Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 707 Life has no ending, but novels have

Chapter 707 Life has no ending, but novels have

Before Yu Dong arrived at the small building where Cheng Minde and the others lived, he saw Cheng Minde sitting on the railing of the corridor with a book in his hands from a distance, he hurried over and said with concern: "Grandpa, why are you sitting outside in such a cold day? "

Before Cheng Mingde could speak, grandma Lu Yun said in the room, "Yu Dong, you don't need to worry about him, that's just his fault. The brazier inside the room is well lit, so he won't come in."

"It's not very cold. Isn't there sun here? It's not good to stay indoors all the time. I'll come out to get some air."

"It's good to come out to get some air, but grandpa, you should also pay attention to your health."

"Don't worry, I'm in good health." Cheng Mingde smiled again when he saw the manuscript in Yu Dong's hand, "Could it be the manuscript of a new book in your hand?"

Yu Dong handed the manuscript to Cheng Mingde, "I just finished writing it today, and the manuscript hasn't been proofread yet."

Cheng Mingde took the manuscript and said with a smile, "Since I haven't proofread it yet, I'll help you proofread it."

After getting the manuscript, Cheng Mingde couldn't wait to read it.

Here Cheng Mingde read the manuscript seriously, while Lu Yun waved to Yu Dong in the room, "Yu Dong, don't blow the wind outside with him, come in and enjoy the fire."


Yu Dong responded, then went into the room and chatted with Lu Yun.

The old lady was also holding the book, but there were some mathematical symbols on it, and Yu Dong could understand them individually, but Yu Dong couldn't understand them together.

"I heard from Luoluo's father that your company's annual meeting this year was very successful. It must have been a hard time."

Yu Dong shook his head and smiled, "I'm a half-hands-off shopkeeper. Others worry about the company's affairs, but I'm not very busy."

"It's not as easy as you said." Lu Yun smiled, took another look outside, and then said in a low voice, "You heard Luoluo's father say that this old man wants to read your new book, so you brought the manuscript here on purpose, right?" , in fact, you don’t need to worry about him at all, he doesn’t usually read novels at all... If you want to read your novel first, I think it’s nothing more than two words, vanity, when we return to Yanjing, we will see those colleagues again, He has bragging rights again."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Bringing the new book to Grandpa to read, it is also my luck to get some advice."

"Hey, when it comes to mathematics, he can teach you some, but when it comes to literature, how can you be like you?"

Cheng Mingde coughed lightly outside, "Comrade Lu Yun, your voice is a little louder, but I can hear you all."

"Then pretend you don't hear it." The old lady pointed to a picture on the wall behind her, "Look at what your son wrote for you—it's rare to be confused."

"I just said that the calligraphy is not good."

Cheng Mingde muttered, then turned his body sideways, trying to keep his back on Yu Dong and the others.

Although the temperature is not high today, the sun is very bright. Sitting in the corridor, the sun shines from the southeast, shining softly on Cheng Mingde's body.

Occasional drafts pass by, but overall it's not too cold.

Cheng Mingde likes this kind of feeling very much. The warmth gathered by the sun just now was taken away by a gust of wind, and he waited for the warmth to gather again.

Just like his life in this life, for the coming dawn and warmth, he had to go through countless difficulties and obstacles, and in the end, these difficulties and obstacles became part of his life.

It is true that Cheng Mingde rarely reads novels, but it's not that he doesn't like to read them. After all, his father was a well-known novelist. It's just that he spends too much time professionally and has no spare time to read novels.

In the past few years, the frequency of his reading novels has gradually increased, mainly because he has a grandson-in-law who is a writer.

He read Yu Dong's novels not only because Yu Dong was his grandson-in-law, but also because Yu Dong's novels were really good.

Yu Dong does have some obscure novels, but most of them are the ones that are easy for people to understand, as long as you read the beginning, you can read them into it.

For example, the manuscript in his hand now attracted him from just the beginning.

