Chapter 711 ask for advice
Yu Dong has never taken money from the company, but has been investing money in the company in the early stage, but even so, he has saved a lot of money in his personal account.

The main source of this money is royalties, and there are other incomes such as consulting fees, design fees, film and television adaptation authorization fees, and screenwriting fees.

During this time, Jimmy has actually been staring at the money saved in Yu Dong's hands.

In Jimmy's view, putting money in an account is the most unreliable thing, and it has to be transferred, so Jimmy wants to enter into a joint venture with Yu Dong to enter the industry.

The main reason is that Wang Jin, a former student of Yudong, used to have a small shoe-making workshop at home. It has developed well in recent years and has grown to a certain scale.

Last year, Wang Jin came to Shenkong to talk about cooperation with Yuyu. On the one hand, he hoped that Shenkong could invest some money in their company to expand the scale.

It's just that the center of Deep Space Corporation is in the entertainment section, so it didn't pay attention to this matter, and it has been shelved.

What Jimmy thought was that he and Yu Dong could set up a company, and then invest in or acquire Wang Jin's company.

In fact, Jimmy's thinking is very simple. If he wants to start a career, he'd better start with basic necessities of life.

The four items of food, clothing, housing and transportation are high cost, high risk, and long cycle, and they are all heavy assets.

There is also travel. If you want to make money on travel, you must either build roads or build cars.

If you want to build roads, you need to set up a construction company. Nowadays, the construction industry is very profitable, but the risk is high and the responsibility is great. If you are not careful, you will be implicated if something happens. There is no need for them to take this risk.

Moreover, the construction industry has nothing to do with Deep Space's current business, and it is impossible to rely on Deep Space to provide effective help.

Besides building cars, Jimmy thought it would be better to build roads.

Food, housing and transportation are all ruled out, and there is only one clothes left.

Jimmy is very optimistic about China's clothing market. As the living standards of the Chinese people get higher and higher, people's requirements for clothing will also increase accordingly.

At present, there are only a handful of large-scale domestic clothing brands, and in Jimmy's opinion, Anta and Xtep are not successful. If they enter the market, it will be very easy to win the market.

Jimmy has seen the samples of Wang Jinjia's shoes. The quality is very good, and the design is very characteristic, which has great potential.

The loss is that the brand is not well-known, and it is purely low-end market, which is completely small profits but high sales.

In Jimmy's opinion, Wang Jin's family is good at making shoes, but their business is not very good. If they continue to do so, their profits will definitely get lower and lower in the future. In the end, they will not be able to seize this wave of crazy rising market, and finally leave the market sadly.

Now that Wang Jinjia's brand wants to be launched, it must first work hard on publicity.

Since it is a shoe manufacturer, it is best to find a sports star to endorse, and then spend some money to shoot an advertisement and put it on TV, focusing on the market of young people in big cities.


Yu Dong didn't know that Jimmy was playing with his small treasury. He was looking at an invitation letter in the office.

The invitation letter was sent from the Italian Sei Publishing House, which said that it hoped that Yu Dong could attend the awarding ceremony of the Grinzaner Carver Literary Award in July.

Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning is already obvious. Yu Dong won this year's Grinzaner Carver Literary Award.

And just last year, Yu Hua just won this award with "To Live", becoming the first Chinese writer to win this award, and this year Yu Dong won this award again.

As far as Yu Dong knows, this should also be the first time that the Grinzaner Carver Literary Award has awarded the International Literary Award to a writer from the same country for two consecutive years.

Of course, this can only be regarded as unprecedented, but it cannot be regarded as unprecedented, because in Yu Dong’s impression, the Carver Prize for Literature broke the tradition twice, and then they awarded awards to American writers and Spanish writers for two consecutive years.

And in this life, Chinese writers have broken this tradition with the Carver Prize for Literature.

The Grinzaner Carver Literary Award is not a wild award, but a very important literary award. Before Yu Dong and Yu Hua, many heavyweights in the literary world had won this award.

For example, Michel Tournier, the master of new fables in France, Doris Reising, who later won the Nobel Prize for Literature, Nathalie Sallot, a leading figure in the new novels, and the famous Brazilian language novelist Paulo Coelho.

