Nick's tribe attracted a lot of attention, and he gained thousands of fans in one day.

After Jimmy saw Nick's tribe, he couldn't help admiring it.

Nick's "strategy" is very simple, and there is no operability.

But Nick found out that the tribe itself is something that can attract fans.

In fact, Jimmy thought about this before the Deep Space Tribes went online.

The Deep Space Tribe is like a stage where people can show themselves, and there are bound to be people who will shine on this stage.

Just like this Nick, Deep Space Tribe has just started the public beta, and there are only more than 2 users, but Nick was able to gain more than 1000 fans in less than a day.

Of course there is an element of luck in this, but Nick's keen insight can also be seen.

Jimmy decided to investigate this Nick, maybe he can train more in the future.


The popularity of Deep Space Tribes exceeded most people's expectations, especially after it was fully opened, the number of users increased rapidly from [-] to [-] on the same day.

Most of the users who registered in the Deep Space Tribe at the beginning were fans of various stars. These fans heard that their idols had accounts in the Deep Space Tribe, and they often posted some life tribes. In order to get closer to the idol, they would definitely register an account number.

Every day, the number of users of Deep Space Tribe is increasing, from 20 to 50, then 28, and 100. In the end, it only took [-] days for the number of users to exceed [-] million.

This can almost be said to be a miracle. Although the Internet industry is developing rapidly, such a user growth rate is still unheard of.

When ICQ first came out, the number of users grew rapidly, but it took nearly seven months for the number of users to break through to 100 million.

Of course, compared to ICQ, Deep Space Tribe has many advantages.

First, the times are different. Although only two years have passed, Internet users have grown rapidly in the past two years.

Even in the United States, where the Internet developed relatively early, the number of Internet users has more than doubled in the past two years.

Second, the methods of participation are different. In any case, icq is a software. Since it is a software, it needs to be downloaded.

No matter what era it is, the need to download is tantamount to a hurdle, and many people choose not to use it because they need to download.On the other hand, the Deep Space Tribe is just a webpage, and it is very convenient to enter, so there is one less hurdle.

Third, the methods of publicity are different. The three developers of icq are all technicians, who neither know how to do publicity nor have the money to do so.

Unlike Deep Space Company, which started warming up for Deep Space Tribe and Dongdong from the beginning of the year, and then let a large number of stars settle in during the internal test, making a big gimmick.

The combination of these three advantages allowed the Deep Space Tribe to complete the feat that ICQ took seven months to complete in only 28 days.

At first, many people thought that the success of Deep Space Tribes was all due to these stars, because Deep Space Tribes seemed to be just an online community with some changes.

But gradually, people found that things are not that simple. Although the Deep Space Tribe looks not much different from the community, the experience of using it is completely different.

In the past few years, some people did create that kind of personal homepage website, but the interactivity and entertainment are completely incomparable with the Deep Space Tribe.

More importantly, it is operability.

The update method of the personal homepage made by others before is very inefficient and needs to be manually updated by the user. The homepage is similar to an archive link, which is very troublesome to use.

But Deep Space Tribe is different, the screen is simple, the use is efficient, and the operation is easy, anyone can get started quickly.


Facing such impressive early results, Jimmy did not take it lightly, because he knew that the real challenge was yet to come.

Internet products are very easy to imitate, especially the Deep Space Tribe, which is just a webpage with basically no technical content. It will not take long for others to imitate. If the speed is fast, I am afraid that a new one can be launched in two months. Tribal website.

Therefore, during this time, Deep Space Tribes needs to attract a large number of users.

For a website like Deep Space Tribe, the most fundamental thing is the number of users. As long as the number of users of Deep Space Tribe increases, it can take a huge advantage.

Jimmy predicted that if the latecomers want to build a tribe, they will definitely attack the star section first.

The success of the Deep Space Tribe has played a big role in the presence of stars.

