Steven Case actually doesn’t think that Deep Space’s move to cash out is to prepare for a confrontation with AOL. Instead, it may be a signal that Amazon is not optimistic about the future. After all, Amazon has not made a profit in the past few years.

Steven Case also conducted a serious investigation on the Deep Space company. He found that although Deep Space acquired Amazon a few years ago, it did not build a similar website in China, nor did it allow Amazon entered the Chinese market.

Of course, this is due to the Chinese market itself. Of course, it may also be that Deep Space is using Amazon to conduct experiments. If the effect is good, it will be replicated in China, and if the effect is not good, it will not be done.

It may also be that in the recent period, some articles bad-mouthing e-commerce have appeared, making Deep Space lose confidence in e-commerce, and want to escape when Amazon's stock price is high?

Steven Case also read those articles that bad-mouthed e-commerce. He thought it was completely nonsense. no problem.

Steven Case didn't look down on Deep Space's withdrawal behavior at all. Deep Space may have extraordinary vision and sensitivity in terms of culture and entertainment, but it may almost mean nothing in terms of the Internet.

In fact, America Online did not regard Deep Space as their main opponent. It was only after Deep Space said that it would launch Dongdong in the United States, and Steven Case began to pay a lot of attention.

Originally, icq planned to launch the function of sending and receiving emails in the second half of the year, but because Dongdong was going to come in, they planned to add this function in June, so as to ensure that Dongdong had no chance of winning against icq.


When AOL was still staring at Dongdong, Deep Space announced on April NO.20 that they would launch the Deep Space Tribal Network on June [-]st. As for Dongdong, they need to wait until September After a month, I will meet with American netizens.

Although the Tribes of Deep Space will not be open to the public until June [-]st, the closed beta will be open to certain groups of people starting from May [-]st.

In the announcement, Deep Space did not explain the "specific group of people", nor did it introduce in detail what the Deep Space Tribe is, and it still maintains a sense of mystery.

But in fact, the "closed beta" has already started when the announcement is released.

Spielberg was the first other than the Deep Space crew to sign up for the Deep Space Tribe.

This was proposed by Spielberg on his own initiative. When he heard that Deep Space Tribes was going to be released, he expressed his hope to become the first batch of users. Jimmy met his expectations, not only making him the first batch of users. , or even the first one.

In the next week, Deep Space Tribe will add five to ten users every day. These are not ordinary users, but writers, actors, directors and singers signed by Deep Space.

Every star who registers in the Deep Space Tribe will get a star certification symbol, which means that this is the star himself.

Although Spielberg was the first user to register for a deep space tribe, it was George Martin who posted the first personal tribe.

This guy should be Calvin recently. After registering an account, he wrote a tribal complaint.

[George Martin: Oh, my God, is there a pen that moves by itself? 】

Originally, the homepage of the Deep Space Tribe was empty, but after George Martin's tribe was posted, there was an additional recommendation on the homepage.

Matthew McConaughey boarded his own deep space horde just in time to see this horde that George R. R. R. Martin had just released.

He smiled, first clicked on George Martin's profile picture, and entered George Martin's homepage.

George Martin's homepage is very simple, except for his profile, there is only one tribe that was just released.

After Matthew McConaughey clicked his attention, he then commented under George Martin's tribe.

[Matthew McConaughey: Man, waiting for your new book. 】

As soon as his comment was posted, several comments appeared under this tribe.

[JK Rowling: I guess, YU must have such a pen in his hand. 】

[Spielberg: George, how did you post this, I didn't follow you, why did I see your tribe? 】

[Jimmy: Because there is no one on your watchlist, the official pushes you the most popular tribe... And before George, no one posted a tribe, so his tribe became popular. 】

[Spielberg: If I post a tribe now, will it also be popular? 】

【Jimmy: It should be. 】

During the internal testing stage, there were few registered users of Deep Space Tribe, and many people knew each other, so for a while, Deep Space Tribe felt like they had completed the "circle of friends". Even chatting in the tribe's comment area.


Yu Dong and the others arrived at Treasure Island two days in advance.