Awarding the International Award to writers from the same country for two consecutive years is also a signal. In fact, the Grinzaner Carver Award is not needed to send a signal. The influence of Chinese literature in the world has been increasing in recent years. It's obvious to all.

However, they awarded the award to "The Crowd", which Yu Dong did not expect. Judging from the past situation, it is actually "Xiang Xi" or "Death of the Widow" that is more favored by these literary awards.

The book "The Crowd" has caused quite a stir in China, but its performance in foreign countries is not as good as other works, because the characteristics of Shanghainese writing in this novel are not reflected in the translated version at all.

However, some translations have tried to use a local dialect to translate. For example, a French translator tried to use the Gascon dialect to translate "The Crowd", but the final effect was not good, and it can even be said to be very bad.

Since the Grinzaner Carver Award can be awarded to "The Crowd", it must not be because of the innovation in the writing language of this book, but because of its stream-of-consciousness characteristics.

"Teacher Yu."

Yu Dong was staring at the invitation letter in a daze when someone knocked at the door.

Looking up, Deng Wei, who was acting as a first-year student, was standing at the door.

Putting the invitation letter into the drawer with a smile, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Deng Wei, what do you want me to do?"

Deng Yu put a manuscript on his chest, and then bent down. When he bent to [-] degrees, he stepped on the ground facing the ground and walked towards Yudong. When he arrived at the desk, he presented the document in his hand go up.

This action is especially like the eunuch in charge of passing the memorial in the hall.

Yu Dong reached out to take the manuscript, rolled his eyes and said, "What are you doing so weird, stand up straight."

Deng Wei smiled strangely: "It's not that the troupe recently assigned me the role of a eunuch. In order to perform well, I have to integrate into my daily life."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "If you really want to blend in, I'll teach you a trick."

"What move?" Deng Wei asked seriously.

"Refer to the beginning of the Sunflower Collection."

Deng Wei was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and then he said with a dry smile, "There is no need for such a sacrifice."

Yu Dong smiled, stopped playing tricks on Deng Jian, and turned to look at the manuscript in his hand, "What are these?"

Deng Yan scratched the back of his head, "This is a script that I worked out with a few classmates, and I plan to use it to participate in this year's Deep Space Short Film Contest."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "The script is only coming out now, isn't it a bit late."

This year's Deep Space Short Film Contest has been soliciting works since last fall, the deadline is May 20 this year, and the awards will start on June 20.

And today is already in the middle of March, and the deadline is only two months away.

It stands to reason that two months is more than enough time to make a short film, but for these students, it seems a bit hasty.

On the one hand, the students were inexperienced and did not plan in advance, so the shooting efficiency was very low. On the other hand, the students usually had to attend classes, so they had to take breaks to shoot.

Before Jia Zhangke filmed "The Tuner", it took several months before and after, which was considered fast.

"We also know the haste. Isn't it because he didn't plan to participate in the competition at first, but then Lao Zhao—oh, Zhao Di, it was he who suggested to participate in the competition. He didn't want to get a ranking, but just wanted to exercise himself."

Yu Dong nodded and admitted: "This mentality is correct. In fact, the main purpose of the Deep Space Short Film Contest held by Shenkong Company is to let the students exercise more. The students in our school are close to the water, and they are free to contribute. It’s very convenient, and we certainly encourage your active participation.”

Deng Wei smiled and said, "Isn't this a response to the policy? Please ask Teacher Yu to help us see if this script will work."

Yu Dong then flipped through two pages of the manuscript, and then said, "Sit down for a while, I'll show you right now."

Deng Yan nodded, but did not sit down, but stood in front of the desk and waited.

Yu Dong glanced at Deng Yu, ignored him, and began to read the script by himself.

For students who come to ask for advice, Yu Dong has always been willing to come and respond to any request, so although the students are afraid of him, they are still willing to ask him for advice. Things like reading scripts and articles, Yu Dong usually does a lot.

After reading a few paragraphs, Yu Dong frowned, "Deng Wei, your handwriting needs to be practiced, I don't ask you to write more artistically, at least it is clean and tidy, so that people can read it smoothly. For the revisions, use You can just draw horizontal lines on the strokes, instead of painting ink balls one by one, this kind of problem should be corrected by your teacher in middle school."

