Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 709 The Drunkard Snowman Killed Crazy

Chapter 709 The Drunkard Snowman Killed Crazy
When he came out of Jinling Hotel, Yu Dong felt a cold in his nose.

It's raining?
He raised his head, and saw the snowflakes all over the sky fluttering and falling.

It turned out to be snowing.

It had snowed a few days ago, but it was the kind of light snow that couldn't be saved, and sometimes the ground wasn't even wet.

Looking at the snow tonight, it should not be small.

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu rushed over from behind, seeing snow falling outside, Yu Hua blushed and said with a smile, "It's snowing."

These two drank a lot tonight, and they drank a lot at Luoyuan, and when they came here, they were caught by Spielberg and the others.

Bi Feiyu burped, "Hi--it's snowing well, I can sleep well tomorrow, no, I'm going to feel it..."

Yu Hua grabbed Bi Feiyu's arm, "The big one, or the small one?"

Bi Feiyu shook his hand and said angrily: "What big and small, I said I feel it, and I want to write something."

"I blame you for not explaining clearly..." Yu Hua muttered, "I feel it too... The main road in front of Jinling Hotel is covered with snow, as if sprinkled with salt."

"Fart, you've used this before."

"Fart, I used it differently before. I said moonlight before. You are amazing. Can you hear me?"

Bi Feiyu shook his head and began to brew feelings, and then said: "Eight... hey, how many years have I been in Jinling?"

"Nine years." Yu Dong smiled and said, "I'll remember it for you."

"It's still good for me from outsiders." Bi Feiyu nodded with a smile, and then continued: "Nine years, Jinling has become beautiful. When I came, Jinling was made of cement horizontally, and cement vertically...nine years Soon Jinling became beautiful, the dingy Jinling turned into a colorful Jinling, and the slow Jinling turned into a fast Jinling. I stood in front of the Jinling Hotel, happy. At that time, there was only Jinling Hotel in Xinjiekou. It towers over the sky, and now, the Jinling Hotel is sunken among a large number of buildings. The taller the buildings, the shorter the people..."

"Well, the taller the building, the shorter the person. Good writing..." Yu Hua rubbed her face, took another handful of snow, and said with a smile, "I must be drunk, otherwise I wouldn't be able to write these words." See it as snow."

Bi Feiyu said, "They are snow."

Yu Hua nodded, "Well, they are snow, but if I was not drunk, I would probably see them as salt, as foam, as moonlight, and just as snow. A sober Yu Hua, a writer Yu Hua , I like to look at the world with what I think is different, or what is really different. A sober Yu Hua, when he hears Comrade Bi Feiyu say that this is snow, he must cover his ears and say, I won’t listen, I won’t listen , they are salt, they are foam, they are moonshine."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I don't think you drank too much, you are alcohol poisoned, and your brain is out of order."

Yu Hua grabbed Yu Dong's arm again, "You show your shame too."

"On this snowy day, with two drunks by my side, can I be in that mood?" Yu Dong wanted to shake off Yu Hua's arm, but he couldn't shake it, and couldn't help but pouted, "Then I'll do it for you." Two sentences...Winter is here, can spring be far behind? Answer, spring is actually still far away.”

"and then?"

"Then we have to go home quickly, and the road will be difficult to walk when it snows heavily."

Yu Dong didn't have the heart to play with Yu Hua and the others anymore, so he directly grabbed the two of them by their arms and dragged them into the car.

The three of them got into the car noisily, and the snow in Jinling was falling more and more, not like moonlight, not like foam, nor like salt, but like white boats floating unsteadily in the black ocean.


Yu Dong finally knew why Li Bai liked to drink so much. It turned out that drinking really helped improve poetry.

Even Yu Hua, who is blind to poetry, can come up with a few crooked lines after drinking a little wine.

"The snowflakes in Jinling are as big as a mat, and the pieces fall into my heart."

"Three strange knights, vying for the goose feather snow."

"It's snowing heavily in Jinling, and it's hard to see cars on the road."

"I saw the heavy snow pressing down on the green pine, and the green pine must be very tired."


Yu Dong looked at Yu Hua in the back seat who was full of poetry, and stroked his forehead. This guy didn't have this symptom before.

