Hearing what a few teenagers said, Yu Dong who was next to him almost froze.

For the game "Lianliankan", the deep space company in China has not done any anti-theft, and even contributed to the piracy, because they know that no matter how they prevent it, it is impossible to prevent it.

Since it can't be prevented, then simply open the door, so that "Lianliankan" can occupy the market as soon as possible.

It's just that Yu Dong didn't expect that the pirated discs of "Lianliankan" on Treasure Island would develop so fast. According to the meaning of these teenagers, there were already everywhere.

Cheng Yanqiu put the glutinous rice balls into his mouth, looked at Yu Dong and said with a smile, "Why, I feel distressed to hear that piracy is so rampant."

Yu Dong nodded seriously, "Isn't it? The money earned from a copy of "Lianliankan" is enough for us to eat a bowl of glutinous rice balls. If these four guys play pirated versions, we will eat four bowls of glutinous rice balls less .”

"Hearing what you said, our loss is really quite big. But you should also be happy. Just now, I heard a few of them talking, and they didn't mention deep space in a sentence, but they didn't leave deep space. The music they listened to was deep space. Yes, the movies I watch are from Deep Space, and even the games I play are from Deep Space.”

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "I don't think this is enough, I need to increase it."

This is his true thought. He feels that Deep Space is not doing enough in Baodao. What he hopes to achieve is that in the future, all the children in Baodao will watch their company's film and television dramas and cartoons. , all I listen to is the music of Deep Space Corporation, and all I play are the games of Deep Space Corporation,

"Hello, your chicken."

While the two were talking, the waitress of the store came over and brought them a plate of chicken.

Yu Dong wondered, "Our chicken rice is already served, girl, did you make a mistake?"

The girl smiled, "No, this is an extra gift from our boss."


Yu Dong turned his head to look at the boss behind the counter. The boss was looking at him with a smile on his face. Seeing Yu Dong turned his head to look at him, he raised his hand and bowed his head to say hello.

Probably recognized by the boss.

Looking at the chicken in front of him, Yu Dong nodded, "Thank you boss for your kindness, the chicken rice is delicious."

"Okay, take it easy, both of you."

After the little girl left, Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong and said with a smile, "Can you finish eating so much?"

Yu Dong sighed deeply, "I'll do my best."

The young boys next to them were curious when they heard that the boss was delivering chicken to Yu Dong and the others. They looked back and forth at the two of them several times, trying to guess who they were, but they couldn't figure it out after a long time of guessing.

These two people are so good-looking, they should be celebrities, but they don't know who they are.


Yu Dong ate for a long time before he finished the chicken that the boss gave him, and even the curious teenagers next to him got away.

After hiccupping, Yu Dong rubbed his stomach, "No, I have to find time to exercise, otherwise I will definitely gain weight."

"I'm rather curious about what you look like after you gain weight." Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile.

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders. He was not particularly thin, but he had never been fat.

However, during this period of time, he had a feeling that he was going to gain weight, because he had indeed eaten more recently.

Since Cheng Yanqiu became pregnant, the mothers on both sides have been adjusting Cheng Yanqiu's meals in different ways.

The so-called "a fire at the city gate will affect the fish in the pond", Yu Dong was also taken care of by Qin Fang and Chen Yuqing, and every day Cheng Yanqiu's endless feast went into Yu Dong's stomach.

If it weren't for this period of exercise, he really wouldn't be able to finish the extra chicken tonight.

Before leaving, the couple went to say hello to the boss and expressed their thanks.

The boss is a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a simple and honest look. He thanked Dong and the others, and the boss smiled, "It's okay, just be careful. I felt familiar when you came here just now. It took me a long time to figure it out." , did you come to Baodao to participate in any activities?"

"Well, come to participate in the Golden Melody Awards." Yu Dong smiled.

"Let me just say, have you released any new songs recently? I really like your combination."

The corner of Yu Dong's mouth twitched suddenly, "Uh, we haven't released any new songs recently."

The boss said regretfully, "It's a pity, it's a pity, I really like your song "Roof".

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, I'm mainly engaged in composing, and my singing skills are a bit poor."

"No, you already sang very well, but your partner sang too well, so it seems that your singing is a bit ordinary. Don't worry, as long as you release a new song, I will definitely listen to it. Not only will I listen to it myself, but I will also let you My wife and children listen."

Yu Dong nodded again and again, "Thank you for your support, thank you for your support, I will definitely work hard to hone my singing skills."

At the end, the boss suddenly revealed his true colors, and took out a notebook and pen from nowhere, "Hey, can you sign our shop?"

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said very generously, "No problem."

Taking the book in the boss's hand, Yu Dong glanced through it, and found that it was a ledger, which recorded the information of the usual purchases.

He signed his name on the blank space, and handed the book to Cheng Yanqiu.

Cheng Yanqiu took the notebook and smiled while signing.

After getting the signature, the boss felt like a treasure, "Thank you, thank you, I will definitely treasure it."


After the couple walked a long way, Cheng Yanqiu was still smiling: "So the boss is your fan."

Yu Dong twitched the corner of his mouth, "I'm also your fan."

"At first I thought he had misunderstood the person. I didn't expect that he had heard about the roof and remembered us. But is that video also circulated on Baodao?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Yes, there are all versions of "The Roof" on the pirated discs, and our version is also quite a lot."

Although Yu Dong's singing skills were lagging behind in their version, the stage was relatively large and the scene was very lively, so some pirated discs put their version in it.

Some people even only listened to Donghe Cheng Yanqiu's version of "The Roof", and didn't know that this song was written by Jay Chou, just like that chicken rice boss.

Cheng Yanqiu looked back at the chicken rice stall and found that the boss was still watching them.

"The boss is still watching us. I think he will always bless our singing career to flourish. In this way, the autograph in his hand will be more valuable."

