In fact, some people have already counted Yu Dong's net worth, but basically they are not accurate, because most people still don't know the specific relationship between Yu Dong and Jimmy.

Deep Space China has a nominee holding agreement, and the information on Deep Space America is not public, so many people think that Yu Dong's overall shareholding is smaller than that of Jimmy.

These people calculate Yu Dong's income, and they can also calculate his royalties and copyright income over the years.

But even royalties and copyright income, ordinary people are not sure, because no one knows how many works of Yu Dong have copyright income except within Deep Space Corporation.

As for the figure of one billion U.S. dollars, it was actually a wild guess by a TV commentator in Taiwan. He randomly found some information and put it together, and then gave such a figure.

What is the concept of a billion dollars? Last year, Forbes published a list of the 1 richest people in the United States, of which No. 600 is Bill Gates with a net worth of more than 5 billion U.S. dollars, and the last net worth is More than [-] million US dollars.

In other words, Yu Dong can squeeze into this list, and he is not at the bottom.

After being pestered by the reporters for a while, Jin Chengwu, who was originally lagging behind Dong and the others, also caught up.

Seeing Yu Dong, Jin Chengwu wanted to say hello, but because there were reporters all around, he could only nod his head.

Yu Dong also smiled and nodded in response, and then pulled Cheng Yanqiu into the building.


The history of the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards is not long, from 1990 to now it is just the tenth, but it has developed very well in the past few years, and the gold content is getting higher and higher.

However, the award ceremony of this year's Golden Melody Awards seemed a bit shabby. The size of the auditorium was very small, and there was a cramped stage in front of it, which couldn't even support a dance program.

Close to the stage is the auditorium with a very steep slope, but even with a lot of slope, it does not allow the auditorium to accommodate many people.

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu were arranged in the middle front, which was already the most spacious place in the auditorium, but it still made Yu Dong feel a little crowded. When they came from the aisle, they would accidentally step on other people's feet.

Along the way, many people greeted Yu Dong, but most of them didn't know each other, so they could only nod in response.

After a while, someone came to the empty seat next to Yu Dong.

It was a middle-aged man with glasses and a little fat. When he saw Yu Dong, he greeted him very warmly: "Mr. Yu Dong, what a coincidence that we are sitting together."

Seeing the man, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "You are Mr. Duan."

Duan Zhongtan laughed, "You can just call me Zhongtan. Calling Mr. Duan is too strange. I heard on the way here just now that you will come to this year's Golden Melody Awards. I was thinking that my position is far from yours." Not far away, find a chance to say hello to you, I didn't expect the two of us to sit together."

"Well, it's quite a coincidence."

Yu Dong didn't expect Duan Zhongtan to be so enthusiastic. Duan Zhongtan is the boss of the Rolling Stones, and it stands to reason that he is an opponent of Deep Space Music. Some time ago, Deep Space Music just poached their newcomer group Mayday.

But now Mayday has not fulfilled its talent, so it may not be particularly important in Duan Zhongtan's eyes, they just lost a combination that still has potential.

Furthermore, although Deep Space Music and Rolling Stone are in a competitive relationship, Deep Space Company does not only have one Deep Space Music.

Duan Zhongtan could see clearly that although Shenkong Company's development in Taiwan's market is not as good as that of China and the United States, it won't be long before Shenkong will definitely dominate Taiwan's entertainment industry.

Although they had a rivalry between Rolling Stone and Deep Space Music, there was no need to regard each other as an enemy, so when he saw Yu Dong, Duan Zhongtan greeted him warmly, thinking of building a good relationship with Yu Dong.

Yu Dong was not very interested in Duan Zhongtan. He came to the Golden Melody Awards purely to accompany his wife to watch Xiao Zhou, so he was only polite to Duan Zhongtan.

"The mainland's economy has developed very well in the past few years, and so has the development of music."

Yu Dong nodded: "It's not bad. The economic development of the mainland is also a good thing for Taiwan, and it will help the economic and cultural exchanges between the two sides of the strait."

At this point, Duan Zhongtan suddenly stopped talking, and changed the subject: "I heard that Deep Space Company will release a few more movies this year, and they will definitely sell well."

Seeing Duan Zhongtan change the subject, Yu Dong glanced at him meaningfully, and then said with a smile: "Deep space has its own movie plan every year, but we hope to make some achievements in music. Rolling Stone Bao An established company in the island record industry, the future development of deep space music in Taiwan still needs a lot of attention from Mr. Duan."

Duan Zhongtan twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's easy to say, easy to say."

The two were chatting, the host Xiaoyan and Tao Zi had already stepped onto the stage, Duan Zhongtan smiled and said, "Oh, it's about to start."

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, it's started."


The venue was so small, so of course there were no performances. After the host came to the stage, he first gave a warm speech, and then the award presentation began directly.