"Teacher Yu, this word was written by Zhao Di."

Yu Dong looked at him the same way, "I know your handwriting, the reason why I asked Zhao Di to write it should be because your handwriting is more ugly."

"I've been practicing very hard." Deng Wei defended himself, but his voice became smaller and smaller.

It is recognized that students in the drama department like to practice calligraphy, mainly because teachers Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu pay more attention to this.

Deng Yu is indeed practicing, but the time is not long and there is no effect.

In fact, Yu Dong caught their handwriting not because he had high requirements for the students' handwriting, but because most of the students' handwriting was too ugly. To say that they were crawling with dog's paws was to insult the dog's paws.

Yu Dong's requirements for them are very simple, just neat and clean.

The story written by Deng Di and the others is not long, but the script is not short. This is because neither Zhao Di nor Deng Di has any experience in writing scripts, and they are still using it to train their prose writing skills in normal times. Go write a screenplay.

This is a reasoning movie. The hero is an orphan who just graduated from college and was assigned to be an editor in a newspaper office. However, on the third day he arrived at the newspaper office, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper office died.

It was about eleven o'clock in the noon, and there was a scream from the editor-in-chief's office, and then the nearest assistant rushed in, and saw the scene of the editor-in-chief's tragic death.

Overall, this is a locked room murder.

The editor-in-chief's room has no secret passages, the main entrance faces the editorial hall, and the windows at the back face the bustling street.

The murderer wants to kill the editor-in-chief and escape, there are only two ways.

The window was excluded first, because when the editor-in-chief died, the window was inserted from the inside, and if the murderer escaped through the window, many people on the street would see it.

That leaves only the door.

But the problem is that the door of the editor-in-chief's office is facing the hall. After the screams sounded, many people looked towards the door. They didn't notice anyone coming out of it, only saw the assistant go in.

The police who came to handle the case, after a round of questioning, believed that the murderer was the first assistant to the editor-in-chief who entered the scene. The reason why he entered the scene at the first time was to destroy the evidence.

But the question is, what evidence did he destroy?Also, before the incident, the assistant was not the last person to see the editor-in-chief.

Five minutes before the incident, a literary editor entered the editor-in-chief's office, but she didn't stay for long. She was sending manuscripts to the editor-in-chief.

According to her, when she saw the editor-in-chief, the editor-in-chief was in a very good condition.

In the next 5 minutes, no one entered the editor-in-chief's office.

Just when the case was deadlocked, the protagonist ran out and found out the truth of the matter.

The truth is that the female editor and the assistant to the editor-in-chief are actually in the same group. The female editor first entered the editor-in-chief's office, killed the editor-in-chief, and turned on a tape recorder, which screamed.

Five minutes later, when screams were played, the editor-in-chief's assistant stepped in first, turned off the tape recorder, and took the tape away during the confusion.

After reading it, Yu Dong looked up at Deng Wei, "Is this the end?"

Deng Wei nodded: "Well, Teacher Yu, isn't this long enough?"

"This article is long enough, but the content is really thin."

"Isn't this a short film..."

"It's short, but it can be concise enough." Yu Dong smiled and continued, "There are many problems with your script. First of all, in terms of script writing, you have inserted a lot of useless monologues and explanations. For example, here, the protagonist Zhang Heng saw a clock on the wall. The beating of the minute hand made people feel a little confused. Why did you write this? It was useless later. In the end, the lens of the minute hand was thrown there and was not picked up. Also, the police were investigating During the case, the protagonist had too many inner monologues, I know that you want to make the protagonist’s character design fuller, but the problem is, these ineffective monologues are useless at all, it’s better to add a few effective actions.”

"The writing of the script should be concise. You, Mr. Zhang, should have emphasized this many times. To be honest, I am not as verbose as you when I write novels or essays."

"Yes, yes." Deng Wei nodded again and again, "We will definitely change it."

"Actually, for your acting majors, these are not mandatory requirements, but since you are going to write the script yourself, I naturally have strict requirements on you."

(End of this chapter)

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