Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 710 I can't bear the child

Chapter 710 I can't bear the child

"AOL has responded."

After the Lantern Festival, Jimmy called Yu Dong, talked about the sales of "Xiaoxiaole" and "Lianliankan", and then suddenly changed the topic to America Online.

Although Deep Space has not publicly announced that Dongdong will enter the US market, America Online has already got the news first.

Of course, the Chinese media are not the only ones who pay attention to the Deep Space Annual Meeting. Many American media also pay attention to the development here. The news of the annual meeting has been removed from the report a few days ago, including the matter of Dongdong stationed in the United States.

"How did they react?" Yu Dong asked.

"At the beginning, there was no response. When "Xiao Xiao Le" came out, icq announced that it would develop two new features. A press conference was specially arranged to talk about the development of ICQ."

Yu Dong nodded: "These reactions are normal, they probably have no plans to fight with us for money right now?"

From Yu Dong’s point of view, it’s better for AOL not to pay too much attention to them, so that Deep Space can develop quietly with Dongdong, and when ICQ collapses by itself, Dongdong can take over smoothly. Save a lot of cash.

Although Deep Space now has a lot of cash on hand, they have a lot of plans in the past few years, and they need to use a lot of money. With the money saved, they can do a lot of things.

"There is no way to be sure for the time being, but even if they want to fight for money with us, we will not spend it with them head-on. After a while, I will first release the news that I am going to sell the shares of Deep Space, and then release the news after a while Acquiring Google, going back and forth and jumping around like this will definitely make them scratch their heads."

"Google?" Yu Dong heard a keyword, "Are we going to buy Google?"

Jimmy smiled and said: "It's just a smoke bomb. We can't buy Google now, but Google is still a company with great potential. It happens that they are also looking for funds. We can use it to stimulate AOL. After all, Google and AOL have business. There is overlap, I released the news to buy Google, which is tantamount to sending out a signal to encircle and suppress America Online."

"How is Google doing now, why can't we acquire them?"

Jimmy smiled and said: "The best opportunity has passed. If Page and the others didn't set up a company, it would be good to pay some money to buy what they had. At that time, Page also approached Yahoo, but Yahoo didn't want it. , if we go to acquire it now, it is estimated that we will not be able to get it without two to three billion U.S. dollars."

"Some time ago, Google released the news that it wanted to raise funds. Sequoia Capital even went to ask. They said that 500% of the shares would cost 500 million U.S. dollars. If it was [-] million U.S. dollars, I would definitely sell it."

Hearing Jimmy's words, Yu Dong suddenly laughed. It turns out that a business genius like Jimmy sometimes misses.

According to Google's development, 500% of the shares, let alone [-] million, can be acquired even with a zero.

"Are they willing to win Sequoia Capital?"

"I definitely don't want to." Jimmy smiled and said, "We're talking about it now. It won't take a few months for this matter to come to an end. I estimate that the final transaction price should be between 500 million and 500 million US dollars. Not low, not high."

Yu Dong didn't know Google's financing history, so naturally he didn't know whether Jimmy was right or not.

He pondered for a while, then said, "Is there any hope for us to participate?"

Jimmy was stunned on the day of the call, "My thing, Google is my cover to stimulate America Online, I don't want to invest. Yes, Google's business overlaps with America Online, but when Google can threaten America Online , I don’t know how many years later, we can’t wait for that time, and investing tens of millions of dollars now is not conducive to our subsequent development.”

"We should have a lot of money on hand."

"Uh... There is indeed a little cash, but money can't be spent like this. Uh... If you want to be optimistic about Google, why don't we throw out a few million dollars and take one or two points for fun?"

"One or two points, this is not your character. You also know a saying that you can't bear to let your children be caught by wolves. You want to use Google to stimulate AOL, but the problem is that if you don't pay real money, AOL will be affected. Your stimulation is also temporary. Sun Tzu said, those who cannot be defended, rush to the emptiness, and those who retreat and cannot be pursued, are too fast. Therefore, if I want to fight, even though the enemy is high and deep, I have to fight with our fighters. It must be saved."

Although Jimmy has been in China for many years and speaks an authentic Yanjing dialect, he rarely comes into contact with classical Chinese. He was confused by what Yu Dong said in the second half.

"speak English."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It's what people say. If you want to let someone take action, you have to attack the place that he must save. Compared with instant messaging, the business involved in Google is more popular in the United States. Worry online, after all, there was a Yahoo, and now there is a Google, they have nowhere to go.”

"You mean, if we take 3000% of the shares, we will drag AOL's attention to Google. At that time, we only need to watch their companies fight together, and we only need to pay It’s only [-] to [-] million U.S. dollars, which is much better than fighting directly with AOL.”

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. In fact, he didn't think so much, and Jimmy played a lot of it himself.

"Ahem, that's probably what it means. You have a good understanding."

"Sun Tzu still has something. I'll buy Sun Tzu's Art of War later on. If that's the case, I'll get in touch with Google in the next two days."

"Well, in this case, if the financing is called an acquisition, others will believe it a little more." Yu Dong smiled and asked, "How are you going to sell Amazon's shares?"

"Let's sell it slowly, don't be too hasty, and the company plans to continue splitting its shares this year, and the stock price should still rise by then."

Now Amazon’s market stock price is less than 300 US dollars, but for Deep Space, it has risen from the original [-] US dollars to more than [-] US dollars, because Amazon has experienced two stock splits, one for two to one, and one for Deep Space. Three to one is equivalent to dismantling six times.

The next time Amazon will split its shares, it will still be two to one, and the three splits will add up to twelve times. By then, Deep Space will hold 5000 million shares of Amazon.

If the price per share can reach $150 by then, the shares held by Deep Space will be worth $[-] billion.

