Chapter 708 Add 2000

Cheng Mingde returned the manuscript to Yu Dong, turned sideways and stared at the pond in the yard. There were some residual lotus in it. I don't know whether it was because the breeze was blowing or the fish touched their branches in the water, causing them to shake slightly, as if they would fall at any moment. litter.

After a while, Cheng Mingde sighed, "I don't know, I can still read a few more of your new books."

Mr. Cheng, who has always been unrestrained, showed a trace of loneliness in his voice when he said this.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Grandpa, are you urging me to draft?"

Cheng Mingde also laughed, "Just think of me as a urging manuscript, take it to heart, and publish more books in the future. But I hope that no matter how many books you write, you will not forget that you are also a teacher. When I was very young, your great-grandfather resigned as a teacher and specialized in selling literature for a living. It was not because he made money writing essays that he looked down on the teacher’s job, but because of the limitations of the times at that time, writing while teaching There were all kinds of difficulties. In this day and age, those difficulties are gone.”

Yu Dong nodded, "I will always remember that I am a teacher. Except for special reasons, I will teach the students normally, no different from other colleagues."

"I heard from Liye that you have done a very good job of this. Now that you are a big celebrity, you are always being watched by many parties. At this time, you must set an example and set an example for other teachers in the industry." Cheng Mingde said with emotion, "We These people have indeed made some achievements in their own fields, but we cannot think that these achievements belong to us completely. We rely on the country and society to obtain better resources, and we are now It’s time for us to give back to our country, to our society.”

Yu Dong nodded, and was about to say something when he heard Cheng Mingde continue, "Nowadays there is a bad sign, people like to talk about freedom and self, and always think that they have nothing to do with others. Okay, very bad. This society is a society of people and people, not a cold existence, and each person is by no means a completely independent individual. We come from society and want to go to society. We cannot enjoy the benefits brought by society. It’s good, but it’s all about escaping from society.”


Yu Dong responded, Cheng Mingde seldom talked about these things with him, probably after reading the new book today, he felt a little emotional.

The old man has lived for more than 80 years, and he has come step by step since the war period. He has experienced most of the 100 years written in the book.

He is not only a witness to this struggle history, but also a participant. He has made great efforts and struggles for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when he returned to China with Hua Luogeng, what he had in his arms was not his personal future, but the future of the country.

Cheng Mingde smiled again, "It's really unreasonable for me to talk to you about this, because you have done a good enough job in this area. I have paid attention to everything that Deep Space has done in the past few years, and almost everything can be done. It brings great ambition to the people. I can also clearly feel that people’s attitudes have changed when they mentioned the United States in the past two years, and the Deep Space Corporation must have played a role.”

Yu Dong said modestly, "We have only made some minor achievements. The key is that our country is now thriving as a whole. This is our confidence."

"Haha, being humble is a good thing, but you can't easily deny your achievements."

As soon as Cheng Mingde finished speaking, Cheng Yanqiu came from the other end of the corridor, saw the two of them sitting on the eaves, and said with a smile, "Grandpa, it's time to eat."

"Oh, it's time for dinner." Cheng Mingde patted his head, stood up on his knees, and then shouted into the room, "Comrade Lu Yun, don't worry about the fire, it's time to eat."

"Yes, I am not deaf."

Lu Yun replied, then got up and walked outside.

Cheng Mingde walked forward, but he was a little unsteady. Yu Dong went to help Cheng Mingde, but the latter waved his hand, "It's not time to ask for help, but it's just that I have been sitting for a long time, and my legs are a little numb. It will be fine soon." gone."

Yu Dong could only withdraw his hand and watch from the side.

When Lu Yun walked by, she provocatively said, "Hurry up, old man."

After that, she ignored Cheng Mingde and walked quickly to meet Cheng Yanqiu, and the grandmother and grandson went to the restaurant first.


When Yu Dong and Cheng Mingde arrived at the restaurant, everyone else had already arrived. The guests greeted the old man one after another, and the old man smiled and waved, "Everyone, sit down, you're welcome."

Today, besides the family members, there are only Xu Zechen and his three young men, Jay Chou's mother Ye Huimei and Ruan Xiaohu's wife Li Yu.

