Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 712 Ups and downs, too exciting

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Deng Wei curled his lips secretly.

Director Yu has no low requirements on the screenwriting ability of their acting students.

The senior brothers and sisters have said that their first-year literature literacy class is still very easy, and the requirements are not high. Most of the time, they are only asked to write after-reading, and they focus on reading.

But after the second semester of the second grade, Yu Dong's requirements for them are completely different. They need to have the ability to analyze scripts in depth, and they even need to have a certain ability to write scripts themselves.

It's not like what Yu Dong said just now, it's just because they wrote the script that they are required to do so.

However, although the students complained about these requirements, they had no complaints in their hearts, because the facts proved that as long as they follow the learning route planned by the department, their future development will definitely not be bad.

Deng Yu is also quite good at coming, and he patted his chest and assured, "Mr. Yu, don't worry, although I major in acting, I am also very interested in knowledge of other majors. I know very well that I want to do it. A good actor needs to pay attention not only to his acting skills, but also to understand the production process of a film, so that he can achieve a strategic plan and be able to do a job with ease."

Yu Dong nodded. Although Deng Wei was talking high-profile, he was indeed talking about something that the department has always emphasized.

This is also related to the leadership. There are a total of four leaders in the drama department of Jinyi Academy, Yu Dong, Zhang Xian, Bi Feiyu, and Cui Xinqin. The first three are either teachers who teach screenwriting or writers. Screenwriting skills are required.

They believe that if students only focus on acting, there will be a problem, that is, the level of actual acting is not stable enough, basically they do what the director asks them to do.

So their final performance in the film is very dependent on the performance of the director, which is why some actors who have clearly performed well in another film will perform disappointingly.

If they can have a deeper understanding of the shooting of the film and the script, then they can go further when performing.

To give the simplest example, some very inaccurate lines often appear in film and television dramas. Of course, this situation requires the screenwriter to take the blame.

But if the actors can put forward some understandings and suggestions of their own at this time, is there hope for this situation to change?

At this time, the actor's understanding of the script and the overall process of film and television production can help him improve the overall presentation of film and television dramas.

Yu Dong looked at the manuscript in his hand again and said, "Continue to talk about your script. In addition to the flaws in writing, there are also many flaws in the plot. As a murder case, the most basic point is that the murderer must kill the deceased. motives, but you didn’t even show this. I read the script and only knew that this man and a woman collaborated to kill the editor-in-chief. As for why they colluded together and why they killed the editor-in-chief, they didn’t show it at all. come out."

Deng Yu scratched his head and said, "But the short film is too short. If we explain these things, isn't it enough?"

"How long are you going to make this short film?"

"Half, half an hour?"

Deng Yu scratched his head again, in fact, he and Zhao Di hadn't seriously thought about this issue at all.They just thought, write the script first, and then cut it when the filming is finished.

The entry condition of the Deep Space Short Film Contest is that the duration is less than 10 minutes, so he only said a 10 minutes.

The main reason is that they have never made a movie before, have no experience at all, and don't know how long a script can correspond to how long.Just like a person who has never cooked does not know whether to cut a potato or two potatoes if he wants to fry a plate of shredded potatoes.

When Yu Dong saw him like this, he knew that they didn't know what to do.

"I suggest that you go to the directing major to find a senior brother or sister to cooperate with. If you can't, you can ask them for advice. If you want to do something, or don't do it, do it well. I know that time is running out, but because of the lack of time Now, you have to work harder. There are too many shortcomings in the script, so I won’t mention them one by one, you can also go to the brothers and sisters of the drama creator to give you pointers and find problems.”

Deng Yu nodded again and again, "Okay, okay."

Yu Dong said sternly, "Don't just nod your head and say yes, but still do it by yourself when you turn around. How about this, you take the script back and change it, whether you change it yourself or ask someone to help you change it, and come back with the script three days later to look for it." I."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Deng Wei took a deep breath, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Seeing that he became tense, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Go back."