Of course, the so-called value is only on paper, and it is impossible to sell it.

Once Shen Kong makes a big move, it will definitely attract the attention of investors, and the stocks in Shen Kong's hands will not be cashed out at all.

The current strategy of Deep Space Corporation is to cash out gradually step by step, as much as you can.

Yu Dong knows that cashing out is a very long-term process, and it cannot be completed in a few days or months, so when the Internet bubble bursts, the shares of Deep Space may not be cashed out much.

However, as much as it can be set, before the bubble bursts, no matter how much Deep Space Company cashes out, it is tantamount to making money.

According to Yu Dong's estimation, before the bubble burst, he should be able to get three to five billion dollars out of it.

It is precisely because a lot of money can be cashed out later that Jimmy did not make much objection when he heard that Yu Dong wanted to invest in Google. After all, the investment of 3000 million US dollars does not affect the operation of their company now.

"By the way, do you know why I fell in love with Google?" Jimmy said suddenly.

Yu Dong asked with a smile, "Why? Isn't it because Google has developed very well these days, and their business philosophy has attracted you?"

"It was later. I didn't know much about the company at the beginning. It was Jeff who told me about the company."

"Jeff? Jeff Bezos?"

"Well, Jeff invested 20 US dollars in the angel round for Google before. I was very curious after hearing it. After all, Jeff's vision is still very unique. Later, I went to find out about this company and found out that this company does have Something special."

Yu Dong nodded, Jeff Bezos is indeed an investment genius, he can invest in Google, Yu Dong is not surprised at all.

25 US dollars, Yu Dong doesn't know how many shares Bezos got, but he started to invest so early, and the follow-up will definitely reap a lot, and the income is estimated to be hundreds of times.


After talking with Yu Dong on the phone, Jimmy first contacted Jeff Bezos, and then contacted Larry Page and Sergey Brin through Jeff Bezos, and the two sides had an in-depth and friendly exchange and discuss.

Although the matter of financing cannot be decided immediately, Jimmy has roughly understood the psychological price of Larry Page and the others through this communication.

For this round of financing, many venture capital firms have contacted the two of them, among which kpcb and Sequoia Capital have the deepest contact, but they have not discussed a result because of the shares.

Larry Page's idea is very simple, to sell 500% of the company's shares and obtain at least [-] million US dollars in financing.

But faced with this condition, neither kpcb nor Sequoia Capital disagreed. They believed that [-]% of Google's shares were not worth so much money at all, and asked them to either release more shares or take less money.

Sequoia Capital first contacted Page and the others, and it has been nearly a month now, but Page and the others are still clinging to the figure of 500 million US dollars.

In fact, Jimmy can see that 500 million US dollars is not their bottom line, and it is not impossible to drop it down to 500 to [-] million US dollars.

But if Deep Space wants to win the [-]% stake, it can't spend time grinding with Larry Page and the others. It needs to be resolved quickly without giving Sequoia Capital them time to react.

So two days later, Deep Space went to Google's office with a financing plan.

In the financing plan brought by Jimmy, Deep Space is willing to raise a total of [-] million US dollars to obtain [-]% of Google's shares.

Seeing Jimmy's financing plan, Page was stunned.

Two days ago, when he heard Jeff Bezos say that Jimmy James, the boss of Deep Space, wanted to talk to him, he didn't think about financing at all. After all, Deep Space gave the impression that it was not a company. investment company.

They did have a couple of really good investments, like Amazon, like Flash Print, but Deep Space doesn't invest in these companies in the same way that VCs do.

Flash printing is the most obvious. Deep Space Corporation directly cooperated with Ingram to support the company, and is also busy with building factories and doing publicity.

Even on the phone with Jimmy, Page didn't feel that Deep Space wanted to invest in them.

Although Jimmy asked about some financing matters on the phone, he spent most of the time talking about their company's plans, and Jimmy also enthusiastically shared with them Deep Space's future planning and layout in the network industry.

In Larry Page's view, the conversation between them the day before yesterday was more like a business exchange between company leaders.

But what he didn't expect was that, less than two days later, Jimmy found their company with a financing plan, and the terms he gave were very generous.

You know, Sequoia Capital and KPCB are only willing to give 200 million U.S. dollars together, which is 800 million U.S. dollars short of Deep Space, and these 200 million U.S. dollars are still grinded from more than 1000 million U.S. dollars. of.

Of course, Larry Page was not dazzled by this contract. After discussing with his partner Sergey, he decided to ask Sequoia Capital again to see if he could bid again.

But what they didn't expect was that Sequoia Capital didn't quite believe it, because in their view, the 500% of the shares was worth at most [-] million US dollars, and any more would be a big risk.

A rigorous investment company like Sequoia Capital is very rational when it comes to an investment. They believe in data. Unlike Deep Space, whether to invest or not depends purely on the mood of the boss.

Regarding what Page and the others said, Sequoia Capital understood it as a means of raising the price, and told Page and the others that the last mention of 500 million US dollars was really impossible to increase.


In this blitzkrieg, deep space finally won the final victory.

In fact, when Deep Space decided to enter the market, it was already doomed to victory, because Jimmy prepared 500 million US dollars for the [-]% of Google's shares this time, and it was impossible for Sequoia Capital to compete with Deep Space like this , They need to be responsible to the investors, while in deep space, Jimmy only needs to be responsible to himself and Yu Dong.

He doesn't even need to be responsible for himself.

Once Yu Dong sees something, his decision to get it is very strong. If Deep Space does not come forward to raise funds this time, Jimmy doubts that Yu Dong will invest in Larry Page and the others out of his own pocket.

Yu Dong's current personal pocket must be able to get 500 million US dollars, and it is very easy.


(End of this chapter)

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