The Best Dialect Male Singer and the Best Dialect Female Singer were awarded first, to Huang Yiling and Shen Wencheng respectively.

After the two most inconspicuous awards were awarded, the awards for Best Singing Group and Best Newcomer began to be awarded, respectively to Southern Duo and Lin Xiaopei.

And from here on, some awards have something to do with Jay Chou.

In fact, when the best newcomer was not awarded to Jay Chou, Yu Dong and the others breathed a sigh of relief, which proves that the possibility of Jay Chou winning the best pop music album has greatly increased.

However, neither the best record producer nor the best lyricist won any awards. This made Jay Chou, who was sitting in front of Yu Dong and the others, a little nervous. After all, there were only two awards left, and the chances of not winning any more were slim.

Until the best composer, Yu Dong saw Jay Chou sitting in front of him with his hands on his chin and motionless.

Yu Dong couldn't help but smile. It looked like this kid was as stable as an old dog, but in fact he should have been very nervous.

Li Zongsheng, who was in charge of presenting the awards, also liked to play tricks very much. Holding the movie in his hand, he said to Ouyang Feifei next to him: "It seems to be two words."

As soon as he said that his name was two characters, there was a burst of shouts of "Shunzi" and "Shunzi".

Because among the five shortlisted for the best composer, only Shunzi has two characters, the other four are Jay Chou, Yuan Weiren, Fang Wenliang and Pan Xieqing.

Ouyang Feifei glanced at the card and rolled his eyes, "You read it wrong, it's three words."

Li Zongsheng showed a "sudden" expression: "Oh, yes, there is another word covered by my hand, it is indeed three words."

After he did this, while the other shortlisted composers were relieved, Shunzi's mentality was almost broken.

Originally, it was two words, and it was basically her, but now it seems that among the five people, she is the only one who has no hope.

Li Zongsheng sold it for a while, and didn't sell it for a second time, and directly reported his name: "Congratulations Jay Chou! "Lovely Woman"!"

After the results were announced, Yu Dong saw Jay Chou who was sitting in front of him suddenly stand up.

After Jay Chou stood up, he was stunned for two seconds before remembering to turn around.

Turning around, he first hugged Yu Dong, and when he was about to hug Cheng Yanqiu, he stopped suddenly and changed to bowing to salute, and then he walked onto the stage surrounded by people beside him.

Yu Dong and the others also sat down, and he smiled and said to Cheng Yanqiu, "Fortunately, at least I can guarantee that I won't return empty-handed."

Cheng Yanqiu pouted, "It should be given to "Old Indian Turtle Dove."

Hearing Cheng Yanqiu's broken thoughts, Yu Dong laughed. When Cheng Yanqiu heard that "Lovely Woman" was nominated for the best composition, she complained quite a bit.

Cheng Yanqiu believed that "The Indian Turtledove" deserved the award more than "Lovely Woman".

"You didn't say it yourself. There is no uniform standard for music aesthetics, and you can't ask these judges to have the same aesthetics as you, right?" Yu Dong laughed.

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes and ignored Yu Dong.

Jay Chou on stage has already started to "thank you".

His acceptance speech was really lackluster. Apart from thanking him, he still thanked him. He basically thanked everything he could thank.

"Thank you Teacher Cheng, thank you Brother Dong, I thought they would not come, but I suddenly called to say they would come two days ago, but besides being excited, I was also a little worried. Embarrassment. Now that I have won the best composition, I am relieved, at least I will not be embarrassing, this is my first Golden Melody Award, but it will definitely not be the last, thank you everyone."

After finishing his acceptance speech, Jay Chou was going to go down, but was stopped by the host Tao Zi, "Jay, Jay, don't go down yet, let's chat with everyone first."

Jay Chou hurried back holding the trophy.

Tao Zi leaned in front of him and said with a smile, "First of all, congratulations to Jay Lun for winning the best composition. You just debuted this year, so it's really gratifying to receive such a prestigious award."

"thanks, thanks."

"Jay Lun, you just mentioned that Mr. Yu and Mrs. Yu also came to the scene today. It seems that they really value you. Now that you have won the best composition, they must be very happy. I heard that it is Mrs. Yu Is it true that Huiyanzhizhu discovered you?"

Jay Chou said: "Speaking of discovery, I would like to thank brother Xian, brother Xian first took me on the road of professional music, and fortunately I was discovered by Mr. Cheng and Brother Dong, and only then did "Jay Chou" come out. The album. I also want to thank my mother, she taught me to learn piano since childhood, so when I first met Teacher Cheng, I was able to attract them with the piano, Teacher Cheng is a very good pianist."

"Haha, Mrs. Yu is a very good pianist, we all know it. Do you think it's your piano talent that got you attention?"

Jay Chou nodded: "Yes."

Tao Zi joked: "Have you heard that? You must learn the piano well in the future, maybe someone will find out someday. Well, I won't waste your time. You go down and take a seat, and there will be a final moment later." There is an award to be given."