The starting point of the story is the late 90s of the last century, that is, 100 years ago, a village along the river was flooded all the year round, and someone in the village proposed to find another place to resettle.

After this proposal came out, it was opposed by some people and supported by some people.

In the end, those who supported this proposal decided to send three teams to head in three directions to find suitable places to live.

It is not easy to find a suitable place to move to, because usually the good places are already inhabited, and they need to find a place that is suitable and uninhabited.

This search took several years.

The protagonist of the story is a 14-year-old boy. Because his name is Chen Han, he got the nickname Xiaohanzi.

Although he is called a little fool, the boy is not foolish, on the contrary he is a very smart kid. He is about to get married, but because his parents are gone, he decides to embark on a journey to find a new home with his uncle.

When they left the village, there were a total of eight of them, but after a few years, only four remained, exactly half.

Of the other four, two died of illness, one fled back early, and one was left as a son-in-law when passing by a certain village.

In fact, at that time, the family fell in love with the smarter, handsome and much younger Xiao Hanzi, but Xiao Hanzi wanted to find a new home with his uncle, so he rejected him.

His uncle talked to him about it and told him he might have a better life if he chose to stay.But Xiaohanzi insists that they will find a new home, and he will have a better life in the new home.

In this way, after searching for a few years, until Xiaohanzi was about to die, they finally found a piece of land that was not perfect, but definitely had hope of being reclaimed.

They returned to the village with good news, but when the villagers learned that the place they were looking for was on a mountain, many people who had previously agreed to move backed down.

After all, the village where they are now, although floods often occur, but the land is fertile, and the grain output is considerable when there is no flood.But after going to the mountains, it takes a long time to reclaim, and the reclaimed land is definitely not as fertile as the riverside.

After various mobilizations, some people were finally pulled over.

These people came to the mountain and began to reorganize the village. At the same time, they named the new village—Lihong Village.

And not far from the foot of the mountain, there is a village called Hong. The people in this village are tough and brave.

Originally, the arrival of Li Hong Village did not attract Hong Village's attention. After all, one of their two villages was on the mountain and the other was down the mountain, and there was a village in between.

But when Lihong Village gradually began to look good, and more and more land was reclaimed on the mountain, people in Hong Village had objections.

They started to make troubles in Lihong Village by using their names.

In the beginning, the people in Lihong Village thought that the reason for the trouble was simply because of the name of the village, so they simply took a step back and changed the name of the village to Lichao Village.

But even so, the people in Hong Village still refused to do it. They insisted on Lichao Village called "name fee", and it was still charged by head, and no head had to pay a fixed amount of food every year.In fact, Hong Village just saw that Lichao Village had reclaimed a lot of land, and was a little jealous, and wanted to get some benefits from Lichao Village. As for the name, they didn't care.

Of course, people in Lichao Village refused to make such an unreasonable request, and conflicts broke out between the two sides, and even caused casualties due to the conflicts.

During the struggle with Hongcun, Lichao Village is developing with difficulty. Although it is not very rich, everyone is quite satisfied. At least they don't have to move after a while, and the cultivated fields on the mountain can also feed them.


Time passed slowly, and in the 40s, the flames of war came to their side. Xiaohanzi's grandson ran to participate in the war of resistance at the age of 15.

The Chen family has been looking forward to the return of Erlang, who joined the army, but in the end they finally got a photo after many years.

In the photo, Xiaohanzi's grandson is standing under a big tree, looking at the camera with two comrades-in-arms cautiously, with bright smiles on their faces.

The person who sent the photo told them that Xiaohanzi's grandson was killed by a bomb in an encounter. The details were not disclosed, but one can imagine the tragedy at that time, so that only one photo was sent back.

For many years to come, people in Lichao Village lived in an isolated mountain village, living a life that was not rich but contented.

But then, it seems that from a certain day, the world suddenly changed, and the outside world changed dramatically. More and more people began to leave the village and flock to the city.

