
Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu's face with tears and smiles mixed together, and was stunned.

"Honey, you mean you're pregnant?"

Yu Dong asked a very stupid question.

This stupid question directly made Cheng Yanqiu laugh, "Comrade Yu Dong, you look very nervous."

Yu Dong scratched his head, "I was frightened by your appearance just now, I thought something bad happened."

Cheng Yanqiu pouted, "Then it's my first time too."

Yu Dong hugged Cheng Yanqiu and said with a smile, "I used to think that having a baby was a very big thing, and I thought about making enough preparations and detailed plans, but now I suddenly realized that this way, let it take its course, and suddenly came a surprise , is also very good."

"Well, it feels like the more you plan, the more you worry, but now that you're sure you're pregnant, you feel more relaxed." Cheng Yanqiu snuggled into Yu Dong's arms and asked, "Do you want a boy or a girl?"

"I want dragon and phoenix twins, can I?"

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes, "Do you think you're going to the mall to buy something? There's also a choice."

Yu Dong said innocently, "You asked me if I wanted a boy or a girl."

"That can't be too exaggerated."

"Then give birth to a boy and give birth to a girl. In the future, the elder brother can protect the younger sister."

"If you give birth to two, will you be overborn?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "No, the family planning policy of Suzhou Province is that as long as both husband and wife are only children, they can have two children."

"Why are you so clear?"

"Old Feng said it before. I just remembered that he and Mr. Wu seem to have a second child, but the conditions are not met."

They were all born in the 70s and [-]s. At that time, there was no family planning, and it was the time when the birth rate was the highest. There were only one child in the family, so if you want to be like Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu, it happens that the couple are both Being an only child is more difficult.

"Whether it is a boy or a girl, I hope that children learn music from an early age, boys learn piano, and girls learn violin. Of course, let them choose what minor they want... Occasionally, you can also teach him to write. We have so many books in our house, we must let them They read more books...well, if they are boys, they can also play football, no matter what they do, having a good body is the foundation..."

Hearing that Cheng Yanqiu had already started to plan his child's future education, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, thinking too far.

Also, it's too curly.

Yu Dong is not a supporter of happy education, but he is not too worried about his children's future education.

Precepts and deeds, the latter is more important. From now on, when their children are at home, they will see their mother playing the piano and their father writing at their desks every day.

Yu Dong touched his wife's belly and said with a smile: "I think you should talk less about this in the future. I'm afraid the little guy will be scared if he hears it inside and dare not come out."

"Then I'll play the piano every day and give birth early."

"I can play too."

"Forget it, if you play, the little guy really doesn't want to come out."


About Cheng Yanqiu's pregnancy, I told both parents the next day, and then the four old people rushed over. Chen Yuqing and Qin Fang surrounded Cheng Yanqiu to ask for his health, while Cheng Liye and Yu Hansheng pulled Yu Dong to urge him non-stop.

As the father-in-law, Cheng Liye didn't want to say much, so Yu Han said earnestly: "In the next period of time, you can put aside the company's affairs and spend more time with Yanqiu. Don't worry about eating and drinking, your mother will It's arranged, you mainly want to keep her in a happy mood, the weather will be fine soon, you have nothing to take her for a walk, relax, don't go far, it will be tiring."

"Ahem, my in-laws, Luoluo is not so delicate, and with us as elders, he doesn't need to be so tired."

"This kid doesn't know how to take care of others. The rest of us can't be with them 24 hours a day. He still needs to be more careful."

Yu Dong could only nod repeatedly, "Yes, yes, Dad, what you said is true."


Yu Dong could feel that after the parents of both parties learned of the pregnancy news, the atmosphere became very different.

It makes sense that children are the bond between husband and wife and the bond between two families.

Now that the child has just been conceived, the two families have already started discussing what name the child should have. Everyone has mentioned a lot of names, but they all feel that it is not very good.

It took a long time to discuss just to choose a two-character name or a one-character name.

Yu Dong himself has a one-character name, but according to the genealogy, he should be of the Ke character generation, so his full name should be Yu Ke Dong, but Yu Hansheng thought the Ke character generation was not pleasant, so he removed the Ke character .