Jay Chou turned to leave, Tao Zi said again: "If you think you can win the next award, you can wait in the audience first."

It was originally a joke, but what Tao Zi didn't expect was that Jay Chou really didn't return to his seat, but stood under the stage, waiting silently.

Seeing Jay Chou waiting in the audience, Yu Dong twitched the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help saying, "This kid is an idiot."

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "I think Xiao Zhou is very funny like this, and even though he doesn't talk, he is actually quite conceited. He really thinks that he should win the best record award."

Yu Dong nodded, expressing his approval. Jay Chou looks a little shy on the outside, but he is very conceited in his heart.

Of course, if a creative person doesn’t have a little conceit in his heart and doesn’t think his work is the best, then he shouldn’t be creative at all.

The last award was presented by Luo Dayou and Zhou Huajian, who were relatively straightforward.

The main reason is that Luo Dayou was rather straightforward. After coming up, he didn't chat with Zhou Huajian, and he directly announced the takeover: "The winner of the best pop record is—Jay Lun!"

Hearing his name, Jay Chou in the audience supported the stage with his hands and jumped onto it.

Luo Dayou and Zhou Huajian were taken aback by this special way of coming to power.

The second time he came on stage, Jay Chou was much calmer, but he had already said almost all the acceptance speeches he could say. After he went up, he thanked him again for what he had just thanked.

Jay Chou broke many records tonight, for example, the youngest winner, he just turned 20 years old this year, and he was only 19 years old when the album "Jay Chou" came out.

He is also the first person to win the best record award right after his debut, which has never happened before.

A 20-year-old young man won the best record and best work in his first year of debut, which can be said to have made history.

Sitting in the auditorium, Yu Dong looked at Jay Chou, who was surrounded by people on the stage, and nodded with a smile. He knew that this kid would create a lot of history in the future, and draw a colorful scene in the Chinese music scene.

After the awards ceremony, there were interviews with reporters and celebrations, but Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu did not participate.

Cheng Yanqiu said during the day that he wanted to eat some snacks, so after leaving the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Yu Dong asked his entourage to send them to the South Airport.

This is a small night market. Yu Dong asked Wu Qingyou, the owner of Eslite Bookstore, if there is any recommended night market in Beishi. Wu Qingyou recommended South Airport. He said that there are more local people in South Airport, and the taste is better. it is good.

After arriving at the South Airport, Yu Dong immediately understood why there are more locals here, because the place is relatively remote and it is not easy for tourists to come here.

According to Wu Qingyou's recommendation, Yu Dong took Cheng Yanqiu to buy a package of glutinous rice balls first, and then ordered two sets of Shanuchi chicken rice, and the dinner was handled like this.

The weather is getting warmer, and the night market is still relatively lively. You can see locals wearing big trousers and slippers walking around the halls and alleys, and the surrounding tables are also full of locals.

The couple didn't put on any disguise, and no one noticed them. When they came, the boss looked at them more, but it might be because the couple's appearance and temperament are more outstanding, and they didn't say they recognized them.

In fact, there are fewer people on Baodao who can recognize Yudong than in the United States and the mainland.

The media in the United States is well-developed, and Yu Dong has shown his face in the United States a long time ago, so many readers know what Yu Dong looks like.

Although the media in the mainland is not very developed, there are many reports about Yu Dong, and TV stations like CCTV will also broadcast Yu Dong's news. After a long time, more people will know Yu Dong's face.

It's different here in Baodao. Although many people in Baodao know Yu Dong's name, they don't know Dong's appearance. People in Baodao don't pay much attention to the appearance of people who are not singers or movie stars.

But that's good, at least they can have a meal in peace.

Yu Dong and the others hadn't finished eating the glutinous rice balls, and the chicken rice they ordered had just arrived when four young men in their [-]s and [-]s came over from the table next to them.

I only heard one of the thin and tall boys say: "Today's Golden Melody Awards Ceremony."

"Oh, it's strange, you still pay attention to these things." A chubby guy wearing glasses next to him teased.

"Don't you usually listen to music, why don't you care?"

"I only listen to songs, and I don't care who wins the awards. Moreover, my mother said that these awards are operated internally, and really good songs are not awarded."

"Okay, "The Butterfly Effect" will be released next week. Shall we go to the cinema to watch it together?"

"I don't watch it, I want to save money to buy games."

"Didn't you just buy the collector's edition of "Runaway"? What game do you want to buy?"

"Lianliankan, I play it on the computer. I heard that it will be launched on Taiwan Island in May. My cousin told me that many people in the United States are playing Lianliankan."

"I need a computer, but I don't have a computer at home."

"Don't buy it, even the DVDs to watch are out. My uncle played them for me two days ago."

"Really? Is it a genuine disc?"

"It's a pirated version, the original version doesn't have a disc at all."

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