It wasn't until the teachers in the elementary school left that the villagers of Lichao Village realized that the world was completely different.

However, the world is different. Life in Lichao Village still has to go downhill, and the children still have to go to school.

Some people began to try their best to take their children out of the mountains and send them to schools in the city, but more people couldn't do it. They could only watch the students dawdling in the school, or simply let the children drop out of school early, or help them at home Do some farm work, or go to work in the city to subsidize the family.

Until later, the arrival of a supporting teacher changed the fate of the village.

The teacher gave up his job as a university teacher, came to a remote mountain village, and became the principal of this dilapidated elementary school, and then pulled the students back to school one by one.

It seems that the appearance of this teacher has activated the spirit of struggle that existed in the bones of Lichao Village throughout history, and people began to really struggle to get out of the mountains.

100 years ago, their ancestors came to this land to avoid the flood, and 100 years later, they tried to use knowledge to break through the cage for a better life.

The story ends here.

Cheng Mingde read it over and over several times, and then asked Yu Dong, "Is this the end? What about the support teacher? Did she succeed? Did the students in Lichao Village use the knowledge they learned to get out of the mountains?"

Yu Dong was chatting with Lu Yun, he didn't expect Cheng Mingde to watch it so fast, he had already finished it.

The manuscript with tens of thousands of words was finished in less than three hours.

Yu Dong walked over and looked at the manuscript in Cheng Mingde's hand, "Well, Grandpa, this is the finished manuscript."

Hearing that it was over, Cheng Mingde frowned, "Is this ending too hasty? I really want to know what happened after the teaching support, how the results of the teaching support are, there must be an explanation. How is the health of the teaching support teacher?" Is it? I read in the book that she seems to be in poor health?"

Yu Dong shook his head and smiled, "Grandpa, this story is over, it's not a novel dedicated to supporting teachers."

"I know." Cheng Mingde nodded, "In fact, supporting education is only a small part of the whole story. Although the story is very simple, it reflects the vicissitudes of China for a hundred years. I can see the fighting spirit of Lichao Village, and I can feel it. The tenacity of the people in this place, but I just want to know the ending of this supporting teacher and the ending of those children."

"By the way, the person who barged the door backwards in your book is the one in "Xiang Xi"?"

Yu Dong twitched the corner of his mouth, "Maybe."

In fact, after Yu Dong wrote it, he felt that it was somewhat similar to the beginning of "Xiang Xi". Later, he simply changed the character's name to Li Houqing, which mirrored "Xiang Xi".

As for the content of the supporting teacher, Yu Dong originally planned to make some detailed descriptions, but later he gave up on this idea and chose to blur this part of the content. As he said, the theme of this novel is not supporting teaching. It is the rise and fall of Lichao Village in the past hundred years.

Yu Dong also knows that if Zhang Yueying's story is written, it will definitely make many readers cry, but this is not what he wants. He hopes that readers can feel the power of fate's struggle from this book, and at the same time Understand that if you want to change your destiny, reading is the best choice.

These things are exactly what the Chinese people need at the moment.

In addition, Yu Dong is also a bit selfish. He has already experienced Zhang Yueying's departure once in reality, and he really doesn't want to experience it again in the book.

"Forget it, I won't ask any more."

Cheng Mingde suddenly laughed, "Yu Dong, you should understand me. As a person who has been studying mathematics almost all his life, he always hopes that everything will have a result. But I also understand that novels are different from life, and life always has a tomorrow. But the novel may suddenly stop one day and usher in the finale of the story."

"For example, if you are the protagonist of a novel, then if you become famous now, it may be the end of the novel. For example, if I am the protagonist of a novel, maybe when I returned to China with Hua Luogeng It's the end of the story, or it was the end when I was completely liberated in the 70s. But in reality, we all exist in a story, and it doesn't end because one of us does something."

Yu Dong smiled. If he were the protagonist of a novel, the ending would be the day when he successfully achieved all his goals.

 Thank you [Dream For You] boss for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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