And Yu Dong's next generation should be the generation of Rang, and if he had two characters in his name, Rang would have to be added.

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu sat side by side on the sofa, listening to their parents discussing their child's name, they looked like two people who had nothing to do with each other.


The days passed slowly, and Yu Dong began to have a schedule in his life. When to get up, when to cook, when to take a walk with his wife, and when to go to work, they were all clearly arranged.

They have enough time to worry about the company's affairs, and there are relatively few school courses. In addition to spending time with his wife, Yu Dong spends two hours every day writing "Snowman".

On April [-]th, Yu Dong was pressing juice for Cheng Yanqiu, when the phone rang at home, Cheng Yanqiu just sat next to him and answered it.

After talking to the other end of the phone, Cheng Yanqiu said happily: "Husband, husband, there is good news."

Holding the juice, Yu Dong poked his head over, "What good news, so happy?"

"Just now Yu Yu called to say that the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards announced the nominees, and the album "Jay Chou" was shortlisted for a total of five awards: Best Album, Best Composer, Best Producer, Best Lyricist, and Best Newcomer .”

"Oh, yeah? That's nice."

Yu Dong is not surprised that "Jay Chou" has been shortlisted for so many awards. Let alone the record of "Jay Chou" album's awards in previous lives, the response after its release in this life is that it looks like it will win an award.

Not only ordinary listeners like this album, but many musicians are also surprised by its unrestrained style. Although some musicians criticize this album, most musicians in the industry fully approve of this album.

Listening to what Cheng Yanqiu said just now, "Jay Chou" has basically shortlisted all those who can be shortlisted. This year's Taiwan Golden Melody Awards has set up a total of eleven awards. In addition to the five shortlisted for "Jay Chou", there is also the Best Mandarin Male Singer, Best Mandarin Female Singer, Best Dialect Male Singer, Best Dialect Female Singer, Best Ensemble and Special Six Awards.

Except for Best Mandarin Male Singer, the other five are impossible for "Jay Chou" to be shortlisted.

"How many awards do you think "Jay Chou" will win this time?" Cheng Yanqiu asked with a smile.

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "It's hard to say, except for the judges, no one can be sure about awards."

Cheng Yanqiu began to analyze: "Although I didn't say the margin, I guess that this year's Best Record Award is likely to include the albums of Wubai, Shunzi and Xin Xiaoqi, and another one, which may be "Conquer". It may be Wang Lihong's, and Lin Xiaopei's is also possible. If I were a judge, I should still give the best record award to "Jay Chou", the best composition award to "The Clock in the Opposite Direction", and the best... "

She analyzed it for a while, and finally concluded that "Jay Chou" could win five awards, but the premise was that she would be the judge.

From a rational point of view, it is definitely impossible for "Jay Chou" to win five awards, at most two.

The best result is that "Jay Chou" won the Best Record and Best Producer. Among the five shortlisted items, these two are the most important.

The next best thing, "Jay Chou" won the best record and best arrangement.

Anyway, as long as it can get the best record, it is good.

Taking a step back, I am afraid there will only be one best newcomer award.

Of course the best newcomer award is not bad, but it is much inferior to the best record, especially when Jay Chou won the best record right after his debut, it is of great significance.

"Yu Yu said that they sent us an invitation letter, shall we go then?"

"When is the award ceremony?" Yu Dong asked.

"April NO.30."

April NO.30... Yu Dong counted the time, Cheng Yanqiu should have been pregnant during that time, and it would not be very convenient to go to Baodao by then.

But seeing Cheng Yanqiu's interest, Yu Dong still nodded: "Yes, if there is nothing else important, we will go and have a look at that time. If this time passes, we are not in a hurry to come back. We are on the other side of Treasure Island Wait for a while, and let you relax."

In April, the climate and scenery of Treasure Island were good, so Yu Dong thought that since it was hard to go there, he should stay for a few more days, otherwise, going back and forth for a short time would have a greater impact on Cheng Yanqiu's body.

