Yu Dong only drank fruit juice, and only a little at a time. By the end of the dinner, he was so full that he didn't even eat much.

When the guests in the banquet hall were almost gone, Yu Dong looked around, and suddenly saw a scene in the southeast corner, and then showed a strange smile.

There was a table in the southeast corner with three customers left.

The three guests who didn't leave didn't compete for wine, but sat there in a daze.

Yu Dong walked over with a smile, and said to the three of them, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Ruan Xiaohu stood up all of a sudden, "We want to wait until all the guests have left before leaving, to see if there is anything we can help."

Yu Dong looked at Xu Zechen and Zhou Jielun again, "You two too?"

The two nodded silently.

Their seats are deep space and arranged by the staff, this table is full of students, besides the three of them, there are also Jinyi students such as Wang Hailin, Qu Aiguo, Wang Kuo, etc., but Qu Aiguo and the others are all drunk It's almost done, I just went back to the room with my shoulders crossed.

Only Jay Chou and the three of them stayed here foolishly.

Logically speaking, Jay Chou should sit with those singers or actors, but the staff thought he was a student of the proprietress, so they put him with Ruan Xiaohu and Xu Zechen.

Yu Dong looked around the banquet hall again, and said with a smile, "There is nothing to help, you can go back and rest."

The three nodded again, but none of them moved, waiting for the other two to leave first.

Seeing the three of them like this, Yu Dong knew that they would be ashamed to leave if he didn't leave, so he said with a smile, "I'll leave first."

He just turned around, and then turned around suddenly, "By the way, when will Zechen go back to celebrate the New Year? Are you leaving tomorrow?"

This year's annual meeting is relatively late, and the day after tomorrow is New Year's Eve. Xu Zechen should go home quickly after attending the annual meeting today.

"The ticket for the morning after tomorrow." Xu Zechen said.

Yu Dong looked at Jay Chou again, "What about Xiao Zhou, when will you and your mother go back?"

"We also set off the morning after tomorrow."

Yu Dong nodded, "In this case, the three of you can go to my house tomorrow."

"Okay, teacher." Ruan Xiaohu nodded first, he often went to Yu Dong's house, so there was no hesitation.

Xu Zechen and Jay Chou looked at each other, and then Xu Zechen nodded first, "Okay."

Jay Chou also nodded, "Well, good."

"It's going to Luoyuan. Xiaohu, you are responsible for picking them up tomorrow, and Xiao Zhou will bring your mother along."

"I'll go back and ask my mother for her opinion."

Yu Dong nodded, "No problem, just tell your mother that I invited her and express my apologies to her for not inviting her in person."

After speaking, Yu Dong turned and left.


The next morning, Yu Dong was woken up by the sound of firecrackers, and then he heard the sound of children playing.

He rubbed his eyes, kissed his sleeping wife on the forehead, and then got up.

After getting up, I washed the rice, cooked porridge, and put the buns I brought back yesterday into the steamer to heat up.

As soon as the buns were steamed, Cheng Yanqiu rubbed his eyes and got up, Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's time to wake up, it's time for dinner, after dinner we'll go to Luoyuan."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, walked to the dining table, picked up the bowl of porridge in a daze and took a sip, and then said in a daze, "I don't know what happened these days, I always feel like I can't get enough sleep."

Yu Dong smiled nonchalantly, "In winter, everyone wants to sleep in. If you feel that you don't get enough sleep, go to Luoyuan later and catch up on a sleep in the cage."

"I feel that I have been quite tired recently. Although I am not busy with the annual meeting, I am tense every day and have things in my heart. Now I am finally free."

In fact, Cheng Yanqiu is also quite busy. After all, she is the proprietress of the deep space. She is always surrounded by a group of people, and she always has to deal with it on the scene, which is also quite frustrating.

Yu Dong finished his meal first, put down the bowls and chopsticks, and walked towards the study, "Go and pack your clothes after you finish eating. Wait for me to clean the bowls and chopsticks. I'll finish the new book first."

After several months, his new book is finally coming to an end. The main reason is that he is too busy during this period, otherwise the book would have been finished long ago. After all, the entire book is only about [-] to [-] words long.

It took half an hour to finish the new book, and Yu Dong went back to the living room to wash the dishes, but found that Cheng Yanqiu had already washed the dishes. He couldn't help but muttered, "You said you have to wait for me to wash the dishes."

Cheng Yanqiu was tidying up his clothes in the room, when he heard Yu Dong mumbling, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "Wait until you brush it, it's all stuck inside."

Yu Dong said with a sneer: "I thought it would be finished in a few minutes."


When the couple arrived at Luoyuan, Ruan Xiaohu had already followed Jay Chou and the others, and Yu Dong's mother, Qin Fang, took Ye Huimei to visit the garden.