Maybe latecomers will spend money to dig some stars to settle on their platform in the past, or they will hold some activities to attract netizens.

But it is the advantage of Deep Space Corporation that stars are stationed in this area.

As a well-known big company in the entertainment circle, Deep Space has cooperated a lot with these stars. Even if Deep Space Company does not spend money, these stars will choose Deep Space Tribe for the long-term cooperation with Deep Space Company.

Not to mention those film stars and writers under the banner of Deep Space, they have no possibility of switching to other tribes.

In this case, Deep Space Corporation can firmly grasp the star section.

So even though there will be many challenges in the future, deep space can always have the advantage.

Because of this, Jimmy decided to launch the Deep Space Tribe first, and delayed the launch of Dongdong for a while.


When Steven Case was still happy about Deep Space Corporation’s wrong decision on Amazon, the Deep Space Tribe suddenly appeared and occupied the headlines of major news.

Looking at the number of users who are constantly updated in the news every day, the well-informed Steven Case couldn't help but be speechless.

"This is already crazy!"

Steven Case originally thought that this skyrocketing momentum was due to the star effect, and it would only last for a short period of time, one week or two weeks, but it has been almost a month, and the upward trend has not diminished but increased.

In fact, after Deep Space Tribe went online, Steven Case asked the company's technical staff to study the website, and now they have started to make a similar website, and are planning to go live directly in a month or two.

However, it is easy to launch a website, but it is not an easy task to compete for the market from the deep space tribe.

According to Steven Case's consistent strategy, if Deep Space Tribes was developed by a new company, he would buy the company without hesitation.

But the opponent is Deep Space Corporation. Firstly, Deep Space does not lack this little money. Secondly, Deep Space will go online to fight against ICQ. It is even more impossible to put the Deep Space Tribe into the hands of the opponent.

Since you can't buy it, you can only imitate it. Steven Case not only wants to imitate the Deep Space Tribes website, but also imitates their promotional model - finding celebrities to settle in.

Yesterday he had people try to contact several celebrities. When they first heard that they were allowed to enter the tribe of AOL, they all declined, but when they heard that AOL would pay them a fee, they said It can be considered.

As long as it can be done with money, it's not a problem. This is Steven Case's life credo.

But these stars said that they are free to join, but it is their freedom to post to the tribe—unless AOL gives them money.

The attitude of these stars is very clear, it is okay to let them offend the Deep Space Company, but they have to pay, and the payment must not be less.

In such a situation, Steven Case certainly couldn't let go.

Hey, when a celebrity comes over, he needs to pay for entering, and then he still needs to pay for posting a tribe. So many celebrities add up, how much money do they have to give every day?
Even if their AOL family has a big business, they can't afford such consumption.

No way, Steven Case could only change his strategy.

Those who are related to the Deep Space Company and who are famous cannot be invited, so please invite those who have nothing to do with the Deep Space Company and are not well-known.

Talk to them, as soon as they settle in, you can get support for the website.

To put it bluntly, AOL is busy striving for the second-tier market when there is no other way.

But it worked, and at least some of the second-tier stars have verbally agreed to this, and when AOL's tribal site goes live, they'll sign up.


While the Deep Space Tribe was crazily occupying the headlines in the United States, Yu Dong was busy with the Deep Space Short Film Contest.

The venue for this year's Deep Space Short Film Contest is in the movie theater of the Deep Space Theme Building.

Although it is called the Deep Space Short Film Contest, it is more like the Deep Space Short Film Festival. Like the last short film contest, there will be a seven-day short film carousel, allowing the audience to choose their favorite short films, and finally choose one of the audience's favorites. Short Film Award.

However, unlike the previous session, this year's audience voting mechanism has changed.

Everyone who enters the park has only one vote. In this way, only movies that really make them feel worthy will get votes. In this way, it will become very difficult to get votes.

June NO.19, the first day of the short film carousel, the Nolan brothers from the UK came to the Deep Space Park early in the morning.