After Deng Wei left, Yu Dong searched in the drawer for a while, and found a proposal for the 1999 Deep Space Short Film Contest.

This was sent by Yu Yu before, and I wanted Yu Dong to review it, but Yu Dong was too busy and didn't have time to read it, so he threw it in the drawer.

In fact, even if he wasn't very busy, Yu Dong didn't want to spend time looking at these things. Human energy is limited, so it's impossible for him to devote too much energy to such things.

The margin is good in everything, and he is very capable in all aspects, but there is just one problem—in fact, it can't be said to be a problem, as long as there are some big decisions in the company, he always comes to ask Yu Dong for advice.

Because Deng Yu came to ask for advice on the script, Yu Dong wanted to find out the proposal for the short film competition. He had heard Yu Yu mention it on the phone before. There are more awards and more lucrative prizes.

Yu Dong opened the proposal, found the key content and read it.

This year is indeed different from the previous one. In addition to the awards awarded to domestic contestants, there are also international awards, and the scope of international competitions is very wide, not limited to students.

The awards are also more detailed, no longer the first, second and third prizes as before, but the best reasoning short film, the best sci-fi short film, the most humanistic short film award, etc.

The prize money has been greatly increased. The previous grand prize was [-] yuan, but this year's annual short film award is [-] yuan. There are also [-] yuan for the best reasoning short film and best sci-fi short film.

These bonuses are given to the individual producers. In addition, Deep Space will also support potential directors and help them shoot feature films.


Jonathan Nolan couldn't understand why his brother Christopher Nolan took the time to make a short film after making a feature film, and used this short film to enter a short film competition in China.

Just because this competition is organized by Deep Space Corporation, and the boss of Deep Space Corporation is YU?

God, Jonathan can swear that his respect for YU is no less than that of his brother Christopher Nolan, but he will not make fun of his career because of his respect for YU.

His elder brother, Christopher Nolan, did make his debut with short films. Ten years ago, Christopher’s surreal short film "Tarantella" was reflected in the Independent Film Festival held by the American Public Broadcasting Corporation. At that time, Christopher was only 20. less than age.

"Christopher, are you really going to compete?" Jonathan looked at his brother sitting opposite him.

Facing his younger brother's question, Christopher showed a smile, "Of course, I have answered this question more than once, Jonathan, no matter how many times you ask me, the answer is yes. There is nothing difficult to understand, I am not Not because of YU—at least, not only because of him, Deep Space is developing very well now, and their short film competition has been held before, but it is only open to Chinese college students.”

"This time they are willing to open to foreigners, it will be a very good opportunity. Their prize money is not bad, the international prize can get up to [-] US dollars, and I heard that as long as you win the prize, you have the hope of getting a deep space prize." The company financed the filming."

Jonathan curled his lips and said: "Are you still worried that no one will invest in you? Your "Follow" will be released in theaters soon, and there must be a lot of companies that will come to you to make movies."

"But Deep Space has always been able to make good movies, you have to admit that."

"I didn't deny it."

Jonathan has no way to refute this point. He not only likes YU's books, but also likes the movies of Deep Space. Sometimes he also laments why Deep Space can always make such high-quality movies, and almost never misses it.

"Also, I wrote the script for "Ant Hill" a long time ago, but I have never had time to shoot it. This time I just took this opportunity to shoot it." Christopher said.

He wrote the script of a short film several years ago, called "Antfly", which is a suspenseful story, very compact, and it should only take a few minutes to shoot.

In the past few years, he has always wanted to shoot "The Ant", but he has never had the time. This time he saw the news of the Deep Space Short Film Contest, and he moved his mind again.

Seeing his brother being so determined, Jonathan said with emotion, "You are always so stubborn... But I hope you can agree to a small request."

Christopher frowned, "Tell me, what kind of request is it?"

Jonathan showed a sly smile, "If you see YU, can you ask him to sign this book for me?"

As he spoke, Jonathan took out an "Old Book" from his backpack, "And told him, I like this book very much."