Just after staying in the hotel, Zhou Jianhui and his assistant knocked on the door of Yu Dong's room.

Originally, Yu Dong thought that Zhou Jianhui would just come to say hello and leave. After all, his boss usually didn't care about the business of Deep Space Music.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhou Jianhui directly brought over two proposals, and he had the momentum to discuss the deep space music business with Yu Dong.

Seeing him like this, Yu Dong hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhou, you can make the decision on the matter of deep space music, and you don't need to ask me."

Zhou Jianhui smiled and said: "Boss, although Deep Space Music is not as good as other branches, but the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, you can't favor one another. These are some young people our company has recruited recently."

Yu Dong looked at his wife not far away, sighed slightly, and still took the documents in Zhou Jianhui's hand.

This time when he came to Treasure Island, Yu Dong told Cheng Yanqiu that he would spend more time with her and not ask anything else, but he was blocked by Zhou Jianhui as soon as he arrived.

Having said that, Zhou Jianhui is such a delicate person, how could he become a light bulb without knowing it?
In fact, Zhou Jianhui also knew that he was a light bulb, and it could be seen that Yu Dong wanted to see off the guests, but he still had the cheek to stay.

Zhou Jianhui is really convinced by Dong's vision now, let's not talk about digging Jay Chou, there was another incident a while ago that made him have a deeper understanding of Dong's vision.

Near the end of last year, Yu Dong once told him to pay more attention to a band that the Rolling Stones had just signed.

With the lesson of missing Jay Chou, Zhou Jianhui was not careless this time, and carefully investigated Mayday. When he found that Mayday had just entered the Rolling Stones and had not been taken seriously, he made a decisive move and dragged these guys to Deep Space Music. Come.

When I came here, I had already written a few songs for Mayday's new album. After listening to it, Zhou Jianhui was very satisfied and thought that the future achievements of this group would definitely not be low.

So later, Zhou Jianhui would often send Yu Dong the information on newcomers collected by Deep Space Music, and ask him to give his opinion. Since the Chinese New Year, Yu Dong has received two materials.

Yu Dong didn't know much about music, so he basically checked to see if there were any familiar names on the list, and if not, he would give the information to Cheng Yanqiu and ask her, a professional, to give advice.

The two suggestions sent back to Deep Space Music before were given by Cheng Yanqiu, but Zhou Jianhui and the others didn't know it, and thought it was given by Yu Dong, so they carefully referred to those suggestions.

This time they collected some information about the newcomers. These materials are very comprehensive. In addition to written materials, there are also tapes and video tapes.

Yu Dong looked through the list first. There were nine people, none of whom were familiar with their names.

Then I played the tapes of these people singing again, but I still didn't feel anything.

He looked at Cheng Yanqiu, "Mr. Cheng, how do you feel about these newcomers?"

Cheng Yanqiu rested his chin to look at the scenery outside the window, and when Yu Dong asked her, he said, "General."

Hearing that Cheng Yanqiu said it was average, Yu Dong smiled and returned the materials to Zhou Jianhui, "Mr. Zhou, these newcomers are indeed average."

Zhou Jianhui was a little disappointed, but quickly recovered his mood. In fact, he also felt that this group of newcomers was average, but before coming here, he thought that maybe Yu Dong's unusual eyes could see the shining points of these newcomers.

"Well, the level of this group of newcomers is indeed not very high."

Yu Dong took a sip from his teacup, and then said with a smile: "Actually, Deep Space Music now has the combination of Zhang Yu and Mayday, and they can be busy for a while, and I heard that you didn't find a song in Singapore before. Isn't she a very nice little girl? She's about to make her debut soon."

"There are only three." Zhou Jianhui smiled and shook his head. This is still far from the music kingdom he wants to build.

Yu Dong smiled. He actually felt that if Deep Space could fully explore the three of Mayday, Zhang Yu, and Sun Yanzi, and cultivate some second-tier singers, it would be able to support a large-scale music company.

And it is not difficult to praise a singer, because he has Jay Chou in his hand.