"That will probably disappoint him."


While Yu Dong and the others were relaxing on Treasure Island, the Deep Space Tribe had already undergone a large-scale beta test in the United States.

From April NO.20 to May [-]st, Deep Space Tribe will have five or six more users every day.

And starting from May [-]st, Deep Space Tribe will add fifty internal beta users every day.

These users are still not ordinary people, including film and television stars, singers, sports stars, directors, leaders of well-known companies, leaders of well-known organizations... Anyway, they are basically people who have connections with Deep Space Corporation.

Until NO.15 in May, Deep Space Company decided to start the public beta in advance, allowing ordinary users to enter.

Ordinary netizens only need to purchase one item on Amazon's official website to have a chance to get a place for internal testing.

As of May NO.15, a total of 2 people have obtained the public beta quota for the Deep Space Tribe.

After spending three times on Amazon, Jennifer finally qualified for the public beta of the Deep Space Tribe.

NO.15 At seven o'clock in the evening, Jennifer returned home early after get off work.

Sitting in front of the computer, Jennifer was very excited. She had heard a lot about the Deep Space Tribe recently. She heard that there were many opportunities to communicate with celebrities on this website. Her favorite movie star Matthew McConaughey was also there. in.

In fact, the website of the Deep Space Tribe can be opened all the time, but before opening it, it only showed the internal test screen, and it was impossible to enter without an account.

Today's website is completely different, with a lot of content, one message at a time—in the words of Deep Space, this is the Tribe.

Users can post this kind of tribe on their homepage, and then others can post comments below.

And now, there is a row of "tribes" on the home page, and they are all from famous people.

[Steven Spielberg: The public beta will start today. 】

[George Martin: Newcomers, can you see me? If you see me, please remember to pay attention. 】

[Matthew McConaughey: The new film is about to be filmed, and I look forward to cooperating with director Zhang, hahahaha. 】


Seeing Matthew McConaughey's "Tribe", Jennifer's eyes lit up, and she quickly moved the mouse to the comment area.

This "tribe" was posted 5 minutes ago, and now there are only two comments, one is Jimmy James and the other is Johnny Depp.

When Jennifer was about to comment, the system prompted her to log in to her account to comment, and she quickly followed the official guidelines to activate the public beta account.

This operation took Jennifer 10 minutes, and after the account was activated, she couldn't wait to return to the comment area.

[Jennifer Cox: Matthew, what is your new movie?When will it be released, I can't wait to go to the cinema to see you. 】

After the comments were sent out, Jennifer found that she hadn't grabbed No.3 in the comment area, and there were already many comments in front of her.

At this moment, the Deep Space Tribe has poured in a large number of beta users, and most of the new comments are sent by these beta users.

Jennifer found that the deep space tribes were very different from ordinary communities.

A general community is similar to a square, where everyone goes to communicate, and some theme posts are just small stalls on the square.

But Deep Space Tribe is completely different, it is more like a supermarket, each user is a store, and users can choose the store they care about.

Before she paid attention, she could see other people's tribes, but when she followed Matthew McConaughey, she found that the entire homepage was Matthew McConaughey's tribe alone.

This means that she only sees the tribes of those people she cares about every day, which makes it very simple.

Such a design is simply good news for people like her who surf the Internet just to follow their favorite stars.

And the most important thing is that there are not so many celebrities in other communities, and even if there are, they are hidden, so that no one can see them, unlike the Deep Space Tribe, who directly reveal their names.

There is even a star next to their name, which means that the account is personally authenticated.


Nick, like Jennifer, was attracted by various "tribes" posted by various stars as soon as he came in, but he quickly changed his mind.

Deep Space Tribe is definitely not a website developed by Deep Space Company for these celebrities, and ordinary people should feel the fun of socializing from it.

Celebrities can post tribes on their homepages and get friends to comment, so why can't ordinary people?

So after shopping around, Nick posted a tribal message of his own.

Nick didn't know that his "tribe" was the first tribe released by a public beta user since the deep space tribe beta.

This tribe is very simple. Nick just explained his excitement after entering the deep space tribe.

But what he didn't expect was that not long after the tribe sent it out, someone replied.

[Sparta: This turned out to be an unauthenticated account, why did I get it? 】

[Ska: It seems to be a public beta account. Could it be that ordinary people's tribes will also push it? 】

【Bruce: Are you from Los Angeles too?Me too. 】

[Carter Bruce: I am also from Los Angeles. 】


Seeing the comments from netizens below, Nick understood that the website should be a tribe that pushes specific users based on the information filled in by users.

When activating the account, the user needs to fill in the relevant information. The location is not mandatory, but Nick filled it in at the time.

The push mechanism of the Deep Space Tribe should not simply be based on the region, but there are other algorithms, but it is not yet clear what the specific rules are.

But Nick understands that he should have taken advantage of the early release time.

In addition to comments, there are more than a dozen people who follow him, and the number is increasing.

Nick looked at the rising number of followers, and his expression was a little excited. According to the design of the Social Horror Tribe, is it possible for ordinary people to have as many fans as celebrities on the website?
If you want to get more fans, you can't just rely on the algorithm of the website, because as more and more people influx, users post more and more tribes, and it is difficult for his tribes to be unfollowed People who see him see that he needs to keep the heat going.

Nick actually didn't care about having a lot of fans. He wanted to do an experiment to see if his idea would work.

Going ahead, Nick started editing the new tribe.

Nick is a very smart guy, and he knows that this is the best time to attract new users who are new to the deep space tribe.

So, he made a strategy.

That's right, although Nick had only entered the Deep Space Tribe for less than an hour, he actually made a set of text guides.

The main content of the strategy is: to teach users how to use the mechanism of deep space tribes to gain more fans.

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