Looking at the book in Jonathan's hand, the corner of Christopher's mouth twitched. It turned out that Jonathan had said such a long list and persuaded him for a long time, the purpose was to get YU's autograph.

The two brothers are both fans of YU's books. Because of professional reasons, the two are very concerned about literature. They are usually writing, especially the younger brother Jonathan, who has already finished a novel.

A long time ago, after YU's "Second World" came out, it attracted Christopher's attention, and then he introduced YU to his younger brother Jonathan.

Since then, the two have been paying more attention to YU. As long as it is a book published by YU, they have read every book.

In fact, another reason for Christopher to participate this time is to get in touch with YU, and then see if he can have the opportunity to adapt YU's novel.

Christopher is very interested in YU's science fiction novels, especially the two novels "The Last City" and "Deep Space". If there is a chance, he would like to adapt these two novels into movies.

Christopher took the "Old Book" with a smile, and said, "It's okay to get your autograph for you, but you need to charge less for the adaptation of "Death Signs"."

Jonathan smiled and nodded, "No problem, I'll charge you one pound less."

Christopher readily agreed, "Okay, a pound is a pound, at least it's not a waste of time."

This was a joke between the two brothers, they had already discussed the adaptation fee before.

Jonathan wrote a novel called "Death Signs". Christopher thought it was very good, and he was going to shoot it, and he was also preparing for it recently.

Therefore, when he said that he wanted to participate in the Deep Space Short Film Contest, Jonathan had such an opinion. Jonathan believed that Christopher should now focus on the script of "Death Signs".

Get the script of "Death Signs", or "Memory Fragments" as soon as possible, and then find a company to invest in him.

After "Following" won the award, several companies were indeed interested in Christopher. He should take advantage of this time to contact these companies and release new movies.

Christopher actually knows what his younger brother is thinking, but in his opinion, as long as he has a good script in hand, he naturally doesn’t have to worry about no one investing in it, and compared to companies like New Market and Palo Alto, he hopes that Deep Space will pay attention to it. he.


Yu Dong came home very late that night, because Wu Changxin went to his office not long after Deng Wei left and said he wanted to discuss something with him.

In the past few years, Deep Space Company has signed more and more writers-in-residence. Wu Changxin hopes to further standardize. His idea is to gather these writers together to set up a writing center, and then let Yu Dong be the director of the writing center.

Yu Dong supports the establishment of a writing center, because it can attract writers more.

However, regarding Wu Changxin's invitation to serve as the director of the center, Yu Dong refused because he already had enough names.

But Wu Changxin is very persistent. He believes that Yu Dong is the best candidate for the director of the center no matter in terms of personal achievement or reputation. The most important thing is that most of the writers signed today are because of him. Xiaohu is even his student.

In this way, if he is the director of the center, other people will not have any objections.

In the end, the two chatted for several hours without finalizing the matter of the collaboration center. It was already dark when they returned east.

After returning home, Yu Dong saw that the light was not on, and was wondering why Cheng Yanqiu hadn't come back. After reaching out to turn on the light, he found someone sitting on the sofa, which shocked him.

After seeing clearly that it was Cheng Yanqiu, Yu Dong breathed a sigh of relief, "Comrade Luoluo, why don't you turn on the lights when you go home."

Cheng Yanqiu was originally facing Yu Dong sideways, but when she heard Yu Dong's voice, she turned around and looked directly at Yu Dong.

Seeing her expression, Yu Dong's heart tightened, and he asked with concern, "What's wrong with you, my wife? Did something happen?"

Cheng Yanqiu burst into tears suddenly, "My husband..."

Yu Dong hurried over to hug her, and kept comforting him: "Don't cry, don't cry, no matter what happens, I will be by your side to face it with you. It's okay, it's okay, don't cry .”

Cheng Yanqiu wiped tears from Yu Dong's shoulders, wiped his nose again, and suddenly burst into tears: "Comrade Yu Dong, you are going to be a father."

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