The three of them are students of Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu, so today's meal can be said to be a family feast. Except for Xu Zechen and Zhou Jielun who are more reserved, the others are very relaxed.

Ruan Xiaohu and his wife often come to eat, and they have known each other for a long time. After all, Ye Huimei is an elder, and she is also a teacher. Cheng Yanqiu and the others have a lot in common.


This year's Spring Festival in Jinling is more lively than in previous years. Because of the vigorous development in recent years, the Jinling government has gradually increased its investment in activities during the Chinese New Year.

This year is even worse, because many foreign guests who came to participate in the deep space annual meeting did not choose to return to China after the annual meeting, but stayed in Jinling to feel the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.

Even some people from their own countries who also celebrated the Spring Festival did not go back, such as Cheon Soo-yeon from Korea.

However, Qian Xiuyan is different from other Koreans. The reason why she stayed in Jinling was mainly to wait for her parents' arrival.

Qian Xiuyan plans to stay in China until the Spring Festival is over, and when her parents come to China, she will discuss with Deep Space Company about her debut.

Since the end of the annual meeting, these foreign tourists or guests have all moved to the Jinling Hotel, because the Deep Space Company informed them that they will arrange activities on New Year's Eve.

Early in the morning of New Year's Eve, someone organized them to go to Jinling Academy of Art.

On the square in front of the library of Jinling Academy of Art, there are several rows of tables filled with red paper, pens and ink for writing couplets.

Foreign tourists can not only write the door couplets by themselves, but also help Jinling Academy of Art to paste the door couplets in person.

The tourists were very happy to see that they could write and paste the door couplets by hand, and started to do it one by one.

Uncle Zhou stood aside with his teapot in his arms, and said to Xiaofang with a smile, "Tsk tsk, it's Xiaoji who can think of ideas. With these foreigners this year, we won't have to worry about no one posting our school league."

Xiao Fang nodded again and again, "Mr. Ji's brain is alive."

"Of course, if Xiaoji has hair on his body, he will be no different from a monkey."

The Jinling Academy of the Arts puts up couplets every year. Usually, Wu Changxin or Hu Changqing go to catch the strong men, and let whoever catches them do it.

When Hu Changqing told Yu Dong about this this year, Jimmy was next to him. He rolled his eyes and thought of this trick. He simply pulled the foreign tourists over and asked them to help post the door link.

Not to mention, this trick is really useful. These foreigners have never done this before, and they are all motivated.

It's not over yet, Jimmy hasn't forgotten to grab these tourists a handful of wool.

If you want to write the couplets by yourself, that’s fine. The paper, pen, and ink for the first pair of couplets are all free, but if you want to write again, you will be charged, and you won’t be charged more. A pair of paper for the couplets costs [-] yuan.

If you feel that your writing is not good, you can ask someone to help you write it. Shenkong Company specially arranged for them to write a couplet. It is not expensive to write a couplet on the spot, 30 yuan, and you can specify what to write.

Turning around, I told them that the money will not be kept by Deep Space, but will be donated to schools in backward areas that need funds.

Before the event started, Uncle Zhou and Xiao Fang felt that 30 yuan for a pair of couplets was too dark, but what they didn’t expect was that after the event started, the couplets sold very well. They feel that 30 yuan is a bit of a loss.

Seeing the scene of these foreigners snapping up couplets, Uncle Zhou and Xiao Fang were amazed. Haven't these foreigners bought anything before? 30 yuan, a lot of people can't make that much money in a day now.

Later, Uncle Zhou concluded that foreigners are stupid and rich.

In fact, if you want to keep the money in the pockets of foreigners in Jinling, you don't need Deep Space Corporation to come up with ideas. A Confucius Temple will confuse them.

Jinling Hotel is also very cooperative, allowing guests to post door links on the doors of their rooms. Basically, every foreigner buys at least one pair of door links, one of which is pasted on the door of their room, and the others are prepared to be taken home. .

There are all kinds of these door couplets, and they are not all serious couplets. Because ancient Chinese poems were very popular in the United States before, many foreigners chose to write ancient poems on them.