When the car arrived at Luoyuan, Yu Dong and the driver sent them back to their respective houses, already sweating from exhaustion.

When they returned to their own small building, Cheng Yanqiu hadn't slept yet. She was just watching the Spring Festival Gala with the elders, and now she felt a little tired, so she came back to sleep.

She wanted to wait for Yu Dong to come back again, so she leaned on the sofa and took a nap holding a copy of "Reminiscences of Things Past".

As soon as Yu Dong opened the door, she woke up, "You're back."

She rubbed her eyes, saw a layer of snow on Yu Dong's shoulder again, and asked in surprise, "Is it snowing outside?"

"It's down, it's very big, and I can make a snowman tomorrow."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled, "Then let's build a snowman together tomorrow morning."

Seeing the joy in Cheng Yanqiu's eyes, Yu Dong smiled, and suddenly remembered the winter a few years ago, Cheng Yanqiu was wearing a red coat, walked up to his window, and asked: "It's snowing, do you want to make a snowman?" ?”


On the first day of the new year, when Cheng Yanqiu woke up, he found that there was nothing around him, and Yu Dong had already gotten up.

She got up under the blanket, searched around the room, and then found Yu Dong in the study.

Yu Dong was writing at his desk with a serious look on his face. Looking from the side of Yu Dong's face, he could just see the snowy world outside the window.

It's like some hard-working painter who worked overtime overnight and painted the whole world white.

She didn't bother Yu Dong, and was about to go to the bathroom to wash up, but Qin Fang's voice came from downstairs, "Luoluo, Yu Dong, come down for breakfast."


Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu responded at the same time, then Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu and laughed, "You're awake."

"I've been awake for a while, what are you writing?"

Yu Dong put down his pen, "Suddenly I got a little inspiration, and I'm working on the structure of the novel."

"What is it about?"

Yu Dong grinned and said, "Snowman."

Cheng Yanqiu thought for a while and said, "It sounds like it's quite warm."

"Well, it's very warm, especially suitable for watching when it's snowing."

When he said this, Yu Dong couldn't help laughing, he was a little embarrassed to lie to his wife like this.

His "inspiration" was actually "The Snowman", which was supposed to be a novel by Yo Nesbo, but now Yo Nesbo continues to make music.

Judging from You Nesbo's current situation, he would definitely not write thriller novels again, so Yu Dong simply showed kindness and helped him write this novel.

"Snowman" is the first novel written by You Nesbo that Yu Dong read. After reading this novel, Yu Dong felt that You Nesbo is a detective novelist with a very strong writing ability. Its ability to render the atmosphere is top-notch even among thriller novelists.

Yu Dong originally thought that You Nesbo was an old writer who had been immersed in this field for many years, but after doing some research, he discovered that You Nesbo was a rock star and a financial analyst before.

You Nesbor belonged to the kind of existence that God fed him with food, and God was worried that he would not be used to his taste, so he even fed him several kinds of food.

A football player, a financial analyst, a rock star, a king of thrillers... It is difficult for ordinary people to obtain any of his talents, but he has done well in every aspect.

Although Yoo Nesbaugh is now about to lose his title as the king of horror, he will also become more famous in rock music.

The beginning of "The Snowman" has a very thrilling atmosphere. A mother takes the child to find a lover. When she has an affair with the lover, the little boy is left in the car.The lover said that someone was peeping, but the mother only saw the snowman outside the window.

On the way home, the little boy said, "We're all going to die."

Then the screen changed, and the protagonist Harry started the investigation of serial murders.

The tone of this book is relatively dark, and the narrative of the story adopts a multi-line parallel form. Because the protagonist has no aura, it seems a bit unexciting, but the multi-line story can always arouse the curiosity of the readers.

You Nesbo's mystery novels, or Western mystery novels are very different from Eastern mystery novels. Eastern mystery novels like to cover readers' eyes, so that readers cannot see all the clues and cannot judge who is the murderer. Often there is a reversal effect at the end.

But many Western mystery novels like to give readers all kinds of clues, and let readers stand in the perspective of God, so that readers can often guess who the murderer is in advance.

The same is true for "The Snowman". Many people will know who the murderer is after halfway through reading this novel.