At that time, find a few singers with a good image and distinctive voice, and ask Jay Chou to help write a few songs. Even if it can't be a big hit, it can be a small hit.

Yu Dong has heard many songs written by Jay Chou for others, and they are all highly sung, such as "The One I Love", "My Dear, That's Not Love", "Little", "Dao Ma Dan" and so on.

There is also Mayday, they have also written many songs for others.

With Jay Chou and Mayday, if Deep Space Corporation wants to make stars, there is a lot of room for manipulation.

This is why Yu Dong must look for such creative ability, because this kind of creative ability can firstly guarantee the quality of his works, and secondly help the company develop new talents.

In fact, during this period of time, Zhou Jianhui sent the information, and Yu Dong had been looking for Lin Junjie's name. If Lin Junjie could also be included in his hands, then they would have more room to operate.

But it is a pity that Lin Junjie's name has never appeared in the materials sent by Zhou Jianhui.

After talking to Zhou Jianhui a few more words, Yu Dong picked up his teacup and blew on the non-existent froth.

Zhou Jianhui understood, knowing that Yu Dong was serving tea to see off the guests, he stood up with a smile and said goodbye, "Boss, then I won't bother you and the lady boss."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded: "Well, I won't give it away."


Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu spent two days shopping in Baodao. On the day of No. 30, the couple set off for this year's Golden Melody Awards at the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall at around four o'clock in the afternoon.

The scene of the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards was much more shabby than Yu Dong had imagined, and the number of reporters present was not even a quarter of that of the Deep Space Annual Meeting last year.

Instead of walking the red carpet, after Yu Dong and the others got off the car, they passed through the chaotic circle of reporters and entered the ceremony.

When Yu Dong and the others arrived in front of the arena, there happened to be the popular movie star Jin Chengwu in front of them, so the reporters' attention was all on him, but they didn't notice Yu Dong and his wife who were moving forward in a low-key manner.

When Yu Dong and the others walked halfway through, the reporter shouted: "It's Yu Dong!"

Yu Dong was secretly glad that he was able to escape the catastrophe, but he was discovered anyway.

After being discovered, the couple also waved at the camera very generously while smiling.

"Mrs. Yu, are you here this time because Jielun is your student?"

Cheng Yanqiu smiled and said, "The Baodao Golden Melody Award is a very high-level award. Anyone who loves music would not want to miss such a grand event."

"Then do you think your student Jay Chou will win the award this time?"

"I don't know if I can win awards, but I think it is a very good affirmation to get five nominations."

Hearing Cheng Yanqiu's answer, a reporter had already written down in a notebook: Cheng Yanqiu admitted that Jay Chou was her student.

The logic of the reporters was very clear, because they said that Jay Chou was a student of Cheng Yanqiu, but Cheng Yanqiu did not deny it, which meant that Cheng Yanqiu admitted that Jay Chou was her student.

Then the reporter turned around and asked Yu Dong, "Mr. Yu, is this your first time participating in this kind of music awards ceremony?"

Yu Dong nodded: "Yes."

"Do you think there is any difference between a music award ceremony and a literary award ceremony?"

Yu Dong said solemnly: "Literary award ceremonies usually give out literary awards, while music award ceremonies usually give out music awards."

The reporter who asked the question was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he realized that Yu Dong had said a nonsense.

The key is that Yu Dong's expression is too serious, as if he is talking about a very serious matter.

"Mr. Yu, you really know how to joke."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "If you really want to know the difference between the music award ceremony and the literary award ceremony, I suggest you go to more literary award ceremonies."

"Mr. Yu, there are rumors that you are already the richest person in China. Is it true? In addition to royalties and various copyright fees, has Deep Space Corporation brought you any profits?"

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. The entertainment journals on Baodao are indeed "qualified". No reporter has asked this question before.

"It's really hard for me to answer this question, because I usually don't check how much money I have."

"Some people say that your current net worth has exceeded one billion dollars. Is this true?"

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "Oh, can you tell me who told you that? I'll go back and do the math. If I don't have so much money, I'll ask him to make it up for me..."

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