Therefore, on New Year’s Eve, if you walk through the corridors of Jinling Hotel, you will see such well-known names as "Jinse has fifty strings for no reason, one string and one column think of the Chinese New Year", "Scattered flowers gradually become charming, only Asakusa has no horseshoes" and so on. verse.

That night, in order to imitate the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year, these foreigners will also take the initiative to visit, share melon seeds, peanuts and candies, and when they meet some children, they will also take the initiative to give out red envelopes.

Regardless of the adults, the children who came to China this time must love Chinese New Year’s Eve very much. After all, who would refuse a red envelope?
In just one day, many foreign children have learned "Gong Xi Fa Cai, bring red envelopes".


Yu Dong had the New Year's Eve dinner at home first, and then went to Jinling Hotel to participate in the company's New Year's Eve dinner.

Every year, many employees of Deep Space Company cannot go home, or do not choose to go home, and the company organizes these people to have a New Year's Eve dinner together.

Of course, in addition to these employees who have not returned home, some local employees or employees who have settled in Jinling can also participate, and everyone will have a lively New Year together.

In the first year, there were not many people participating, but after everyone heard that there was a lucky draw for the New Year’s Eve dinner, more and more people gradually joined.

This year's deep space New Year's Eve dinner, there were 21 tables, four of which were guests who did not leave, including Spielberg, Giuseppe, George Martin and others.

The remaining [-] tables were not all employees, but some were employees' family members, including adults and children.

Deep Space welcomes employees to bring their family members to celebrate the New Year, and there are no restrictions. As long as the employees are willing, they can bring all kinds of aunts and aunts, because the company doesn't care about the money at all.

Of course, under normal circumstances, employees would only bring their immediate family members over. After all, they were also afraid of being gossiped.

Holding a cup, Yu Dong greeted each table and found Jimmy.

Jimmy drank some wine and blushed. Seeing Yu Dong coming over, he said with a smile, "Aren't you going to drink tonight?"

"I've already drank at home, so take it easy."

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." Jimmy smiled and said, "I heard that your new book has been written?"

"Well, Yu Yu told you, right?"

"Yes, he told me this morning. There is one more thing. Colvin talked to me about the sponsorship last night, and he was very sincere."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "How much?"

Jimmy raised two fingers, "It's such a foot."

"2000 million dollars? Just advertising sponsorship?"

"Well, yes, the advertising fee alone is 2000 million US dollars, and the requirements for advertising are not high."

Yu Dong nodded, "It's obvious that they want to use the two thousand dollars to show us their favor, so that we can give them priority in the authorization negotiations."

"Well, they have made it clear that they hope that they can continue to cooperate as before."

"It's really sincere. In this way, our financial pressure will be much less in the coming year."

I have to say that Motorola is really willing to spend, plus the 1000 million US dollars they promised to invest in Xiaowanzi's animated film before, now they have already invested 3000 million US dollars in Deep Space, and this does not include some subsequent appearance authorizations. fees etc.

Of course, Motorola also has its own account. Since they are willing to spend so much money, it proves that Deep Space can bring them more than that.

Jimmy smiled and shook his head, "No, the point is that after Spielberg knew about this, his ambition suddenly came up again. He insisted on increasing our company's investment in "The Martian". Ten thousand dollars is all added to "The Martian."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "Seventy-five million dollars is not enough for Spielberg?"

Deep Space Corporation raised a total of 500 million US dollars for "The Martian", which is a real 500 million US dollars, not the kind of investment cost that has been declared to the outside world after being flooded.

Moreover, "The Martian" was mainly filmed in China, and the cost would have been reduced. It is not impossible for 500 million to be used as [-] million.

Now how many movies can cost more than [-] million U.S. dollars?So Yu Dong thought that the money should be enough for Spielberg.

"Special effects are a bottomless pit, and 2000 million can indeed be added, but I only agree to increase the cost to 500 million US dollars for him, and we have to keep 1000 million US dollars for ourselves."

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "It's fine, anyway, after we increase the money, the proportion can also increase, and there is no loss."

"I think so."

(End of this chapter)

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