But the beauty of this book is that even if you can guess who the murderer is, you are still willing to read on and follow the protagonist to solve the puzzle, expecting the protagonist to confront the murderer head-on.

Yu Dong was actually thinking just now whether to Sinicize this novel and move the story to China, but later found that it was very difficult.

In addition to being a thriller, "The Snowman" also reflects many social problems, and these problems are not found in China.For example, the book mentioned a social survey result: the father of some children in Nordic families is not the biological father of the child, and the proportion is as high as 20.00%, whether it is Norway, Sweden or Finland.

And this problem cannot be removed, because it can be said to be the core of the novel.

The murderer was psychologically distorted because he was the child of his mother and lover, and the same happened to the people who killed him later.

After much deliberation, Yu Dong decided not to complete the Sinicization, but to make partial revisions.


During the meal, the two elders were discussing how to leave relatives this year.

The Cheng family doesn't have many relatives, so it's better to leave. The Yu family needs them to return to Shanghai for a while.

After some discussion, they decided to finish visiting the Cheng family's relatives first, and then go to Shanghai to visit the Yu family's relatives.

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu were supposed to go back to their hometown on the first day of the Lunar New Year, but because of the heavy snow, they had to stay in Jinling.

Since they couldn't leave, they made up three tables, two tables of mahjong, and one table of poaching eggs.

At the poker table, Yu Hua scolded the thief several times, but it could be seen that this guy was quite happy about not being able to return to his hometown.


While Yu Dong and the others were busy visiting relatives, the Deep Space Company had gone crazy in the United States.

After New Year's Eve, Jimmy rushed back to the United States.

In the first step, Deep Space launched their first web-based online game "Xiao Xiao Le".

This game can be played online for free on the deep space website or pogo, but there are only the first levels for free online, and you need to download and pay fifteen dollars to unlock the levels.

As soon as "Xiao Xiao Le" came out, it quickly became popular.

Deep Space Games specially made a counting board, and whenever they sold a game, the staff would add numbers to the counting board.

When the game was first launched, many people were in the trial stage. There were not many people who bought it, and the staff could still operate it. But after the first wave of trial games passed, the sales of the game began to increase wildly, and the staff couldn’t handle it at all. Come on, you can only change the number once every ten thousand.

Less than a week after its launch, the average daily players reached [-], and this number is still rising rapidly. According to predictions, by one month, the daily average is expected to reach [-], or even break through [-].

This kind of achievement made people in the industry dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the first webpage online game made by Deep Space Company could accomplish such a sales miracle, and this game was very simple.

People have to feel that Deep Space Company can not only make a big fortune in the film and television industry, but also continue this miracle in the game industry.

But it wasn't over yet, and what surprised them even more was yet to come.

On the seventh day after the launch of "Xiao Xiao Le", Deep Space Company launched the second game "Lianliankan".

This game is simpler and doesn't even have dynamic special effects, but it has been sought after by the majority of players as soon as it was launched.

And compared to "Xiao Xiao Le", "Lianliankan" has a better visual experience, and there are many very interesting cartoon patterns in it, especially those cartoon zombies, which are deeply loved by the fans of "Resident Evil".

Deep Space Company also took the opportunity to launch a series of cartoon figures. These figures are not for sale. Anyone who pays for the download can draw a lottery on the official website of Deep Space and have a chance to win a cartoon figure.

In addition to purchasing game lucky draws to get figurines, the official website of Deep Space also has an online leaderboard. At the end of the monthly list, the top ten also have a chance to win figurines.

After another short week, the daily average of "Lianliankan" exceeded [-], and the daily average of "Xiaxiaole" exceeded [-].

This is not over yet, just when the two games were selling like a raging fire, Deep Space Corporation announced the news of their acquisition of pdi and "Shrek", and will soon release "Lianliankan" featuring "Shrek". "Levels.

Later, the cast of "Pirates of the Caribbean" was officially announced, and several character posters were sent out.

For more than ten days in a row, the headlines of the entertainment section were dominated by Deep Space Corporation. Originally, some companies planned to do publicity this month. Seeing the momentum of Deep Space Corporation, they simply put the promotion back.

Now that the situation is publicized, the money invested is tantamount to wasted money.

(End of this chapter)

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