After talking about the Golden Melody Awards, Cheng Yanqiu talked about the sales volume of "Jay Chou", she said with a smile, "I heard that "Jay Chou" sold well in Europe and America?"

"Well, it's really not bad."

Yu Dongkou said it was not bad, referring to the cumulative sales of "Jay Chou" in Europe and America reaching more than 90 copies.

The global sales of "Jay Chou" has exceeded 300 million, the mainland and Taiwan have exceeded 160 million, and the remaining hundreds of thousands are the combined sales of other countries.

The reason why this album can quickly achieve so many sales in the United States has nothing to do with the music itself. After all, this is a Mandarin album, which most Europeans and Americans are not used to listening to, and there are many clever designs in the song Also because I don't understand Chinese, I can't understand it.

However, Deep Space has spared no effort in promoting this album.

On Amazon's music album section, the album "Jay Chou" has been on it for more than 30 days.

Anyone who clicks on Amazon's record section cannot ignore the album "Jay Chou".

In addition, the background music used in the "Resident Evil" theme level of "Lianliankan" is "Old Indian Turtle Dove" from the "Jay Chou" album.

Many game players are brainwashed by this song every day, and they fall in love with this song unconsciously.

And because of Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu's chorus, the song "Roof" has many fans in the United States, and they are willing to buy the entire album just for this song.

It's not so much a musical success as it is a marketing success.

Or in Jimmy's words, this is not marketing, but they are cultivating music aesthetics for listeners.

Through a series of promotions, Deep Space is telling the audience what kind of music is good.

Of course, in order to do this, in addition to strong marketing capabilities, the music itself must also have enough popular elements to make the audience willing to listen to it, otherwise it will be useless.

Deep Space's marketing strategy for "Jay Chou" is to first conquer Europe and the United States, and then take advantage of the trend to win Neon, Korea and other countries.

In fact, over the years, the route of making stars in deep space has not changed.

As the earliest star under Deep Space, Yu Dong first became well-known in China, then was pushed to Europe and the United States and became famous all over the world.

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "Isn't he preparing for a concert, and he can go to the United States to hold a few concerts later."

"No problem, I'll ask Yu Yu to help him arrange it later."

"It's good to have more concerts, but I just don't know if this kid can handle it. He doesn't talk too much."

"No matter what, there must be a first time. It's not a bad thing to perform more on stage. He performed well at the last annual meeting. I think this kid talked a little more than before after he became famous. I'm not as shy as I used to be."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded: "That's true."


At America Online headquarters, company founder Steven Case looked at a piece of information in his hand, showing a puzzled expression, "Is Deep Space cashing out?"

The assistant nodded and said: "Deep Space Corporation has indeed been cashing out Amazon's stock recently, but they don't seem to be in a hurry, they are just taking it slowly."

"Amazon is going to split its stock soon."

"Yes, there will be another stock split in July this year."

"Since the stock split was in July, why didn't they wait until after July to cash out? Amazon's stock split this time will definitely be the same as the previous two, and the stock will rise sharply."

Regarding Steven Case's question, the assistant didn't speak, because he also didn't know the purpose of this step in deep space.

"Johnny, do you think Deep Space is going to raise some money to fight us head-on?"

The assistant nodded, "It's possible, but the question is, where are they going to invest their money? Is it their instant messaging software, or Google?"

Deep Space has just raised 800 million US dollars for Google. Everyone in the business knows that after hearing the news, AOL had an emergency response and quickly strengthened the maintenance of their company's search business.

Steven Case frowned and thought for a while, but couldn't think of an answer.

But no matter what the answer is, his attention will still be on Google, because he believes that Google is more threatening to him.

In fact, he hoped that the deep space company could invest all its money in that instant messaging software, because he didn't think the instant messaging software in deep space had the ability to compete with icq.

Not only does icq have more and better functions, but it also enters the homes of American netizens one step earlier than Dongdong. Its status is not so easy to shake.

But Google is different. Steven Case believes that Google is a company with great potential. If they continue to develop like this, it will be difficult for AOL to do business in the search field.

So Steven Case hopes that Deep Space will waste money on Dongdong instead of continuing to raise funds for Google.

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