Yu Dong went to say hello to Ye Huimei. They had met Ye Huimei when she came before, but there was not much communication at that time, and most of the time it was Ye Huimei who expressed her gratitude to Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu.

After saying hello, Yu Dong went to the reception room on the second floor, where Yu Dong's father and father-in-law were chatting with three young people.

It was said to be chatting, but it was actually Yu Hansheng and Cheng Liye who were chatting, and Ruan Xiaohu and the three of them listened blankly.

Seeing Yu Dong coming in, the three young men stood up quickly.


"Teacher Yu."


Three names for three people.

Yu Dong pressed his hand and said with a smile, "Sit down, have you had breakfast yet?"

"have eaten."

Yu Dong nodded, looked at his father and father-in-law, and introduced: "Ze Chen is a student of the Chinese Department of Jinling Normal University. You should also know Xiao Zhou. His songs were always played at home before."

"I know, Xiaohu helped introduce it just now." Cheng Liye smiled, "But you accept students all the same, these two children are more reserved."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Dad, you really made a mistake here. If you want to be cautious, Xiao Zhou should be counted, but the minister must not be counted."

"Oh, is it?"

"That's right, the first time I met Zechen at Jinling Normal University, he wasn't a student at Jinling Normal University, and I went with Yu Hua and the others..."

Yu Dong briefly described the scene when he saw Xu Zechen, and both Yu Hansheng and Cheng Liye laughed.

"This young man is interesting." Yu Han laughed, "But he wasn't lying at the time, isn't he a student of Jinling University now?"

Cheng Liye also nodded with a smile, "Young people should be a little sharp and alert."

Xu Zechen touched his head in embarrassment, "I was really ignorant at the time, but now that I think about it, I'm really ashamed."

Yu Hansheng waved his hand, "You are nothing, compared with your teacher's glorious deeds, it is a piece of cake."

As soon as they heard the gossip, the three young men immediately raised their heads and looked at Yu Hansheng with fiery eyes, waiting for him to chat about Yu Dong's gossip.

Don't like to listen to gossip water?

Especially Yu Dong's gossip.

Seeing the three young men looking at him eagerly, Yu Hansheng did not disappoint them, and said with a smile, "When Yu Dong was young, I sent him to learn big characters for two years, so his handwriting is pretty good. There are students in the class who write love letters, and they all like to ask him to copy them. At first, this kid honestly helped people copy them, but later he always wanted to help others revise their love letters. Instead, more and more people came to him Write it, and some people even stopped writing it themselves and handed it all over to him.”

"This kid saw that the love letter he wrote was so popular, so he thought of a crazy idea. He set up a fee and clearly marked the price. The price of writing a love letter is different from that of copying a love letter. I can't remember how much it is. Is it copying a love letter? Two cents, write a five cents?"

"Ahem, that's called a retouching fee. It's charged according to the number of words. For copying, it costs [-] characters and [-] cent. If it is less than [-] characters, it counts as [-] characters. For original writing, it costs [-] cents..."

"Anyway, it's about this price. I worked for more than a month. Later, their head teacher found my house, and my mother and I found out that this kid was doing business in the school. Looking at it now, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, but when he was in school, The school pays special attention to it, after all, it involves money, the teacher caught our parents and punished him, but fortunately his academic performance is not bad, otherwise he will probably be punished."

"It's true that we were not vigilant enough. He often bought snacks during that time. We thought it was the money he saved by not eating breakfast. Later, we found out that he made extra money at school."

It was the first time for Cheng Liye to hear this matter, and he couldn't help laughing, "So, Yu Dong has been relying on pens for a living since he was a child."

Then he changed the subject again, "But the love letters you wrote are so popular, it seems that you have talent in this area, and you also poured a lot of emotion into them?"

Yu Dong quickly waved his hand, "There is no emotion, it's all about skills, and I've copied words from those classics."

Seeing Yu Dong hurriedly explaining, Xu Zechen and the others all wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to.

Cheng Liye was also joking with Yu Dong, and instead of continuing to discuss this topic, he asked, "How is your new book going? Your grandfather was still talking about it last night, saying he wanted to read your new book. If it’s convenient after finishing writing, show it to the old man, otherwise he will talk to me every day.”

Yu Dong nodded, "I just finished writing this morning, and I just brought it here. I'll show it to grandpa later."

Cheng Liye looked at the time, "It's still early for dinner, so you can send it over now, just before dinner, he can finish it... It's not too long."

"Not long, 10,000+ words."

"Well, that should be the end of it."

"Okay, I'll send it over now." Yu Dong stood up, then glanced at Ruan Xiaohu and the three of them, "You three sit here for a while."

The three nodded in unison, "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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