Jonathan Nolan didn't want to come, after all, it's too much trouble to come to China, but in the end he was persuaded by his brother Christopher Nolan.

Looking at the bustling scene in the park, Jonathan couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I didn't expect it to be so lively."

Christopher nodded. He didn't expect the Deep Space Short Film Contest to be so lively, and the audience at the scene was much larger than he imagined.

"I heard that there are a total of [-] films shortlisted, which are divided into six theaters for rotation. Does the deep space theme hall have so many theaters?" Jonathan asked.

Christopher said, "It seems that there are only two formal theaters, and the others are temporary."

"Is there a particularly large movie theater?"

"Well, it claims to be the cinema with the highest specifications."

"Is there any hope that your "Ant Hill" will be played in that theater? It's only 3 minutes long."

Christopher shook his head, "I don't know, maybe."

Jonathan curled his lips, "Although it is a short film competition, your "Antfly" is too short, 3 minutes, many audiences have not reacted after entering the theater, the film is over, I think you can't help it Winner of the Audience Favorite Movie Award."

Christopher said with a smile: "It's better to have a shorter time, at least the temporary audience can see the whole story. The crowd flow is relatively large, and if the time is longer, many people will not be able to finish watching it."

"That's true." Jonathan looked at the door of the theme building in front, "Go in quickly, maybe your "Antfly" has already started playing in rotation."

Christopher said with a smile, "I want to see other entries, and it's not like I haven't seen "Antfly" myself."

Jonathan shrugged: "Okay, but let me remind you that not all entries have English subtitles."

This year's Deep Space Short Film Contest stipulates that all entries must have Chinese subtitles, and bilingual subtitles can be provided. Chinese is a must, and subtitles in other languages ​​can be selected by themselves.

For example, "The Ant" that Christopher used for the competition has bilingual subtitles, English and Chinese.

All the Chinese short films that participated in the competition basically did not have subtitles in other languages, so when watching the Chinese short films, Christopher could only rely on guessing.

"It doesn't matter, even if you don't understand what the movie says, you can at least see how it was shot."

Although the story of the movie is important, the language of the lens cannot be ignored.


Yu Dong was in the office on the top floor, watching short films with Yu Hua and the others.

The few of them got together to watch the short films, which was just for entertainment and had nothing to do with the judging work, and they didn't plan to watch all the short films today.

There are a total of 10 short films shortlisted this year, with an average duration of [-] minutes. If you watch all of them, it will take more than ten hours.

After watching a few films, Yu Hua said, "This year's short films are of very high quality."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "As the quantity goes up, the quality will naturally go up."

Although there were two super-level works "Bring Her Eyes" and "The Tuner" in the first session, the overall level of this year's short-listed short films was just higher than that of the first session.

This is because the number of entries has increased. There were more than 100 entries in the first session, and [-] entries were finally selected.

The number of entries this year has more than doubled. There are nearly [-] works submitted in China, and [-] shortlisted works were finally selected from them. The pressure of competition is much greater.

There were also quite a few submissions from abroad, adding up to more than one hundred works, and finally ten shortlisted works were selected.

While looking at the screen, Bi Feiyu looked at the materials at hand. After a while, he let out a surprise, "There is still a short film that only lasts 3 minutes."

"Really?" Wang Xiaobo raised his eyebrows and moved his head closer.

Among the submitted works, the time is short, and some works are even only tens of seconds for the sake of gimmicks.

But the problem is, this type of work is basically not shortlisted.

And this 3-minute short film was shortlisted, which proves that its level is really good.

A 3-minute short film was able to impress the judges of the primary selection, which made Yu Dong and the others curious about this film.

"Which school submitted the manuscript?" Yu Dong asked.

Bi Feiyu shook his head and said, "It's not a school, it's a contribution from the UK. The name of the work is "Antfly", and the categories are horror and suspense."

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